• macro/micro evolution

    From DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_l@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 5 15:29:42 2022

    348B. Wood and M. Grabowski
    in light of the recent discovery of the Oligocene catarrhine
    Rukwapithecus fleaglei
    that may be a basal hominoid (Stevens et al.2014). Langergraber et al. (2012) usedcomparative data about generation times and estimates of mutation rates and con-cluded that the date of the

    split is probably closer to 8 than to 5 Ma, butthe results of a recent analysis of a larger data set (Prado-Martinez et al.2014) thatused different assumptions suggest that it is closer to 5 Ma.Whole genomes can now be sequenced with acceptable levels
    of coverage, andin the last few years, researchers have published good-quality draft sequences ofthe genomes of the chimpanzee (TCSAC2005), orangutan (Locke et al.2011),gorilla (Scally et al.2012), and bonobo. Scally et al. (2012) sampled two
    westernlowland and one eastern lowland gorillas and showed that when considering theentire genome, the greatest number of similarities is between modern humans andchimpanzees, but in 30 % of the genome, gorillas are closer to modern humansand chimpanzees
    than they are to each other. This phenomenon is known asincomplete lineage sorting (ILS). The Prüfer et al. (2012) study showed that bono-bos and common chimpanzees are 99.7 % alike, yet 98.7 % of the bonobo genomeresembles that of modern humans. Prü
    fer et al. (2012) also found evidence ofILS in their study to the extent that
    .3 % of the modern human genome is moreclosely related to bonobos or to common chimpanzees than bonobos and commonchimpanzees are to each other, and they suggest that 25 % of all genes containevidence of ILS. That said, a recent comparative study of 79
    great ape genomesrepresenting all six species emphasized that the presence of genetically distinctpopulations within each great ape species (Prado-Martinez et al.2014) confirmsthat despite the effects of ILS, chimpanzees and bonobos are more closely
    relatedto modern humans than they are to gorillas. Thus, the comparative context of thehominin clade is the one set out in Fig.1.
    3 Criteria for Including Taxa Within the Hominin Clade
    The reasons for including the
    .7 Ma remains assigned to
    (Brunet et al.2002; Guy et al.2005), the
    .6 Ma remains assignedto
    Orrorin tugenensis
    (Senut et al.2001), the
    .5.8–5.2 Ma remains assignedto

    (Haile-Selassie2001,2004), and the
    .4.5–4.4 Maremains assigned to

    (White et al.1994,2009; White2010) in the hominin clade, differ according to what anatomical regions arerepresented. However, three common lines of evidence run through the claimsfor the hominin status of these taxa. The first involves a reduction in
    size and achange in morphology of the canines, which is linked with the partial or com-plete loss of upper canine/P
    honing and reduced canine sexual dimorphism. Thesecond involves the location and orientation of the foramen magnum and infer-ences about posture and gait. The third involves features of the pelvis and otherpreserved postcranial elements that imply a
    dependence on bipedalism. In eachcase, the assumption is that these character complexes and their inferred behav-iors are
    seen in the hominin clade.

    349Macroevolution in and Around the Hominin Clade
    The canine morphology that
    Ar. ramidus
    S. tchadensis
    share with laterhominins is the most convincing evidence to support their hominin status. But it isimportant to recognize that during the Late Miocene, a number of Eurasian homi-nids (e.g.,
    , and
    ) also developedsmaller canines and a reduction in canine–premolar honing. Presumably, thesewere parallel responses linked to analogous shifts in dietary behavior and there isno a priori reason to exclude the possibility that a similar behavioral and
    pheno-typic response could have occurred in at least one extinct African hominid clade.The anteriorly positioned and more horizontal foramen magnum seen inmodern humans and later hominins compared to the extant great apes has beenassumed to relate to the
    upright posture and bipedal locomotion of the former.However, comparisons with other primates suggest that these features may also belinked with differences in head carriage and relative brain size rather than uniquelywith bipedalism (Strait2001) and the
    differences in the position and orientation ofthe foramen magnum seen in bonobos and chimpanzees, and the overlap betweenthe morphology of bonobos and that of
    sug-gests that we should exercise caution before assuming that a relatively anteriorly
    Fig. 1
    Current consensus of the phylogenetic relationships and splitting times within the great apeclade. The only Asian great ape, the orangutan (
    ), which is likely to have split off from theAfrican great apes
    .11 million years, diverged into the Bornean (
    Pongo pygmaeus
    ) and Sumatran(
    Pongo abelii
    ) orangs
    .1 million years ago. There have been two major and two minor splits inthe African ape clade. The first major splitting event, the one leading to gorillas, occurred
    .8 mil-lion years ago. The second, leading to modern humans, occurred
    .6 million years ago. The splitwithin gorillas, into mountain (
    Gorilla beringei
    ) and lowland (
    Gorilla gorilla
    ), occurred
    .2.5 mil-lion years ago. The split within chimpanzees occurred
    .2 million years ago when the Congo Riverdivided the ancestral chimpanzee population into bonobos (
    Pan paniscus
    ) to the south and commonchimpanzees (
    Pan troglodytes
    ) to the north. The details of the subspecies, along with the timing ofany splits, are more conjectural. Figure courtesy of Adam Gordon. Evidence for the phylogeneticrelationships within the extant great ape genera is drawn from a variety of sources (
    : Groves2005; Gonder et al. 2011;
    : Groves2001; Scally et al.2012;
    : Brandon-Jones et al.2004; Singleton et al.2004; Locke et al.2011; Prado-Martinez et al.2014)

    350B. Wood and M. Grabowski
    positioned and more horizontal foramen magnum is linked exclusively with theadoption of habitual bipedalism.The postcranial evidence for bipedalism in
    Ardipithecus kadabba
    mainlyinvolves the morphology of a proximal pedal phalanx (presumed to belong to
    but from an older geological horizon and with no associated craniodentalremains), whereas in
    O. tugenensis
    , the evidence mainly involves the morphologyof the proximal femur. The case for the femur being that of a committed bipedis much stronger than the case for the pedal phalanx. The claim that

    was a biped is mainly based on highly speculative inferences about the presenceof lumbar lordosis and on a few features of the pelvis and foot, but the claimsare either based on questionable reconstructions, or they involve characters whoselink to
    habitual bipedalism has yet to be convincingly demonstrated.Researchers that support hominin status for
    S. tchadensis
    O. tugenensis

    , and
    Ar. ramidus
    do so on the assumption that within the great apes, caninehoning and bipedalism are
    to the hominin clade. We believe that theirassumption is a logical fallacy. For even if all hominins are bipedal and lack caninehoning, the converse proposition–that among the great apes bipedalism and the lossof canine honing are confined to the
    hominin clade–is not a logical corollary.How strong are the cases for each of the four taxa being hominins? The argu-ment for including

    in the hominin clade at the present time is a par-ticularly weak one. Its teeth are apelike, and because of the sparse fossil record,there is not enough evidence to be sure it is a committed biped. As for
    O. tugenen-sis
    , although the external morphology of the proximal femur is consistent with itbeing bipedal, the evidence from the internal morphology of the femoral neck isequivocal. The morphological evidence that
    S. tchadensis
    Ar. ramidus
    shouldbe included in the hominin clade is stronger, but is not compelling for either taxon.In addition, their age is against them being hominins. In the case of
    S. tchadensis,
    if the more recent splitting
    .5 Ma times are correct, then if it is
    .7 Ma it is tooearly for it to be the stem hominin. In the case of
    Ar. ramidus
    , if both it and the
    .4.2 Ma
    Australopithecus anamensis
    are lineal ancestors of later hominins, as itsdiscoverers claim, then there is simply too little time for the cranial and postcranialmorphology of the former to evolve into the latter. Also, if the 3.4 Ma foot with anabducted hallux from the Burtele
    locality at Woranso-Mille belongs to
    Ar. ramidus
    ,then the “ancestral” scenario is even less likely. Thus, for these reasons, one of ushas referred to
    S. tchadensis
    O. tugenensis

    , and
    Ar. ramidus
    as “pos-sible hominins” (e.g., Wood2010) and this is how we refer to them in this review

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From littoral.homo@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 5 22:57:13 2022
    ALL hominoids had more bipedal ancestors:
    wading upright + climbing arms overhead in swamp forests:
    bipedality does NOT discern "hominin" from other hominids or hominoids.
    Apiths were closer relatives of Pan or Gorilla than of Homo.
    Most likely,
    - E.Afr.apiths (Lucy cs) were a fossil subgenus of Gorilla,
    - S.Afr.apiths (Taung cs), of Pan.
    Google "aquarboreal".


    Op donderdag 6 oktober 2022 om 00:29:44 UTC+2 schreef DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_loves:
    348B. Wood and M. Grabowski
    in light of the recent discovery of the Oligocene catarrhine
    Rukwapithecus fleaglei
    that may be a basal hominoid (Stevens et al.2014). Langergraber et al. (2012) usedcomparative data about generation times and estimates of mutation rates and con-cluded that the date of the

    split is probably closer to 8 than to 5 Ma, butthe results of a recent analysis of a larger data set (Prado-Martinez et al.2014) thatused different assumptions suggest that it is closer to 5 Ma.Whole genomes can now be sequenced with acceptable levels
    of coverage, andin the last few years, researchers have published good-quality draft sequences ofthe genomes of the chimpanzee (TCSAC2005), orangutan (Locke et al.2011),gorilla (Scally et al.2012), and bonobo. Scally et al. (2012) sampled two
    westernlowland and one eastern lowland gorillas and showed that when considering theentire genome, the greatest number of similarities is between modern humans andchimpanzees, but in 30 % of the genome, gorillas are closer to modern humansand chimpanzees
    than they are to each other. This phenomenon is known asincomplete lineage sorting (ILS). The Prüfer et al. (2012) study showed that bono-bos and common chimpanzees are 99.7 % alike, yet 98.7 % of the bonobo genomeresembles that of modern humans. Prü
    fer et al. (2012) also found evidence ofILS in their study to the extent that
    .3 % of the modern human genome is moreclosely related to bonobos or to common chimpanzees than bonobos and commonchimpanzees are to each other, and they suggest that 25 % of all genes containevidence of ILS. That said, a recent comparative study of 79
    great ape genomesrepresenting all six species emphasized that the presence of genetically distinctpopulations within each great ape species (Prado-Martinez et al.2014) confirmsthat despite the effects of ILS, chimpanzees and bonobos are more closely
    relatedto modern humans than they are to gorillas. Thus, the comparative context of thehominin clade is the one set out in Fig.1.
    3 Criteria for Including Taxa Within the Hominin Clade
    The reasons for including the
    .7 Ma remains assigned to
    (Brunet et al.2002; Guy et al.2005), the
    .6 Ma remains assignedto
    Orrorin tugenensis
    (Senut et al.2001), the
    .5.8–5.2 Ma remains assignedto

    (Haile-Selassie2001,2004), and the
    .4.5–4.4 Maremains assigned to

    (White et al.1994,2009; White2010) in the hominin clade, differ according to what anatomical regions arerepresented. However, three common lines of evidence run through the claimsfor the hominin status of these taxa. The first involves a reduction in
    size and achange in morphology of the canines, which is linked with the partial or com-plete loss of upper canine/P
    honing and reduced canine sexual dimorphism. Thesecond involves the location and orientation of the foramen magnum and infer-ences about posture and gait. The third involves features of the pelvis and otherpreserved postcranial elements that imply a
    dependence on bipedalism. In eachcase, the assumption is that these character complexes and their inferred behav-iors are
    seen in the hominin clade.

    349Macroevolution in and Around the Hominin Clade
    The canine morphology that
    Ar. ramidus
    S. tchadensis
    share with laterhominins is the most convincing evidence to support their hominin status. But it isimportant to recognize that during the Late Miocene, a number of Eurasian homi-nids (e.g.,
    , and
    ) also developedsmaller canines and a reduction in canine–premolar honing. Presumably, thesewere parallel responses linked to analogous shifts in dietary behavior and there isno a priori reason to exclude the possibility that a similar behavioral and
    pheno-typic response could have occurred in at least one extinct African hominid clade.The anteriorly positioned and more horizontal foramen magnum seen inmodern humans and later hominins compared to the extant great apes has beenassumed to relate to the
    upright posture and bipedal locomotion of the former.However, comparisons with other primates suggest that these features may also belinked with differences in head carriage and relative brain size rather than uniquelywith bipedalism (Strait2001) and the
    differences in the position and orientation ofthe foramen magnum seen in bonobos and chimpanzees, and the overlap betweenthe morphology of bonobos and that of
    sug-gests that we should exercise caution before assuming that a relatively anteriorly
    Fig. 1
    Current consensus of the phylogenetic relationships and splitting times within the great apeclade. The only Asian great ape, the orangutan (
    ), which is likely to have split off from theAfrican great apes
    .11 million years, diverged into the Bornean (
    Pongo pygmaeus
    ) and Sumatran(
    Pongo abelii
    ) orangs
    .1 million years ago. There have been two major and two minor splits inthe African ape clade. The first major splitting event, the one leading to gorillas, occurred
    .8 mil-lion years ago. The second, leading to modern humans, occurred
    .6 million years ago. The splitwithin gorillas, into mountain (
    Gorilla beringei
    ) and lowland (
    Gorilla gorilla
    ), occurred
    .2.5 mil-lion years ago. The split within chimpanzees occurred
    .2 million years ago when the Congo Riverdivided the ancestral chimpanzee population into bonobos (
    Pan paniscus
    ) to the south and commonchimpanzees (
    Pan troglodytes
    ) to the north. The details of the subspecies, along with the timing ofany splits, are more conjectural. Figure courtesy of Adam Gordon. Evidence for the phylogeneticrelationships within the extant great ape genera is drawn from a variety of sources (
    : Groves2005; Gonder et al. 2011;
    : Groves2001; Scally et al.2012;
    : Brandon-Jones et al.2004; Singleton et al.2004; Locke et al.2011; Prado-Martinez et al.2014)

    350B. Wood and M. Grabowski
    positioned and more horizontal foramen magnum is linked exclusively with theadoption of habitual bipedalism.The postcranial evidence for bipedalism in
    Ardipithecus kadabba
    mainlyinvolves the morphology of a proximal pedal phalanx (presumed to belong to
    but from an older geological horizon and with no associated craniodentalremains), whereas in
    O. tugenensis
    , the evidence mainly involves the morphologyof the proximal femur. The case for the femur being that of a committed bipedis much stronger than the case for the pedal phalanx. The claim that

    was a biped is mainly based on highly speculative inferences about the presenceof lumbar lordosis and on a few features of the pelvis and foot, but the claimsare either based on questionable reconstructions, or they involve characters whoselink to
    habitual bipedalism has yet to be convincingly demonstrated.Researchers that support hominin status for
    S. tchadensis
    O. tugenensis

    , and
    Ar. ramidus
    do so on the assumption that within the great apes, caninehoning and bipedalism are
    to the hominin clade. We believe that theirassumption is a logical fallacy. For even if all hominins are bipedal and lack caninehoning, the converse proposition–that among the great apes bipedalism and the lossof canine honing are confined to the
    hominin clade–is not a logical corollary.How strong are the cases for each of the four taxa being hominins? The argu-ment for including

    in the hominin clade at the present time is a par-ticularly weak one. Its teeth are apelike, and because of the sparse fossil record,there is not enough evidence to be sure it is a committed biped. As for
    O. tugenen-sis
    , although the external morphology of the proximal femur is consistent with itbeing bipedal, the evidence from the internal morphology of the femoral neck isequivocal. The morphological evidence that
    S. tchadensis
    Ar. ramidus
    shouldbe included in the hominin clade is stronger, but is not compelling for either taxon.In addition, their age is against them being hominins. In the case of
    S. tchadensis,
    if the more recent splitting
    .5 Ma times are correct, then if it is
    .7 Ma it is tooearly for it to be the stem hominin. In the case of
    Ar. ramidus
    , if both it and the
    .4.2 Ma
    Australopithecus anamensis
    are lineal ancestors of later hominins, as itsdiscoverers claim, then there is simply too little time for the cranial and postcranialmorphology of the former to evolve into the latter. Also, if the 3.4 Ma foot with anabducted hallux from the Burtele
    locality at Woranso-Mille belongs to
    Ar. ramidus
    ,then the “ancestral” scenario is even less likely. Thus, for these reasons, one of ushas referred to
    S. tchadensis
    O. tugenensis

    , and
    Ar. ramidus
    as “pos-sible hominins” (e.g., Wood2010) and this is how we refer to them in this review

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is so reasonable@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 6 18:20:34 2022
    DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_loves wrote:

    split is probably closer to 8 than to 5 Ma

    So we're only missing 7.5 million years worth of fossils, and even then the only
    half million year old fossils are teeth...

    butthe results of a recent analysis of a larger data set (Prado-Martinez et al.2014) thatused different assumptions
    suggest that it is closer to 5 Ma.

    In which case there's "Only" 4.5 million years worth of missing fossils...

    Whole genomes can now be sequenced with acceptable levels of coverage

    From 8 million years ago or only 5 million years? How old is this DNA that they're

    What you're doing is establishing the reliance on a non-existing molecular clock.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_l@21:1/5 to littor...@gmail.com on Fri Oct 7 14:09:03 2022
    On Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 1:57:15 AM UTC-4, littor...@gmail.com wrote:
    ALL hominoids had more bipedal ancestors:

    In trees, all are bipedal.
    Gibbons never waded.

    wading upright + climbing arms overhead in swamp forests:
    bipedality does NOT discern "hominin" from other hominids or hominoids. Apiths were closer relatives of Pan or Gorilla than of Homo.
    Most likely,
    - E.Afr.apiths (Lucy cs) were a fossil subgenus of Gorilla,
    - S.Afr.apiths (Taung cs), of Pan.
    Google "aquarboreal".


    Op donderdag 6 oktober 2022 om 00:29:44 UTC+2 schreef DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_loves:
    348B. Wood and M. Grabowski
    in light of the recent discovery of the Oligocene catarrhine
    Rukwapithecus fleaglei
    that may be a basal hominoid (Stevens et al.2014). Langergraber et al. (2012) usedcomparative data about generation times and estimates of mutation rates and con-cluded that the date of the

    split is probably closer to 8 than to 5 Ma, butthe results of a recent analysis of a larger data set (Prado-Martinez et al.2014) thatused different assumptions suggest that it is closer to 5 Ma.Whole genomes can now be sequenced with acceptable
    levels of coverage, andin the last few years, researchers have published good-quality draft sequences ofthe genomes of the chimpanzee (TCSAC2005), orangutan (Locke et al.2011),gorilla (Scally et al.2012), and bonobo. Scally et al. (2012) sampled two
    westernlowland and one eastern lowland gorillas and showed that when considering theentire genome, the greatest number of similarities is between modern humans andchimpanzees, but in 30 % of the genome, gorillas are closer to modern humansand chimpanzees
    than they are to each other. This phenomenon is known asincomplete lineage sorting (ILS). The Prüfer et al. (2012) study showed that bono-bos and common chimpanzees are 99.7 % alike, yet 98.7 % of the bonobo genomeresembles that of modern humans. Prü
    fer et al. (2012) also found evidence ofILS in their study to the extent that
    .3 % of the modern human genome is moreclosely related to bonobos or to common chimpanzees than bonobos and commonchimpanzees are to each other, and they suggest that 25 % of all genes containevidence of ILS. That said, a recent comparative study of
    79 great ape genomesrepresenting all six species emphasized that the presence of genetically distinctpopulations within each great ape species (Prado-Martinez et al.2014) confirmsthat despite the effects of ILS, chimpanzees and bonobos are more closely
    relatedto modern humans than they are to gorillas. Thus, the comparative context of thehominin clade is the one set out in Fig.1.
    3 Criteria for Including Taxa Within the Hominin Clade
    The reasons for including the
    .7 Ma remains assigned to
    (Brunet et al.2002; Guy et al.2005), the
    .6 Ma remains assignedto
    Orrorin tugenensis
    (Senut et al.2001), the
    .5.8–5.2 Ma remains assignedto

    (Haile-Selassie2001,2004), and the
    .4.5–4.4 Maremains assigned to

    (White et al.1994,2009; White2010) in the hominin clade, differ according to what anatomical regions arerepresented. However, three common lines of evidence run through the claimsfor the hominin status of these taxa. The first involves a reduction
    in size and achange in morphology of the canines, which is linked with the partial or com-plete loss of upper canine/P
    honing and reduced canine sexual dimorphism. Thesecond involves the location and orientation of the foramen magnum and infer-ences about posture and gait. The third involves features of the pelvis and otherpreserved postcranial elements that imply a
    dependence on bipedalism. In eachcase, the assumption is that these character complexes and their inferred behav-iors are
    seen in the hominin clade.

    349Macroevolution in and Around the Hominin Clade
    The canine morphology that
    Ar. ramidus
    S. tchadensis
    share with laterhominins is the most convincing evidence to support their hominin status. But it isimportant to recognize that during the Late Miocene, a number of Eurasian homi-nids (e.g.,
    , and
    ) also developedsmaller canines and a reduction in canine–premolar honing. Presumably, thesewere parallel responses linked to analogous shifts in dietary behavior and there isno a priori reason to exclude the possibility that a similar behavioral
    and pheno-typic response could have occurred in at least one extinct African hominid clade.The anteriorly positioned and more horizontal foramen magnum seen inmodern humans and later hominins compared to the extant great apes has beenassumed to relate to
    the upright posture and bipedal locomotion of the former.However, comparisons with other primates suggest that these features may also belinked with differences in head carriage and relative brain size rather than uniquelywith bipedalism (Strait2001) and
    the differences in the position and orientation ofthe foramen magnum seen in bonobos and chimpanzees, and the overlap betweenthe morphology of bonobos and that of
    sug-gests that we should exercise caution before assuming that a relatively anteriorly
    Fig. 1
    Current consensus of the phylogenetic relationships and splitting times within the great apeclade. The only Asian great ape, the orangutan (
    ), which is likely to have split off from theAfrican great apes
    .11 million years, diverged into the Bornean (
    Pongo pygmaeus
    ) and Sumatran(
    Pongo abelii
    ) orangs
    .1 million years ago. There have been two major and two minor splits inthe African ape clade. The first major splitting event, the one leading to gorillas, occurred
    .8 mil-lion years ago. The second, leading to modern humans, occurred
    .6 million years ago. The splitwithin gorillas, into mountain (
    Gorilla beringei
    ) and lowland (
    Gorilla gorilla
    ), occurred
    .2.5 mil-lion years ago. The split within chimpanzees occurred
    .2 million years ago when the Congo Riverdivided the ancestral chimpanzee population into bonobos (
    Pan paniscus
    ) to the south and commonchimpanzees (
    Pan troglodytes
    ) to the north. The details of the subspecies, along with the timing ofany splits, are more conjectural. Figure courtesy of Adam Gordon. Evidence for the phylogeneticrelationships within the extant great ape genera is drawn from a variety of sources (

    : Groves2005; Gonder et al. 2011;
    : Groves2001; Scally et al.2012;
    : Brandon-Jones et al.2004; Singleton et al.2004; Locke et al.2011; Prado-Martinez et al.2014)

    350B. Wood and M. Grabowski
    positioned and more horizontal foramen magnum is linked exclusively with theadoption of habitual bipedalism.The postcranial evidence for bipedalism in
    Ardipithecus kadabba
    mainlyinvolves the morphology of a proximal pedal phalanx (presumed to belong to
    but from an older geological horizon and with no associated craniodentalremains), whereas in
    O. tugenensis
    , the evidence mainly involves the morphologyof the proximal femur. The case for the femur being that of a committed bipedis much stronger than the case for the pedal phalanx. The claim that

    was a biped is mainly based on highly speculative inferences about the presenceof lumbar lordosis and on a few features of the pelvis and foot, but the claimsare either based on questionable reconstructions, or they involve characters whoselink to
    habitual bipedalism has yet to be convincingly demonstrated.Researchers that support hominin status for
    S. tchadensis
    O. tugenensis

    , and
    Ar. ramidus
    do so on the assumption that within the great apes, caninehoning and bipedalism are
    to the hominin clade. We believe that theirassumption is a logical fallacy. For even if all hominins are bipedal and lack caninehoning, the converse proposition–that among the great apes bipedalism and the lossof canine honing are confined to the
    hominin clade–is not a logical corollary.How strong are the cases for each of the four taxa being hominins? The argu-ment for including

    in the hominin clade at the present time is a par-ticularly weak one. Its teeth are apelike, and because of the sparse fossil record,there is not enough evidence to be sure it is a committed biped. As for
    O. tugenen-sis
    , although the external morphology of the proximal femur is consistent with itbeing bipedal, the evidence from the internal morphology of the femoral neck isequivocal. The morphological evidence that
    S. tchadensis
    Ar. ramidus
    shouldbe included in the hominin clade is stronger, but is not compelling for either taxon.In addition, their age is against them being hominins. In the case of
    S. tchadensis,
    if the more recent splitting
    .5 Ma times are correct, then if it is
    .7 Ma it is tooearly for it to be the stem hominin. In the case of
    Ar. ramidus
    , if both it and the
    .4.2 Ma
    Australopithecus anamensis
    are lineal ancestors of later hominins, as itsdiscoverers claim, then there is simply too little time for the cranial and postcranialmorphology of the former to evolve into the latter. Also, if the 3.4 Ma foot with anabducted hallux from the Burtele
    locality at Woranso-Mille belongs to
    Ar. ramidus
    ,then the “ancestral” scenario is even less likely. Thus, for these reasons, one of ushas referred to
    S. tchadensis
    O. tugenensis

    , and
    Ar. ramidus
    as “pos-sible hominins” (e.g., Wood2010) and this is how we refer to them in this review

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is so reasonable@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 7 16:40:10 2022
    DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_loves wrote:

    In trees, all are bipedal.
    Gibbons never waded.

    Which is insane of you to say, because you posit an arboreal origins yet no humans are arboreal. So how is it an none arboreal species can result in a
    non arboreal descendent yet an arboreal species can only ever have arboreal ancestors?

    That went over your head, like much of the English language, so let's try this:

    The ancestor to Chimps was bipedal. Chimps have evolved AWAY from
    bipedal locomotion, and adopted knuckle walking, AFTER their split from the human line. So even the likes of you can see that what exists today does not have to have the slightest bearing on what existed in the past. Assuming you have taken your meds and you're not currently experiencing any episodes...

    You're a religious crank. This has all been pointed out to you in the past and you reject it, refuse to incorporate any of it into an argument, because it conflicts with your dogma. So you just ignore it, and repeat your dogma.

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