• pleasure vibrator technology

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 27 19:25:42 2023
    coital alignment technique vibrating pad, CAT thing looks like vibrating mouse pad transmits vibrations upward, I read CAT is actually more orgasmic from the womans perspective so a vibration transmitted through tissue version might be even more
    (coital alignment techniques laying on)
    [vibrating pad]

    this one is near my physics

    well these might be petroleum geology ideas, some of them are pretty ...optimistic...

    I think BINAP reaction could change hydrocarbon polymer length yet the source of the BINAP reagent looks like napthalene with phosphorus, which actually is very cheap as a kind of partial combustion of hydrocarbons makes multicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
    it works much better with coal, as coal tar is naturally full of near BINAP molecules so I thought that just perhaps adding phosphorus, which although not spectacularly cheap is at leask bulk commodity fertilizer cheap, to partial combusted
    hydrocarbons of high molecular mass, could make a kind og BINAPish sludge to cause reactions

    Its possible I was thinking that situ oil shale or tar sands processes that use situ warmin or combustion could use a hydrogenation sludge (cheap polycyclic phosphorus containg binap like catalyst) pumped nto their chemospaces. Its possible a tendency
    to hydrogenate would actually create more optimal length alkanes from giving hydrogens to the distal parts of divided hydrocarbons -ch2ch2ch2c- or using english, situ cracking with more hydrogen to occupy molecule makes higher yield of little valuable
    fluid cheap fertilizer partial combustocataslush makes this happen, possibly.

    situ coal to liquid hydrocarbons seems like more of binapslush process

    well, this one requires major factual depth, or possibly just hype. viewing drilling logs, a distance of ten ot twent feet apparently can affect production a lot as a result of distance to the main depoit, although it might affect liters per minute more
    than recoverable yield. some of those chats showed fairly narrow sweet spots as to channel location. so thats the factual depth, or possibly hype. now, when I looked at some graphs they uses conductivity to measure permeability as well as other
    things so it occured to me that having more sensors, specifically two or three at opposite diameter along with a vertical could describe conductance variation through a few mere nches, yet from a software perspective if the permeability variability was
    like .000001 as compared with .01 the software could tell the model that the extreme heterogenity of the petroleum formation suggested a different streering or path opportunity. so this is seeing variability, to make say a different number of laterals
    or the like

    well, basically this one just requires a person to say, yowza, (slight "wow thats a lot of new tech applied to a simple application", yet mild enthusiasm)
    magnetic refrigeration works with atomic spin cooling, its an actual published thing, yet the amount of energy is teeny. to catalyze ch4 to longer hydrocarbons cheaply would make liquid fuel about 7 times cheaper (15$ same numbers of BTUs as 100$ of
    oil) as well as permitting huge reserves of ch4 to be transported as liquid fuels, so i will describe this anyway. if you pass ch4 through Big Magnets(tm) or shine Groovy lasers(tm) at it will spin polarize, possibly very cheaply from many permanent
    magnets at narrow apertures. Now here is the thing, other people have suggested catalytic processes using actual catalyst surfaces or particles to make ch4 be longer hydrocarbons so the idea is actually spin polarizing a microfine powder (nanopowder)
    so that it is hyperreactive when it meets the ch4. I havent read about spin polarizing microsolids yet I think it is possible. so whats the largest spin polarizable molecule you can spin polarize cheaply, like with a NIB magnet with aerosol flow
    apetures. It could be that something like PVDF linked to a metal atom, possibly Fe or Co has spin polarizability with long duration as well as high energy as a result of the fluorine bunching up all the electrons on one side of the molecule. so, if you
    like hype, this is a high field concentration electret of polarized spin, that just happens to have a known catalyst metal like Co (or ni or fe or Mg) as part of its structure. its possible that accumulation of potential energies will make catalyzing
    ch4 to longer alkanes functional at lower tempoeratures as well as lower pressures. a fairly simple research would be to see if spin polarized hydrogen attaches to other molecules differently. if it does, then you could use similar effects at a variety
    of chemical reactions

    I heard something about near polar regions being an area of greater hydrocarbon exploration these are polar or near polar region petroleum geology technologies
    these ideas also go better with greater factual depth or possibly hype. the concept that stands out is that artic surface hydrocarbon wells really value reliability, the effort to move, repair, or even diagnose them mechanically is greater at -100 F
    than at say 77F many machines as a result of slight thermal variations shift tolerances, if its -100 on part of an oil rig yet -30 at another part, or even a balmy 20 degrees the mechanical stresses as well as eccentricities are going to affect
    reliability as well as wear so this is a way to regularize the temperatures throughout an oil rig to make it more reliable as well as run more predictably. Its a slightly new kind of snow blanket researchers have described a water shedding shape known
    as a negative contact angle, this causes water falling on things to stay dry, so I think artificial ice crystals made with negative contact angles will actually repel as well as shed liquid water. a snow blanket of this might have warm spots without
    slush I also think a custom blend of ice crystals might have less slumping or liftability from high winds so this is actually a suggestion that artic oil rigs have a temperature regulation blanket of custom crystal engineered structural ice crystals
    placed on their containment buildings
    the idea is its as cheap to make as artificial ski resort snow, is highly durable, while it regularlizes temperatures at an oil rig building

    visualize a nested pipe ( o) the little pipe is actually a waveguide, a microwave energy pathway of engineered shape much like 1970s communications waveguides. having a plurality of temperature sensors as well as varying the microwave frequency
    slightly could move standing wave blobs of microwaves anywhee along the pipe, keeping it warm to specifications or possible warning the hydrocarbon a little. a funner way to look at this is a neon advertising tube with a weird transformer, a little
    lengthof travelling light blobs appears, you could move them from place to place if you varied the transformer so that a visual version, this just does that with any area along a microwave waveguide that is part of a nested pipe, it permits spot
    warming anywhere without valves or conduits, it also provides spot warming to keep everyplace at the temperature the software suggests

    I think that oil at polar or near polar regions might be kind of goopy from the cool, it is possible that a peristaltic pump o|8 could actually work on a woven flexible, actually porous (the leak is kind of the plug as it its targoop) cause its moving
    tube of woven metal, sort of like a radial tire metal mesh tube between rollers more effeciently than heating the goop to liquid, then using liquid contact pumps on it.

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