• Sex dolls exist and sex robots have just barely started, an enhancement

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 4 04:13:31 2023
    At polymer batteries like lithium polymer batteries i have not previously read about the crystallinity to amorphous gradients of the polymer, even though it is actually a polymer r gel, and if a crystalline polymer, the effects various crystal forms like
    long rods, flat polygons, geode interior like prism arrays, and others, these i think all have different effect on the actual battery chemicals surface contact area multiplier, at previously described sonic stimulated physics resonance frequencies that
    decrease passivation layers from hypermixing, any recurring crystal features at the polymer could be resonators, jiggling slightly with small amounts of piezoelectric nonaudible sound

    I may have previously written about using electricity producing bacteria i described as electrosynthetic bacteria to useful things like electrolysis at mineral concentrating rock leaching heaps, now i read about electrical cable bacteria that form linear
    cocci things as much as 5 cm long

    Glasses and happiness recordings of children, i saw a video where children less than 2 got to try on visual correction glasses for the first time, the children's faces really became very visibly happy, that suggests that researchers and technologists who
    study child happiness with brain scans and eegs could dynamically record children's entire happiness brain process, such as for reconstruction and artificial happiness from harmless brain stimulation like tDCS, replaying EEG, or light activated peptides
    and neurotransmitter equivalents, artificial happiness tdcs/eegs/photonics to make crying babies immediately happy is beneficial and happiness recording could greatly improve the lives of people of all ages

    Its possible cleaning robot brushes like Roomba brushes and roller brushes could be more effective if they had negative or positive electret character, similarly although a long handle sponge mop is wet having electret cbaracter at the sponge surface
    might assist with cleaning, another kind of sponge mop or automated dishwasher that might either not work at all or work better is having an anode bar or perhaps a cathode bar make single electrode pH modified water that soaks the spongemop or jets out
    of the dishwasher cleaning nozzles

    At an internet article describing how magnetoionic graphing and measurement makes electrical patternings and dynamics of batteries graphable and measureable, This makes a great battery design tool, testing electricity draw and recharge saturation at a
    variety of battery shapes, perbaps 20-200% of different battery volumes could be tested to find optimal magnetoionic ionic measure of capacity. Similarly magnetoionics could be used to measure 100s of different anode or cathode test micropatternings put
    on the electrode with an engraving laser, finding optimal anode micropatternings increases sustained voltage and makes recharge faster. Also of course different battery chemistries can be tested. With enough magnetoionic data on battery variations not
    only could people note data trends for what works especially well but AI like genetic algorithms could design battery components. As a remotely possible improvement to the magnetoionic technology at the paper, i read that PtCo is very strong as a
    ferrromagnet, coulld a Pt magnetism sensor be even more sensitive than the 100 oe sensors used to magnetoionically characterize batteries. Also 100 Oe resolution mentioned at the paper is near Earth's background magnetism, could measuring the batteries
    in a magnetically sbielded container improve accuracy of battery measurements?

    Another possible thing that could be an enhancement to battery electrodes is rather than entire electrode surface continuous battery chemistry, is just part of electrode being at a power drawing circuit, causing refreshment of the intermittently power
    drawn battery chemistry at the other areas of the electrode or anode, think of a battery electrode like an anode that looks like a starlight mint, different sectors could be on normal power draw, different sectors could be not on circuit power draw, and
    other sectors could be receiving opposite polarity electricity for nanoseconds to microseconds to disrupt the passivation layer/ordered ion layer, this could be as cheap as a 1¢ semiconductor to do the custom power switching at a starlight mint anode,
    it is remotely possible the starlight mint, or starlight mint rod electrode or anode could actually be made with a fimo millifiore like process

    One very simple battery technology i have not heard of is just having a metal wire core at the rod anode to be more conductive, and at the starlight mint addressible electrode or anode a plurality of metal core wires could assist starlight mint rod
    sector addressing, i can think of ways to cbeaply make this in bulk like emit wire from top round cracker with patterned holes in it, bring sides of mold in cylindrical or other shape around wire, fill with warmth bonding electrode, warmth bond, perhaps
    with lasers doing uniform warming, unmold and laser surface texturize, then the very long electrode or anode into briefer battery sized lengths.

    Anodes can be other than cylindrical with anything from something that looks like the sqiggly Sun microsystem logo as a rod, to a string of spherical beads, it seems like there is a cheap to make different anode shape like spheres on a conductive wire
    string that could be very cheap to make, Wikipedia notes many battdries have gel electrolyte, and mentioned a number of polymers utilized, along with those could be Pedot electrolyte gel as pedot is a conductive polymer there could be a difference (
    unsure how greater electron mobility could assist)

    Node and bud paint for swelling nodes and new buds could cause trees to grow faster or in better alignment with water and light resources, think of putting a warmth abskrbing or white cooling gel coating on a meristem plant tissue rich node or bud, from
    hydrating the bud from absence of evaporation it omits underhydration even at dry days or environments permitting the meristem cytes to keep multiplying, moist spring growth is lengthened and the plant grows bigger, this could also work at fruit and nut
    fertilized structures, imagine a developing almond fruit with a gel coating on it that preserves hydration, the almond grows bigger to a more valuable form, Similarly larger avocados, and just possibly grains, and things like pears, kumquats, grapes and
    bananas could grow larger with a water retaining gel on the fertilized developing fruit or grain, drones with $29-49-54 inkjet technology precision gel sprayers could put gel on the fruit, drones might just bulk spray developing grains with gel,
    amazingly if spraying water retention gel on grains causes 9-11% larger seeds/grains then this technology increases global food supply a single digit %, as a chemical technology what i describe as a gel could be a biopolymer like a hydrophobic version of
    a cheap starch, polylactic acid PLA, or even a really cheap autospreading lipid like a waxy or butterlike hydrogenated vegetable oil that can be warmed to high fluidity for spraying, another water retention or hydration coating is a blend of KPCA with
    2000 times volume increasing starch gel, like diaper gel, 2000 times expansion and 1-2¢ alibaba diapers suggest tens of square meters of treated plant surface for 1-2¢, the potassiumPCA % would be the amount that causes an emulation of a rainforest
    spring humidity at the seed, grain, or fruit surface, it is possible antifungal high potency peptides exist and could be a part of the gel coating, lactoferrin or more potent lactoferrin fragments may be antifungal , its even possible that adding a plant
    growth hormone or regulator to the gel coating, including hypercheap peptide plant growth regulators could increase fruit size, flavorfulfulness, or even, possibly, noting there is already a gardener's spray product that causes more tomatoes from
    fertilized tomato plants, a fruit number increaser, the gel actually increases the number amount of fruits

    At tree rings, at moist sunny years the added trunk thickness is a particular amount, visually perceptually much more added than a dry year, building product and fiber source tree species could be genetically engineered to make water retaining tree
    surface lipids or adapt and increase the amount of existing forms of evaporation blocking wax on trees, possibly keeping the cambium and sap optimally hydrated as a water%, which then always gives favorable year style wood growth and more affordable wood
    and fiber

    At my notes numerous genetically modified plants that support Dave Pearce' hedonistic imperative www.hedweb.org, and plants that cause much greater lifespan and youthspan among all humans, people, mammals, as well as plants that do beneficial eugenics at
    humans and other mammals, these plants could benefit from endogenously produced water retaining and reflecting material

    Peptide plant growth regulators or hormone equivalents could cause enhanced more rapid plant growth at trees, both ornamental and tree farm trees, as peptides the plants and trees could be produced from genetically engineering the production of peptides
    at the plants, at barley in 2005AD there were genetic engineering localizer technologies to concentrate gene expression at the seed, so plant peptide growth regulators to increase grain kernal size are possible

    Transparent mineral nanoparticles like cheap magnesium oxide could also be plant humidity optimizing coatings

    Hydraulics are used in many forms of power machinery, and there are different big cylinder fluid pressure pumps, perhaps different forms and dimensions of these could be improved with genetic algorithms like different screw pitches or something like a
    linear actuator lever beam that can change a metronome weight position or fulcrum location to get the highest leverage and most fluid pumped at greatest efficiency

    Better jet engines, if you think of the microchannels made visible on a drinking glass side with buttermilk in the glass to the much smaller microchannels that can be made with lasers or embossing, even to the point of laserIngit a surface to be
    hydrophilic or hydrophobic, it is possible these channels if the etched channels had an angle would cause a stream of air to follow that channel angle, so at say the front of a car the airflow follows a less drag, more energy-efficient angle adjusted
    path, then do that with putting angled microchannels on jet engine turbines and blades to optimally pressurize them, energy efficiency improves, the same can be done at natural gas utility turbines, and a very similar channelization technology used at
    utility wind energy generators

    Ceiling fans cause cooling and can clean air of soot from indoor soot sources, associated with over 1 million deaths per year in 2021AD especially at the developing world, based on a 20¢ alibaba motor, and 3¢ of fan blades Made of styrofoam, 1¢ of
    wire and 15¢ of 5000 mAH rechargeable batteries a ceiling fan that cools people and exhausts sooty air for 24 or more hours is 39¢, add a photovoltaic pathlight for recharge for about 10¢, and optionally an extra 5000 mAH battery for 15¢ it is 64¢
    based on alibaba.com components, perhaps add 1-2¢ for an adhesive backed, put at any high place velcro mount, the cheap construction makes it go well in the developing world, there is a sturdier wired fan with light that has harmless to children if
    touched foam paddles.

    Cheap dwelling cooler for the developing world, Pvc pipe is 5-20¢/meter, an alibaba toy motor is 20¢, a length of pvc pipe 3 meters tall under a shaded awning, if there is one can have air from high up pushed into the dwelling with the fan, air from
    high up outside is, imaginably 5-7°F cooler than dwelling air, this sideways t way of cooling a developing world dwelling could also have two 15¢ 5000 mAH rechargeable batteries and a 10¢ photovoltaic charger for 90 cents of alibaba parts, cooler
    people are more peaceful so this could also improve domestic relations

    Consider an emergency sandbag, my perception is that existing sandbags are tarp weave and kind of smooth, i think its possible to cheaply optimize sandbags so the water structures made from them are more durable and resistant to peak stresses, one
    approach is just to use an embossing mold on a prebag polymer sheet or a completed sandbag to produce a bunch of micrometer sized interpenetrating prisms that nest and immobilize together when the sandbags are stacked, and of course that can be
    engineering compared to a sandbag surface just painted with sparse liquid like dilute grip tape, if high friction sandbags are more effective and avoid 11% of flooding based sandbag failures then lots of things can go unflooded and hundreds or tens of
    millions of $ could be saved each year from a sandbag surface texture change, really posh developed world sandbag use might have a dry to the touch coating that becomes a bag attaching underwater glue after 20-40 minutes of immersion in water, its
    possible a liposomal or sugar coated cyanoacrylate glue could do this, basically the sugar dissolves to leave superglue which glues the sandbags together, another posh developed world sandbag technology is to put an IoT reporting micropressure sensor and
    MEMs accelerometer in every 20th sandbag to monitor built durableness, directions and trends of failure movements and rotations, another possible shape of sandbag has one bag, which is actually two narrower but still big bags =, and between the bags is a
    mesh that it is easy to drive a rebar through at a depth of many bags, engineers could figure it out, but the general idea is that because the connected bag mass is higher the structure resists surges

    Photovoltaics work more efficiently when they angle to track the sun, rather than previous motorized sliding beams, the bottom of the photovoltaic could rest on a electrorheological beanbag chair shape that adjusts its shape electrically to custom tilt
    the solar panels so they follow the sun, one electromagnetorheological material is ferrofluid, because there are no moving parts besides the beanbag changing shape it could be durable, this might also benefit solar planetary rovers and even tilting the
    photovoltaics on the outside of satellites, maybe

    Washing hands with soap and water to get them clean works, is frequent at most people worldwide,and prevents the transmission of illness, microparticles resembling wood that has a 99.9% germ terminating effect due to its surface geometry could, as a
    multimicrometer powder bleached white additive to handsoaps leave a sparse layer of anti-germ powder on the palms and fingers keeping them harmlessly bacteriostatic several more hours out of 24

    What is called the C-string bikini ic a c shaped piece of polymer tensioned to stay on and fabric that just covers the vaginal cleft, it does not look especially comfortable so just go nude instead

    There could be a machine, similar to a hand sanitizer dispenser that you put your hands under and it micropulse sterilizes them the vibrating raster mirror or micromirror device chip is 10¢-$1, the laser diode is $1, and the plug in housing is about 40¢
    , it could use what are called intrinsically safe frequencies that go unconcentrated at the cornea and lens of the eye, students entering a school bus or perhaps lunchroom could have their hands laser sterilized effortlessly, reducing spread of illness
    at school

    As another beneficial fomite laser sterilization technology micropulse is bus ceiling laser raster scan could zap bacteria on school buses, transit buses, intercity buses, and commercial airplane client areas, at school buses this laser sterilization
    occurs before and after delivering children.

    Do brains, ovaries, lungs, and hearts function better with greater amount of capillaries? If so, wikipedia says, One of the major stimuli of angiogenesis is hypoxia, resulting in activation of hypoxia-inducible transcription factors (HIFs), that suggests
    omitting the hypoxia and making an epigenetic drug that increases Hifs production could increase angiogenesis, at the entire body or just specific organs or tissues

    Decreasing heart disease and atherosclerosis from upregulation of a body enzyme Scd1 that turns saturated fat to unsaturated fat, as active agents or drug epigenetic modifiers that upregulate the Scd1 enzyme and its network, as well as gene therapy or
    depot peptide drugs, the internet says, The SCD1 enzyme is one of them. It transforms saturated fatty acids into unsaturated ones, making it very efficient against stress brought on by fats in harmful concentrations, another possibility is that natural
    allele variations of the Scd1 gene at the well pupulation can be used as a part of voluntary eugenics to have children with less risk of heart disease, I'm not sure, but less atherosclerosis at the brain could keep the brain younger functioning longer

    Mtor peptide inhibitors, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32377724/

    Thanks for the reply, i don't work for Pharma, toI'm just a guy who audited Organic Chemistry and read some papers.

    Here's the longer version of some of the previously mentioned items. New probiotic makes rapamycin, rapamycin itself was first found as a bacterial product. Putting the genes to make rapamycin into the largest gram mass bacterial GI tract species as well
    as multi year durable probiotic bacteria like B. Durans makes a rapamycin based durable probiotic that is verified at mice as causing greater longevity and youthspan.

    Enteric coated rapamycin reduces disintegration, if any, in stomach acid, with the enteric coating or capsule releasing the rapamycin in the small intestine.

    Rapamycin with a co-dose of piperine to heighten dose effect several times, curcurmin combined with piperine called Biocurcurmin is absorbed 30 times better. I do not have any idea of what the dose multiplier effect of piperine is on rapamycin. If it is
    2 times then your rapamycin dose is twice as affordable, if piperine with rapamycin is verified at mice as being a ten times multiple absorption then, wonderful thing, a dose of rapamycin is 10 times cheaper.

    The thing longevity rapamycin users can do now is to put their rapamycin in enteric capsules(ebay) with 200 mg of piperine. Piperine is also on ebay

    Biotransformation of rapamycin to unregulated longevity supplements, use yeast or bacteria with rapamycin at the culture medium to transform the rapamycin to new chemicals and rapamycin conjugates, this is testable at mice to verify longevization. This
    procedure produces unregulated supplements that have rapamycin's longevity effect. It is even possible the longevity effect could increase from screening 111 different yeasts, bacteria, and fungi to find the 98th percentile of longevization.

    Rapamycin has 3 <=> hexagonal cycles, just changing those to pentagonal or 7 carbon cycles changes the biological activity, those variants can be tested to find greater longevity effect, or higher dose potency.

    A new opportunity for rapamycin users is ordering mTOR1 inhibiting peptides online as custom produced peptides $210 gets 1 gram of 7 amino acid mtor1 inhibiting peptide, abiscientific.com. Peptides are sometimes given in 1mg/24 hours dose so $210 is 2.5
    years of daily dosing. Last time i looked there were 9 mtor1 inhibitor peptides at a database.

    yeast digests, new probiotic makes rapaycin, enteric coated, the three cycles change the 6 carbon cycles to 7 carbon cycles, swap out some O with S or even Se,

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