• The madness d destroying America

    From Irish Mike@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 4 05:58:57 2023
    "The madness we are seeing in our country will only subside
    if traditional Americans fight against it. Woke and progressive
    politics are hurting all of us. Here are some destructive things
    that have taken root under the most radical left administration
    in history.

    Non-punishment of criminals.

    Failure to enforce immigration law

    The legalization and encouragement of marijuana and gambling

    Taxpayer funded entitlements for Americans who refuse to
    even look for a job.

    Abortion up until birth for any reason

    Failure to provide due process in the court of public opinion

    Acceptance of degrading behavior in public places

    Attacks on Catholics and Jews

    Dishonest manipulation of the voting system

    Acceptance and funding of public schools that fail students

    Allowance of gender changing advantage in women's sports.

    Quite a list, and that's just a smidgen of the decline in
    American society.

    So, speak up. Support those who are fighting the madness.
    And pray for your country." Bill O'Reilly

    And O'Reilly left out the fact that America has been flooded
    with nearly seven (7) million illegals since Biden took office and
    opened up our southern border! Or the hundreds of thousands of
    American who have died from illegal drugs from Mexico.

    God save America - before Biden and the left wing fanatics
    totally destroy it!

    Irish Mike

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From unclejr@21:1/5 to Irish Mike on Thu May 4 06:39:35 2023
    On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 7:58:59 AM UTC-5, Irish Mike wrote:
    "The madness we are seeing in our country will only subside
    if traditional Americans fight against it. Woke and progressive
    politics are hurting all of us. Here are some destructive things
    that have taken root under the most radical left administration
    in history.

    Non-punishment of criminals.

    Failure to enforce immigration law

    The legalization and encouragement of marijuana and gambling

    Taxpayer funded entitlements for Americans who refuse to
    even look for a job.

    Abortion up until birth for any reason

    Failure to provide due process in the court of public opinion

    Acceptance of degrading behavior in public places

    Attacks on Catholics and Jews

    Dishonest manipulation of the voting system

    Acceptance and funding of public schools that fail students

    Allowance of gender changing advantage in women's sports.

    Quite a list, and that's just a smidgen of the decline in
    American society.

    So, speak up. Support those who are fighting the madness.
    And pray for your country." Bill O'Reilly

    And O'Reilly left out the fact that America has been flooded
    with nearly seven (7) million illegals since Biden took office and
    opened up our southern border! Or the hundreds of thousands of
    American who have died from illegal drugs from Mexico.

    God save America - before Biden and the left wing fanatics
    totally destroy it!

    Irish Mike

    Oh, no! We suck again!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael Falkner@21:1/5 to Irish Mike on Thu May 4 08:18:29 2023
    On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 5:58:59 AM UTC-7, Irish Mike wrote:
    "The madness we are seeing in our country will only subside
    if traditional Americans fight against it. Woke and progressive
    politics are hurting all of us. Here are some destructive things
    that have taken root under the most radical left administration
    in history.

    Non-punishment of criminals.

    There are only two deterrents in the prison system. Death and prison rape. For many people, prison is an improvement on their way of life. For many others, it is a school in violence. For still others, it is a life goal and a status symbol, both in
    and outside.

    It isn't simply a matter of non-punishment, no consequences or anything else of that ilk. That's just the baseline. The fact of the matter is that jail and prison only serve as a separation, and a person usually comes out both unemployable on the
    outside AND that they are more violent, more polished in being violent, and have even more targets for that violence than when they went in?

    Failure to enforce immigration law

    I'll ask you the same question I ask a lot of these people: There is only one answer to the immigration question. When is a White Right militia going to take up arms, go to the border, point their guns south, and shoot anything trying to come across?

    (I could also ask, as an ancillary question, when the Statue of Liberty is being taken down, but that's a separate affair.)

    TL;DR Version: When are you gonna do what you say you're gonna do?

    The legalization and encouragement of marijuana and gambling

    Marijuana, I could tend to agree with.

    Gambling, on the other hand, has been "encouraged", one form or another, for decades. Hell, we could even go back to the state lotteries for doing that, if you were so inclined to have the discussion.

    What you are obviously having a problem with is the explosion in states legalizing sports gambling. (As a note: California rejected the entire concept of legalized sports gambling in 2022 by a factor of THREE TO ONE.)

    Taxpayer funded entitlements for Americans who refuse to
    even look for a job.

    Shoot them, then. Seriously. No joke.

    Part of the rise in crime is that the bribes (and they are bribes, from the welfare to the stimuli) to keep people from just robbing you blind have become insufficient (and see above, with respect to breaking the law in general). The fact is that a lot
    of people are no longer willing to play along, and you best ensure (and you can take this as a personal threat, should you so desire) it gets dealt with VIOLENTLY.

    Abortion up until birth for any reason

    We get it. Sole purpose of a woman is child-bearing, with sex on command before then. And, without legitimate purpose, you have no other rights either.

    Failure to provide due process in the court of public opinion

    So I assume we are done with the concept of free speech, then? That "public opinion" becomes sanctionable (which is what "due process" in that regard would imply...). In that case, good. Free speech doesn't exist in the first place and can be
    sanctionable when the government can find something to shoehorn against it.

    Acceptance of degrading behavior in public places

    No, it only depends on who or what is getting degraded. The law is, in no fashion, a function of what a person does. It is only a function of what the acting person is or is not, or what the victim is or is not. There is a concept in law that actions
    otherwise illegal are legal if they serve a "legitimate purpose". Uvalde was a desired result, so were those five that jackass outside Houston liquidated.

    Since Castle Rock, the police will tell you whether you serve a legitimate purpose at all in the locality. "No duty to protect" becomes no DESIRE to protect.

    Attacks on Catholics and Jews

    Often by Republicans of their own merit, who do not believe them "holy enough". Or that they believe they are taking everything over and handing it to the heathen liberals?

    Dishonest manipulation of the voting system

    You mean, allowing us to vote at all, first off.

    Some questions I will never understand: If the 2020 election was so broken:

    1) Why did you allow the succeeding Congress to ever seat? Because once the House (which was completely elected in that same "rigged" election) seats and names Pelosi Speaker, she's President if there's a protracted debate as to the Presidential
    election which goes past the Constitutional end of the President's term.

    2) Why did you allow the 2022 mid-term elections to take place? Especially because there's no way you could perform the necessary reforms in two years.

    Start with those two. I have others.

    Acceptance and funding of public schools that fail students

    You'd get rid of the entire situation at this point, if you could. That, however, said:

    1) Do you really want these kids running around all day, every day? Many of them Do. Not. Give. A. Fuck. to begin with...

    2) Are you truly prepared to start shooting some of these kids? Because making it clear that will be the eventual end result is the only way you are getting some of these fuckers in line to even THINK you can educate them at this point.

    Allowance of gender changing advantage in women's sports.

    Abolish women's sports, then. You'll get your wish, and your excuse.

    The only credible female athletes are one or more of the following types:

    1) Sex objects, by their uniforms, looks, or both.

    2) The "horse-faced lesbians" you speak of with respect to the NBA and LPGA

    3) High-testosterone women (who are increasingly being considered men, which see the Williams Sisters)

    or 4) Transgenders, which there are far more of than anyone is willing to care to admit.

    There is no non-prurient market nor interest in women's sports in this country, and this whole "Save Women's Sports" canard is nothing short of a canard.

    Quite a list, and that's just a smidgen of the decline in
    American society.

    Shoot us. Now. You have no other option.




    So, speak up. Support those who are fighting the madness.
    And pray for your country." Bill O'Reilly

    God DAMN your America.

    And O'Reilly left out the fact that America has been flooded
    with nearly seven (7) million illegals since Biden took office and
    opened up our southern border! Or the hundreds of thousands of
    American who have died from illegal drugs from Mexico.

    THEN SHOOT THEM! Holy Christ! Do you not understand that your bluff has been called and you've been left wanting? People on your side have been talking for years about raising a militia and shooting everything at the border.

    God save America - before Biden and the left wing fanatics
    totally destroy it!

    God DAMN your America.


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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)