• First Racist Black Tranny Michael Obama Calls 2016 Choice 'Excruciating

    From White Lives Matter...Is Racist?@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 4 01:45:43 2017
    XPost: alt.politics.homosexuality, sac.politics, alt.politics.democrats.d XPost: rec.arts.tv

    Michelle Obama said her nearly eight years in the White House
    have made it "excruciatingly clear" that Hillary Clinton is the
    only candidate qualified to become president during her first
    campaign event for the Democratic nominee on Friday.

    "A candidate is not going to suddenly change when they get into
    office. It's the opposite, in fact, because the minute that
    individual takes that oath, they are under the hottest, harshest
    light there is," Obama said at a rally in Virginia.

    "With every word they utter, they can start wars, crash markets,
    change the course of this planet...For me, it is excruciatingly
    clear that there is only one person in this election that we can
    trust with those responsibilities," she added.

    The first lady did not mention Donald Trump by name but took
    clear shots at the Republican nominee's readiness for office.
    She called the presidency the "highest stakes, most 24/7 job you
    could ever imagine" and said it requires someone who is "going
    to study."

    She also briefly addressed false rumors stoked by Trump that
    President Barack Obama was born outside the United States.

    "Of course there were those who questioned and continued to
    question for the past eight years up through this very day
    whether my husband was even born in this country. Well, during
    his time in office I think Barack has answered those questions
    with the example he set by going high when they go low," she

    At a campaign event earlier in the day, Trump reversed his
    previous position and conceded that Obama was born in the United

    The first lady is one of the most popular political figures in
    the country and could be a valuable surrogate for Democrats as
    polls continue to tighten. Her speech at George Mason University
    in Fairfax, Virginia, was aimed at fighting back apathy
    associated with a negative campaign that could prevent voters,
    especially younger ones, from showing up at the polls.

    "I am inspired because for eight years, I have had the privilege
    to see what it takes to actually do this job. And here's what I
    absolutely know for sure...Right now we have an opportunity to
    elect one of the most qualified people that has endeavoured to
    be president," she said.

    http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/first-lady- michelle-obama-calls-2016-choice-excruciatingly-clear-n649646

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