• Ape + human evolution = aquarboreal

    From littoral.homo@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Fri Apr 21 03:12:12 2023
    Plate Tectonics & Hominoid Splittings
    (my 2022 book "De evolutie van de mens" p.299-300):

    4 frequent paleo-anthropological prejudices, based on 0 evidence:
    1) We became bipedal (BP) when we left the trees for the ground??
    2) We evolved in Africa: "Out-of-Africa" (OoA)??
    3) We lived in savannas???
    4) We had australopithecine ancestors??

    These are just-so beliefs: only based on ego-, anthropo- & afro-centric pre-assumptions:
    1) “we are the only BP primates” means "BP=“hominin”=closer to Hs>apes",
    2) many PAs stkll believe “OoA” because Pan & Gorilla = African,
    3) in Africa, when you leave the jungle, you come in savanna,
    4) apiths lived in Africa, they were BP, and retained some humanlike anatomical traits from the LCA.

    Therefore, retarded PAs still assume, with 0 evidence:
    1) we became BP when we split from Pan, and left the jungle->savanna,
    2) “hominins” & Homo originated in Africa (OoA),
    3) we ran bipedally in savannas (e.g. “endurance-running”),
    4) all "BP" fossils in Africa incl. apiths are “hominin” (implying Pan & Gorilla have 0 fossils, but Homo (Asian cf retroviral data) has 100s of fossils?! :-D).

    Retroviral comparisons show:
    - humans = Pliocene Asiatic primates incl. Pongo & hylobatids,
    - chimps & gorillas were African primates:
    Benveniste cs 1976 Nature 261:101
    Google "aquarboreal":
    1) early-Miocene Hominoidea already were BP=vertical waders-climbers in swamp forests: Hs & hylobatids are still BP,
    2) Mio-Pliocene Hominoidea lived along N-Tethys Ocean coasts: hylobatids & pongids are still Asian,
    3) we have always been waterside, cf. physiology, anatomy, brain++, stone tools, diet+DHA, island colonizations, intercontinental dispersals etc.etc.,
    4) E.Afr.apiths resemble Gorilla > Pan >> Homo, S.Afr.apiths resemble Pan > Gorilla > Homo (e.g. Hum.Evol.1994 & 1996).

    "Evolution of type C viral genes: evidence for an Asian origin of man"
    RE Benveniste & GJ Todaro 1976 Nature 261:101-8:
    OWMs & apes incl. man possess ... viro-genes related to baboon RNA ... comparison of the viral gene sequences & the other cellular sequences distinguishes those OWMs & apes that have evolved in Africa from those in Asia. Among the apes,
    - only gorilla & chimp seem by these criteria to be African,
    - gibbon, orang & man are identified as Asian:
    most of man's evolution has occurred outside Africa.

    IOW, only retarded PAs still believe they descend from African apiths.
    The facts are clear: the H/P LCA lived in swamp forests of the Red Sea:
    when the Red Sea opened into the Gulf (Francesca Mansfield: Zanclean mega-flood 5.33 Ma), Homo initially followed the S.Asian coast ->Java etc., Pan the E.Afr.coast ->Transvaal etc.

    Miocene aquarboreality largely explains hominoid anatomy:
    large size, tail loss, broad sternum-thorax-pelvis = lateral arm+leg movements, centrally-placed (not dorsally) vertical spine etc.
    Possible partial aquarboreal convergence: Nasalis? proboscis-monkeys (largest colobine, upright body, rel.long legs…) in mangrove forests climb, sit, wade bipedally, often arms overhead.

    Most likely scenario (book 2022 p.299-300):
    Plate Tectonics & Hominoid Splittings:
    ~30 Ma India approaching S-Asia formed island archipels with coastal forests++. ~25 Ma Catarrhini reaching these islands became wading bipedally + climbing arms overhead ->aquarboreal Hominoidea.
    ~20 Ma India further underneath Asia split hylobatids (E) & other=great apes (W), both branches followed the N-Tethys coastal forests (E vs W).
    ~15 Ma the Mesopotamian Seaway Closure (google) split pongids-sivapiths (E) & hominids-dryopiths (W: Medit.Sea + incipient Red Sea: swamp forests).
    ~8 Ma in Red Sea: N-Rift fm was followed by Gorilla ->Afar ->afarensis Lucy etc. ->boisei ->today G.gorilla & G.beringei.
    ~5 Ma the Red Sea opened ->Gulf (according to Francesca Mansfield caused by Zanclean mega-flood 5.33 Ma) split Homo & Pan:
    – Pan went right: E.Afr.coastal forests ->S-Rift ->Transvaal ->Au.africanus ->robustus (// Gorilla) -> today P.troglodytes & P.paniscus,
    – Homo went left: S.Asian coasts ->Java early-Pleist.H.erectus shallow-diving for shellfish: pachy-osteo-sclerosis (POS), DHA, brain++, stone tools, shell engravings google "Joordens Munro" etc.: mid-->late-Pleist.: diving->wading->walking.


    Nobody could provide 1 single little objection to this scenario!


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