• Reminder: Evolution

    From JTEM is so reasonable@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 26 22:52:25 2022
    So people like to credit some inbred, racist,
    classist plagiarist with "Inventing" or
    "Discovering" evolution, but none of that
    could be any further than the truth.

    First off, Darwin's subject wasn't evolution per
    se, it was "Common Descent." Darwin and his
    fellow inbred elitists thought of Common
    Descent as his property because his grandfather
    had been an advocate. But it had been around
    for a *Very* long time, and "Evolution" had always
    been a part of it:

    If a whale and a goat share a common ancestor
    then, clearly, one or both had "Evolved" a great
    deal since it's time.

    Darwin's one and only theory, what he actually
    believed in was what he called "Pangenesis." He
    plagiarized it from elsewhere -- lamarckism --
    while some sources will insist that Lamarck didn't
    originate it either. Both of these <ahem> "Different"
    theories were so close to the later Communist
    world's lysenkoism, which Stalin & company
    adopted BECAUSE they rejected evolution, that few
    can even tell them apart.

    So Darwin didn't believe in evolution. He wasn't a
    scientist either -- beginning something of a tradition
    for paleo anthropology... clearly.

    No, Darwin believed that if an animal had a run a lot,
    use it's leg muscles, their legs would produce "Big
    Leg Muscle Gemmules," and these "Gemmules"
    would travel down to the gonads, get passed to their
    offspring and the result would be an animal born
    with bigger leg muscles.

    Goddamn, that man was an idiot!

    So things have changed a great deal since Darwin
    first made the mistake of taking up "Common
    Descent," stealing other peoples ideas, advancing
    idiocy before finally setting back science a couple of
    decades within the English speaking world, by
    becoming the face of Naturalism and throwing away
    Mendel (who had actually cracked the mystery of

    It took 20 goddamn years for the English speaking
    world to correct Darwin's insane rejection of Mendel,
    putting us on the path to science. And even now,
    like 160 years after he first robbed Wallace of his
    rightful credit, we are STILL plagued with the fiction
    that is "Darwin." Yet, if some woman, a writer, didn't
    get everything about Aquatic Ape exactly right her
    first time out, some 50 years ago, then that "Proves"
    Out of Africa purity & savanna idiocy must be right...

    And why do morons claim that Elaine Morgan even
    came up with the idea in the first place? She didn't.
    She took it up, popularized it but she didn't come up
    with the idea.


    So this woman, Elaine Morgan, only had like 80x
    more smarts then the average savanna idiot, so
    she doesn't count. Aquatic Ape can't have been
    refined these past 50 years. Nope. That's not how
    science works, according to the blithering idiots. She
    got everything exactly right or it's all rubbish.

    This is the defense of dogma. It's enforcing a narrative.

    "War on the infidels!"

    Savanna idiocy is debunked. It didn't happen. Accept this
    fact and move on.

    -- --


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  • From littoral.homo@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 27 00:13:24 2022
    Op zondag 27 november 2022 om 07:52:26 UTC+1 schreef JTEM is so reasonable:
    It took 20 goddamn years for the English speaking
    world to correct Darwin's insane rejection of Mendel,

    It's goddamn already >50 yrs that I first read Elaine's "Descent of Woman", and those idiots are still running after their antelopes...

    Elaine was wrong in that she believed *it* happened some 5 Ma, when H & P split.
    Most likely, our frequently-diving phase was mostly or even wholly Pleistocene: - brain enlargement: DHA etc.
    - we acquired the enzymes medium->long-chain poly-unsaturated fatty acids only c 80 ka:
    until then we were partly dependent on marine foods.

    putting us on the path to science. And even now,
    like 160 years after he first robbed Wallace of his
    rightful credit, we are STILL plagued with the fiction
    that is "Darwin." Yet, if some woman, a writer, didn't
    get everything about Aquatic Ape exactly right her
    first time out, some 50 years ago, then that "Proves"
    Out of Africa purity & savanna idiocy must be right...
    And why do morons claim that Elaine Morgan even
    came up with the idea in the first place? She didn't.
    She took it up, popularized it but she didn't come up
    with the idea.

    Not only Hardy: from the introduction of my 2022 book:
    Die hypothese is nu al een eeuw oud. Al in de jaren 1920 dachten de professoren Gioacchino Sera (1878–1960) en Max Westenhoeffer of Westenhöfer (1871–1957), onafhankelijk van elkaar, dat wij afstammen van halve waterdieren. Ze merkten gelijkenissen
    met zeezoogdieren in nieren,(kidney) milt,(spleen) maagdenvlies,(hymen) appendix en vooral huid en haar. Zo hebben wij zoals de meeste waterzoogdieren heel wat wit vet onderhuids,(SC fat) maar verloren wij de vacht van de meeste landzoogdieren. Sera
    doceerde antropologie in Pavia, Milaan en Napels, in 1917 stichtte hij het eerste primatologische tijdschrift, schrijft professor Chiarelli, maar gaf dat op in 1924, toen hij blind werd. Westenhöfer was een Berlijnse arts, die naar Chili trok om daar de
    gezondheids-zorg te moderniseren, zijn leven en werk zijn mooi beschreven door Nicole Bender.
    Maar hun ideeën geraakten vergeten:(forgotten) klonken ze te ver-gezocht ? waren ze niet in het Engels geschreven? kwam de oorlog ertussen?
    In 1960 publiceerde Sir Alister Hardy (1896–1985), een bekend Brits zeebioloog toen, in het populair-weten-schappelijke weekblad The New Scientist zijn ophefmakende theorie over wadende en zwemmende voorouders. In 1962 zei Carl Sauer (1889–1975),
    een prof aardrijkskunde, dat de oermens op weg naar andere continenten de kusten volgde. Verbreiding in bredere kring kwam er in 1967 door twee bladzijden in "De Naakte Aap", de in mijn jonge jaren beruchte bestseller van Desmond Morris (1928–), een
    leerling van Nico Tinbergen en Alister Hardy in Oxford. Ook Morris’ latere tv-reeks en boek "De Aangeklede Aap" wijdden passages aan Hardy’s theorie, en in 2016 nog interviewde David Attenborough hem (en anderen, o.a. mij) over ons kust-verleden in
    een tweedelig radio-programma op BBC

    So this woman, Elaine Morgan, only had like 80x
    more smarts then the average savanna idiot, so
    she doesn't count. Aquatic Ape can't have been
    refined these past 50 years. Nope. That's not how
    science works, according to the blithering idiots. She
    got everything exactly right or it's all rubbish.

    This is the defense of dogma. It's enforcing a narrative.

    "War on the infidels!"

    Savanna idiocy is debunked. It didn't happen. Accept this
    fact and move on.


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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)