XPost: alt.canada, alt.fan.countries.canada, soc.culture.canada
XPost: alt.travel.canada
Facebook is not a Friend to America
Facebook refuses to give back my account, of
which I have broken no rules - only that we
became popular on advancing Justice for US.
They need to be arrested as accessories
to warring Democracies for Saudi Arabia.
Stealing trillions.. Rigging the elections.
Murdering my mother..and on being pro "spam".
"Spam", what's that? Anything? Think man think..
Johnny on Loyalty..
Being loyal isn't a position of selfishness. To state, I'm loyal to you, as long as I get reciprocation of what I'm needing, isn't a personal commitment to think in care for who you truly are. But what is it to be loyal to life? To maybe, simply care
for another not to be done unfair. But then again, loyalty is in a way, a two way street. Someone who cares not for your struggles to make ends meet, is not a character who truly sympathizes with you personally. What is in it for me, has never been a
part on my struggle.. until now, with my mother murdered, and the police being forbidden to make the arrests, at the order of the City of Winnipeg. Hell on Earth I am at the center of.. which
doesn't bode well.. Loyalty to my cause, of liberty as justice for all.. is mostly, something near everyone frowns upon. I'M TALKING THE TRUTH HERE ABSENT THE LIES. The city not only first degree murders our poor, but also steals from the poor through
ILLEGAL gambling practices.. Here's where it gets serious. People generally don't know, because they are trained to hate hearing me speak of mathematics.. but I'll tell anyway.. When we steal from the poor, it hurts everybody! Ha ha.. no no.. for real..
Not karma.. for real.. If you work out the math, of what is stolen from we the People of Winnipeg's poor, it devastates all wage earners.. DESTROYS OUR CITY. as a measurable fact none could
ever deny. To explain the math, takes several paragraphs.. That I've written years ago, in a paper titled, "Stand Together or Don't" .. if any are interested.. Likely not.. it's okay.. I've begged people to help people in Winnipeg for decades.. and no
help ever comes.. Now, with mass murders fully underway, where the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center is stealing poor innocent lives in the thousands - and people still won't forward one email of concern.. I don't know any longer about much of what I
thought it meant to be loyally human.. It's always so difficult for any, to concentrate on what is transpiring in our true names bastardized.. Some people like to be bastards, it's so easy, of which
I have near zero loyalty for to see further succeed at destroying everyone's future. Our city is almost a ghost town now.. Thousands of businesses in Winnipeg that ran for decades have gone bankrupt.
Times are changing and not for the better I recon.. All it's ever taken, is for people to truly care for where we are going.. by forwarding a concern for the rights of another.. Now it is directly my life facing homelessness, my future dying for lack of
self respect. Facebook closed my account for no reason today.. knowing near no one truly gives a shit. And I don't believe people care to know who I truly am.. having effective answers for near all our most pressing of questions.. It's ok, it's ok.. you
don't have to care for ourselves going further without.. but you could.. Time is growing shorter and shorter, with our odds falling further and further remote. Care for innocent lives being
murdered here in Winnipeg please.. please care.. It could just as well, be your city.. But you don't have a King Johnny there do you to talk fair of "Comfort Care"? Our loss. No loyalty.
Facebook is not allowing our families and friends from
learning of these heinous crimes occurring.. To forward
this post, you only need to forward a link, to where the
story resides.. This program of exterminating the poor
is occurring all over the Western World. Don't hate
innocent human beings for being poor, or for being
wise.. for you too, could face the same self contempt
that is being allowed to continue in our pirated names.
Fair say all the way would have you too win a better
world most especially. There is no crime in demanding
Justice for my mother. Or for your mother..
On Hitlery..
The demonic war witch is here to kill America. Just as she lied to have American GIs die, for bad guys escaping the TV scene of 9/11. She wars Democracies for Saudi Arabia, who funds her presidential run - a crime of high treason. She wars for those
guilty of stealing trillions through extortion and embezzlement.. But who cares for defending American lives, if Americans can't care themselves for how they are cheated out of trillions, by their entertaining TV celebrities? Everyone loses to a rigged
election. Justice done is freedom won. Vote for doing right, by firstly casting our ballots by paper only.. as then that way, we'll have receipts. President or no President, we demand our right be
commanded through self respect, as demanding a fair measure. No one wills to be cheated a fair say. All invites welcomed. We have our lives to save.
Justice done is freedom won. Obama and Co. is currently at war against Democracies with Saudi Arabia, boycotting all elections. So, being lied to die sacrificed for lies.. Held in self contempt as TV silent.. It was Hillary, as a principle cheating TV
liar, that conned American GIs, to needlessly lose their lives into Iraq. For Saddam would do all that was asked of himself and more.. Not found in violation with the UN's 1441 either.. as inspectors had 100% access, to go wherever they pleased, "without
delay". Over the Palaces, and under the chicken coops. Bombing the country needlessly, only had soldiers give their lives in error, warring to bring about what was there, prior to the needless
attack.. As we said then.. why not just march them in as Mariachi dancers? But the Magic TV wasn't taking our calls.. Despite MILLIONS of American taking to the streets.. we were still shut out of near all television broadcasts.. While Hillary would lie
about rockets being thought nuke tech, Corrected by the public, and told different by staffers didn't matter.. it didn't matter what others stated, she was gun hoe to send American soldiers to their needless deaths for no good reason - damn diplomacy..
where Saddam will do any and all things asked of himself.. NOT FOUND in violation with the UN, or Congress.. as offering all options. The TV is all that counts for not counting us fair here.
She was there with the TV, to con American kids to early graves..for no good reason understood. as war criminal. So.. we better just all get our facts straight.
..on Atheism..
Colby Ryan Reed "Being atheist doesn't make you immoral any more than being Christian makes you moral." Almost. Atheists in every case are irrational. No one can say, God doesn't exist. However.. The main problem here with Atheism, is that a
quantification of "God" is not made.. They don't have the skills. If I start to write on what You don't know of yourself.. being scientific.. It would seem easily discredited, if we are found incorrect. But it never is.. It's just back to, 'word salad'.
But I'll give you the betterment of your obvious language skills, to offer a few examples. When you dream of someone speaking.. that it has you so convinced for a moment, of the reality.. Can you draw a
face on paper so realistic.. you trick yourself? Then too.. the study of molecular biology.. I would write more, but it would be easier.. if your interested.. in seeking out my descriptions of horizontal gene transfers, and irreducible complexity.. All
about how our cells have an intelligence to our own, beyond any capability to hold as wakeful consciousness.. trillions and trillions of cells doing things on their own.. Lastly, what is wrong with doing right by others? Fair say all the way means we are
acting civilized.. not as false accusers warring Democracies for Obama and Co. with lies to die the GIs as bad guys.. God or no God.. doing right by ourselves is a good plan in defending
liberty.. as Justice for us all. Semper Fi tells the reasons why.
..on the murder of Jennie Kinal by the city of Winnipeg
I am likely to be made homeless.. Why? The city of Winnipeg had my poor precious mother first degree murdered at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, right in front of me. While our police are forbidden from investigating such murders. Unbelievably.
Murders conducted with the approval of the newspaper's complicit silence, and of, Winnipeg's Chief Medical Examiner. Forbidding too, the Chief does, all autopsies to determine cause of death through toxicology... I am told the potential murder count
could be near 10,000 victims, from a provincial employee directly connected to this scene.. ..AND LOOK AT OUR SPECIES..People will refuse to even read of the case, let alone begging them for
everything I am, to forward such critical life and death info to EVERYONE in Winnipeg.. to save our precious forsaken lives.. But THEY refuse.. How hard is it? Especially at Facebook? I'll post the story to WINNIPEG, and Canadian groups.. and near not
one will say a damn thing.. let alone click 'like'. I am HATED by the "humans" here, almost universally.. Why? Because I talk funny, and as wise.. have easy answers for near everything... Justice.. Justice is freedom. However, the vast majority.. if not
maybe even, every last one, do not will to do good for another.. would rather die innocent others while warring Democracies for Saudi Arabia.. before SCREAMING in outrage, as Obama and Co. drop
more bombs on schools, and hospitals in Syria, with al-Qeada and ISIS. And where is there just ONE soldier who demands trials and public executions of Congress for committing US to such war crime offenses? Not there.. Are they there demanding Justice on
9/11? Not there.. How about for Obama and Co. stealing trillions? Not only are they not there, but so too, every last dying American still breathing.. Too difficult right?, to be an honorable man? This naked hatred for us personally.. has become today..
something to express in kind. To KNOW my beautiful mother was murdered, ON PURPOSE, by Dr. Colister and Nurse Collette.. With Nurse Delaney getting caught by me trying too.. As well as
punching my mother in the eye she did.. and the demon cop at the front desk of the City's PSB, told me to leave her building, as she would not except my criminal complaint. Supporting punching little old ladies in the face by Nurse Delaney - who receives
from Winnipeg tax payers, a near $59,000 salary.. to mass murder even more.. claiming they did .. we have no escape.. .. And no, that demon "Cop" will not allow any honorable Police officer to defend my mother's life.. Who was finally done in 33 days
later after the first attempt.. All the evidence is here.. Just as it is for 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing, stealing trillions, and 7/77.. to name a small few.. AND SEE? No one will
forward the facts that stand irrespective of what any think of you or me. No.. gotta blame the Jews, or the Muslims, or the Globalists.. never as a true constitutionalist would.. the suspects found by following the evidence trail.. Too much trouble..
You had better change your evil ways.. for something this way comes.. and we are angry beyond words.. that YOU would remain silent.. you would leave me to starve, whiile Dr. Colister now steals my mother's house.. Leaving further innocent people being
still, mass murdered in Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center. While the Winnipeg Free Press encourages the citizenry to war Democracies for ISIS.. er.. I mean, the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.. These who murdered my mother, would claim to be "Jews" -
but they are not.. They are Satanic enemies of God and mankind.. who with the newspaper.. claim to further victims.. that, we have no escape... Hmm.. Think about speaking up losers.. Think
about speaking up.
CBC is in cahoots with mass murdering the poor in Winnipeg.. Look it up.. Solid evidence indisputable.. But it appears people would rather die themselves, before fighting for the innocent lives of those being murdered for being poor. The Winnipeg Police
Department is FORBIDDEN to investigate.. Hear the recorded audios of officers telling you so.. or phone them up yourself.. Then realize.. CBC is not a friend to Canadians, nor too, our government.. CBC is complicit in hiding the evidence of billionaire
Canadian bankers not paying taxes, while advancing further mass murders. Don't fear the truth, fear the lies.. Do right, be fair.. - All invites welcomed.. we have innocent lives to save.
When's the last time you visited my G+ page friends?
Did you know, that address can be given out to anyone your heart feels for?
Words for freedom need to be spoken.
The FIB..
It's a con.. The "FBI" speaks nothing for justice on 9/11, or on the stealing of trillions extorted and embezzled. Hitlery is a war criminal who LIED, to con GIs to die as bad guys. FACT. What FBI? The FBI that was threatened with arrest by the Bushmob
for daring to investigate the crime scene of 9/11? While they shipped all the evidence to CHINA?!?! Check out my threads for the lowdown.. and chime in.. Justice done is freedom won. Time to rise and shine people.. rise and shine.
Something something..
"You think you're so clever, classless, and free.. but you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see." This election is openly being rigged.. Obama and Co. are presently warring Democracies with ANTI-WOMAN Saudi Arabia. Trillions have been stolen
from the American suckers, and because the Magic TV doesn't care a wit, you shouldn't either? Hitlery lied to con GIs to die needlessly, and who cares for the dead grunts to speak of it? Me. Vote for President by paper ballots.. as then that way, we'll
have receipts.. At least entertain such considerations, on a life that could command ourselves with self respect. Fair say all the way has everyone win a better day.
on God..
God wills Justice as the golden rule applies to fools too. Treat another unjustly, we treat ourselves unjustly.. For example.. When TV Americans parrot Bush after 9/11 in stating, "we don't need any evidence", or quote so and so stating, 'we don't want
to treat terrorists fairly', as then therefore is pro terrorist too, who wants to terrorize innocent families by out doing the terrorists in torture and beheading. 'To get back at them.' Terrorists funded OPENLY by Congress from both sides, as not going
after Commie Pinkoe false accuser war criminals like Obama and Clinton, for warring we the people of the Democracy Syria - with ANTI-WOMAN Saudi Arabia as exampled, we TRULY cheat ourselves..
[paging Mr. Trump.. can we talk?] See, as Obamanoid Bushite, by using no evidence to form your capital allegations, you war to escape those truly responsible for 9/11.. By cowardly torturing the innocent to confess to crimes they are in no way a part of,
escapes the true perpetrators. Such as 9/11's Condi and Ozolek with their "top secret" 9/11 "Presidential Directive" plan titled "Unified Vision", and Ghouliannie's "Red Ex".. with Bush and Cheney for obstruction naturally, saying, 'don't look there..'.
Torture is a war crime that warrants death under standing American law.. ushered in by Ronald Reagan in his, War Crimes Act.. See, these "war crimes" escape those responsible for mass
murdering Americans in NYC.. as her teen soldiers lied to too, dying forsaken. That's the truth.. A godly nation requires honorable intent.. much easier to just randomly mass murder a nation staving to death.. sure.. but who still pays? Someone cheated?
See.. when Congress claims, you need not worry about the falling bombs.. it'll happen elsewhere.. Elsewhere is still here for the snookered Americans poisoned to death, denied Justice. Let's instead, let Justice roll like a stream,, Check out my written
words, with real answers for all the most pressing of issues. Fair say all the way means everyone wins a brighter day. All invites welcomed. Why be strangers?
TheTruth - update on the case of murders still occurring
at Winnipeg’s Health Sciences Center – H4.
NEW AUDIO of Chief Medical Examiner of Manitoba..
(eleven megabyte audio file)
http://cloud.directupload.net/4N9z http://www.file4go.net/d/c23ecb333dc6e8a803f6/ http://www.embedupload.com/?d=4ZR4CGE5NO
no_police_investigations_allowed_for_murder - The_Kinal_Matter.
(tiny 4 meg file of police claiming no investigations allowed.)
What are your thoughts of this failure to communicate our dire concerns for the loss of innocent life? Is it that people can't care to be human? How do we remain silent in the face of such barbarity?? Please be human, and support Justice for the
continuing murder victims falling in Winnipeg.
Mass Murderers Allowed To Walk Free in Winnipeg
I wish too it were not true.. But listen also to the PSB insisting that no police officers are ever allowed to do any criminal investigations regarding the hospital.. LISTEN YOURSELF.. We see people become hesitant in uncertainty, not warning others..
but I beg.. please try to measure the circumstance for what it truly is.. Mass murder continuing against the poor. Why do they do it? We can only speculate.. But it is for sure happening.. Patients are not asked, or sign for suicide.. the hospital just
decided who to murder next.. for the patient, nor the next of kin are allowed any say so.. At least they claim from a position of lawlessness.. Very twisted as seemingly surreal that such a real
hell on Earth exists to steal our innocent lives.. Succeeding thus far, for our failures at being fully functioning humans. Murder is against the criminal code of Canada.. we as a nation must insist on enforcing our standing laws on such wickedness..
I beg you to do right.. Save an innocent life.
My name is John Kinal. My mother was murdered right
in front of me. While the city of Winnipeg forbids our
police services from investigating murders that occur
at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center - where mass
murders are still allowed to continue unhampered. By
what has to be, the truly Satanic. The evidence is
indisputable.. and the entire case could be completely
investigated in one afternoon. They are mass murdering
innocent poor people, guilty of nothing, as who was,
my dearly loved mother. Fight back for Christ sake
God damn you.
Real people are being murdered in Winnipeg.
They deny medications, while poisoning our
loved ones to death..While the police are
made forbidden from investigating.
My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.
NEW AUDIO of Chief Medical Examiner of Manitoba..
My mother and I, did not sign up for Comfort Care,
The Winnipeg Health Sciences Center is committing
lawless mass murder. The public must be warned.
Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'.
TheTruth - update on the case of murders still occurring
at Winnipeg’s Health Sciences Center – H4.
NEW AUDIO of Chief Medical Examiner of Manitoba..
(eleven megabyte audio file)
http://cloud.directupload.net/4N9z http://www.file4go.net/d/c23ecb333dc6e8a803f6/ http://www.embedupload.com/?d=4ZR4CGE5NO
http://www.filefactory.com/file/1qffo9ozdjov https://clicknupload.link/i60atjfld10o
In Winnipeg the patient and family have no rights
defended whatsoever. We need to demand a public
inquest, as so, the facts are brought to the
attention of everyone being civilized.
I was advised, after several individuals in law
enforcement reviewed the evidence of murder STILL
occurring at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center,
advised me to phone the Chief Medical Examiner, Mark,
one more time.. just to make sure everyone gets the
story straight, of what he is saying for all people
held against our will being first degree murdered. From
here, I am going to the Court of Queen's Bench, and
meeting, hopefully, only once more with honorable
officers of Law. Think of travelers to our city,
politicians perhaps, who mistakenly think, honorable
humans work for our better health in hospital, paid wages
by us tax payers to do good. But instead, they glee in
committing murder, that they so far claim, none of us can
hold them to account for fairly. THINK. My mother was
punched in the eye by Nurse Delaney, and so far.. this
corrupted by evil system, has yet to put her into handcuffs
to face the murder rap also. While she continues to 'treat'
the elderly and young, to murderous abuse, to be poisoned to
Comfort care is to deprive medicines, while being poisoned
to die murder victim. Make the phone call, inquire yourself
of what a true living hell is. Remember though, be polite.
Justice done, is freedom won.
My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.
no_police_investigations_allowed_for_murder - The_Kinal_Matter.
(tiny 4 meg file of police claiming no investigations allowed.)
http://www.uploadmb.com/dw.php?id=1466222572 http://gigapeta.com/dl/6532686a049705
https://www.sendmyway.com/q2z52ljtjtft http://www.promptfile.com/l/7498BDC6E7-BC6B9EB519
https://tusfiles.net/dti5zlv6jzck http://www.file4go.net/d/12465be2eb1dea1b92e4/ http://www.filedais.com/yr0lcnx9xzm1.htm
Save Lives
In Winnipeg, the police state they will not investigate
capital offenses that occur at Hospitals, because judges
always side for doctors in criminal matters. Recording
available. But in my case, with my mother, it was the
doctor that ordered Jennie Kinal no longer be poisoned,
with end of life medications.. but the nurses went ahead
anyway to attempt murder.. for it was proven, Jennie Kinal
did not have "multiple organ failure" - and they needed
to cover up their murderous crimes against the poor as
disadvantaged. Fair say all the way means we're living
civilized lives, not being murdered as forsaken in
Winnipeg.. Save lives in Winnipeg by warning others
of this program titled, "Comfort Care" - It's a matter
of life and death.
My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.
Notes on the Kinal matter..
A Winnipeg Police officer named Mike told as recorded,
Winnipeg does not allow criminal investigations over
anything that happens in a hospital, due the doctor
always being right. However, in the attempt at murder,
it was doctor T. who ordered that, no further, 'end
of life' medications to be given to Jennie Kinal, of
which they were illegally, to commit murder - as an
attempt to hide, that Jennie did not have "multiple
organ failure". All proven. The College of Physicians
state, they can not get involved in investigating
capital crimes, and that the complaint needed to be
forwarded to the police.. Who did not inform me when
I frantically begged for help.. that they would not
being defending the life of Jennie Kinal, or any
other as official Winnipeg policy.
Save innocent lives by allowing the truth to prevail. By
warning others, you save lives.. Do right for ourselves,
Love justice. Love freedom. Love life.
Evidence on the continuing murders at the
Winnipeg Health Sciences Center under
- Comfort Care- Please Share
(200+ meg file..)
https://www.datafilehost.com/d/ce762e34 http://www.file4go.net/d/65c105c2833db43d4fe4/ http://www.filefactory.com/file/6kfzp9yc4rnb
"No one goes into palliative care without signing documents."
John Kinal - Never signed anything. And it's the medical doctor who
ordered my mother no longer be poisoned.. but my mom was according to
the medical record, and the head nurse.. and two other nurses.. all
to attempt cover of the fact, she never had 'multiple organ failure'.
"Who never signed nothing? And how did your Mom end up at the hospital?
I take it they didn't kidnap her too? Who poisoned your Mom? Again those
are allegations of wrong doing. Multiple organ failure would be a cause
of death, not something anyone could live with."
John Kinal - That's right. That's why it is so clearly, attempted
murder on Feb 2nd when it was alleged, she had "multiple organ
failure" .But lived for more than 30 days longer.. While the police
refused to investigate, while the College of physicians are forbidden
to involve themselves in criminal matters. The audio recordings are
available.. They are murdering the poor, under "Comfort Care".. My
mother entered the hospital in hopes to be helped with her thyroid
condition, that had cause swelling in her legs.. Instead they pumped
steroids and other things into her veins non-stop, which caused tremors
from the minute after giving her health card information.. then kept
near a coma, doped with Fentanyl 80X more powerful than morphine, and hydromorphone to seriously hamper breathing,. to her subsequent murder
on March 8th with "Devil's Breath".
My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.
Listen: People of the world.. In Winnipeg, if a
capital offense occurs at a hospital.. the College
of Physicians and Surgeons can not get involved, and
the concern needs to be forwarded to police.. while
the police in Winnipeg state, they never allow officers
to investigate capital crimes that occur in hospital..
Recording available. THAT'S A BIG PROBLEM. For everybody.
We, the People have to face this fair. Don't fear
standing on principle.. This is really a serious
matter, of murder going unpunished. We all need to
defend ourselves fair.. Who do the Winnipeg Police
Department think they work here for? It is we the
people of Winnipeg.. The Winnipeg police department
is complicit, as an accessory to mass murder by
refusing to enforce our laws. Minimally,
obstructionists. That Law against murder we must
enforce. They get a fair say, before conviction can
be gained.. We love all honorable cops.. as they are
of us, willing freedom. The freedom to not be
murdered. Fair say all the way means cops win too,
hip hip hooray!
"Here's a list of grief counsellors who can help you.."
Things are true for us to find too. Without needing a
reflex reaction, to hear of such foolishness.. as the
cause for why Winnipegger's are cheated to die victims..
denied Justice.. denied equal protection under the laws
of Canada.. it is for you friend.. a sad day to reflect
on our TRUE circumstance.. as measured correct, 100%.
Facts are facts.. and no one can thwart our fair
measure being human. Freedom is Justice.
All the evidence is made publicly available my friend.
Read the facts for yourself to be horrified. Recording at
the police desk, telling no.. they will not allow any
investigations.. no matter what. It's like a death cult.
And yeah.. it is rather terrifying to learn, I tell the
truth. Cops of course are good on general terms, but they
have to obey the rules too. The truth is better than the
lies, while further innocent lives are lost due our
inaction in further silence. Why this happens is
difficult to talk on, as it is a part, speculative.
The whole branch of medicine, called "death meds", or,
'end of life' medications, if you ask me, is extremely
faulted in error. However, it is for really happening
across North America too. Medicines to stop breathing,
or to spread infections, are clearly poison to the
thinking man or woman.. In Winnipeg the patient and
family have no rights defended whatsoever. We need
to demand a public inquest.. as so, the facts are
brought to the attention of everyone being civilized.
My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die
with the most powerful opiates on the market while
suffering no pain, "devil's breath" to spread infections,
and other poisons not warranted, not asked for.. and
begged to stop repeatedly before she died murder victim.
They wouldn't allow us to remove her from their plan of
murder, or from the hospital.. tortured for months like
so many others, all the way to death. The Winnipeg Police
refuse to allow a criminal investigation on all alleged
such murders.. numbering in the many uncounted. This is
for real, and must not be allowed to continue. Fair say
all the way means we win being civilized.
An Open Letter to the Crown Prosecutors of Canada
The Oath of Crowns "pursue Justice where ever it leads.."
My mother, Jennie Kinal, was first degree murdered at the
Winnipeg Health Sciences Center on March 8, 2016. There was
also an attempt made on Jennie Kinal's life on February 2 and
3 2016. All documented as proven easily. When contacting the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, and speaking
with the investigative Community's spokesperson Irene Mcdonald
regarding the attempt at murder incident, whereas I forwarded
the Committee the evidence.. Irene advised me that such a
criminal allegation was something they can not as ever
investigate.. and that the complaint needed to be brought
to the attention of the Winnipeg police.. Of which I did, in
total five times. The fifth time, on April 29 2016, Mike at
the desk told me, that under no circumstances do they allow
any officer of law to investigate capital crimes that occur
at hospitals, due the Doctor always being correct.. Recording
available. They didn't tell me of their willingness to BLINDLY
be, accessories to mass murder of Canadians until then. When
I first brought the indisputable evidence of the attempt at
murder, they did not tell me then, they would have all
honorable police officers denied my pleas for mercy, or
warn me that they would not be defending my mother's life
left held in jeopardy, no matter what the facts were.
Instead it was told that someone would look at it repeatedly.
Of which at no time did they phone anyone to clarify an
understanding. To simply validate the claim, only took one
phone call to Dr. T, of which they refused to do. Caring
not for the well being of my mother, a Canadian citizen
who was attempted to be murdered, upon my repeated requests
for the police to protect.. Nor did they at any time talk
to me, about how they found the facts lacking, or hard to
grasp. The evidence of the attempted murder is a solid as
it comes.. While the murder consists of Dr. Collister
[continued in next message]
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