My son has given me some home depot gift cards, which I have a hard time >redeeming. I already have a boatload of dewalt tools and I >don't want to >waste a gift card on air conditioner filters. I had the idea to see what >they have in chisels - not expecting much. I found sets >of Stanley 750 >socket chisels listed as "made in sheffield, England". $90 for a set of >four. If these are the real deal, its a decent buy. I >ordered a set.
My son has given me some home depot gift cards, which I have a hard time redeeming. I already have a boatload of dewalt tools and I don't want to waste a gift card on air conditioner filters. I had the idea to see what they have in chisels - notexpecting much. I found sets of Stanley 750 socket chisels listed as "made in sheffield, England". $90 for a set of four. If these are the real deal, its a decent buy. I ordered a set.
On Wed, 12 Jan 2022 18:04:38 -0800 (PST), Bob Davisexpecting much. I found sets of Stanley 750 socket chisels listed as "made in sheffield, England". $90 for a set of four. If these are the real deal, its a decent buy. I ordered a set.
<> wrote:
My son has given me some home depot gift cards, which I have a hard time redeeming. I already have a boatload of dewalt tools and I don't want to waste a gift card on air conditioner filters. I had the idea to see what they have in chisels - not
Looking at the reviews (both HD and elsewhere), some report that
they're good chisels and easy to sharpen. Others report that while
they come sharp, they take a lot of work to flatten and sharpen right. Report back.
On Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:09:24 -0800 (PST), Bob Davis
<> wrote:
Not really relevant but why make them in Sheffield England instead of
the US, as the originals were. I wouldn't have thought that the UK
would be cheaper. Sheffield does have the reputation but they don't
seem to be pushing it.
On Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 10:10:47 PM UTC-6, wrote: >> On Wed, 12 Jan 2022 18:04:38 -0800 (PST), Bob Davisexpecting much. I found sets of Stanley 750 socket chisels listed as "made in sheffield, England". $90 for a set of four. If these are the real deal, its a decent buy. I ordered a set.
<> wrote:
My son has given me some home depot gift cards, which I have a hard time redeeming. I already have a boatload of dewalt tools and I don't want to waste a gift card on air conditioner filters. I had the idea to see what they have in chisels - not
Looking at the reviews (both HD and elsewhere), some report that
they're good chisels and easy to sharpen. Others report that while
they come sharp, they take a lot of work to flatten and sharpen right.
Report back.
This article in finewoodworking convinced me to at least try them. It is 10 years old but might still apply. It has some interesting history.
On Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:09:24 -0800 (PST), Bob Davisexpecting much. I found sets of Stanley 750 socket chisels listed as "made in sheffield, England". $90 for a set of four. If these are the real deal, its a decent buy. I ordered a set.
<> wrote:
On Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 10:10:47 PM UTC-6, wrote:
On Wed, 12 Jan 2022 18:04:38 -0800 (PST), Bob Davis
<> wrote:
My son has given me some home depot gift cards, which I have a hard time redeeming. I already have a boatload of dewalt tools and I don't want to waste a gift card on air conditioner filters. I had the idea to see what they have in chisels - not
Looking at the reviews (both HD and elsewhere), some report that
they're good chisels and easy to sharpen. Others report that while
they come sharp, they take a lot of work to flatten and sharpen right.
Report back.
This article in finewoodworking convinced me to at least try them. It is 10 years old but might still apply. It has some interesting history. wouldn't give a review from eleven years ago full confidence. Many
things have been cheapened over the years.
While some of the online product reviews say the backs are so wavy
that the tools aren't worth the time, more give them a good, four or
five star, review. Of course, one has to read what's said to see if
the review is meaningful.
Not really relevant but why make them in Sheffield England instead of
the US, as the originals were. I wouldn't have thought that the UK
would be cheaper. Sheffield does have the reputation but they don't
seem to be pushing it.
I agree with you, for the price, they seem to be worth a shot. Let us
know how they turn out.
On Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 12:30:22 PM UTC-6, wrote:expecting much. I found sets of Stanley 750 socket chisels listed as "made in sheffield, England". $90 for a set of four. If these are the real deal, its a decent buy. I ordered a set.
On Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:09:24 -0800 (PST), Bob Davis
<> wrote:
On Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 10:10:47 PM UTC-6, wrote:
On Wed, 12 Jan 2022 18:04:38 -0800 (PST), Bob Davis
<> wrote:
My son has given me some home depot gift cards, which I have a hard time redeeming. I already have a boatload of dewalt tools and I don't want to waste a gift card on air conditioner filters. I had the idea to see what they have in chisels - not
minutes of hand work on each chisel would make them outstanding.I wouldn't give a review from eleven years ago full confidence. ManyLooking at the reviews (both HD and elsewhere), some report that
they're good chisels and easy to sharpen. Others report that while
they come sharp, they take a lot of work to flatten and sharpen right.
Report back.
This article in finewoodworking convinced me to at least try them. It is 10 years old but might still apply. It has some interesting history.
things have been cheapened over the years.
While some of the online product reviews say the backs are so wavy
that the tools aren't worth the time, more give them a good, four or
five star, review. Of course, one has to read what's said to see if
the review is meaningful.
Not really relevant but why make them in Sheffield England instead of
the US, as the originals were. I wouldn't have thought that the UK
would be cheaper. Sheffield does have the reputation but they don't
seem to be pushing it.
I agree with you, for the price, they seem to be worth a shot. Let us
know how they turn out.
The order was ready at my local home depot 4 days after I ordered it. So here's my observations:
1. The included leather tool wrap is amazing quality. Lie Nielson would be proud to include this with their chisels.
2. I hoped for a set of chisels that are well made and can be hand honed to top quality. That seems to be exactly what I got. The blades are factory ground on all edges and well finished. The blades are pretty sharp right out of the box. I think 30-60
3. At this price, the chisels are excellent value.
4. The shape is really good, IMO.
With all these good words, I have decided to return them. Huh? The one detractor is that the side edges of the blades are pretty thick. I do not hand cut dovetails and these are just fine for everyday use. I've been getting along with hand sharpened1973 Craftsman chisels since they were new. This set will probably be the last set of chisels I ever buy and I decided to go for top shelf. Lie Nielson and Lee Valley are out of stock on everything. Lie Nielson has stopped production on some chisels.
Craftsman from that age made some more than decent tools. I wish I
still had my wrenches and sockets. I have a stainless screwdriver set
from the early '70s that are pretty good.
On Sun, 23 Jan 2022 07:01:39 -0500, 10x <> wrote:
On Jan 22, 2022, wrote
(in article<>):
Craftsman from that age made some more than decent tools. I wish I
still had my wrenches and sockets. I have a stainless screwdriver set
from the early '70s that are pretty good.
I bought my first set of Craftsman® tools when I was in the Navy, and >stationed in Pensacola, FL back in1971. They were purchased as a set >consisting of something like 200 pieces, where every Allen wrench, etc. was >counted as a piece along with the included steel tool box.That sort of thing was common. Still is but it's pretty clear that
they're playing that game.
I’m proud to say that they are all still in my possession, minus one or twoI lost wrenches constantly. I'm sure I left them where I was working. Probably under the hood. I don't much anymore because I buy HF crap.
misplaced Allen wrenches over the years, and still serving me well.
It's not worth losing.
I wonder if the Craftsman® brand carried by Lowes is anywhere near the sameNot a chance. It's the same Chinese junk as HF sells, for 4x the
On Jan 22, 2022, wrote
(in article<>):
Craftsman from that age made some more than decent tools. I wish I
still had my wrenches and sockets. I have a stainless screwdriver set
from the early '70s that are pretty good.
I bought my first set of Craftsman® tools when I was in the Navy, and >stationed in Pensacola, FL back in1971. They were purchased as a set >consisting of something like 200 pieces, where every Allen wrench, etc. was >counted as a piece along with the included steel tool box.
I’m proud to say that they are all still in my possession, minus one or two >misplaced Allen wrenches over the years, and still serving me well.
I wonder if the Craftsman® brand carried by Lowes is anywhere near the same >quality?
On Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 12:30:22 PM UTC-6, wrote:
With all these good words, I have decided to return them. Huh? The one det= >ractor is that the side edges of the blades are pretty thick. I do not han= >d cut dovetails and these are just fine for everyday use. I've been getting=
along with hand sharpened 1973 Craftsman chisels since they were new. Thi=
s set will probably be the last set of chisels I ever buy and I decided to = >go for top shelf. Lie Nielson and Lee Valley are out of stock on everythin= >g. Lie Nielson has stopped production on some chisels. So what to do? Infi= >nity tools had some Narex Richter chisel sets in stock and I ordered one.
Bob Davis <> writes:
On Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 12:30:22 PM UTC-6, wrote:
With all these good words, I have decided to return them. Huh? The one det= >>ractor is that the side edges of the blades are pretty thick. I do not han= >>d cut dovetails and these are just fine for everyday use. I've been getting= >> along with hand sharpened 1973 Craftsman chisels since they were new. Thi= >>s set will probably be the last set of chisels I ever buy and I decided to = >>go for top shelf. Lie Nielson and Lee Valley are out of stock on everythin= >>g. Lie Nielson has stopped production on some chisels. So what to do? Infi= >>nity tools had some Narex Richter chisel sets in stock and I ordered one.
I make a habit of stopping at any antique store I pass, I've found dozens
of high-quality chisels for a few dollars apiece. Flea markets are also
a good source, as are some of the more reputable tool dealers like Pat Leach >or Pete Neiderberger.
Granted, you're not likely to find a matched set, and the handles will show >wear, but function over form, right?
I lost wrenches constantly. I'm sure I left them where I was working. Probably under the hood. I don't much anymore because I buy HF crap.
It's not worth losing.
On Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 12:30:22 PM UTC-6, wrote:expecting much. I found sets of Stanley 750 socket chisels listed as "made in sheffield, England". $90 for a set of four. If these are the real deal, its a decent buy. I ordered a set.
On Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:09:24 -0800 (PST), Bob Davis
<> wrote:
On Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 10:10:47 PM UTC-6, wrote:
On Wed, 12 Jan 2022 18:04:38 -0800 (PST), Bob Davis
<> wrote:
My son has given me some home depot gift cards, which I have a hard time redeeming. I already have a boatload of dewalt tools and I don't want to waste a gift card on air conditioner filters. I had the idea to see what they have in chisels - not
minutes of hand work on each chisel would make them outstanding.Looking at the reviews (both HD and elsewhere), some report that
they're good chisels and easy to sharpen. Others report that while
they come sharp, they take a lot of work to flatten and sharpen right. >> Report back.
This article in finewoodworking convinced me to at least try them. It is 10 years old but might still apply. It has some interesting history. wouldn't give a review from eleven years ago full confidence. Many things have been cheapened over the years.
While some of the online product reviews say the backs are so wavy
that the tools aren't worth the time, more give them a good, four or
five star, review. Of course, one has to read what's said to see if
the review is meaningful.
Not really relevant but why make them in Sheffield England instead of
the US, as the originals were. I wouldn't have thought that the UK
would be cheaper. Sheffield does have the reputation but they don't
seem to be pushing it.
I agree with you, for the price, they seem to be worth a shot. Let usThe order was ready at my local home depot 4 days after I ordered it. So here's my observations:
know how they turn out.
1. The included leather tool wrap is amazing quality. Lie Nielson would be proud to include this with their chisels.
2. I hoped for a set of chisels that are well made and can be hand honed to top quality. That seems to be exactly what I got. The blades are factory ground on all edges and well finished. The blades are pretty sharp right out of the box. I think 30-60
3. At this price, the chisels are excellent value.1973 Craftsman chisels since they were new. This set will probably be the last set of chisels I ever buy and I decided to go for top shelf. Lie Nielson and Lee Valley are out of stock on everything. Lie Nielson has stopped production on some chisels. So
4. The shape is really good, IMO.
With all these good words, I have decided to return them. Huh? The one detractor is that the side edges of the blades are pretty thick. I do not hand cut dovetails and these are just fine for everyday use. I've been getting along with hand sharpened
Bob wrote in
I lost wrenches constantly. I'm sure I left them where I was working.
Probably under the hood. I don't much anymore because I buy HF crap.
It's not worth losing.
If you're the guy who lost that Craftsman screwdriver under the hood... >Thanks! No, you can't have it back.
On Jan 22, 2022, wrote
(in article<>):
Craftsman from that age made some more than decent tools. wish I
still had my wrenches and sockets. I have a stainless screwdriver set
from the early '70s that are pretty good.
I bought my first set of Craftsman® tools when I was in the Navy, and >stationed in Pensacola, FL back in1971. They were purchased as a set >consisting of something like 200 pieces, where every Allen wrench, etc. was >counted as a piece along with the included steel tool box.
I’m proud to say that they are all still in my possession, minus one or two >misplaced Allen wrenches over the years, and still serving me well.
I wonder if the Craftsman® brand carried by Lowes is anywhere near the same >quality?
"10x" wrote in message >
On Jan 22, 2022, wrote
(in article<>):
Craftsman from that age made some more than decent tools. wish I
still had my wrenches and sockets. I have a stainless screwdriver set
from the early '70s that are pretty good.
I bought my first set of Craftsman® tools when I was in the Navy, and >>stationed in Pensacola, FL back in1971. They were purchased as a set >>consisting of something like 200 pieces, where every Allen wrench, etc. was >>counted as a piece along with the included steel tool box.
I’m proud to say that they are all still in my possession, minus one or two >>misplaced Allen wrenches over the years, and still serving me well.
I wonder if the Craftsman® brand carried by Lowes is anywhere near the same >>quality?
The Craftsman sockets from the 60s were high quality thin walled sockets. My >father still has most of a set (the whole set likely still exists and the >pieces will be found after he passes away... kind of like when we cleaned
out my brother's place). By the late 70s the sockets were much thicker...
The set I bought about 1978 wasn’t nearly as good... much thicker walls
which means they didn't fit into the spaces that the older sockets fit
(e.g., some areas of engines where there was little clearance).
I've gotten screw driver sets over the years from Craftsman (now referred to >as Craftsman Acetate Screwdrivers) and Stanley... the tips didn't hold up so >I bought I set of Klein (American made) screw drivers and there is no >comparison... The Kleins cost about 4X the price of the Craftsman and 2.5X >the Stanley. I recently bought a pair of Klein lineman pliers and KNIPEX
twin grip slip joint pliers (American made) and they are far superior to the >Craftsman pliers I have. They grip well and cut clearly. The Lineman pliers >cost about 4X what Craftsman cost... It doesn't look like Craftsman has a >plier comparable to the KNIPEX.
I guess you have to ask yourself what you expect of your tools. Me... I've >mostly got professional quality tools now as I got fed up with using crappy >tools. 40-45 years ago I turned a wrench in a bicycle shop for a living...
we had a lot of Craftsman tools originally but as they wore out (and were >replaced for free and worn out again) they were replaced by higher quality >tools such as Park.
"10x" wrote in message >
On Jan 22, 2022, wrote
(in article<>):
Craftsman from that age made some more than decent tools. wish I
still had my wrenches and sockets. I have a stainless screwdriver set
from the early '70s that are pretty good.
I bought my first set of Craftsman® tools when I was in the Navy, and >>stationed in Pensacola, FL back in1971. They were purchased as a set >>consisting of something like 200 pieces, where every Allen wrench, etc. was >>counted as a piece along with the included steel tool box.
I’m proud to say that they are all still in my possession, minus one or two >>misplaced Allen wrenches over the years, and still serving me well.
I wonder if the Craftsman® brand carried by Lowes is anywhere near the same >>quality?
The Craftsman sockets from the 60s were high quality thin walled sockets. My >father still has most of a set (the whole set likely still exists and the >pieces will be found after he passes away... kind of like when we cleaned
out my brother's place). By the late 70s the sockets were much thicker...
The set I bought about 1978 wasn’t nearly as good... much thicker walls >which means they didn't fit into the spaces that the older sockets fit
(e.g., some areas of engines where there was little clearance).
I've gotten screw driver sets over the years from Craftsman (now referred to >as Craftsman Acetate Screwdrivers) and Stanley... the tips didn't hold up so >I bought I set of Klein (American made) screw drivers and there is no >comparison... The Kleins cost about 4X the price of the Craftsman and 2.5X >the Stanley. I recently bought a pair of Klein lineman pliers and KNIPEX
twin grip slip joint pliers (American made)
and they are far superior to the
Craftsman pliers I have. They grip well and cut clearly. The Lineman pliers >cost about 4X what Craftsman cost... It doesn't look like Craftsman has a >plier comparable to the KNIPEX.
I guess you have to ask yourself what you expect of your tools. Me... I've >mostly got professional quality tools now as I got fed up with using crappy >tools. 40-45 years ago I turned a wrench in a bicycle shop for a living...
we had a lot of Craftsman tools originally but as they wore out (and were >replaced for free and worn out again) they were replaced by higher quality >tools such as Park.
We talked, here, about this recently. I have a drawer full of
screwdrivers. Some are OK but most aren't worth using. The steel is so
soft that they just round out. Some suggested Wera but I don't like
the handles.
I've gotten screw driver sets over the years from Craftsman (now referred >>to
as Craftsman Acetate Screwdrivers) and Stanley... the tips didn't hold up >>so
I bought I set of Klein (American made) screw drivers and there is no >>comparison... The Kleins cost about 4X the price of the Craftsman and 2.5X >>the Stanley. I recently bought a pair of Klein lineman pliers and KNIPEX >>twin grip slip joint pliers (American made)
I'd be concerned about that--KNIPEX tools are supposed to be _German_
made. wrote in
We talked, here, about this recently. I have a drawer full ofAt my FIL's place, he produced a screwdriver that was so soft the tip was junk. I had brought a small sharpening stone and after just a few minutes
screwdrivers. Some are OK but most aren't worth using. The steel is so
soft that they just round out. Some suggested Wera but I don't like
the handles.
on the stone it was back to looking like a screwdriver again.
Trying to use the screwdriver was impossible, by the time we gave up it looked like a "jigsaw puzzle with a couple of pieces gone."
On Mon, 24 Jan 2022 15:48:11 -0500, "John Grossbohlin" ><> wrote:
I looked at briefly Klein screwdrivers the other day (had to buy a
larger cable cutter). Most of them were insulated, which I really
don't have a need for. I've been doing some electrical work for the
last couple of weeks (it goes slow with 1/2 a right hand) but have
never seen the need. The power is always off and even if it weren't
my fingers would be in the mess.
We talked, here, about this recently. I have a drawer full of
screwdrivers. Some are OK but most aren't worth using. The steel is so
soft that they just round out. Some suggested Wera but I don't like
the handles. wrote in
We talked, here, about this recently. I have a drawer full of
screwdrivers. Some are OK but most aren't worth using. The steel is so
soft that they just round out. Some suggested Wera but I don't like
the handles.
At my FIL's place, he produced a screwdriver that was so soft the tip was >junk. I had brought a small sharpening stone and after just a few minutes
on the stone it was back to looking like a screwdriver again.
Trying to use the screwdriver was impossible, by the time we gave up it >looked like a "jigsaw puzzle with a couple of pieces gone."
Softest thing I've ever seen.
I've gotten screw driver sets over the years from Craftsman (now referred >>to
as Craftsman Acetate Screwdrivers) and Stanley... the tips didn't hold up >>so
I bought I set of Klein (American made) screw drivers and there is no >>comparison...
I looked at briefly Klein screwdrivers the other day (had to buy a
larger cable cutter). Most of them were insulated, which I really
don't have a need for. I've been doing some electrical work for the
last couple of weeks (it goes slow with 1/2 a right hand) but have
never seen the need. The power is always off and even if it weren't
my fingers would be in the mess.
We talked, here, about this recently. I have a drawer full of
screwdrivers. Some are OK but most aren't worth using. The steel is so
soft that they just round out. Some suggested Wera but I don't like
the handles.
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