• Entertaining material:

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 28 04:11:12 2023
    the 1 meter long quantum tunneling material: I read a thing online that mentioned quantum tunneling through an insulator with like 1 or 2nm mentioned online as having ok post-tunnel usable energy after tunneling. Now with a conductor rather than
    insulator the electron just traverses the bulk material, so it seems possible that between insulator and conductor there is a partial conductor, even a nanoarray of metal atoms (anything from spaced monoatomic to spaced clusters of a few hundred or
    thousand metal atoms) mixed with filler, possibly something better than a ceramic, such that at the combination material that would be such a poor conductor that the majority of electrons got to the distal side from quantum tunneling (Note the thing
    midway between conductor and insulator is electron mobility smooth; this is completely different than a bandgap semiconductor)

    Although, rather than a metal-ceramic mix,which I kind of think would do a lot of non-tunneling quantum level elevating hops, something like a fancy polymer could be a meter-long quantum tunneling material; it seems like a pleasant moment to mention two
    electron systems like chlorophyll, so perhaps a chlorophyll mer-polymer would, completely without being a bandgap semiconductor, be a really mid-value insulator and conductor simultaneously; I do not know if it is plausible, but a polymer with niftily-
    spaced mer-molecules causing easy-short distance between polymer molecules that are then easy-short for multiple sequential hops of quantum tunneling to occur could be a way to make the quantum tunneling material that is sort of between, yet neither of,
    conductor and insulator. So at the meter long polychlorophyll meter-long form the polymer strings are really near each other for quantum tunneling and the stuff is neither a conductor or insulator, but would conduct electrons through many eentsy polymer
    string -to- polymer string quantum tunneling events sequentially. There is a thought though: why would the quantum tunneling occur in a particular direction, rather than just stochastically throughout the material? It could be that channel and lane
    anisotropy at the chlorophyll polymer, sort of like cross-country skis or a bunch of engineered polymer things where the polymer is quantum-tunneling bulky on the sides, and quantum-tunneling favoring thin at the preferred stream direction; something
    like a lane where the center stream has much higher quantum tunneling likelihood than the sides; as a polymer this reminds me of the trees produced at some linear computational automata images I have seen, a bunch of branched valleys that accumulate
    water (electrons) to produce a high volume single stream.

    So the chlorophyll polymer thing might function, unless of course a vacuum is the least trouble to quantum-tunnel through thing, then the vacuum would be the long quantum tunnel material, and the math that says how far an electron is likely to hop in a
    vacuum gives the distribution of chronologically happening observable quantum tunneling events. It at least seems like the polychlorophyll might be less tunnelable than vacuum; then again I read something about how a published researcher looked at
    quantum effects propagating through DNA and found some, and that they were, to my perception, seeming high velocity to the researcher.

    Perhaps really cold still liquid argon with some metal atoms in it might work as a noninsulator<-> nonconductor. Well it was entertaining to think about but I think I figured out why the footlong quantum tunneling material will not work: At a
    conducting metal none of the electrons are raised to higher emissions quantum levels, but at an insulator, at least the kinds I am thinking of now, they have a high energy “breakdown voltage” that is kind of like hopping up the energy (dubiously:
    electron volts?) which reminds me of the electrons hopping up to an emissions spectral level to where they saturate something like a crystal of ceramic causing electrons to flow anyway. um, dielectric breakdown might be a quantum-hop-up level for the
    insulator (crystal ceramic) until enough electrons are up there to move around. so the metal conductor might be thought of as omitting quantum level changing

    Although, rather than a metal-ceramic mix something like a fancy polymer could be a meter-long quantum tunneling material; it seems like a pleasant moment to mention two electron systems like chlorophyll, so perhaps a chlorophyll polymer would,
    completely without being a bandgap semiconductor, be a really mid-value insulator and conductor simultaneously; I do not know if it is plausible, but a polymer with niftily-spaced mer-molecules causing easy-short distance between polymer molecules that
    are easy-short for multiple sequential hops of quantum tunneling to occur could be a way to make the quantum tunneling material that is sort of between, yet neither of, conductor and insulator. So at the meter long polychlorophyll meter-long form the
    polymer strings are really near each other and the stuff is neither a conductor or insulator, but would conduct electrons through many eentsy polymer string -to- polymer string quantum tunneling events sequentially. There is a thought though: why would
    the quantum tunneling occur in a particular direction, rather than just stochastically throughout the material? It could be that channel and lane anisotropic width at the chlorophyll polymer, sort of like cross-country ski surfaces or a bunch of
    engineered polymer things (morphologies) where the polymer is quantum-tunneling bulky on the sides, and quantum-tunneling favoring thin at the preferred stream direction; something like a lane where the center stream has much higher quantum tunneling
    likelihood than the sides; as a polymer this reminds me of the trees produced at some linear computational automata images I have seen, a bunch of branched valleys that accumulate water (electrons) to produce a high volume single stream.

    another thing about the dendritic tree-like computation automata images is that at an engineered polymer you could have differently spaced branches for the electrons to quantum tunnel to at hops; the branches are nearer and further from the most recent
    electron-place, so at the near branch the likelihood is say 1/3, but at the far branch it is 1/9 all the polymer’s physical and actual distance of branches together as a probability would be engineered to be (near) one.

    So the chlorophyll polymer thing might function, unless of course a vacuum is the least trouble to quantum-tunnel through thing, then the vacuum would be the long quantum tunnel material, and the math that says how far an electron is likely to hop in a
    vacuum gives the distribution of chronologically happening human perspective observable quantum tunneling events. It at least seems like the polychlorophyll might be less tunnelable than vacuum; then again I read something about how a published
    researcher looked at quantum effects propagating through DNA and found some, and that they were, to my perception, seeming high velocity to the researcher.

    I think an actual physicist would say they are independent, but if you have something like a flash drive: quantum-tunneling container, but have two electrodes to it, to put electrons in the container, does the doubled number of electrons increase the
    actual amount of energy that gets tunneled. It seems like two 1 electron volt inputs (wires) to a container would still have the combined quantum tunneling energy output as well as quantity of electrons as a one electrode system, doubled. That is the
    two together are absent nudging the quantum tunneling easiness amount up or a reduction from bigger plurality of electrons. Then again, with more electrons there could be more actual electrons doing wave overlap effects, that could go nodal or antinodal.
    There are many things about probability that I do not comprehend, but things where you adjust estimated likelihood from previous data (bayesian?) might have some relation to a couple conductors in a flash drive container system. Actually the measured
    numbers from a quantum tunneling experiment, and the probability models that best describe then predict them, could bring new things to know and technologize, from finding ways quantum tunneling systems might be measured as having all sorts of novel
    things like bayesian-like system memory, or some unexpected time distribution (poisson distribution anomaly) of the tunneling events.

    Mathematics is awesome, this quantum tunneling thing makes me wonder if you can observe a physics system to observe new math (I perceive 21st century things suggest that physics look to math for effectiveness, so the idea that new math could be found
    from physics is kind of nifty)

    If there was some mathematically previously unpredicted amplification or even decrease in calculated quantum tunneled energy amount then that could provide more things to know about quantum tunneling systems and the technologies that can be produced
    with them. Who knows perhaps there are detectable wake effects or slipstreaming with more electrons at the same energy when quantum tunneling occurs.

    It seems likely others have already thought about it, but if you coat the interior of a flash memory quantum tunneling container with a ultra-thin layer of a conductor does that change the shape of the electron probability distribution in the container?
    The change to the morphology of the “electron cloud” could effect quantum tunneled resultant voltage, or amount of tunneling events per chronological moment. Also rather than just a coat of conductor at the flash drive container technologists could
    put varied shapes on the sides of the flash drive quantum tunneling container, some kind of repeating “wallpaper” could have some sort of reliability increasing effect from shaping the electron cloud/3d spatial electron probability distribution. So
    besides flash drives, which I read are more a previous thing and that the physical structures of Intel’s Optane are better than flash memory.

    nifty math thing to know would be 4d topology of these other forms.

    I like non-cement building materials better, as a technology though it might be possible to make cement more affordably and with fewer emissions, as well as to mitigate the appearence of cement or premade cinder block construction.

    Vertical grasscrete as a possible visually ameliorating, or if it worked well, actively aesthetically perceived as more appealing than vinyl/polymer siding on things made of, or having structural cement; grass and airplants; nutrient enriched cement at
    grasscrete would grow algae and or moss making the cement turn green and blend in with the actual living plants at vertical grasscrete.

    Highmountain phong shading/ray tracing neural networks faster way to find global and local maxima and minima at neural networks, software and AI

    I do not know much, but I read things about fitting models to data at things like artificial intelligence and machine learning with names like “deep learning”; I perceive one of the ways data can be viewed, or mathematically considered is kind of
    like a topological map, with local maxima and minima that can sometimes make software not seek different more actual or accurate maxima or minima. Sort of like the software going to the top of a building instead of the top of a mountain because perhaps
    the software would have to notice and iterate through many things less tall than the building prior to reaching the mountain. That colloquial description, reminds me of the possible benefit to software and artificial intelligence of having a highest
    view so that a variety of possible paths can be looked at simultaneously to find an optimal one; as a human it is possible to visually view a topology and tell which parts are highest. Computationally I am reminded of the software grabbing a high
    vantage point then doing ray tracing on every feature at a landscape; from the high vantage point this would provide the actual maxima and minima of a topologically graphed data set, without the software nonoptimally perceiving a local minima or maxima
    as the system minima and maxima.

    So there are some ways to computationally enhance or improve things like this thing I just described; ways to create a high ground from which to do something like ray tracing. There might be some mathematical value to just making a highest point; you
    could just think you know what you are doing and go with one vantage point with a Y value twice as high as any noted at the dataset. Then a person that knowsmore mathematics than I do can use this to do things like analog string-sort, lift everything,
    cover with liquid helium, or, dare to sometimes simplify to logic and shakeout a net

    As a concept, that then gets described as a technology: Cheap liquid helium clings and flows faster all over the city and mountains and although a non-analog computed point cloud could map the topology; a possibly-instantaneous if the ICs support it: the
    amount and location of the liquid helium is analog-amount-mapped with a spectrography (helium noticing) laser with a wide illumination laser, possibly the spectrography instrument projects a a detailed smooth gradient (ramping) hologram everywhere all at
    once, or, less optimally, a planar scan laser rastering the helium covered landscape; then the results, or rather analog form-stream (urge is to just say data, but it is analog rather than digital so form stream is the word sequence) of the mass analog
    simultaneous chromatographic detection of concentration of liquid helium are optically-like concentrated (collimated/DCX lens) onto a thing that finds a sort of non-viewed/viewing optional map of saturation (the amount of liquid helium) then with an
    amplitude filter, the filter causes the maxima and minima to separate/be isolated from the rest of the analog information (like data but analog) coming through the collimater/DCX, and then the person or software or AI using the system has found the
    actual maxima and minima of the entire topological map.

    So technologically, at an early 21st century data set that is digital, which might be supplanted with some new kind of analog data representations, methods and technologies, what is the computer equivalent to pouring liquid helium onto the landscape?
    New integrated circuits could do non-digital plural averaging and quite possibly analog forms of things that simulate physics. Some circuits could be based on flash drive quantum tunneling

    Flash memory during 2019 AD, I perceive, had little containers with a plenum that electrons could tunnel through. It seems possible that coating the sides of those multibillion flash drive containers with a conductor, or an electret would change the
    shape of the electron distribution at each flashdrive unit object container;

    If you think of coating the sides of the flash drive container unit object with a shape of conductor or electret, or micropatterning it like wallpaper, then each flash drive container unit can have something like a bulb shape on the container side or
    maxi-pad looking tennis ball parts that might combine to (have one larger than a single container) predictable cause an electron cloud shape across two unit containers or at an atrium; side coatings, wallpaper, and shapes on flash drives, analog flash
    drive effect, that might, or might not combine tomake geometrics that have consistenct or constructive way of “saying” a topological form or having a statistical profile of a material, like liquid helium. The coatings on the flash drive container
    sides and/or wallpaper and/or gradient slope plenum dividers do analog workaliketoliquid helium.
    also the electron detecting side of the plenum could be analog rather than a 2019 AD 1/0 digit reporter

    analog interactions, besides arising from custom flash drive container sides could be things like atriums, Hub and radiants, token ring networks, possibly even re-send-until arrives (TCP/IP like) geometries could be produced with semiconductor technology.
    People that are better at mathematics andcomputer science than I am could possibly describe parsimonious physical analog networks and container shapes and wallpaper that combine well to represent things; notably this might have some nifty geometry
    things like “kite and dart” penrose tiling, possibly networked.

    There is a 1 terabyte quantum tunneling storage memory card so that is 8 trillion flash drive containers that are mass produced on an (or a thin stack) IC at 2019 AD; Note that this reshaping of quantum tunneling flash drive geometriesis different than
    the 2019 AD use ofthe word quantum computing

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