• Humans began to rapidly accumulate technological knowledge through soci

    From Primum Sapienti@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 18 22:40:19 2024

    Each of us individually is the accumulated
    product of thousands of generations that
    have come before us in an unbroken line.
    Our culture and technology today are also
    the result of thousands of years of
    accumulated and remixed cultural knowledge.

    But when did our earliest ancestors begin
    to make connections and start to build on
    the knowledge of others, setting us apart
    from other primates? Cumulative culture —
    the accumulation of technological
    modifications and improvements over
    generations — allowed humans to adapt to a
    diversity of environments and challenges.
    But, it is unclear when cumulative culture
    first developed during hominin evolution.

    A study published this week in the
    Proceedings of the National Academy of
    Sciences journal by Arizona State
    University researcher Charles Perreault
    and doctoral graduate Jonathan Paige
    concludes that humans began to rapidly
    accumulate technological knowledge
    through social learning around 600,000
    years ago.

    “Our species, Homo sapiens, has been
    successful at adapting to ecological
    conditions — from tropical forests to
    arctic tundra — that require different
    kinds of problems to be solved," said
    Perreault, a research scientist with
    the Institute of Human Origins and an
    associate professor with the School of
    Human Evolution and Social Change.
    “Cumulative culture is key because it
    allows human populations to build on
    and recombine the solutions of prior
    generations and to develop new complex
    solutions to problems very quickly.

    "The result is, our cultures — from
    technological problems and solutions
    to how we organize our institutions —
    are too complex for individuals to
    invent on their own.”

    To investigate when this technological
    turn may have begun and to explore the
    origin of cumulative culture, Paige and
    Perreault analyzed changes in the
    complexity of stone tool manufacturing
    techniques across the past 3.3 million
    years of the archaeological record.

    As a baseline for the complexity of stone
    tool technologies achievable without
    cumulative culture, the researchers
    analyzed technologies used by nonhuman
    primates — like chimpanzees — and stone
    tool manufacturing experiments involving
    inexperienced human flintknappers and
    randomized flaking.

    The researchers broke down the complexity
    of the stone tool technologies by the
    number of steps (procedural units, or PUs)
    that each tool-making sequence involved.

    The results suggested that from around
    3.3 to 1.8 million years ago — when
    australopiths and earliest Homo species
    were around — stone tool manufacturing
    sequences remained within the range of
    the baselines (1 to 6 PUs). From around
    1.8 million to 600,000 years ago,
    manufacturing sequences began to overlap
    with and slightly exceed the complexity
    baseline (4 to 7 PUs). But, after around
    600,000 years ago, the complexity of
    manufacturing sequences rapidly increased
    (5 to 18 PUs).

    “By 600,000 years ago or so, hominin
    populations started relying on unusually
    complex technologies, and we only see rapid
    increases in complexity after that time as
    well. Both of those findings match what we
    expect to see among hominins who rely on
    cumulative culture,” said Paige, a
    postdoctoral researcher at the University
    of Missouri and an ASU PhD graduate.

    Tool-assisted foraging may have been the
    impetus for the earliest beginning of the
    evolution of cumulative culture. Early
    hominins, 3.4 to 2 million years ago,
    likely relied on foraging strategies that
    require tools — like accessing meat, marrow
    and organs — leading to changes in brain
    size, lifespan and biology that set the
    stage for cumulative culture.

    3.3 million years of stone tool complexity
    suggests that cumulative culture began
    during the Middle Pleistocene

    Our species, Homo sapiens, occupies a
    uniquely diverse set of ecological
    habitats. Humans expanded into tropical
    forests and arctic tundra through
    cumulative culture. Cumulative culture
    is the accumulation of modifications,
    innovations, and improvements over
    generations through social learning.
    Generations of variant accumulations
    allow humans to use technologies and
    know-how well beyond what a single
    naive individual could invent
    independently within their lifetime.
    We analyzed the stone tools made
    during the last 3.3 My. We found that
    these stone tools remained simple until
    about 600,000 B.P. After that point,
    stone tools rapidly increased in
    complexity. Consistent with findings
    from other research teams, we suggest
    that this transition signals the
    development of cumulative culture in
    the human lineage.

    Cumulative culture, the accumulation of
    modifications, innovations, and
    improvements over generations through
    social learning, is a key determinant
    of the behavioral diversity across Homo
    sapiens populations and their ability
    to adapt to varied ecological habitats.
    Generations of improvements,
    modifications, and lucky errors allow
    humans to use technologies and know-how
    well beyond what a single naive
    individual could invent independently
    within their lifetime. The human
    dependence on cumulative culture may
    have shaped the evolution of biological
    and behavioral traits in the hominin
    lineage, including brain size, body
    size, life history, sociality,
    subsistence, and ecological niche
    expansion. Yet, we do not know when, in
    the human career, our ancestors began to
    depend on cumulative culture. Here, we
    show that hominins likely relied on a
    derived form of cumulative culture by
    at least ~600 kya, a result in line
    with a growing body of existing
    evidence. We analyzed the complexity
    of stone tool manufacturing sequences
    over the last 3.3 My of the
    archaeological record. We then compare
    these to the achievable complexity
    without cumulative culture, which we
    estimate using nonhuman primate
    technologies and stone tool
    manufacturing experiments. We find
    that archaeological technologies
    become significantly more complex
    than expected in the absence of
    cumulative culture only after
    ~600 kya.

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