From Puckdropper@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 15 05:11:43 2024
Man that Ridgid TS3650 is nice! I don't know if it's still made, you guys
here sold me on one. After several years of not being able to use it, I
was finally able to pull it out of storage and start making cuts. Wow,
it's nice.
Now if something could be done about that miter gauge. There was no way,
no way, that miter gauge would ever have held the angle. Too much slop in
the slots, which seems to be a table saw thing. Is there a simple and inexpensive commercial solution?
I just picked up a couple roller stands to help with outfeed support.
IIRC, the trouble using them was they didn't stay in place when the board approached. Maybe a little lower setting and a cinder block on the front
leg? What do you guys think?