• Fantasy Scout - Chat thread, August 2023

    From milivella@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 7 04:13:55 2023
    [The rules of this thread are simple: write what you want, reply if you
    want, ignore if you have to.]


    I have updated the graphs of the evolution of the rankings: http://fantasyscout.altervista.org/rankingsevolution.htm


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  • From milivella@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 10 05:25:58 2023
    I have updated the archive:



    Predicted head-to-heads: http://fantasyscout.altervista.org/predictedheadtoheadsarchive.htm


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  • From milivella@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 12 23:23:52 2023
    The 2022-23 season

    The data I used: http://fantasyscout.altervista.org/rankingsarchive.htm Previous season: https://groups.google.com/g/rec.sport.soccer/c/I3Yg3jyFLRU/m/3cdxYIYrAQAJ

    Cycle 1: Last season, Daniele gained some real hope of keeping his place
    on the podium, because he outscored both Michael H. and Jesus. This
    season, fortunately, Neymar scored more points than Thomas Mueller (and
    the latter's points weigh less because of the incredible number of duds
    in Daniele's squad anyway); the result is that Jesus leapfrogged
    Daniele, who is now out of the podium. The big questions are: Will
    Neymar retire from the NT? Will Flick be so stupid to call up Mueller
    again? If these two keep scoring, will they be able to catch up MH's
    presumably stationary score? ...Or maybe Gabbiadini will be subbed on 16
    times and dark horse Vasilij will get on the podium instead of two of
    the three duelists (double the number of the substitutions, and even Sid Debgupta should be afraid!).

    Cycle 2: Last season, Depay scored so many points that Tom could have a
    long shot at the podium. This season, Depay got back to non-superhuman
    level, and Tom got back to virtually no hope of reaching top 3.
    Therefore, the algorithm has the podium as almost locked, and the story
    of this cycle has ended---no, stop the presses! 4th-placed Daniele
    scored twice as many points as 2nd-placed Andrea and 3rd-placed Binder!
    And (OK, the algorithm does not know this) Andrea's main scorer Varane
    retired from the NT! It's almost impossible that Andrea=Goetze will
    score more points than Binder=Gundogan, so Binder can't get worse than
    3rd. On the other hand, Daniele=Casemiro+Walker can _easily_ close the
    33 point gap between him and Andrea. All in all, the story of the cycle
    from now on is Daniele vs. Andrea. ...Where have I heard this before?

    Cycle 3: The focus was on Nigel vs. Michael H.'s race for 3rd place, and
    the guys delivered, scoring more than anyone but impossible-to-match
    leader Andrea---notably, scoring more than twice as points as mediocre runner-up Daniele. Anyway, both Nigel and Michael H. scored 30ish points
    thanks to three players aged 27/28/29 (OK, 28/28/29 in Michael's case).
    To me, this sounds like the race is _on_. However, to (my attempt to
    replicate) the prediction algorithm, this sounds like moving from
    58%-44% to 80%-24% (chances of podium, Nigel first). Hmm. It looks like
    the algorithm has been positively impressed by Nigel's Ake's step up and
    by Michael's Digne and Laporte's step down. I don't know, but I would
    bet on Michael at the algorithm's odds. The players to focus on should
    be: Ake, Coman and Stones (Nigel); Shaw, Goretzka and Laporte (Michael).

    Cycle 4: Another race for the 3rd place: Abubakr vs. Alberto. And,
    again, they did their best to entertain us. Alberto was the best scorer
    in the cycle, thanks to the usual Kimmich and the finally delivering
    Dembele and Asensio. Abubakr was the third best scorer, thanks to "1 cap
    and 1 goal a match" Mbappe. Indeed, Alberto and Abubakr were so good
    that now Andrea's place on the podium begins to wobble...

    Cycle 5: One year ago, I wrote that 2021-22 _may_ have been the season
    Jackson won the cycle. This season, Jackson:
    - got the 2nd best performance across all cycles;
    - got to 1st place;
    - moved from 77% to 93% chances of winning the cycle.
    With Michael H. (35 points) and Alberto (26 points) unable to keep
    Jackson's pace, it looks like the 5th cycle is _really_ over. Barring surprises, next year we'll have to focus on the race for the podium,
    here too. Let's celebrate Jackson's four horsemen, all level at 11
    points scored this season: Theo Hernandez, Maguire, Lautaro Martinez,
    Vinicius Junior.

    Cycle 6: Hey, it looks Jackson won two cycles in a year! But let's start
    from the beginning. This season, ten scouts scored between 34 and 22
    points. This is evidently what one should expect from a cycle 6 scout.
    Well... Jackson scored 77 points. Or, in other words, Jackson would be a
    normal scout if he only picked on one day. On January 30, 2020, Jackson
    picked Grealish and Bellingham, who scored 10 points each this season. Unfortunately for everyone else, he didn't took 730 days off, and he
    also picked Lucas Paqueta, Diogo Dalot, Diogo Costa, Camavinga, Pedri...

    Cycle 7: Actually, Jackson did his best to win _three_ cycles in a year!
    He scored a noteworthy 60 points, with the 3rd best performance of the
    season after... Jackson and Jackson. Fortunately, Leon scored 59 and got everybody's hopes for some entertainment up! ...Unless you listen to the algorithm, that will make you notice that Jackson's main scorers (Julian Alvarez and Tchouameni) are just 23, while Leon has---yes, Pino and
    Timber, but also Cristian Romero (25 year old) and Simon (26). This
    seems suspiciously similar to what Algo said last year about the same
    scouts in the previous cycle. Evidently, Leon prefers to pick slightly
    older players, and this lets him match Jackson' stellar performance in
    the short term, but could mean that he will be short of breatch before
    his opponent. Anyway, even Algo would admit that this race is still open.

    Cycle 8: Let me quote what I wrote two years ago about cycle 7 (which
    was in the same mid-picking state as cycle 8 is now): "Leon's strategy
    of picking a lot of players early in the cycle seems to work better than
    in the 6th cycle (also 23 picks in the first year of the cycle): 41
    points vs. 20." This time, Leon scored more points per match (3.64 vs.
    2.48), with more picks left (6 vs. 1) [the age is practically the same,
    21.0 vs. 21.2]. Leon is clearly improving his game, and this could
    finally be his cycle.


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  • From Werner Pichler@21:1/5 to milivella on Thu Aug 24 23:12:26 2023
    On Saturday, August 12, 2023 at 11:23:57 PM UTC+2, milivella wrote:
    The 2022-23 season

    The data I used: http://fantasyscout.altervista.org/rankingsarchive.htm Previous season: https://groups.google.com/g/rec.sport.soccer/c/I3Yg3jyFLRU/m/3cdxYIYrAQAJ

    Cycle 3: The focus was on Nigel vs. Michael H.'s race for 3rd place, and
    the guys delivered, scoring more than anyone but impossible-to-match
    leader Andrea---notably, scoring more than twice as points as mediocre runner-up Daniele. Anyway, both Nigel and Michael H. scored 30ish points thanks to three players aged 27/28/29 (OK, 28/28/29 in Michael's case).
    To me, this sounds like the race is _on_. However, to (my attempt to replicate) the prediction algorithm, this sounds like moving from
    58%-44% to 80%-24% (chances of podium, Nigel first). Hmm. It looks like
    the algorithm has been positively impressed by Nigel's Ake's step up and
    by Michael's Digne and Laporte's step down. I don't know, but I would
    bet on Michael at the algorithm's odds. The players to focus on should
    be: Ake, Coman and Stones (Nigel); Shaw, Goretzka and Laporte (Michael).

    Laporte off to Saudi-Arabia - does this rule him out of the Spanish NT?


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  • From milivella@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 26 01:33:46 2023
    V2VybmVyIFBpY2hsZXI6DQoNCj4gT24gU2F0dXJkYXksIEF1Z3VzdCAxMiwgMjAyMyBhdCAx MToyMzo1N+KAr1BNIFVUQysyLCBtaWxpdmVsbGEgd3JvdGU6DQo+PiBUaGUgMjAyMi0yMyBz ZWFzb24NCj4+DQo+PiBUaGUgZGF0YSBJIHVzZWQ6IGh0dHA6Ly9mYW50YXN5c2NvdXQuYWx0 ZXJ2aXN0YS5vcmcvcmFua2luZ3NhcmNoaXZlLmh0bQ0KPj4gUHJldmlvdXMgc2Vhc29uOg0K Pj4gaHR0cHM6Ly9ncm91cHMuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS9nL3JlYy5zcG9ydC5zb2NjZXIvYy9JM1ln M2p5RkxSVS9tLzNjZHhZSVlyQVFBSg0KPj4NCj4+IEN5Y2xlIDM6IFRoZSBmb2N1cyB3YXMg b24gTmlnZWwgdnMuIE1pY2hhZWwgSC4ncyByYWNlIGZvciAzcmQgcGxhY2UsIGFuZA0KPj4g dGhlIGd1eXMgZGVsaXZlcmVkLCBzY29yaW5nIG1vcmUgdGhhbiBhbnlvbmUgYnV0IGltcG9z c2libGUtdG8tbWF0Y2gNCj4+IGxlYWRlciBBbmRyZWEtLS1ub3RhYmx5LCBzY29yaW5nIG1v cmUgdGhhbiB0d2ljZSBhcyBwb2ludHMgYXMgbWVkaW9jcmUNCj4+IHJ1bm5lci11cCBEYW5p ZWxlLiBBbnl3YXksIGJvdGggTmlnZWwgYW5kIE1pY2hhZWwgSC4gc2NvcmVkIDMwaXNoIHBv aW50cw0KPj4gdGhhbmtzIHRvIHRocmVlIHBsYXllcnMgYWdlZCAyNy8yOC8yOSAoT0ssIDI4 LzI4LzI5IGluIE1pY2hhZWwncyBjYXNlKS4NCj4+IFRvIG1lLCB0aGlzIHNvdW5kcyBsaWtl IHRoZSByYWNlIGlzIF9vbl8uIEhvd2V2ZXIsIHRvIChteSBhdHRlbXB0IHRvDQo+PiByZXBs aWNhdGUpIHRoZSBwcmVkaWN0aW9uIGFsZ29yaXRobSwgdGhpcyBzb3VuZHMgbGlrZSBtb3Zp bmcgZnJvbQ0KPj4gNTglLTQ0JSB0byA4MCUtMjQlIChjaGFuY2VzIG9mIHBvZGl1bSwgTmln ZWwgZmlyc3QpLiBIbW0uIEl0IGxvb2tzIGxpa2UNCj4+IHRoZSBhbGdvcml0aG0gaGFzIGJl ZW4gcG9zaXRpdmVseSBpbXByZXNzZWQgYnkgTmlnZWwncyBBa2UncyBzdGVwIHVwIGFuZA0K Pj4gYnkgTWljaGFlbCdzIERpZ25lIGFuZCBMYXBvcnRlJ3Mgc3RlcCBkb3duLiBJIGRvbid0 IGtub3csIGJ1dCBJIHdvdWxkDQo+PiBiZXQgb24gTWljaGFlbCBhdCB0aGUgYWxnb3JpdGht J3Mgb2Rkcy4gVGhlIHBsYXllcnMgdG8gZm9jdXMgb24gc2hvdWxkDQo+PiBiZTogQWtlLCBD b21hbiBhbmQgU3RvbmVzIChOaWdlbCk7IFNoYXcsIEdvcmV0emthIGFuZCBMYXBvcnRlIChN aWNoYWVsKS4NCj4gDQo+IExhcG9ydGUgb2ZmIHRvIFNhdWRpLUFyYWJpYSAtIGRvZXMgdGhp cyBydWxlIGhpbSBvdXQgb2YgdGhlIFNwYW5pc2ggTlQ/DQoNCk9vb3IuLi4gZ2l2ZW4gU2F1 ZGkgQXJhYmlhJ3MgYW5kIHRoZSBTcGFuaXNoIEZlZGVyYXRpb24ncyB2aWV3cyBvbiANCndv bWVuLCBkb2VzIHRoaXMgbWFrZSBoaW0gY2FwdGFpbiBvZiB0aGUgU3BhbmlzaCBOVD8NCg0K LS0NCkNoZWVycw0KbWlsaXZlbGxhDQo=

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  • From MH@21:1/5 to Werner Pichler on Sat Aug 26 00:02:15 2023
    On 2023-08-25 00:12, Werner Pichler wrote:
    On Saturday, August 12, 2023 at 11:23:57 PM UTC+2, milivella wrote:
    The 2022-23 season

    The data I used: http://fantasyscout.altervista.org/rankingsarchive.htm
    Previous season:

    Cycle 3: The focus was on Nigel vs. Michael H.'s race for 3rd place, and
    the guys delivered, scoring more than anyone but impossible-to-match
    leader Andrea---notably, scoring more than twice as points as mediocre
    runner-up Daniele. Anyway, both Nigel and Michael H. scored 30ish points
    thanks to three players aged 27/28/29 (OK, 28/28/29 in Michael's case).
    To me, this sounds like the race is _on_. However, to (my attempt to
    replicate) the prediction algorithm, this sounds like moving from
    58%-44% to 80%-24% (chances of podium, Nigel first). Hmm. It looks like
    the algorithm has been positively impressed by Nigel's Ake's step up and
    by Michael's Digne and Laporte's step down. I don't know, but I would
    bet on Michael at the algorithm's odds. The players to focus on should
    be: Ake, Coman and Stones (Nigel); Shaw, Goretzka and Laporte (Michael).

    Laporte off to Saudi-Arabia - does this rule him out of the Spanish NT?

    It might. But he seems to have been first choice at centre back for a
    while so they might give him a chance or two while away.

    Brazil and Belgium have still picked players playing in far-off, less prestigious leagues (China, Japan for example). I am not sure any of
    the other heavyweights have ever done something like that apart from
    sympathy caps for Beckham and Rooney when they were with MLS.


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