XPost: alt.canada, alt.fan.countries.canada, soc.culture.canada
XPost: alt.travel.canada
These are words given by me through Facebook
and so on.. I will anyone to use these ideas
for themselves to better our world by freely
communicating.. Please fight back for what's
'..on our new Prime Minister letting Canada burn before accepting help from Russia'
Yeah, he's turning out to be something of a disappointment. I'll give him credit though for contacting me personally regarding the first degree murder of my mother in a Winnipeg Hospital in March, where the police heads have still refused to allow any
investigations to be legally followed through, due, it involves literally thousand of other murder victims - many poor aboriginals..Check out my page for more info. His response though was, it was greatly disturbing - and they are all looking at the
situation very seriously.. but that he couldn't do anything about it. Of which is a crock of poo. If he simply mentioned it to our nation, the murders would have been stopped, no further questions..
The other thing, is his recent stand to steal from innocent Christians Jews and Muslims too as profitable to Canada's views about human rights and Israel. Then, my friends, as to this water bomb thing. It has happened before, and cost many innocent lives
lost in California. The reason Bush said no, (then many died short after..) it was argued, that if the Public saw what Russia has.. they'd be going what??@#$?? - and what's that? It's a water bomber that is so huge, we've never seen anythingl ike it ever.
. To much more intelligently, battle forest fires.. Plus it looks in some ways, like a big penis. Bigger than all the rest.. so.. well.. better to die victims then I guess eh? I'll just say
in parting, I went to an near all native school.. and it was cool.
All the while, while trying to educate others of this demon witch Hitlery's emails of high treason.. Obama and Co. are at WAR against democracies for anti-woman Saudi Arabia. And the Trumpettes don't truly care for anyone here, as the less thans, the
bigot classes. (Muslims did what?) We need to fight back for what's right losers.. What free choice do we have? To at least make our news on what we need here.. To demand we are commanded with self respect. Trillions have been stolen, extorted and
embezzled! Justice is a must if we want freedom. Cheat another, we cheat ourselves of the same society we are all of.. a TV world suckering teen soldiers to sacrifice their lives needlessly.. but for
the make for the final escape of those that did us wrong, for pure wicked evil..? We don't think so.. We desperately need leadership that commands ourselves with self respect. Where our rights truly mean something. That means bigots are not going to
agree as false accusing losers to the cause, of liberty as justice for all. No instead, the bigots will to blame anyone but suspected criminals. The Jews, the Muslims, the religious, the NWO, the Globalists, the left the right. Times are changing however,
and people are better understanding what it truly means to be constitutional in thinking. Innocent until proven otherwise.. and we need to be following probable causes to figure how an event
transpires.. Not as the Magic TV sells still with Bush here at 9/11 "We don't need any evidence." Yes we do actually. Don't be dumb, it's unbecoming.. All invites welcomed.
Did you know, that not only do we know for facts, the election is rigged by escaping criminals to our confusion.. but that trillions have been stolen also? Did you know that Assad is Democratically elected? So well loved for having the nation own it's
own credit? Likely not.. if all you watch is what is approved on Magic TV by millionaire celebrities warring Democracies with LIES for evil Saudi Arabia - the anti human barbarity of the worst in tyranny.. .. With gated communities these celebrities roll.
. without a true care for poor American soldiers lied to, so to war nations as moderate terrorists - for those who continue to steal our credit.. Until now.. now that we have it together
wherever willing freedom to be had by every one squared, treated fairly. We insist on fair elections not rigged like the thieves of wall street dancing away with our trillions. All invites welcomed.
We have to demand arrests of those who are rigging the elections. Don't fall for the propaganda.. 'oops.. they goofed..' This is war against pure wicked evil.. Look, Obama and Co. are currently at war with Democracies.. partnered up with anti-woman Saudi
Arabia.. And those that hate Muslims, as bigot chumps for Trump.. they don't have a TV program to deal with that.. how about yourself? hmm.. talk to us.. See, fair say for everyone, brings about a brighter better day as being civilized.. Did you know,
trillions have been stolen, extorted and embezzled? Answers are easy if you're willing to not hide from the truth, and our responsibilities being honorable individuals. Check out my threads..
I'm legit.. All invites welcomed..Cheers to defeating tyranny in our worlds everyone.. Back to the battle for liberation.. Ask me about free energy! All invites welcomed.. Why be strangers? .. Time to realize the potential in truly doing what we set out
to do. Seek, "Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives.. Support a Public Inquest". Cheers to victory over tyranny.
Hitlery knows she is going to lose. Why? The elections are openly rigged, and Americans are not all too cowardly to demand self respect to demand arrests for treason. ..and too, for the return of our stolen trillions embezzled and extorted. No longer do
we will to war democracies with anti-woman Saudi Arabia and al-Qeada. Join we in demanding fair say all the way, so that everyone wins a better day.
Bigots are truly evil.. The demon whore of Satan Sarah Palin, supports OPENLY, the indiscriminate mass murder of innocent peoples for the wickedest of evils ever.. As she proudly advanced the mass murder of everyone in South Ossetia.. Complicit in mass
murdering so many innocent souls, that we could not find enough ground space to bury the dead.. See, it is if you refuse to defend the rights of individuals, you are not capable of speaking fairly for yourself included.. but as a bigot false accuser.. .(
as your Magic TV taught you..) Name a crime that you do not blame humans for, but suspects tied through following probable causes for how as why things happen.. too complicated? likely because
you have not developed an understanding of yourself most especially.. instead, willing to forgo critically thinking if it means you can cheat yourself most especially.. No? how so? "Bigot is the word.. and it marks the unwise, as not truly in defense of
what matters.. Our rights fairly measured." We are paying back banksters for money they never lent.. We are being defrauded, as denied a fair say here, sacrificed in made for TV ignorance.. the elections are OPENLY being rigged without arrests being made.
. Time to command ourselves with self respect my friends or foes.. to fairly demand the return of our stolen losses.. The truth wins..
God wills Justice as the golden rule applies to fools too. Treat another unjustly, we treat ourselves unjustly.. For example.. When TV Americans parrot Bush after 9/11 in stating, "we don't need any evidence", or quote Sara Palin or Clint Eastwood, 'we
don't want to treat terrorists fairly', or Trump the pro terrorist too, who wants to terrorize innocent families by out doing the terrorists in torture and beheading.. Terrorists funded OPENLY by Congress, as not going after Commie Pinkoe false accuser
war criminals like Obama and Clinton, for warring we the people of the Democracy of Syria with ANTI-WOMAN Saudi Arabia as exampled, we TRULY cheat ourselves.. See, as Bushite, by using no
evidence to form your capital allegations, you war to escape those truly responsible for 9/11.. By cowardly torturing the innocent to confess to crimes they are in no way a part of, escapes the true perpetrators. Such as 9/11's Condi and Ozolek with
their "top secret" 9/11 plan titled "Unified Vision", with Bush and Cheney for obstruction naturally. Torture is a war crime that warrants death under standing American law.. ushered in by Ronald Reagan in his, War Crimes Act.. See, these "war crimes"
escape those responsible for mass murdering Americans in NYC.. as her teen soldiers lied to too, dying forsaken. That's the truth.. A godly nation requires honorable intent.. much easier to just
randomly mass murder a nation staving to death.. sure.. but who still pays? See.. when Congress claims, you need not worry about the falling bombs.. it'll happen elsewhere.. Elsewhere is still here for the snookered Americans poisoned to death, denied
Justice. Let's instead, let Justice roll like a stream,, Check out my written words, with real answers for all the most pressing of issues. Fair say all the way means everyone wins a brighter day. All invites welcomed. Why be strangers?
Syria is a full fledged Democracy. While the godless nation of Israel steals our homes at gun point.. being thieves of the freedom to be we, the people, willing to be commanded with self respect.. They break truces at every opportunity to have innocent
Jews sacrificed, left further undefended for looting. Steal our homes, and everyone honorable as fair, will rightly call you a thief.. So says, the Christian Jew Muslim crew. Do right, vote John Kinal for President. Fair say all the way means you would
win too most especially. All invites welcomed.
No reason to bomb Iraq. Should have walked themselves in as Mariachi dancers. Saddam was 110% co-operative. Doing anything that was asked of himself, plus more.. Not in violation with the UN's 1441, for inspectors had unrestricted access to go where ever
they pleased, "without delay". Saddam even offered that Bush could take all the TV and radio over, to tell Iraqis the what for.. Bush refused.. Didn't want to save soldiers lives, but to have them needlessly sacrificed for no better good as a reason
understood. Faithful TV Americans died forsaken, warring to bring about what was there prior to the attack. Would an American rather see more teen GIs conned for death by Magic TV's further evil
intentions, or be defended as a nation, with words spoken truthfully? Not willing as silenced, to be conned to die warring Democracies, but to defend liberty as justice for us all being honorable? Naturally, of course.. But that requires of you,
naturally, to forward just such a concern.. Do we will the comfort of TV lies, to tell of it being heroic, to send your son or daughter to die without reason for?, ..as murderous thief of our good intentions? We wouldn't think so, if we could speak
freely with the facts that matter..
We are the state, we are the governed. Every time I hear Alex Jones go on as a multi-millionaire, telling like yesterday he doesn't do it for the money.. selling his stuff for cowardly bigots who will to blame innocent folks for all our problems instead
of individual suspects...Like the left, the globalists, the do gooders, those for "social Justice".. Then lies about the audit that found Obama and Co. stole 16 trillions.Telling too, Bush is just a puppet, move along move along.. . I think.. these bigot
false accusers are defeated by one or three sentences given in a space of under six or seven seconds, by near anyone being of fair measure.. But why so few acting not as human? as telling..
we need to follow probable causes to determine for how something likely happens, as the 4th of the Bill of Rights.. is it really too complicated? For even a TV junkie? Did you know for example, that the FBI were threatened with arrests, for daring to
investigate 9/11? ..right after disclosing the financier was Bush's business partner General Ahmad? The same guy who goes to the Taliban in person to state for AMERICA, that no evidence will be brought against the only therefore known as innocent, being
falsely maligned??
+Nephilim Born "The state is controlled by the rich so it literally is rich vs poor class warfare."
Yeah.. we might be the state.. but that state is to have everyone ripped off, not granted equal protections. Trillions stolen.. no arrests. Elections rigged, no arrests.. War criminals ordering the bombing of democracies with Saudi Arabia without cause,
no revolution? Obama is anti-Trump, and anti-Bernie. That's allot of pissed off people. What we need is leadership that tries to be fair to all.. It's easy I argue, but for the TV bigot classes, who wrongly generalize their indignation against swaths of
people, instead of individual suspects robbing us further blind for broke.?
The Iraq war was completely irrational.. and I am recorded in history screaming as loud as I could for the days leading up to 'shock and awe'.. I tried to get on CBC TV, and CBC radio.. but they wouldn't allow my words spoken true.. And that it was a
position that the State Department had held also (a department of the state department.. called the O.R.H.A.) Colluding we did being truthful.. this war decision is only going to needlessly sacrifice American soldiers lives for no gain!!! All you'll be
doing is starting a war to get back to where you were prior to the needless attack. Saddam will do anything that is asked plus more. Get it? CBC would hear me explain it.. like twenty times or
more.. but still wouldn't pass on the war crime life and death info.. We need leadership that counts ourselves with self respect.. And we just don't get that on the popular TV shows. Never giving certainties as a selling point; of 'plausible deniability'.
. in other words.. you have no responsibilities.. Is something happening for sure for sure? nah.. they don't do us like that there.. Everything is opinion.. so unnaturally, they don't want to hear truths that demand action from US either.. Like truly
care to save soldier's lives.. You know, for God and Country.. not to TV liars willing lawless enslavement.. The truth will do us good I'm sure.. So.. I'm trying to get into a free election mind
set.. and wonder what it's going to take to do ourselves one better. I don't see any other realistic alternative but to attempt fairly measuring these things.. One paper ballot.. non-toxic food coloring.. and we'll take it from there.. we can't lose..
Check out my threads..
Would we rather die before fighting for Justice fairly meted here my losing friends of the trying to be civilized? Fair say all the way means you would win too most especially. We need Justice.. to return our stolen trillions.. and on all these crime
scenes costing American teen soldiers their forsaken lives, still falling.. ..and too, of my gentle mother, Jennie Kinal, that was recently murdered in hospital, as a great many others have, and will continue if we don't speak up for our denied rights..
Time to realize the potential in truly doing what we set out to do. Seek, "Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives.. Support a Public Inquest". Cheers to victory over tyranny.
America: Trump or Hillary? Are you Crazy?
I would argue Trump's flaws are far more severe than publicly claimed. He, like Alex Jones, doesn't will the return of all those stolen trillions, taken through the crimes of extortion and embezzlement. Why? Who of the Rightard clans can even think what
that statement means?, let alone embezzlement as it pertains to the naked criminal frauds of the derivative. There are but near five people world wide that can simply explain it, and I'm one of those five. Another thing is that for aligning with false
accuser Alex Jones, as then therefore doesn't really want justice on 9/11. Not supporting the 4th Amendment to follow probable causes for why a crime occurs. Instead, while persecuting the
innocent to escape the bad guys, has nodded that Gooliannie will be put at the head of homeland security. Gooliannie if you didn't know, was a part of "Red Ex" on 9/11.. This was a drill ON 9/11, yes on 9/11, where planes would be flown into buildings in
NYC, that would then collapse.. The document was found on his server, archived forever till the end of time now it is.. for those who record such things.. Another thing, is as so addressed, regarding his pro criminal assault position - realize.. it is
against those who disagree with himself legally on something. but most often.. his bigotry.. Which means as false malinger of our overtly generalized characters.. So, if he states falsely he
doesn't like our legal attitudes, he wills to see us all beat up and left in a gutter forsaken our shared values as once civilized.. He has talked on how he supports the Israeli STEALING our homes, to be then sent off to suffer in concentration death
camps.. all because we are of, the Christian Jew Muslim crews, willing to be commanded in self respect. So he is a proven ungodly demon enemy of everyone truly. I can go on about him not understanding basic economics, though with trade.. he is close to
accidentally doing the right thing.. Math is what is missing on TV always.. as it pertains to regressive tax structure.. Long story shortened.. A Casio, as they run today ILLEGALLY, destroy
economies.. It's not theoretical.. it mathematical. He stated, he was smart, to get out of Atlanta just before the Casinos bled the city to bone dying.. He's proud of that.. Openly.. I am not against gambling, I am against criminal theft.. of which all
casinos participate.. because of the hatred for wise men and women speaking freely without fair opposition.. but to be name called.. But math is math.. His casinos, like all others, will lie that they only take 4%, but mathematically it's closer to 82%.
This means the poor are not paying babysitters, to buy soft drinks.. No big deal? Well it's hundreds of millions of dollars each year... each town.. It adds up to whole lot of bad news.. Fewer
dollars repressively taken, without goods or services, from the poor to these obscenely wealthy criminals, means there are fewer dollars on the street to pay salaries.. This is what the Great Depression was. Hitlery, of course.. is far worse.. She's like
a Satanic demon witch hell bent on slavery and indiscriminate mass murder. So, she OPENLY tells. Maybe that explains was she's so popular with the Magic TV celebrities eh? Obama and Co. are at war against Democracies with godless anti-woman Saudi Arabia..
making off with trillions stolen.. Don't you think It's about time we start demanding our rights be defended as fair here? I think so, as you would too no doubt to know. We need your
support. Fair say all the way means you would win too most especially. Vote John Kinal for President. At least let's freely talk about it. What do you say?
Wow eh?
Forward this if you would save America.
A Gift of Music - Johnny Sings
http://www.anafile.com/zr2v0h7q1hm2.html https://anonfiles.com/file/78a555e2c1d0bfb2792420385805037d http://www.basicupload.com/pmowjynpt07p
Why is it that people are not acting human?
Can you, my reader, entertain us on what you
make of this post? Begging you to care for
innocent life being mass murdered here in
Winnipeg? Is it too much trouble to click
your mouse, to save a life? To forward this
information, claiming these are the words of
a John Kinal's view? What if it were your own
life on the line.. and nobody cared enough to
click their mouse? Is it that you fear doing
right? Or is it that you dismiss this life and
death concern as wrong.. or just too much
trouble.. Let countless more innocent people
in Winnipeg be murdered, you can't be bothered?
What if I told you then, this program is being
implemented across North America.. Would you
then grow concerned? How about your brother,
or sister, you mother or father..If you wait
until then, we'll all be done for. Why do they
do it? I don't know for certain.. A contempt
for innocent life is present.. and speculating
the what for, comes at a price. TV and
newspapers are not our friends for example.
But have no doubt, many thousands, perhaps
even a great more, are dead already.. And
if we do nothing about it.. it will continue
to destroy this forsaken city, to destory
our Humanity. Please care to make others
aware.. Save Life.
Strategies: Apparently, you can't email anything
more than several pages, with three or four links,
without it thoughtlessly being labeled spam.. And
YouTube won't allow more than two pages or so..
Google+? Your own posts you can do just about
anything..but you can't post links on others
pages, more than three or four times, without
risking suspension. Doesn't matter content, they
don't take calls. and that is pretty evil. Also
with G+, they will censor you, but not have you
know.. So, I can post to my heart's will.. but
from another ISP, I am not there.. How many wise
men and women do they do this to? I can't tell..
But we should investigate this further.. Facebook?
You can post near anything, but no more that close
to three times.. then you get suspended for two
weeks. Makes spreading the facts that count for
everyone tough.. The word, "Amen" 1000s of times..
no problems.(clue..) So solution for most issues
of censorship, is to simply provide one link to
this story from elsewhere. Usenet is near the
very best on Earth.. For as you may know, there
is no way to censor this completely. And when
those that tell I am spam from the Google interface,
and shouldn't be read..Well.. you get the idea. All
I want is fair say, that I am denied by the forsaken
city of Winnipeg. The godless evil police heads,
refuse to allow any investigations of murder that
happen at the HSC, and all autopsies to confirm
cause of death are forbidden as well.. Want to
murder someone? Just do it in a Winnipeg hospital,
and your close to free from arrest as it is. So that
is how this will be done, for our kingdom must come..
It is fair say all the way..
I have no need, nor never had a reason to deny
the facts from being spoken. When others disagree
with me, I often just simply tell the truth.. And..
things goes mostly good.. If I'm found in error..
I wouldn't get defensive, instead I would be
tremendously grateful. That's being honorable
as fallible human to me. What do you think?
So, what do you think? Why don't you join
me as we to get this done for everyone?
The truth wins.
I beg you with everything I am.. please for a love
of our Humanity forward this to save innocent lives
dying today, simply because we refuse to express
this concern as most certainly happening.
My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die with the most powerful opiates on the
market while suffering no pain, "devil's breath" to spread infections, and other poisons not warranted, not asked for.. and begged to stop repeatedly before she died murder victim. They wouldn't allow us to remove her from their plan of murder, r from
the hospital.. tortured for months like so many others, all the way to death. The Winnipeg Police refuse
to allow a criminal investigation on all alleged such murders.. numbering in the many uncounted. This is for real, and must not be allowed to continue. Fair say all the way means we win being civilized.
An Open Letter to the Crown Prosecutors of Canada
The Oath of Crowns "pursue Justice where ever it leads.."
My mother, Jennie Kinal, was first degree murdered at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center on March 8, 2016. There was also an attempt made on Jennie Kinal's life on February 2 and and 3 2016. All documented as proven easily. When contacting the College
of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, and speaking with the investigative Community's spokesperson Irene Mcdonald regarding the attempt at murder incident, whereas I forwarded the Committee the evidence.. Irene advised me that such a criminal
allegation was something they can not as ever investigate.. and that the complaint needed to be brought to the attention of the Winnipeg police.. Of which I did, in total five times. The fifth time,
on April 29 2016, Mike at the desk told me, that under no circumstances do they allow any officer of law to investigate capital crimes that occur at hospitals, due the Doctor always being correct.. Recording available. They didn't tell me of their
willingness to BLINDLY be, accessories to mass murder of Canadians until then. When I first brought the indisputable evidence of the attempt at murder, they did not tell me then, they would have all honorable police officers denied my pleas for mercy, or
warn me that they would not be defending my mother's life left held in jeopardy, no matter what the facts were. Instead it was told that someone would look at it repeatedly. Of which at no time did
they phone anyone to clarify an understanding. To simply validate the claim, only took one phone call to Dr. T, of which they refused to do. Caring not for the well being of my mother, a Canadian citizen who was attempted to be murdered, upon my repeated
requests for the police to protect.. Nor did they at any time talk to me, about how they found the facts lacking, or hard to grasp. The evidence of the attempted murder is a solid as it comes.. While the murder consists of Dr. Collister telling my mother
and myself, that his suggestion of "Devil's Breath" and another drug to mix with Jennie's Fentanyl, that "doesn't cross the blood brain barrier" would NOT instead be administered, due my
wise words explaining why such action will bring about only harm to my mother, with a contagious chest infection just acquired the day before. Of which he does not disagree with as recorded. Why? As I state, to hamper my mother's ability to expel phlegm
will do her no good obviously. Not knowing then what "Devil's Breath" was as deadly, and completely inappropriate obviously. But then as documented fully, Dr. Collister goes ahead secretly in a conspiracy with Nurse Colette to administer just such a
poison when I am not present, gone for coffee. Again, recorded as administered by the night nurse, Charlene, who shows me the order herself, again, as recorded. Once administered, Jennie
becomes paralyzed, then shortly in hours dies. A woman diagnosed with mild back pain the entire two weeks prior by Dr. Semus.. A woman ready to go home as diagnosed by Dr. Necozy the two weeks prior to that. But diagnosed by Dr. Collister as having no
more than 14 days to live.. on February 2.. and on March 7. [NO COMPLAINTS DEPARTMENT] He failed at murder, then to cover his attempt, a month later, went ahead and tried again.. Dr. Semus informed me, that the hospital removed the entire February
incident from the books. The incident recorded as transpiring by three doctors, three nurses, including the head nurse of which I speak with for near a hour on the matter as recorded as well. There
have been no investigations on Dr. Collister's actions for near a decade as clearly being among psychopaths. For the Winnipeg Police to forbid Justice, because they believe in something of a death cult, that costs a great many innocent lives needs to be
brought to the Public's attention, and halted immediately. Accessory to murder in not what OUR police are for. Many more lives are still threatened by this mass murder program called, "comfort Care" - an unelected death sentence given to thousands of
Manitobans with families who have complained of "similar incidents" of murder, according to my private discussions with a provincial employee familiar with the numbers. I have heard from
three acquaintances in my personal life, that claim near identical scenario. 'No choice, your loved one will now be denied needed medicines, while given poisons to hamper breathing', and so on.. This needs a public inquest, or a truth commission to
uncover this unholy nightmare. Let's do right by saving innocent lives, not hide to see further needlessly die victims to our cowardice of being professionals. This is very much an issue that involves aboriginals and the poor most especially, not only
the elderly, but the young as well.
Please, I beg you with everything I am.. save innocent lives..
Forward this information. It is life and death. Care for those
of our society you are not absent from my friends or foes.
No_police_investigations_allowed_for_murder_in_Manitoba___The_Kinal_Matter. (tiny 4 meg file of police claiming no investigations allowed.)
http://www.basicupload.com/6jsf0cuac9d5 http://www.anafile.com/1xnwthpt07lc.html https://anonfiles.com/file/594cc6cb069d34ad1d5086d392495ba1 http://file.up09.com/obb1gxw2hiju
http://www.filedais.com/0kqfxkhohj1v.htm http://www.filefactory.com/file/59h9c18dqxan
http://filetrip.net/dl?ahTlw0HNMf http://www.promptfile.com/l/1B100E6A95-F753F14F07 http://flexydrive.com/jgg8rjxfkhse
Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives.. Support a Public Inquest
My mother, Jennie Kinal, was murdered in a
Winnipeg hospital, on March the 8th, 2016
under a program of first degree mass murder
called.. "Comfort Care"..
Shortened synopsis..
I wad told Jennie had multiple organ
failure, and was on end of life medication.
I said bullshit, she was great just hours
ago.. The head Doctor, Dr. T, called a halt
to the death meds.. Telling Nurses, if
Jennie experiences any discomfort, I am
to be phoned to okay the death meds once
more.. I am phoned for such action the next
day, arrive in under 7 minutes, to find
my mother pronounced clinically dead by
RN Delaney, due organ failure.. I revive
my mom to discover, she has no organ
failure.. and breathes to this day.
Being doped everyday under torture..
this information to everyone who loves
their mother.. The Police most especially.
They have been caught attempting first
degree murder of made helpless innocent
old folks at Winnipeg's Health Sciences
Suggestions to the RCMP on how to conduct criminal investigations regarding the murder of Jennie Kinal, that happened on March 8, 2016, at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center, 4H.
There are two major crime scene involved in this matter.. There was the attempt at murder made on February 2,2016, and the murder that took place on March 8, 2016.
On February 2, 2016 I was told my mother was to die from total organ failure.. So as a consequence, she was then being given an opiate, Hydromorphone, non-stop, until she dies. Which will be no more than 14 days. A poison the doctor tells, limits my
mother's breathing too, to treat "shortness".. of which only hours earlier, through to several weeks prior, she had no problem with as perfect.. So an opiate to trick the body into well being, while limiting one from breathing. Knowing too, this "
shortness" concept, being chemically treated, is not quantified correctly. Short what? At first I tell the Nurse to stop immediately this clear madness. No she claims, "don't be cruel". A tactic used
[continued in next message]
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