• Priest Homosexual Abuse Lawsuit Singles Out Diocese Of Orange, All Amer

    From GLAAD Community News@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 8 06:13:09 2017
    XPost: sac.politics, alt.politics.homosexuality, oc.general
    XPost: alt.atheism

    The priest left ministry on founding All American Boys Choir in
    the 1970s. He never served as a priest of the Diocese of Orange,
    they said.

    ORANGE, CA — In response to a recent lawsuit filed in Orange
    County alleging that a priest, who was the founder of the All
    American Boys Chorus, was allowed to sexually prey on children
    for years, Diocese of Orange officials Wednesday said he never
    worked in the county.

    The lawsuit filed in Orange County Superior Court on Feb. 3 does
    not specify a defendant, but it refers to a priest, chorus and

    The lawsuit alleges that the plaintiff, who is unnamed, was
    molested by a priest, who also is not named. The Survivors
    Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP, identified the
    accused as Fr. Richard T. Coughlin, the founder and former
    director of the chorus in 1970.

    Dogged by sexual abuse allegations in Boston, Coughlin was sent
    to California, SNAP alleged.

    The alleged victims believed that the chorus was "run by a
    gregarious, charismatic and affectionate Catholic priest with an
    Irish brogue (who) would serve to uplift and inspire," according
    to the lawsuit.

    "Instead (the priest) for decades since (the) 1950s had been
    sexually molesting boys, sheltered, protected and enabled by his
    church superiors," according to the lawsuit.

    The Diocese of Orange issued the following statement:

    "Our Diocese and the Church more broadly have publicly
    acknowledged past failings and have apologized personally to the
    victims of abuse and their families and worked to reach a fair
    resolution of every legitimate abuse claim, enabling victims to
    begin their healing.

    The Diocese of Orange reached several such settlements with
    victim survivors of Richard Coughlin as part of the global
    settlement reached in 2003.

    "This bold initiative to settle these long past clergy abuse
    cases in a respectful and humble manner and to institute strict
    procedures for the protection of children and young people has
    been seen as a model for others," they said. "We also took the
    unprecedented step of releasing all appropriate personnel files
    related to this settlement in May of 2005. Additionally all
    priests removed from public ministry related to the Charter for
    the Protection of Children and Young People are publicly
    available on our website.

    "Richard Coughlin was ordained in the archdiocese of Boston in
    1953 and incardinated in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in the
    1960s, predating the Diocese of Orange, which was founded in
    1976. Coughlin left parish ministry upon founding the All
    American Boys Choir in the early 1970s. Coughlin never served as
    a priest of the Diocese of Orange. "

    Upon receiving allegations of abuse against Coughlin, then
    Bishop Norman McFarland permanently removed him from ministry in
    1993. He has not served in any ministerial capacity since that
    time. Additionally, the Diocese of Orange has never and does not
    support Richard Coughlin financially.

    The plaintiff in the suit was 10 when the priest began to molest
    him as a member of the chorus, the lawsuit alleges.

    The lawsuit alleges that Coughlin, despite complaints of abuse,
    was transferred to St. Michael's preparatory school in Orange.
    Despite a complaint in 1974 elsewhere, he was "given permission
    by the Los Angeles Archdiocese to teach and minister at St.
    Michaels an all-boys boarding school and junior seminary," the
    lawsuit alleges.

    The priest "molested more children while he was assigned to St.
    Michael's," the lawsuit alleges.

    Diocese of Orange officials sought to reassure the public that
    it is "deeply committed and remain vigilant in protecting and
    caring for children, our most cherished resource. The Church has
    worked hard to protect children. Much has been done but more
    needs to be done. Until abuse is no longer a part of society,
    the Church will continue its efforts to stop it."

    http://patch.com/california/newportbeach/priest-abuse-lawsuit- singles-out-diocese-orange-all-american-boys-choir

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to GLAAD Community News on Wed Mar 8 19:02:37 2017
    XPost: sac.politics, alt.politics.homosexuality, oc.general
    XPost: alt.atheism

    I advise you against any further anonymous stalking of me on Usenet
    Groups and attempts at stealing my Intellectual Property.

    - http://www.grapple369.com?time:18.12

    MIND: {1 + 2 = #3} +
    SCIENCE: {3 + 4 = #7} +
    OPINION: {5 + 6 = #11} +
    SENSE: {7 + 8 = #15 - *EMBLEM* *OF* *THE* *FLAG*, *POLICE* *AND*
    *EMERGENCY* *SERVICES* *SYMBOL*} = #36 (ie. H27 - Realm of its Nature as
    Heaven - Formula of Universal Law + H9 - System's Cosmology as Earth -
    Formula of Humanity)

    For instance, the commentary on Tetragram #16 - CONTACT given by the
    CANON OF SUPREME MYSTERY (T'AI HSUAN CHING) as meta-descriptor (outside
    time) prototypes as published within 4 BCE, it specifically states
    *WITH* *LESSER*, *BESTIAL* (ie. HETEROS: #15 - SATURN ... #34 - JUPITER

    MALEFICENT (adjective)
    - literary causing harm or destruction, especially by supernatural means.
    - Astrology relating to the planets Saturn and Mars, traditionally
    considered to have an unfavourable influence.

    - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indcXA0OWJZWnBhc1k

    It acquires this distinct FASCIST MALEFICENT intention as a Categorical Imperative (ie. the TETRAD is always intellectual) by applying the
    Pythagorean Method of Reduction to each total sum as the progression of
    magic squares.


    #15 gives #45 and reduces to 9
    #34 gives #136 and reduces to 1
    #65 gives #325 and reduces to 1

    And viola we have: 911.

    Accordingly, I have a justified cause to view your flagrant and
    insatiable sexual proclivities which have no boundaries of propriety, as exhibiting a pattern of unreasonable opposition that is without
    restraint or remorse in being directed towards my existence and being
    within time.


    "The natural aristocracy I consider as the *MOST* *PRECIOUS* *GIFT* *OF* *NATURE* *FOR* *THE* *INSTRUCTION*, *THE* *TRUSTS*, *AND* *GOVERNMENT*
    *OF* *SOCIETY*."

    "And indeed it would have been inconsistent in creation to have formed
    man for the social state, and not to have provided virtue and wisdom
    enough to manage the concerns of the society."

    "May we not even say that that form of government is the best which
    provide the most - for a pure selection of these natural aristoi into
    the offices of government?" [Thomas Jefferson (letter to John Adams, 28
    October 1813), Reference: Jefferson Writings, Lemay, ed., 1306]

    SOURCE: http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/gen-medieval/2008-01/1200595911

    And therefore ought to be unlawful conduct by a public authority such as
    the Victoria Police under Section 38(1) to (3) of the Charter of Human
    Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006, which states: "(1)
    Subject to this section, *IT* *IS* *UNLAWFUL* *FOR* *A* *PUBLIC*
    *A* *HUMAN* *RIGHT* *OR*, *IN* *MAKING* *A* *DECISION*, *TO* *FAIL* *TO*

    The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006 of
    Victoria defines that the term "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING.”

    And the question is, if it is entirely permissible to then extend this definition to be, the term "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING AS A CONSCIOUS

    That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[IOS] SAPIEN[T] as EXISTENCE.

    After all the ENNEAD of THOTH, expresses an Anthropic Cosmological
    Principle which appears within its geometric conception as being
    equivalent to the Pythagorean TETRAD/TETRACTYS.

    that it was Theodore Roosevelt, President of the USA and Congressional
    Medal of Honor Winner, who stated words to the affect that he recognized
    the worth and pre-eminence of the Aristocratic and Royal class through
    out history because of their history of service to their countries in
    war and p[ea]ce through military service and otherwise. He stated words
    to the affect that this Aristocratic-Royal class had, in general, a
    clear sense of attachment to and dedication to their nations and
    peoples. On the other hand,he stated words to the affect that
    capitalists, especially monopoly capitalists, were noted for their lack
    of attachment to their communities and nations, their utter selfishness
    and lack of principles, and their tendency to victimize the nations

    The following are paragraphs included in the Magna Charta which King
    John of England was forced to sign in 1215 by the Magna Charta Barons

    #39. No freeman shall be taken, or imprisoned, or dis-seized, or
    outlawed, or exiled, or in any way harmed--nor will we go upon or send
    upon him--save by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the

    #40. To none will we sell, to none deny or delay, right or justice."

    (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if, as a result of a statutory
    provision or a provision made by or under an Act of the Commonwealth or otherwise under law, the public authority could not reasonably have
    acted differently or made a different decision.

    Where the public authority is acting to give effect to a statutory
    provision that is incompatible with a human right.

    (3) This section does not apply to an act or decision of a private nature.

    (4) Subsection (1) does not require a public authority to act in a way,
    or make a decision, that has the effect of impeding or preventing a
    religious body (including itself in the case of a public authority that
    is a religious body) from acting in conformity with the religious
    doctrines, beliefs or principles in accordance with which the religious
    body operates.

    (5) In this section religious body means—

    (a) a body established for a religious purpose; or
    (b) an entity that establishes, or directs, controls or administers, an educational or other charitable entity that is intended to be, and is, conducted in accordance with religious doctrines, beliefs or principles.

    3 - #15 as Saturn {Father (Pater)}
    4 - #34 as Jupiter {Lion (Leo)}
    5 - #65 as Mars {*Soldier* (Miles)}
    6 - #111 as Sun {Runner of the Sun (Heliodromus) as Sol Invictus}
    7 - #175 as Venus {Bridegroom (Nymphus)}
    8 - #260 as Mercury {Raven (Corax)}
    9 - #369 as Moon {Persian (Perses)}

    Roman society was divided into *PLEBEIANS* (commoners) and *PATRICIANS* (aristocrats} bifurcated class entitlement and actuated by a social
    stratum known as the Ancient Roman collegia with anchorage by the #15
    MAGIC SQUARE as the sovereign/marriage dynamic.

    INVENTORI LUCIS SOLI INVICTO AUGUSTO ('to the contriver of light, sol
    invictus augustus')

    MIND (DING-DONG): {#1 + #2 = #3} +
    SCIENCE (POOH-POOH): {#3 + #4 = #7} +
    OPINION (BOW-WOW): {#5 + #6 = #11} +
    SENSE (TA-TA): {#7 + #8 = #15} = #36 (ie. H27 - Realm of its Nature as
    Heaven - Formula of Universal Law + H9 - System's Cosmology as Earth -
    Formula of Humanity)

    'I *swear* by him who the TETRAKTYS (#10) found,
    Whence all our wisdom springs and which contains
    Perennial Nature's fountain, cause and root.'

    HEAVEN (H27) + EARTH (H9) +/= MAN (#36) as total sum equals #666 is an encapsulation of especially but not exclusively Roman Catholic Religious Belief.

    - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indMkJ4d2l5SEVlVmc

    CAESAR AUGUSTUS (27 BCE - #14 CE - prohibited soldiers from marrying, a
    ban that remained in force for the Imperial army for nearly two centuries)

    The conquest mentality and "cult of virility" shaped same-sex relations.
    Roman men were free to enjoy sex with other males without a
    perceived loss of masculinity or social status, as long as they took the dominant or penetrative role. Acceptable male partners were slaves, prostitutes, and entertainers, whose lifestyle placed them in the
    nebulous social realm of infamia (in-, "not," and fama, "reputation")
    was a loss of legal or social standing and was an official exclusion
    from the legal protections enjoyed by a Roman citizen (ie. you couldn't
    get your eucharist bread from the State), as imposed by a censor or
    praetor, excluded from the normal protections accorded a citizen even if
    they were technically free. Although Roman men in general seem to have preferred youths between the ages of 12 and 20 as sexual partners,
    freeborn male minors were strictly off limits, and professional
    prostitutes and entertainers might be considerably older.

    The infamia of entertainers did not exclude them from socializing among
    the Roman elite, and entertainers who were "stars", both men and
    women, sometimes became the lovers of such high-profile figures as the
    dictator Sulla and Mark Antony.

    #0 CE ... @1 - AUGUSTUS was worshipped as the Son of God (27 BCE - #14
    CE) ... #15CE (9) ... @2 - TIBERIUS (#14 – #37 CE) ... #34CE (16) ... @3
    - CALIGULA (#37 - #41 CE) ... @4 - CLAUDIUS (#41 - #54 CE) ... #65CE
    (25) - @5 - NERO (#666: #54 - #68 CE) ... #111 CE (36) ... #175 CE (49)
    ... #260 CE (64 as I CHING META-DESCRIPTOR PROTOTYPES), #369 CE (81 as
    DAO TE CHING META-DESCRIPTOR PROTOTYPES) ... #1933 - 1945CE < --- German Fascism's Golden Age ... #2000CE < --- Jubilee 2000 as Holy Catholic
    'Satanic' Tradition et al being a faux-sophistic wisdom ... #2056 as
    proposed Islamic Golden Age

    This list of ancient Roman collegia (Latin singular collegium, meaning
    "joined together"; English for "college") denotes a subset of
    professional, religious, and burial associations that existed during the
    Roman Republic and Roman Empire. The other major legal form of Roman associations were political clubs, known as sodalitates. The collegia
    played a critical sociological role in organizing Roman society,
    particularly among slaves and the other lower classes. Concurrently,
    much of the history of collegia were left unrecorded by Roman
    historians, as the aristocratic authors of the time were predominantly uninterested in chronicling the labor union activities, cult worshiping rituals, and general social practices of the working classes. Exceptions
    to this rule existed, such as the notable and prestigious Collegium
    Pistorum, the college of bakers, which received wealth, political status
    in the Roman Senate, and some historical attention in ancient Rome. The
    most powerful of these professional collegia often had considerable
    political influence, including over legislation and magistrate
    appointments. This professional class of collegia were modelled in the
    same manner as a public corporation. However, under Roman law, collegia
    never were granted the same legal rights of personhood as modern

    #1) Collegium Armariorum: College of Gladiators;
    #2) Collegium Bacchus: College of Bacchus Worship was outlawed by the
    Senate in 186 BCE; Outlawed again by the Senate in 64 BCE.
    #3 = *MIND* (DING-DONG): {#1 + #2 = #3}) Collegium Bisellariorum:
    College of Makers of Chairs for the Gods;
    #4) Collegium Castrensialiorum: College of Sutlers;
    #5) Collegium Centonariorum: College of Junk Men;
    #6) Collegium Communionis Minirum: College of Actors
    #7 = *SCIENCE* (POOH-POOH): {#3 + #4 = #7}) Collegium Dianae et Antinoi: College of Diana and Antinou - The collegium was a prominent burial
    association that received Senate approval during the consulship of
    Marcus Antonius Hiberus and Publius Mummius Sisenna (1 January 133 CE).
    The legal articles of incorporation of the collegium have been preserved
    on a two column marble monument discovered in 1816 (CIL 14.2112).
    Membership into the collegium required an initial fee of 100 sestreces,
    an amphora of good *WINE*, and a monthly fee of 1.25 sestreces.
    #8) Collegium Farnariorum: College of Mowers;
    #9) Collegium Lupanariorum: College of Brothel Keepers;
    #10) Collegium Pistorum: *COLLEGE* *OF* *BAKERS* (168 BCE) - In the late
    Roman Republic, *BREAD* shifted from a luxury good to an everyday
    staple. As supply increased, a guild of bakers was established to
    regulate and control the market. The Collegium became critical to the
    ancient Roman grain supply. As a consequence, the Collegium was granted
    its own seat in the Senate.
    #11 = *OPINION* (BOW-WOW): {#5 + #6 = #11}) Collegium Pontificum:
    *COLLEGE* *OF* *PONTIFFS* (510 BCE):
    #12) Collegium Saliarium Baxiarum: College of Shoe Makers;
    #13) Collegium Urinatorum: College of Devils;
    #14) Collegium Vasculariorum: College of Metal Vessel Makers;
    #15 = *SENSE* (TA-TA): {#7 + #8 = #15}) Collegium Vinariorum: College of
    *WINE* Dealers;
    #16) Collegium Vinatorum: College of Planters;

    The main demarcation in the study of ancient Roman collegia concerns
    their legal statuses with the Roman authorities. A collegium was either classified as being collegium legitima or collegium illicita, respective
    as to whether the collegium was lawful or unlawful. This classification
    went through several paradigms throughout the course of Roman history,
    with various Senates and Emperors being either strict or lax with the
    legal requirements of a collegium. In many of these stricter periods, enforcement of collegial law remained lax and the majority of collegia
    in operation were done so unlawfully. The most famous of these unlawful collegia was Christianity. Furthermore, local governors and other
    magistrates often had liberal discretion over banning or sanctioning
    collegia within their jurisdictions. For these reasons, the same
    collegium would occasionally be disbanded and reconstituted, depending
    on the policies of the Roman authorities. For example, the Collegium
    Bacchus was the first recorded collegium to be outlawed. In 186 BCE,
    the worship of Bacchus was banned by Senate decree. Subsequently
    restored, the Collegium Bacchus was banned, for a brief period, a second
    time by the Roman Republic, in 64 BCE.

    - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indaDdjSVZtTE5fOWc

    Magistrate attitudes towards collegia were notably distinct between the
    central government in Italia and the Eastern Roman Empire. In 21 BCE,
    under the reign of Emperor Augustus, the Roman Senate passed the Iulia
    lex collegiis. The effect of Iulia lex collegiis granted collegia with a certain legal capacity, including property rights and legal standing in judicial proceedings as both a defendant and plaintiff. Throughout the
    imperial era, the collegia also acquired the ability to receive
    inheritances. [Wikipedia 2017: List_of_Ancient_Roman_Collegia]

    - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indT3NhMDJGU0tGNkU

    - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indTGZZRGNuY0dyREE

    And the relationship is here shown as between the #1 - #CENTRE with both
    the #36 (+ #1 as #CENTRE) and #72 (+ #1 as #CENTRE) is shown within the
    image above as conforming to the Apostle Paul's claim made within the
    Epistle to the Romans, that Israel 'NOT* *ONLY* *DO* *THE* *SAME*, *BUT*
    *HAVE* *PLEASURE* *IN* *THEM* *THAT* *DO* *THEM*.' [Romans 1:31 (KJV)]

    And the relationship is here shown as between the #1 - #CENTRE with both
    the #36 (+ #1 as #CENTRE) and #72 (+ #1 as #CENTRE) is shown within the
    image above as conforming to the Apostle Paul's claim made within the
    Epistle to the Romans, that Israel 'NOT* *ONLY* *DO* *THE* *SAME*, *BUT*
    *HAVE* *PLEASURE* *IN* *THEM* *THAT* *DO* *THEM*.' [Romans 1:31 (KJV)]

    According to the I CHING Hexagram 31 - RECIPROCITY, this is most usually
    shown by the mutual stimulation of Heaven and Earth:

    GENTILE VIEW: *H27* - YI [Nourishment/ZHEN (ie. #3) below + GEN (ie. #8)
    above] + *H9* - XIAOXU [Lesser Domestication/QIAN (ie. #6) below + SUN
    (ie. #4) above] = *H36* - MINGYI [Suppression of the Light/LI (ie. #9)
    below + KUN (ie. #1) above]

    JEWISH VIEW: *H54* - GUIMEI [Marrying Maid/DUI (ie. #7) below + ZHEN
    (ie. #3) above] {ie. Realm of its Nature as Heaven - Formula of
    Universal Law} + *H18* - GU [Ills to Be Cured/SUN (ie. #4) below + GEN
    (ie. #8) above] {ie. System's Cosmology as Earth - Formula of Humanity}
    = *#72* - Self-Love, Holding Oneself Dear; I-Ching: H39 - Adversity,
    Obstacles, Limping, Obstruction, Afoot; Tetra: 79 - Difficulties)

    - http://www.grapple369.com?telos:72


    For your crimes against humanity as war crimes I will be seeking the
    death penalty--just so you know what enduring enmity exists between use.

    Stay out of gay, religious or Australian usenet groups within which I participate.

    Cease your stalking you psychopathic jackass.

    Note my comment on the Egyptian god Thoth (ie. number/language
    consciousness) below associated to my Intellectual Property. Doesn't he
    weigh the heart of the dead and isn't he associated to the equinox upon
    which each my parents died?


    - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indbXhtSnRoY1ZzbUE

    Now f@ck off you fascist turd and jackass.


    I WANT TO BLOW (#1).

    I'VE BLOWN MY LOAD (#2).
    OVER A TOAD (#3).


    - http://www.grapple369.com?time:08.05

    YOUTUBE: "Kermit vs. Constantine (Dark Kermit)"

    - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Biv_TKkvzC4

    #1 - BLOW:
    - a sudden, hard stroke with a hand, fist, or weapon
    - a sudden shock, calamity, reversal, etc.;
    - a sudden attack or drastic action;

    COME TO BLOWS: to begin to fight, especially to engage in physical combat;

    #2 - BLOWN MY LOAD:
    - *FUSILLADE* (ie. a general discharge or outpouring of anything: a
    fusillade of questions, to attack or shoot by a fusillade; Word of the
    Day for 6 March 2017; Courtesy: www.dictionary.com)

    #3 - TOAD:
    - a person or thing as an object of disgust or aversion.

    #4 - JIZ-BIZ:
    - JIZ: [vulgar slang] semen, seminal, to ejaculate;
    - BIZ: business;


    If you did it, f@ck you. LOL"

    DOLF: "Happy Yom Kippur:

    While judgment on each person is pronounced on Rosh Hashanah (Day of
    Judgment: 3 October, 2016), it is not made absolute until Yom Kippur
    (Day of Atonement and expiation: 12 October, 2016). The Ten Days are
    therefore an opportunity to mend one's ways in order to alter the
    judgment in one's favour.

    For some an end of the world has come!"

    - dolf

    On 8/03/2017 4:13 PM, GLAAD Community News wrote:
    The priest left ministry on founding All American Boys Choir in
    the 1970s. He never served as a priest of the Diocese of Orange,
    they said.

    ORANGE, CA — In response to a recent lawsuit filed in Orange
    County alleging that a priest, who was the founder of the All
    American Boys Chorus, was allowed to sexually prey on children
    for years, Diocese of Orange officials Wednesday said he never
    worked in the county.

    The lawsuit filed in Orange County Superior Court on Feb. 3 does
    not specify a defendant, but it refers to a priest, chorus and

    The lawsuit alleges that the plaintiff, who is unnamed, was
    molested by a priest, who also is not named. The Survivors
    Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP, identified the
    accused as Fr. Richard T. Coughlin, the founder and former
    director of the chorus in 1970.

    Dogged by sexual abuse allegations in Boston, Coughlin was sent
    to California, SNAP alleged.

    The alleged victims believed that the chorus was "run by a
    gregarious, charismatic and affectionate Catholic priest with an
    Irish brogue (who) would serve to uplift and inspire," according
    to the lawsuit.

    "Instead (the priest) for decades since (the) 1950s had been
    sexually molesting boys, sheltered, protected and enabled by his
    church superiors," according to the lawsuit.

    The Diocese of Orange issued the following statement:

    "Our Diocese and the Church more broadly have publicly
    acknowledged past failings and have apologized personally to the
    victims of abuse and their families and worked to reach a fair
    resolution of every legitimate abuse claim, enabling victims to
    begin their healing.

    The Diocese of Orange reached several such settlements with
    victim survivors of Richard Coughlin as part of the global
    settlement reached in 2003.

    "This bold initiative to settle these long past clergy abuse
    cases in a respectful and humble manner and to institute strict
    procedures for the protection of children and young people has
    been seen as a model for others," they said. "We also took the
    unprecedented step of releasing all appropriate personnel files
    related to this settlement in May of 2005. Additionally all
    priests removed from public ministry related to the Charter for
    the Protection of Children and Young People are publicly
    available on our website.

    "Richard Coughlin was ordained in the archdiocese of Boston in
    1953 and incardinated in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in the
    1960s, predating the Diocese of Orange, which was founded in
    1976. Coughlin left parish ministry upon founding the All
    American Boys Choir in the early 1970s. Coughlin never served as
    a priest of the Diocese of Orange. "

    Upon receiving allegations of abuse against Coughlin, then
    Bishop Norman McFarland permanently removed him from ministry in
    1993. He has not served in any ministerial capacity since that
    time. Additionally, the Diocese of Orange has never and does not
    support Richard Coughlin financially.

    The plaintiff in the suit was 10 when the priest began to molest
    him as a member of the chorus, the lawsuit alleges.

    The lawsuit alleges that Coughlin, despite complaints of abuse,
    was transferred to St. Michael's preparatory school in Orange.
    Despite a complaint in 1974 elsewhere, he was "given permission
    by the Los Angeles Archdiocese to teach and minister at St.
    Michaels an all-boys boarding school and junior seminary," the
    lawsuit alleges.

    The priest "molested more children while he was assigned to St.
    Michael's," the lawsuit alleges.

    Diocese of Orange officials sought to reassure the public that
    it is "deeply committed and remain vigilant in protecting and
    caring for children, our most cherished resource. The Church has
    worked hard to protect children. Much has been done but more
    needs to be done. Until abuse is no longer a part of society,
    the Church will continue its efforts to stop it."

    http://patch.com/california/newportbeach/priest-abuse-lawsuit- singles-out-diocese-orange-all-american-boys-choir


    The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006
    defines a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is permissible to extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN

    That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[IOS] SAPIEN[T] as EXISTENCE.

    - http://www.grapple369.com


    After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
    expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bases@21:1/5 to dolf on Thu Mar 9 02:15:54 2017
    XPost: sac.politics, alt.politics.homosexuality, oc.general
    XPost: alt.atheism

    In article <ZbOdnfBTM8oAJyLFnZ2dnUU7-a2dnZ2d@giganews.com>
    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:

    I advise you against any further anonymous stalking of me on Usenet
    Groups and attempts at stealing my Intellectual Property.


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