• Animals that detect approaching disasters

    From Paul Crowley@21:1/5 to All on Thu Feb 24 14:01:28 2022

    If hominins had evolved on the coast,
    their death rate from the occasional
    tsunami would be high. So surely they'd
    have evolved this disaster-detection
    capacity to a higher degree than most
    mammals? And they'd be at the top of
    this list?

    They clearly aren't. Their disaster-
    detection faculties are minimal or

    Is that the end of all Coastal Hominin

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  • From I Envy JTEM@21:1/5 to Paul Crowley on Thu Feb 24 17:30:05 2022
    , Paul Crowley wrote:

    If hominins had evolved on the coast,
    their death rate from the occasional
    tsunami would be high. So surely they'd
    have evolved this disaster-detection
    capacity to a higher degree than most

    You're describing Intelligent Design, not evolution.

    Things don't happen simply because they would be
    convenient. If they did, why wouldn't the all the deer
    & stuff just evolve bigger brains so they can out
    smart the hunters? Maybe turn the tables on them,
    hunt the hunted?

    There's a great many factors here, the most obvious
    being that they were interbreeding with inland
    populations. It's what kept up one species, it was
    the conduit which moved DNA from continent to

    The sea also supports a larger population density than
    inland hunter gathering. So they just didn't need it

    -- --


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