Call for Papers | Pathways Europe 2022: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference and Training
It is a pleasure to invite you to the Pathways Europe 2022: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference and Training, organized by Wageningen University and Research’s Cultural Geography Group and The Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources at
Colorado State University. The conference will take place at Wageningen University and Research in Wageningen, The Netherlands, from October 19-21, 2022.
About the Conference
Pathways Europe is a part of the Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference and Training. Founded by Prof. Michael J. Manfredo and Prof. Jerry Vaske (Colorado State University), the program is designed to address the myriad issues that arise as
people and wildlife struggle to coexist in a sustainable and healthy manner.
Since its inaugural launch in the U.S. in 2008, Pathways has gained a reputation as being one of the leading conferences on the human dimensions of wildlife management in the world, regularly attracting researchers from across +30 different countries and
practitioners from both agencies and NGOs. After a successful inaugural launch in Goslar, Germany in September 2018, Pathways Europe for another year of international collaboration and conversations critical to wildlife conservation around the globe.
Conference Theme – “Sharing Landscapes”
As human pressures and wildlife populations increase in many regions in Europe and around the world, nature reserves are not sufficient for successful conservation. The need to share landscapes between humans and wildlife presents a major societal
challenge. This calls for understanding human-wildlife interactions in complex spatial contexts to attune societal land use needs and wildlife habitat needs. The urgency to make this work has again been emphasized with the emergence of new dynamic social
movements, such as the climate action marches of European youth, or the extinction rebellion movement. These movements are gaining attention and momentum and are requesting drastic transformation of policy and governance guiding our relationships with
the natural world. For Pathways Europe 2022, we will explore the crucial question: how can we share landscapes in ways that are beneficial for both humans and wildlife, while social representation in decision making is increasingly dynamic and
Topics of Interest
Alongside our theme, we have several topics of interest specific to the Pathways Europe 2022: Human Dimensions of Wildlife conference. When submitting an abstract or session proposal for 2022, you will be asked to select three of the following topics
with which your abstract fits under:
• Pathways to Co-Existence: Shared Landscapes
• Diversity in Society: The Problem of Representation of Humans and Wildlife
• Social-Ecological Systems as a Framework for Conservation Management • Management of Human-Wildlife Conflicts: Large Carnivores
• Management of Human-Wildlife Conflicts: Other Species
• Natural Resources and Conservation Stakeholders: Managing and Engagement
Guide for Authors
The deadline to submit Organized Sessions/Symposia (90 and 120-minute format) is June 1, 2021. The deadline to submit Individual Abstracts and Posters is also June 1, 2022. Authors are limited to one submission, though can be listed as a non-presenting
co-author on an unlimited number of other submissions. The word limit per abstract is <300 words.
For instructions on submitting session proposals and individual abstracts, please visit the Proposals tab of the Pathways Europe website at
To submit your abstract, please visit
Important Dates
Organized Session Deadline: June 1, 2022
Individual Abstract/Poster Deadline: June 1, 2022
Notification of Acceptance: June 20, 2022
Deadline for Final Submission of Revised Papers: July 5, 2022
Preliminary Program Released: July 20, 2022
Conference Co-Chairs:
Maarten Jacobs
Assistant Professor
Cultural Geography Group
Wageningen University and Research
Michael J. Manfredo
Professor and Head
Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Colorado State University
Registration Open!
Register now for the Pathways Europe 2022 Conference. Full registration is only 250 EUR. We also have single day options available for the different conference tracks. Visit our website for more information:
For any questions, contact us at
We look forward to seeing you at the Pathways Europe 2022: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference!
Warm Regards,
Emily LeBlanc
Conference Coordinator, Pathways Europe 2022
Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Colorado State University
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