• =?UTF-8?Q?5B_Children=E2=80=99s_nootropics=3A?=

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 28 07:40:51 2023
    well, they could test the various racetam nootropics on mice to see if any of them live longer from the human “more education causes better healthspan and lifespan” https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1468-0009.12372 correlations being
    supported with a control including study on mice. It could be that being nootropic fed your entire life makes you live longer and be healthier; if it works at mice, then that, with the human correlation, and the actual measured lifetime and healthspan
    of the mice compared to controls could cause the racteams and other nootropics to be a positively additive beneficial variant on: measures of safety; and so recommended as a health, wellness, and cognitive thing for human physiological children to take
    and do.

    Also, the mouse data might vary as to the improved healthspan and longevity with each different nootropic molecule, that would cause certain nootropics to be preferable for human physiological children’s use.

    If nootropics make mice weller and longer lived, possibly from the education effect they could use localized versions, like antibody linked, or high AMU polyglycine linked (does not pass the blood brain barrrier) racetam nootropics to concentrate the
    nootropics outside the CNS,or at specific organs and tissues, to see if the different ones had any different effects on healthspan. It might find organ systems, which when their neurons are more/differently active, work better. That might find wellness
    or longevity producing nootropic molecules, usable as drugs, which omitting a CNS education effect, still heighten wellness and have longevity effects.

    A paper says, “Although it is well established that educational attainment improves health and longevity” https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1468-0009.12372

    The beneficial effects of education on longevity and healthspan might be concentratable and increasable with isolating and studying actual education content and education-environment variables like area of education, classes taken, or major, and
    electives and possibly education style, like homework completed or educational software hours used, as well as things like dorm residence and recreation activities at college and high school, and possibly at younger ages as well.

    Pondering the effect of education on younger ages, it is possible that although almost everyone goes to elementary school, that the trends noted at high school students elective activity could produce data on which areas of interest, and their practice,
    increase longevity and healthspan; it is possible math classes might have high correlations with greater lifespan and healthspan, so perhaps kindergarten could be enriched with logic based on the measurement that studying logic provides lifetime
    longevity and healthspan benefits at the lifetime of high school and college students. At kindergarten activities like “what things go together, with physical venn diagrams, putting blue and green people and green and blue trees on different venn
    diagram play boards where one has intersection of people and blue, and another has green and trees, and the kindergarteners being able to point out,possibly with personal entertainment and amusement, things that “can’t make sense” when a set of
    characteristics or postulates is given first. Lewis Carrol might be on to something with the entertainment and puzzles Alice, of Alicein wonderland pondered.

    Just thinking about college majors they might find that Math classes correlate with longevity and healthspan notably when wealth increase from the math’s enabling lucrative majors is compensated for. Similarly, they might find that sociability in
    college, causing more rememberable occurences of what has been called “the college experience” has correlation to longevity and healthspan when also factor compensated for extroversion. Perhaps living in the dorms and going to a mid range quantity
    of parties, rather than few parties or lots of parties, is measurably correlatable as physiologically beneficial throughout the lifetime.

    If they find school educational and activity things that transfer well from college versions to high school versions, perhaps specific area college healthspan and lifespan benefitting activity correlations could be used to improve high school and junior
    high school as well as elementary school with study subjects and activities that heighten longevity and healthspan copied from university.

    Although occasional spurious correlations at the components of education and school-lifestyle, are math of probability predictable, it is possible area-specific correlations of longevity and healthspan from what things are studied, how much homework is
    accomplished or the amount of educational software modules that are accomplished, and also social activities that are often linked to educational environments could guide some of people’s voluntary educational activities.

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