"That the Biden Admin casually announced today that the
Dept of Homeland Security — a domestic security agency —
has created a ‘disinformation’ board is indescribably dystopian
and chilling," Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted
Thursday. "That Democrats think this is good and normal tells
you all you need to know about them."
And when the Democrats talk about "disinformation" you know
this is a hypocritical joke! These are the same people who pushed
the fake "Russian Collusion Hoax" for years and totally buried
the whole Hunter Biden laptop story!
And to make matters even worse just look at the totally biased
far left wing loon they put in charge of the new Democrat
Ministry of Truth!
Jesus wept! For America's sake I pray the Republicans take back
the House and Senate in the mid-term elections!
Irish Mike
"That the Biden Admin casually announced today that the
Dept of Homeland Security — a domestic security agency —
has created a ‘disinformation’ board is indescribably dystopian
and chilling," Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted
Thursday. "That Democrats think this is good and normal tells
you all you need to know about them."
And when the Democrats talk about "disinformation" you know
this is a hypocritical joke! These are the same people who pushed
the fake "Russian Collusion Hoax" for years and totally buried
the whole Hunter Biden laptop story!
And to make matters even worse just look at the totally biased
far left wing loon they put in charge of the new Democrat
Ministry of Truth!
Jesus wept! For America's sake I pray the Republicans take back
the House and Senate in the mid-term elections!
Irish Mike <irishranger317@gmail.com> wrote:
"That the Biden Admin casually announced today that the
Dept of Homeland Security — a domestic security agency —
has created a ‘disinformation’ board is indescribably dystopian
and chilling," Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted
Thursday. "That Democrats think this is good and normal tells
you all you need to know about them."
And when the Democrats talk about "disinformation" you know
this is a hypocritical joke! These are the same people who pushed
the fake "Russian Collusion Hoax" for years and totally buried
the whole Hunter Biden laptop story!
And to make matters even worse just look at the totally biased
far left wing loon they put in charge of the new Democrat
Ministry of Truth!
Jesus wept! For America's sake I pray the Republicans take back
the House and Senate in the mid-term elections!
The purpose of the disinformation board is to counter Russian and immigrant smuggler disinformation that causes masses of people to head for our
southern border. You’d know that if you read anything other than wingnut propaganda and yes, Russian propaganda.
Why do you hate defending the border?
Irish Mike <irishra...@gmail.com> wrote:We have seen too many conservative voices silenced by the tech titans. and biased news coverage by the the old guard media to believe that Biden is only interested in foreign propaganda
"That the Biden Admin casually announced today that the
Dept of Homeland Security — a domestic security agency —
has created a ‘disinformation’ board is indescribably dystopian
and chilling," Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted
Thursday. "That Democrats think this is good and normal tells
you all you need to know about them."
And when the Democrats talk about "disinformation" you know
this is a hypocritical joke! These are the same people who pushed
the fake "Russian Collusion Hoax" for years and totally buried
the whole Hunter Biden laptop story!
And to make matters even worse just look at the totally biased
far left wing loon they put in charge of the new Democrat
Ministry of Truth!
Jesus wept! For America's sake I pray the Republicans take backThe purpose of the disinformation board is to counter Russian and immigrant smuggler disinformation that causes masses of people to head for our southern border. You’d know that if you read anything other than wingnut propaganda and yes, Russian propaganda.
the House and Senate in the mid-term elections!
Why do you hate defending the border?
“I usually skip over your posts because of your disguistng, contrarian, liberal personality.” — Altie
"That the Biden Admin casually announced today that the
Dept of Homeland Security — a domestic security agency —
has created a ‘disinformation’ board is indescribably dystopian
and chilling," Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted
Thursday. "That Democrats think this is good and normal tells
you all you need to know about them."
And when the Democrats talk about "disinformation" you know
this is a hypocritical joke! These are the same people who pushed
the fake "Russian Collusion Hoax" for years and totally buried
the whole Hunter Biden laptop story!
And to make matters even worse just look at the totally biased
far left wing loon they put in charge of the new Democrat
Ministry of Truth!
Jesus wept! For America's sake I pray the Republicans take back
the House and Senate in the mid-term elections!
Irish Mike
The purpose of the disinformation board is to counter Russian and immigrant smuggler disinformation that causes masses of people to head for our southern border. You’d know that if you read anything other than wingnut propaganda and yes, Russian propaganda.Where did you get this spin and how are the Russians involved in smuggler disinformation?
Why do you hate defending the border?
“I usually skip over your posts because of your disguistng, contrarian, liberal personality.” — Altie
Jesus wept! For America's sake I pray the Republicans take back
the House and Senate in the mid-term elections!
On Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 8:36:46 AM UTC-5, xyzzy wrote:
The purpose of the disinformation board is to counter Russian and immigrant >> smuggler disinformation that causes masses of people to head for ourWhere did you get this spin and how are the Russians involved in smuggler disinformation?
southern border. You’d know that if you read anything other than wingnut >> propaganda and yes, Russian propaganda.
Why do you hate defending the border?
Irish Mike <irishra...@gmail.com> wrote:
"That the Biden Admin casually announced today that the
Dept of Homeland Security — a domestic security agency —
has created a ‘disinformation’ board is indescribably dystopian
and chilling," Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted
Thursday. "That Democrats think this is good and normal tells
you all you need to know about them."
And when the Democrats talk about "disinformation" you know
this is a hypocritical joke! These are the same people who pushed
the fake "Russian Collusion Hoax" for years and totally buried
the whole Hunter Biden laptop story!
And to make matters even worse just look at the totally biased
far left wing loon they put in charge of the new Democrat
Ministry of Truth!
Jesus wept! For America's sake I pray the Republicans take backThe purpose of the disinformation board is to counter Russian and immigrant smuggler disinformation that causes masses of people to head for our southern border.
the House and Senate in the mid-term elections!
ROFLMAO! Are you serious? Illegals, drug smugglers, gang bangers and human traffickers
are flooding into America by the hundreds of thousands because Biden opened our
southern border and eliminated the "Remain In Mexico" restrictions Trump put in place! More than 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year - most
of it fentanyl from Mexico.
This new Democrat Ministry of Truth was created for only one reason - to silence
Conservatives and Republicans before the mid-term elections. Democrats are in a
panic because Biden's numbers are in the tank. Only 33% of Americans approve of the job he is doing and 54% think he has a level of mental decline. Not to mention
the worst inflation in 40 years, sky high gas and food prices, an unprecedented rise
in crime and Biden's debacle in Afghanistan.
So the terrified Democrats know that, if the Republicans win the House and Senate in the
mid-term elections, one of their first priorities will be Joe Biden's impeachment!
On Sunday, May 1, 2022 at 11:35:48 AM UTC-7, Irish Mike wrote:speech -- let's just stop with the canard and realize you can be sanctioned for speech in this country, but, like most other laws, it is used very capriciously and often only to the benefit of the government or those few they choose to protect through
ROFLMAO! Are you serious? Illegals, drug smugglers, gang bangers and human traffickers
are flooding into America by the hundreds of thousands because Biden opened our
southern border and eliminated the "Remain In Mexico" restrictions Trump put >> in place! More than 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year - most
of it fentanyl from Mexico.
Then why are you not sending militias to the borders, shoot to kill under 2A? You're cowards. You're pussies.
Why are you not doing the same to the American cities? Ditto.
When are you going to realize that the way we are taught about the Constitution, the Constitution is a terrorist's document and largely, hence, void as taught?
(One example: Freedom of speech. Franklin says it implies liberty, but that implies freedom of ACTION. You CAN be sanctioned strictly for your speech under any number of present laws -- laws which are needed on the books. There is no freedom of
remove even a President deserving of the sanction, which see the fat orange motherfucker you've been masturbating to for the last seven years.This new Democrat Ministry of Truth was created for only one reason - to silence
Conservatives and Republicans before the mid-term elections. Democrats are in a
Before you silence us afterward.
panic because Biden's numbers are in the tank. Only 33% of Americans approve >> of the job he is doing and 54% think he has a level of mental decline. Not to mention
the worst inflation in 40 years, sky high gas and food prices, an unprecedented rise
in crime and Biden's debacle in Afghanistan.
I hope he destroys the country if you are correct in how this goes down.
And part of it is the concept of your stupidity, writ large HERE:
So the terrified Democrats know that, if the Republicans win the House and Senate in the
mid-term elections, one of their first priorities will be Joe Biden's impeachment!
Impeachment. La dee dah. We impeached the last motherfucker TWICE.
You can't get the 67 votes in the Senate -- even if you got Sinema and Manchin's seats (either them directly or a R successor), your ceiling on a vote after a trial in the Senate is probably about 57-59 votes.
Your priority, especially given your stands here, cannot be simply Biden's impeachment. That has been reduced, bluntly, to a function of censure in this country -- simply because there is no way that the Senate will ever to a sufficient majority to
Your FIRST priority -- not "one of" and nothing short of this -- MUST be Biden AND Harris' REMOVAL. And there's only three ways you can get it done, post January 3rd:the election of the Speaker.)
1) You do get the 67 votes in the Senate to remove. Which is not going to happen.
(Though, as a parenthetical concept, if there ever should be a time that one party holds the Presidency and the other has the majority in the House and 2/3 in the Senate, then removal becomes automatic and the House selects the new President through
2) Once you elect a Republican Speaker of the House, two bullets.controvertion to the Constitution of the state.
or 3) ......
RESOLVED, we cannot wait 2 1/2 years, especially with a lame duck Biden or Harris, to save this country.
RESOLVED, we will not get the 67 votes to remove them through Constitutional impeachment in the Senate.
(My note: With Manchin and Sinema's seats -- I'd put the Republican ceiling, at best for them, about ten short.)
RESOLVED, the state of Pennsylvania (in which the Leavitt opinion in the state courts requires the physical presence of the voter, invalidating a 2019 no-excuse mail-in ballot situation in the state) illegally conducted their 2020 election in
RESOLVED, the state of Georgia has attempted to invalidate over 200,000 invalid voters from the rolls, including over 20% of the voters of Sparta, GA.November, 2022 rout victory in Congress.)
(My note: The ACLU and others are challenging this, and Stacey Abrams calls it nothing short of Jim Crow 2.0. That said, in this context, it would actually still stand to reason to have the Republicans include it, especially in a situation of a
RESOLVED: The reputed margin of victory for Joe Biden in the state of Georgia was less than 12,000 votes.succeed the 118th Congress' Speaker of the House to the Presidency with immediate and binding effect.
RESOLVED: The Republican Party, with this information in mind, revokes and repudiates their consent of the Electoral College votes in those states, with binding and immediate effect.
(My note: This, alone, would reduce Joe Biden's count to the absolute minimum necessary, 270 votes, in the EC. Finding one more Electoral College vote "invalid" would allow the Republicans to proceed with the full strategy.)
RESOLVED: [I got stuck here, but I figure, given the belief system of the Republicans, there probably is at least a plausible _case_ to find one more such vote. PA and GA are far easier, but that only gets you to 270.]
(My note: Once you do:)
RESOLVED: The 118th Congress revokes the consent of the previous body as to Joe Biden as sitting President of the United States of America and Kamala Harris as Vice-President of the United States of America, and activates Constitutional Succession to
RESOLVED: This does not require impeachment. Joe Biden was never the legal President to begin with, because of the illegal 2019 PA statutes overturned in the Leavitt opinion, the over 200,000 illegal voters in Georgia, and [whatever gets you the lastEC vote].
RESOLVED: The Speaker of the House is immediately, upon ratification by both Houses of this Resolution, to be sworn in as the legal and Constitutional President of the United States, after which both bodies will then adjourn _sine die_ to allow saidPresident to enforce this transfer of power by whatever means the Commander in Chief will require.
(My note: In short, they leave until the changeover is allowed -- shutting off the monetary spigot to the country -- and martial law is declared under their President to enforce the change.)getting Biden down to exactly 270), and then one or more further states also similarly voided -- but I would need to research specifically which ones.
Basically, the new Congress declares Biden never was legally President, under the unconstitutionality of the Pennsylvania 2020 election (removing their EC votes), the Georgia voter problems far exceeding the margin of victory (voiding theirs and
This doesn't even require the Q-Anon discussions that Kamala Harris was never eligible to begin with (which would, factually, be an absolute disqualifier to Biden's presidency on a prima facie basis -- no person can be VP who isn't eligible for thePresidency).
It also would not require a vote of impeachment -- he's not President!factually, the appointment is also illegal, because Biden is not legally President because of the elections at the state level being unconstitutional in sufficient number).
At that point, you dare him to sue into a 6-3 Court (which is one of the reasons I find it completely insane that Turtle actually allowed the seating of ANY liberal justice, not only on the grounds that it makes this process more difficult, but that,
At that point, they shut off all appropriations bills and other business until the new President is allowed and respected, and that the new Republican President use whatever means necessary to enforce the changeover.literally have a military rule at that point.
In short, if the US Supreme Court forces Biden to finish out the two years, then the 118th Congress does not further meet and the money shuts off at the Federal level.
If the decision is somehow punted, then you have a military crisis and the "winner" is then determined by whose orders the military will follow -- remembering that, if Biden was never President, then HIS orders are the ones that are illegal. You would
On Sunday, May 1, 2022 at 11:35:48 AM UTC-7, Irish Mike wrote:
ROFLMAO! Are you serious? Illegals, drug smugglers, gang bangers and human traffickers
are flooding into America by the hundreds of thousands because Biden opened our
southern border and eliminated the "Remain In Mexico" restrictions Trump put
in place! More than 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year - most
of it fentanyl from Mexico.
Then why are you not sending militias to the borders, shoot to kill under 2A?
Trying to prove your psychopathology?
On Sunday, May 1, 2022 at 4:35:06 PM UTC-4, Michael Falkner wrote:
On Sunday, May 1, 2022 at 11:35:48 AM UTC-7, Irish Mike wrote:
ROFLMAO! Are you serious? Illegals, drug smugglers, gang bangers and human traffickers
are flooding into America by the hundreds of thousands because Biden opened our
southern border and eliminated the "Remain In Mexico" restrictions Trump put
in place! More than 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year - most
of it fentanyl from Mexico.
Then why are you not sending militias to the borders, shoot to kill under 2A?Why don't you ask Joe Biden? He is our Commander in Chief!
A newly formed Disinformation Governance Board announced Wednesday will immediately begin focusing on misinformation aimed at migrants, a problem that has helped to fuel sudden surges at the U.S. southern border in recent years. Human smugglers often spread misinformation around border policies
to drum up business.
Last September, for example, confusion around President Biden’s immigration
policies combined with messages shared widely across the Haitian community on Meta’s Facebook and WhatsApp platforms led some of the 14,000 migrants to the border town of Del Rio, Texas, where they set up camp. Some were ultimately expelled and were flown out of the U.S.
“We are very concerned that Haitians who are taking the irregular migration
path are receiving misinformation that the border is open,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said at the time.
On Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 10:06:45 PM UTC-4, xyzzy wrote:
ad. Quoting:
A newly formed Disinformation Governance Board announced Wednesday will immediately begin focusing on misinformation aimed at migrants, a problem that has helped to fuel sudden surges at the U.S. southern border in recent
years. Human smugglers often spread misinformation around border policies to drum up business.
Last September, for example, confusion around President Biden’s immigration
policies combined with messages shared widely across the Haitian community on Meta’s Facebook and WhatsApp platforms led some of the 14,000 migrants
to the border town of Del Rio, Texas, where they set up camp. Some were ultimately expelled and were flown out of the U.S.
“We are very concerned that Haitians who are taking the irregular migrationIf I told you, 5 years ago, that you'd be defending a government agency that is dedicated to internet censorship headed by a woman who was a disseminator of misinformation you'd call me a loon. Or loonier.
path are receiving misinformation that the border is open,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said at the time.
You sound like Robert Reich and NYTs and WaPo explaining how censorship
is actually necessary to stop tyranny.
The idea that the Biden administration gives a fuck about stopping illegal immigration and has created a Ministry Of Truth to combat this is laughable. He could end it in a week and at a much lower cost if he cared to.
If I told you, 5 years ago, that you'd be defending a government agency that is dedicated to internet censorship headed by a woman who was a disseminator of misinformation you'd call me a loon. Or loonier.
You sound like Robert Reich and NYTs and WaPo explaining how censorship
is actually necessary to stop tyranny.
The idea that the Biden administration gives a fuck about stopping illegal immigration and has created a Ministry Of Truth to combat this is laughable. He could end it in a week and at a much lower cost if he cared to.
On Saturday, May 7, 2022 at 4:50:35 PM UTC-7, TE wrote:
If I told you, 5 years ago, that you'd be defending a government agency that
is dedicated to internet censorship headed by a woman who was a disseminator
of misinformation you'd call me a loon. Or loonier.
You sound like Robert Reich and NYTs and WaPo explaining how censorship
is actually necessary to stop tyranny.
The idea that the Biden administration gives a fuck about stopping illegal immigration and has created a Ministry Of Truth to combat this is laughable.If you actually believed in the 2nd Amendment and acted on it in numbers, you'd probably have this country by now.
He could end it in a week and at a much lower cost if he cared to.
Mike (Now, your necessary goal would be the outright extermination of the leftward 30-60% of the population, but there you go...)
You want violence to begin then start it yourself. Or you can go on being the Johnny Tyler type.
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