• Half to 1/4 cent Gene therapy technology:

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 28 20:19:26 2023
    3 mm paper circles, perhaps $400 for 12 million or 12 billion of them, each has a flavor attached to a protein, branched protein possible, so the longer it is at saliva the flavor changes through 11 different flavors, at each flavor 19/20ths of the
    proteins attached to the flavor chemical are at a certain shape, or have had their branches modified to be a certain shape, the paper circle progresses through all 11 flavors and the person can take the paper circle out of their moth at any time,
    defining and making into a gene therapy effect actualization program specifer, the characteristics of the amino acid, which could be a branched amino acid, then after being rinsed in fresh water, which removes the saliva, the amino acid sequence tells
    the bacteria that will arise from the bacteria at the paper circle which CRISPR/cas9 sequences to activate at the bacteria, out of the full library of 11 variants at the bacteria; the bacteria have molecular transport channels engineered to
    preferentially transport the flavor and color that the human, that is person, that is member of a group of people, that is homo sapiens, has preferred, At the bacteria 19/20 (the amino acid fraction) of the first generation of bacteria are gene therapy
    activated modified to be the persons preference, at the next bacterial generation, 19/20th of the other 1/20th are modified to be the gene therapy preference, so then 1/400th of the bacteria are different, then at the third generation of bacteria,
    something near 1/9000th of the bacteria have a gene therapy form different than the person’s flavor and color preference, notably I read bacteria reproduce every 20 minutes, with optimization, and a nutrient environment with things like mitosis
    stimulants, this could imaginably be 4-7 minutes, so a 16 minute span of bacterial doubling would cuase 8999 out of each 9000 transfection bacteria to be the preferred gene therapy version; Notably the person can then place the paper dot on their skin,
    and then have the paper dot’s bacteria do the gene therapy on the person using their skin, I have read about sugar micro projection drug delivery and immunization projections, these could cause the bacteria, possibly notably the bacteria growing on
    them, to be delivered deeper to the dermis absent a sensation to the utilizer, also the projections could have a tissue permeabablizing fluid on them like a phospholipid (liposomes are about four times more effective at some kinds of tissue transport,
    and a kind of liposome called a phytosome is hundreds of times more effective at transport), it is remotely possible that an anticoagulant, something like DMSO, dermatocyte transport channel activating chemicals like peptides or proteins on the outside
    of the liposome that cause active transport, possibly transcytosis, of the bacteria through the dermis to living gene therapy functional dermatocytes, capillary epithelia, and the circulatory system to occur (although the bacteria could emit CRISPR/cas9
    containing single or double stranded DNA or RNA viruses continuously while physically thriving), so that is 300 (sugar divot makers) times 1000 (transport channel proteins or peptides) times 2 (anticoagulants) times four (DMSO) times 14 (Na PCA causes
    moist contact surface fourteen times longer) times 2 (the paper circle has anticoagulants to make the contact area particularly aqueous and transmissive, once the bacteria are there they, at non gene drive areas of the bacterial genome, produce minute
    amounts of harmless coagulants at each successful mitosis to cause 1/3-1/14 the fluid flow near the growing bacterial colony, reducing immune response to the bacteria 1/3 to 1/14, then 4 times from harmless to tissue, bacterial hyperproduction of enzymes
    that if applied separately to the skin, would like youthification chemical peels, actually cause enhanced skin appearance, these cause four times the nutrients to be produced from an appearance beneficial, harmless to regrowing tissue turning of
    dermatocytes into bacterial food; four times from tissue seeking bacteria; It is possible that the bacteria, like proteus, could actively swim towards the dermatocytes and seek spaces between cytes to permeate and seek depth to multiply. Compared with
    bacteria on the skin, these bacteria at this system (300 times 1000 times 2 times 14 times 2 times 3 times 4, 201 million times more effective at doing gene therapy; it could be possible to multiply this 201 million with three more powers of two to make
    the bacteria 1.6 billion times more gene drive vector effective. The combination of 9600 DPI printed circuit electroporation (7 times), DMSO (8 times), and immunotransparent gene therapy bacteria (4 times) causes the 201 million number to go to about 45
    billion multiples greater colonization ability than bacteria just placed on the skin; inkjet printed Electroporation geometries and circuits: I think at inkjet printing of 9600 DPI or higher that it is possible to print electrode metals, dry yet
    hygroscopic electrolytes and conduction pathways, simple circuits could be printed like dozens or hundreds of arrays of dozens of Mg Ga Zn Ag metal dot patterns at 9600 DPI, and hundreds or even thousands of separate, sequentially activated instances,
    that are linked together to make higher voltages, and to put those higher voltages near other areas of 9600 DPI printed material, like bacteria at gel, membrane transport chemicals (proteins, peptides, chemicals), possibly even single or double stranded
    DNA or RNA viruses, or even capsid viruses to cause 7 times higher migration through and permeability at tissue; I read online that electroporation with DMSO after that caused 8 times greater transfection, so DMSO at the paper circle with the
    elecroporation could have another 8 times multiplier; Another thing that could heighten gene therapy transmissivity at a 3 mm paper circle: The bacteria as well as single or double stranded DNA or RNA viruses with the CRISPR/cas9 could be engineered to
    be immunotransparent (immunoneutral surface), with the body’s first immune response at 20-40 days from first appearing at the circulatory system;

    Notably, it could be possible to do a bacterial gene therapy, or all synthesized gene gene therapy with just sequenced, or mass produced at organisms, but outside of organism nucleotide chemicals, micro sugar probe inoculators, 9600 DPI printed
    electroporation paper circuits on a 3 mm circle, DMSO (or a more optimal chemical), flavor and color user preferrable enzyme actions on chemicals that determine the actual gene therapy installed, also the membrane transport proteins, peptides, or
    chemicals linked to the actual CRISPR/cas9 genes to bring the gene therapy to the cytes, also, it is possible that nuclear envelope transport/focus peptides I read about could be placed at CRISPR/cas9 assemblages to cause a power of two or even orders of
    magnitude greater genetic insertion, successful translation, transcription, and propagation from nuclear transport; One reference says 70% electroporation transfection efficiency when also treated with DMSO, https://www.cell.com/molecular-therapy-family/

    If it is possible to inkjet print, at manufacturing quantities, a 7 to 14 layer of ink/electricity source/reagent/bacteria (or other CRISPR/cas9 source) at a 8.5 times 11 piece of paper for $11, then 71.9 3 mm circles times 93.1 circles is 6696 3 mm
    gene therapy flavor and color user experience voluntary gene therapy dose applications; notably this is 608 apllications per $1, or .164 cents per dose, or about 6 doses per cent.

    It is also possible soaking the paper in 3 of the ingredients, and just printing the electroporation circuits, biochemicals, DMSO (or more effective duoalkane sulphoxide), actual gene sequences, bacteria, single or doube stranded DNA or RNA viruses, the
    polymer layer that causes deliquescent (autogooey) liquid layer to be at the dermis side, and the immunocolorizing material that lets people know when the gene therapy is successful;

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