• =?UTF-8?Q?The_Last_Days_of_Roger_Federer_=28and_RST=29_=F0=9F=98=94?=

    From grif@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 19 16:25:34 2024
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ZCBnbmFybGluZXNzIHRoYXQgaGVscGVkIGZ1ZWwgdGhlIHJhZ2UgdG8gY29tcGV0ZS4gSW5z dGVhZCBvZiBzb2xkaWVyaW5nIG9uLCBtYXliZSBpdCB3YXMgdGltZSBmb3IgaGltIHRvIGhh bHQgb2ZmIGludG8gdGhlIHR3aWxpZ2h0Lg0KDQpCcml0aXNoIGF0dGVudGlvbiwgaW4gYW55 IGNhc2UsIHdhcyBhbHJlYWR5IGRyaWZ0aW5nLiBXaGlsZSB0aGUgbGlnaHQgdGhpY2tlbmVk IG9uIENlbnRyZSBDb3VydCB0aGUgc3VuIHdhcyByaXNpbmcsIGF0IGltcGxhdXNpYmxlIHNw ZWVkLCBvdmVyIGF0IENvdXJ0IDEsIG9uIEVtbWEgUmFkdWNhbnUuIEp1c3QgZWlnaHRlZW7i gJR0aGUgc2FtZSBhZ2UgYXMgR2VvZmZyZXkgV2VsbHVtIHdoZW4gaGUgYmVnYW4gZmx5aW5n IGZpZ2h0ZXJz4oCUc2hlIHBsYXllZCB3aXRoIGEgaGlnaC1raWNrIHNtaWxlIHJhdGhlciB0 aGFuIGEgRHVuYmxhbmUgc2Nvd2w6IHdpdGgg4oCYbGlnaHQgZmVldOKAmSBhbmQg4oCYd2l0 aG91dCBhIGdyaW1hY2Us4oCZIGFzIE5pZXR6c2NoZSBzYWlkIG9mIENhcm1lbi4gRW1tYW5p YSBmbGFzaC1saXQgdGhlIGxhbmQhIFR3byBtb250aHMgbGF0ZXIsIGF0IHRoZSBVLlMuIE9w ZW4sIGl0IGxpdCB1cCB0aGUgd29ybGQuIEFuZCBzb21ldGhpbmcgdXR0ZXJseSB1bmV4cGVj dGVkIGhhcHBlbmVkLCBtb3JlIHVuZXhwZWN0ZWQsIGV2ZW4sIHRoYW4gUmFkdWNhbnXigJlz IHRha2luZyB0aGUgdGl0bGU6IEkgd2FzIHN0YXJ0aW5nIHRvIGZvcmdldCBhYm91dCBSb2dl ci4NCmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnlvdXR1YmUuY29tL3dhdGNoP3Y9RVhMZ1paRTA3MmcNCg==

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Whisper@21:1/5 to grif on Tue Feb 20 20:06:00 2024
    On 20/02/2024 3:25 am, grif wrote:
    Geoff Dyer
    Will there ever be a more agonising example than Roger serving in the
    2019 Wimbledon final against Djokovic at 8–7 in the fifth? Two aces have taken him to 40–15. On the next point he hits a loose forehand into the right tramline.

    Before that point something that isn't discussed much but is far more significant happened. As stated Roger had served 2 aces in a row to get
    to 40-15 and 2 match points. He was zoning on the serve and fooled
    Novak repeatedly. His 1st serve at 40-15 was down the T and once again
    fooled Novak who was leaning to his right. It would have been a 3rd ace
    in a row and epic way to clinch his 9th Wimbledon crown. 'If' the ball
    didn't clip the net and was called a let. That's what it came down to.
    You couldn't write this. Federer and Djokovic will never forget this
    moment, simultaneously a dream and a nightmare.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *skriptis@21:1/5 to Whisper on Tue Feb 20 12:31:14 2024
    Whisper <whisper@ozemail.com.au> Wrote in message:r
    On 20/02/2024 3:25 am, grif wrote:> Geoff Dyer> Will there ever be a more agonising example than Roger serving in the > 2019 Wimbledon final against Djokovic at 8–7 in the fifth? Two aces have > taken him to 40–15. On the next point he hits a loose
    forehand into the > right tramline. Before that point something that isn't discussed much but is far more significant happened. As stated Roger had served 2 aces in pa row to get to 40-15 and 2 match points. He was zoning on the serve and fooled Novak
    repeatedly. His 1st serve at 40-15 was down the T and once again fooled Novak who was leaning to his right. It would have been a 3rd ace in a row and epic way to clinch his 9th Wimbledon crown. 'If' the ball didn't clip the net and was called a let.
    That's what it came down to. You couldn't write this. Federer and Djokovic will never forget this moment, simultaneously a dream and a nightmare.

    God punished him for telling Novak's parents to shut up.

    It's humor and a lesson in humility.

    Three times 40-15.

    2010 USO semis
    2011 USO semis
    2019 Wim final

    History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.

    Karl Marx

    But perhaps Federer should have no regrets?
    I mean what did he lose?

    Who cares about one Wimbledon title, 8 or 9 is almost the same, neither is Decima, and 8 is still a record and Federer might even get to keep his Wimbledon record from Djokovic so it's not a huge loss for him.

    If Djokovic doesn't win 8th Wimbledon, essentially Federer didn't lose anything by not winning that match.

    Otoh Djokovic lost fucking Grand Slam by being emotional over US crowd supporting him and wanting him to win after experiencing years of abuse there. I'd say that's bigger.


    ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- https://piaohong.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usenet/index.html

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Whisper@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 20 22:54:56 2024
    On 20/02/2024 10:31 pm, *skriptis wrote:
    Whisper <whisper@ozemail.com.au> Wrote in message:r
    On 20/02/2024 3:25 am, grif wrote:> Geoff Dyer> Will there ever be a more agonising example than Roger serving in the > 2019 Wimbledon final against Djokovic at 8–7 in the fifth? Two aces have > taken him to 40–15. On the next point he hits a
    loose forehand into the > right tramline. Before that point something that isn't discussed much but is far more significant happened. As stated Roger had served 2 aces in pa row to get to 40-15 and 2 match points. He was zoning on the serve and fooled
    Novak repeatedly. His 1st serve at 40-15 was down the T and once again fooled Novak who was leaning to his right. It would have been a 3rd ace in a row and epic way to clinch his 9th Wimbledon crown. 'If' the ball didn't clip the net and was called a
    let. That's what it came down to. You couldn't write this. Federer and Djokovic will never forget this moment, simultaneously a dream and a nightmare.

    God punished him for telling Novak's parents to shut up.

    It's humor and a lesson in humility.

    Three times 40-15.

    2010 USO semis
    2011 USO semis
    2019 Wim final

    Yes, but the USO matches were s/f and at the time Nadal was fave to beat
    Roger everywhere. We don't know for certain what would have happened in
    the finals, but no way was Roger fave to win.

    History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.

    Karl Marx

    But perhaps Federer should have no regrets?
    I mean what did he lose?

    I guess he'd be 2 clear of Sampras which is significant, and of course
    Novak would be pegged back at 6. Also the 0-3 in Wimbledon finals v
    Novak is big in goat debates.

    Who cares about one Wimbledon title, 8 or 9 is almost the same, neither is Decima, and 8 is still a record and Federer might even get to keep his Wimbledon record from Djokovic so it's not a huge >loss for him.

    If Djokovic doesn't win 8th Wimbledon, essentially Federer didn't lose anything by not winning that match.

    Maybe, but Fed being only 1 ahead of Novak and 0-3 in finals doesn't
    help Roger look like some clear cut Wimbledon/grass goat. That loss
    hurt his legacy a lot imo. It's an unforgettable match that will be
    discussed forever.

    Otoh Djokovic lost fucking Grand Slam by being emotional over US crowd supporting him and wanting him to win after experiencing years of abuse there. I'd say that's bigger.

    Novak was just overwhelmed with pressure. No man has ever won a
    calendar slam on all 3 surfaces, got to him. He's human after all.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From grif@21:1/5 to Whisper on Tue Feb 20 17:41:21 2024
    On 20/02/2024 09:06, Whisper wrote:
    On 20/02/2024 3:25 am, grif wrote:
    Geoff Dyer
    Will there ever be a more agonising example than Roger serving in the 2019 Wimbledon final against Djokovic at 8–7 in the fifth? Two aces have taken him to 40–15. On the next point he hits a loose forehand into the right tramline.

    Before that point something that isn't discussed much but is far more significant happened.  As stated Roger had served 2 aces in a row to get to 40-15 and 2 match points.  He was zoning on the serve and fooled Novak repeatedly.  His 1st serve at 40-
    15 was down the T and once again fooled Novak who was leaning to his right.  It would have been a 3rd ace in a row and epic way to clinch his 9th Wimbledon crown.  'If' the ball didn't clip the net and was called a let.  That's what it came down to.
    You couldn't write this.  Federer and Djokovic will never forget this moment, simultaneously a dream and a nightmare.

    Nietzsche’s eternal recurrence is one of the themes of Geoff Dyer's book (and RST)

    Still, not many people can have lived Rogie's life. He probably wouldn't change a thing. So, as we tick down to the final hours of RST, this song feel appropriate 😔

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From TT@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 20 20:05:01 2024
    grif kirjoitti 20.2.2024 klo 19.41:
    On 20/02/2024 09:06, Whisper wrote:
    On 20/02/2024 3:25 am, grif wrote:
    Geoff Dyer
    Will there ever be a more agonising example than Roger serving in the
    2019 Wimbledon final against Djokovic at 8–7 in the fifth? Two aces
    have taken him to 40–15. On the next point he hits a loose forehand
    into the right tramline.

    Before that point something that isn't discussed much but is far more
    significant happened.  As stated Roger had served 2 aces in a row to
    get to 40-15 and 2 match points.  He was zoning on the serve and
    fooled Novak repeatedly.  His 1st serve at 40-15 was down the T and
    once again fooled Novak who was leaning to his right.  It would have
    been a 3rd ace in a row and epic way to clinch his 9th Wimbledon
    crown.  'If' the ball didn't clip the net and was called a let.
    That's what it came down to. You couldn't write this.  Federer and
    Djokovic will never forget this moment, simultaneously a dream and a

    Nietzsche’s eternal recurrence is one of the themes of Geoff Dyer's book (and RST) https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/jun/02/the-last-days-of-roger-federer-by-geoff-dyer-review-the-art-of-bowing-out

    Still, not many people can have lived Rogie's life. He probably wouldn't change a thing. So, as we tick down to the final hours of RST, this song
    feel appropriate 😔

    Does someone actually use google groups for posting to rst?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From grif@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 20 18:38:12 2024
    On 20/02/2024 18:05, TT wrote:
    grif kirjoitti 20.2.2024 klo 19.41:
    On 20/02/2024 09:06, Whisper wrote:
    On 20/02/2024 3:25 am, grif wrote:
    Geoff Dyer
    Will there ever be a more agonising example than Roger serving in the 2019 Wimbledon final against Djokovic at 8–7 in the fifth? Two aces have taken him to 40–15. On the next point he hits a loose forehand into the right tramline.

    Before that point something that isn't discussed much but is far more significant happened.  As stated Roger had served 2 aces in a row to get to 40-15 and 2 match points.  He was zoning on the serve and fooled Novak repeatedly.  His 1st serve at
    40-15 was down the T and once again fooled Novak who was leaning to his right.  It would have been a 3rd ace in a row and epic way to clinch his 9th Wimbledon crown.  'If' the ball didn't clip the net and was called a let. That's what it came down to.
    You couldn't write this.  Federer and Djokovic will never forget this moment, simultaneously a dream and a nightmare.

    Nietzsche’s eternal recurrence is one of the themes of Geoff Dyer's book (and RST)

    Still, not many people can have lived Rogie's life. He probably wouldn't change a thing. So, as we tick down to the final hours of RST, this song feels appropriate 😔

    Does someone actually use google groups for posting to rst?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From TT@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 20 20:48:06 2024
    grif kirjoitti 20.2.2024 klo 20.38:
    On 20/02/2024 18:05, TT wrote:
    grif kirjoitti 20.2.2024 klo 19.41:
    On 20/02/2024 09:06, Whisper wrote:
    On 20/02/2024 3:25 am, grif wrote:
    Geoff Dyer
    Will there ever be a more agonising example than Roger serving in
    the 2019 Wimbledon final against Djokovic at 8–7 in the fifth? Two >>>>> aces have taken him to 40–15. On the next point he hits a loose
    forehand into the right tramline.

    Before that point something that isn't discussed much but is far
    more significant happened.  As stated Roger had served 2 aces in a
    row to get to 40-15 and 2 match points.  He was zoning on the serve
    and fooled Novak repeatedly.  His 1st serve at 40-15 was down the T
    and once again fooled Novak who was leaning to his right.  It would
    have been a 3rd ace in a row and epic way to clinch his 9th
    Wimbledon crown.  'If' the ball didn't clip the net and was called a
    let. That's what it came down to. You couldn't write this.  Federer
    and Djokovic will never forget this moment, simultaneously a dream
    and a nightmare.

    Nietzsche’s eternal recurrence is one of the themes of Geoff Dyer's
    book (and RST)

    Still, not many people can have lived Rogie's life. He probably
    wouldn't change a thing. So, as we tick down to the final hours of
    RST, this song feels appropriate 😔

    Does someone actually use google groups for posting to rst?



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)