• The ARES Letter for February 15, 2023

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    The ARES Letter

    Published by the American Radio Relay League ********************************************

    February 15, 2023

    Editor: Rick Palm, K1CE <k1ce@arrl.net>


    - ARES® Briefs, Links
    - Tennessee County's "Hurricane William" ARRL/ARES SET
    - Amateur Radio at the 2023 Loppet Winter Festival
    - Get the CISA Auxiliary Communications Field Operations Guide (AUXFOG)
    - All Aboard the CERT Train
    - ARES® Resources
    - ARRL Resources


    On the evening of Monday, February 6, 2023, there was a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that mainly affected Turkey and Syria as well as other
    neighboring countries with almost 35,000 dead (at press time) and more
    than 16,000 injured, with likely many more. According to information
    received from the emergency coordinators of the IARU Region 1 countries
    and, especially from Greg Mossop, G0DUB, the emergency communications coordinator for this region, communications in Turkey have been mainly
    on VHF, but transmissions in Turkish have also been heard on 28.540
    MHz, although they can also use 3.777 MHz and 7.092 MHz. For this
    reason, we ask our colleagues in IARU Region 2 (the Americas) to
    protect those frequencies and assess the evolving situation for
    opportunities to serve the relief effort.

    As for Syria, it has been reported that apparently there are not many
    radio amateurs there, so we do not know if there is any frequency in
    use in that country. Aziz Sasa, TA1E, Turkish emergency communications coordinator, suggested that any help from other countries should be
    coordinated through the Turkish embassy in each country. Humanitarian
    aid groups from several European countries are currently moving into
    the affected regions.

    We appreciate the concern of colleagues from IARU Region 2 member
    societies regarding this earthquake. We offer our condolences to all
    the people and colleagues in the countries affected by this terrible
    disaster. - Statement by Carlos Alberto Santamarķa Gonzalez, CO2JC,
    Emergency Coordinator, IARU Region 2


    The Williamson County, Tennessee ARES <http://www.wcares.org/>
    Simulated Emergency Test (SET) was designed as a county-wide emergency communications exercise to test our organization's ability to provide communications for our primary served agency, the Williamson County
    Emergency Management Agency (WCEMA), as well as the National Weather
    Service (NWS).

    The exercise scenario entailed a slow-moving, heavy rainmaking
    "Hurricane William," which had been downgraded to a tropical storm.
    Carrying substantial moisture up from the Gulf of Mexico, William
    caused significant flooding in Williamson County requiring evacuations
    and the opening of multiple shelters. To add an extra level of
    complexity to the exercise, the event simulated a county-wide Public
    Safety radio system outage.

    Exercise play began on Saturday, October 15, 2022 at 0800 CDT, ended at
    1100 CDT, and concluded with a hotwash (after-action discussion and
    evaluation) at the WCEMA EOC from 1145 to 1215. ARES and SKYWARN play
    occurred throughout the 3-hour exercise period.

    The exercise was formally closed at 1215 following the completion of
    the hotwash.

    The exercise was led by the WCARES Emergency Coordinator, Jeff
    Standifer, WB5WAJ.

    During the SET, eight WCARES mobile radio operators connected the
    Williamson County ECOMM 911 dispatch center to 10 Emergency Response
    partners from multiple municipal agencies, including Law Enforcement,
    Fire & Rescue, and EMS.

    Three simulated shelters were activated in response to the simulated
    flood event. Seven radio operators established stand-alone radio
    operations at the three sites using their own power and radio equipment
    to provide status reports back to Net Control and the Williamson County Emergency Management Agency.

    The Net Control Team included an additional seven operators utilizing
    multiple modes, including our WCARES 5-linked repeater system and
    backup repeater, DMR, and Winlink.

    Communication was managed between the three shelters, the 10 emergency
    response partners, and other participating WCARES members who provided requested information regarding shelter status, weather, and flood
    conditions as well as the status of public utilities. Vital information
    was obtained from field sources and relayed to the Williamson County
    Emergency Management Agency and the National Weather Service.

    We quickly re-learned the importance of the consistent use of
    tactical call signs. Net Control depended on tactical call signs to
    help them quickly identify and manage heavy traffic from multiple
    mobile operators and shelters. We also confirmed that a handheld is insufficient for use as a backup or secondary radio. When the primary
    radio is engaged in Winlink traffic, an additional mobile radio is
    needed for voice communication. In spite of our linked repeater system,
    terrain in certain locations within the county negates the use of
    low-powered handheld radios.

    The 2022 SET successfully demonstrated that WCARES has the skills,
    depth, and commitment to serve our community by providing communication
    support for activated emergency shelters and continuity of
    communication in the event of a catastrophic Public Safety radio system
    outage. -- Jeff Schwartz, KC1DWP, Emergency Coordinator, Williamson
    County, Tennessee <KC1DWP@arrl.net> [Schwartz served as Chair of the
    WCARES Exercise Committee that designed the 2022 SET exercise. He is an
    active member of the Net Control team. -- Ed.]


    With around 3,000 participants, the Minneapolis City of Lakes Loppet
    Winter Festival (City of Lakes Loppet Winter Festival - The Loppet
    Foundation <https://www.loppet.org/events/festival/>) is a weekend of
    mostly Nordic urban ski and fat tire bike races. Two of the events are
    fairly long, up to 31 km, with four aid stations. I was asked for 2023
    to pull together a team to provide medical communications. The injury
    rate is low (not much heatstroke), but the race course winds through
    wooded parks, and sections are not accessible by road, so snowmobile
    transport is required. We are out in temperatures down to -4 F for 6
    hours each day. I sat down with our boss, Dr. Bixby, and asked who was
    staffing the aid stations. He said, "You are." Several of us have been
    trying to close the gap on first aid training, but this was new.

    In fact, there was a large and highly qualified medical team assigned
    but they were on patrol in hilly and crash-prone areas. Aid stations
    were more transport hubs near roads. The injuries we see are often from
    a tumble, and worsen with a "fast," i.e., icy, course. I staffed up
    with half hams, and half US Coast Guard Auxiliary volunteers. The
    Auxiliary members are good as Strike Teams -- they do not require
    extensive supervision and are experts in Incident Command. We are
    participant facing - more like operations, less like logistics.

    A mashup of communications systems were used. We brought DMR radios,
    the event used borrowed hospital P25 radios, and we all used WhatsApp
    for live messaging. The event was packed for 2023, and the parking lots
    were full. I decided not to bring our mobile tower trailer repeaters to
    save room, and used existing borrowed DMR machines.

    The first day we had a lot of problems with a busy DMR time slot on
    the repeater, even using a local talk group. For several hours,
    unrelated out-of-area (internet) traffic was using the system and we
    could not get in. We tried a different repeater, (which was not in one
    of the radio model code plugs for the area) and had similar issues. One
    thought was to use the Statewide talkgroup, but that seemed ill advised
    for 2 days. The analog FM machine I signed out as backup was not in the
    DMR code plug in several of our radios.

    The result was better on another machine the second day. The repeater
    owner suggested unplugging the internet cable from the repeater, which
    helped. My boss in ARES, SEC Benton Jackson, K0BHJ, says "all
    emergencies are local" - so the value at an event of a repeater acting
    as a wide area Internet hotspot seems limited.

    We tested DMR simplex, which is another possibility. We found some
    newer code plugs, which were missing on our portable repeater, based on
    an earlier fixed system which was just taken out of service.

    Peter Corbett, KD8GBL, brought up our Trivnetdb <http://www.kb8zqz.org/trivnetdb/> database in Azure. This was loaded
    with the event participant names and bib numbers. These could then be
    queried and updated based on the situation. And we had our chat feature
    and even capacity graphs. Our Medical Director was impressed. The idea
    is fast, crisp incident response, without delayed or garbled medical

    We really did a good job: at one incident, our aid station rep ran an
    injured skier situation on the P25 radio very professionally. I like
    the role as Event Lead, as I can reach into the organization leadership
    team without causing waves.

    My phone rang. It was the Race Director, saying, "Where are you? I'm in
    a snow tractor. Prepare to hop in -- the main sound system has failed
    and we are reading out finish results." As we are in the backup
    communications space, when we were in charge of the PA systems, we
    bought a spare PA mixer we found on eBay, and it saved the day. Also
    notable was the part at the Leads Meeting when applause broke out when
    it was announced ham radio was, again, all in to help. -- Erik
    Westgard, NY9D, ASEC-T Minnesota Section


    Interoperability: "The ability of emergency responders to communicate
    among jurisdictions, disciplines, frequency bands, and levels of
    government as needed and as authorized. System operability is required
    for system interoperability."

    Volunteer organizations such as community emergency response teams and auxiliary communications volunteers (e.g., amateur radio operators)
    play key roles in emergency communications and preparedness. Volunteer emergency communications operators and groups using amateur radio have
    been providing backup communications to event planners, public safety officials, and emergency managers at all levels of government for
    nearly 100 years. Often, amateur radio services have been used when
    other forms of communications have failed or have been disrupted.
    Today, nearly all the states and territories have incorporated some
    level of participation by amateur radio auxiliary communication
    operators into their Tactical Interoperable Communications Plans <https://www.cisa.gov/emergency-communications-guidance-documents-and-publications#:~:text=Tactical%20Interoperable%20Communications%20Plan%20Template,structures%2C%20technology%20assets%2C%20and%20usage>
    and Statewide Communication Interoperability Plans <https://www.cisa.gov/statewide-communication-interoperability-plans>;
    this allows them to quickly integrate the operators into response
    efforts, which can strengthen communications and operations during
    incidents of any scale. You can download the Auxiliary Communications
    Field Operations Guide (AUXFOG) and other valuable FOGs on the
    Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) website publications/resources page <https://www.cisa.gov/safecom/field-operations-guides>. You can also
    download an electronic copy from the Apple and Google App stores.


    The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) concept is a major,
    growing concern in the quickly evolving arena of emergency management
    on a micro versus macro scale, and deserves the full attention of ARES
    -- and indeed any radio amateur -- as a top priority for the coming

    CERT is the wave of the future -- the immediate future -- as limited
    resources for disaster response at all levels of government (local,
    state, and federal) are bumping up against the ever-increasing needs of
    the populace due to the elevating incidence and ferocity of natural and
    manmade disasters. The CERT concept is part of the answer to this
    dilemma: residents on a street or in an apartment complex will network
    and be trained to take care of themselves in the first critical
    post-disaster hours and possibly days when no outside help is
    available. Think of the CERT program as a kind of block party, only
    instead of socializing over hot dogs and hamburgers, neighbors get
    together to train and plan to look after each other when dealing with
    the effects of a disaster. When you really think about this concept, it
    has implications that are of a serious, life-and-death nature.

    The CERT program is a FEMA program, part of its Citizen Corps and Ready campaigns, but had its origins in forward-thinking fire and EMS units
    in southern California decades ago. Neighbors are trained in conducting
    an initial assessment of their own homes and survival kits. They learn
    to reduce the immediate dangers presented by a disaster by turning off utilities, suppressing small fires, evacuating the area, and helping
    others. They learn to treat people in the immediate area. They learn to implement their own Incident Command System -- they establish a command
    post, staging area, and medical triage and treatment areas. They learn
    to collect damage information and develop a plan of operation based on life-saving priorities and available resources. And they learn to
    establish and maintain communications with responders and the outside

    The radio amateur, especially an ARES-registered operator, is the ideal candidate for forming and leading a neighborhood Community Emergency
    Response Team. A critical part of the CERT's planning and operations is
    radio communications, and we as radio amateurs have the experience and credibility for this emergency support function out of the gate. Become
    a CERT leader! Every journey of recruiting a dozen homes on a street
    for a CERT begins with the first, perhaps your next door neighbor. Talk
    to him or her "over the fence" and start planning and drafting your
    team. Read and use the FEMA publication CERT User Guide <https://fema-customer-correspondence.my.salesforce.com/sfc/p/#F0000000BqIq/a/t0000000mxaS/0w6gTgbD_2yrJ3ZjzXx4s_DOh4sughmo2SAfw0AdMAA>.
    There are many resources to help you! You can start with FEMA's
    Independent Study Course on CERT <https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-317.a&lang=en>.
    A reader recently called my attention to a new library of
    disaster-related training with numerous videos, including several on Neighborhood Preparedness and Response. I haven't had a chance to
    review the materials yet, but I will. The library can be accessed at
    the Just In Time Disaster Training
    <http://www.justintimedisastertraining.org/> website.

    FEMA has a number of resources available to the CERT members and
    leader. You can get the CERT National Newsletter <https://nationalcert.org/resources/newsletters> as well as Search CERT programs by location <https://community.fema.gov/PreparednessCommunity/s/cert-find-a-program?language=en_US>.

    You can register <https://community.fema.gov/PreparednessCommunity/s/about-registering-a-cert?language=en_US>
    a new CERT program with FEMA online. This page is for registering CERT
    programs only, however, not to register individuals or individual teams sponsored by a local CERT program. To be an official CERT program, the
    program must be operated by a local emergency response organization
    such as your local Fire Department or Office of Emergency Management
    and endorsed by the local Citizen Corps Council, if your community has
    one. The program coordinators must conduct the CERT Basic Training
    Course and hold a CERT exercise at least once a year. There must be a
    point of contact to be posted with other program information on the
    national CERT website.

    Search to find a CERT program in your locale to help you set up and
    establish your neighborhood CERT. The CERT concept can also be extended
    to workplaces -- the same ideals apply!

    Conclusion: You are On Your Own! "Winging It is Not an Emergency Plan"

    The government's promotional language often reads like this: "When a
    disaster or overwhelming event occurs and responders are not
    immediately available, CERTs can assist..." Let's examine what they're
    really saying in plain terms: When your house and family are in
    immediate danger in the first minutes and hours after a disaster, you
    are on your own. There will likely be no EMS, fire, police or any other
    agency responders to save you and your family and neighbors. Your
    survival is up to you alone, based on your preparations and the help
    from your immediate neighbors on your street. Your chances will be
    greatly enhanced with an organized neighborhood response -- the kind of response that is at the heart of the CERT concept. Make it your New
    Year's resolution to form your own neighborhood CERT! -- Rick Palm,


    - Download the ARES Manual [PDF] <http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Public%20Service/ARES/ARESmanual2015.pdf>
    - ARES Field Resources Manual [PDF] <http://www.arrl.org/files/file/ARES_FR_Manual.pdf>
    - ARES Standardized Training Plan Task Book [Fillable PDF] <http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Public%20Service/ARES/ARRL-ARES-FILLABLE-TRAINING-TASK-BOOK-V2_1_1.pdf>
    - ARES Standardized Training Plan Task Book [Word] <http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Public%20Service/ARES/ARRL-ARES-STANDARDIZED-TRAINING-TASK-BOOK-V1_2_2.doc>
    - ARES Plan <http://www.arrl.org/ares-plan>
    - ARES Group Registration
    - Emergency Communications Training <http://www.arrl.org/emergency-communications-training>

    The Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) consists of licensed
    amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and
    equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in
    the public service when disaster strikes. Every licensed amateur,
    regardless of membership in ARRL or any other local or national
    organization is eligible to apply for membership in ARES. Training may
    be required or desired to participate fully in ARES. Please inquire at
    the local level for specific information. Because ARES is an amateur
    radio program, only licensed radio amateurs are eligible for
    membership. The possession of emergency-powered equipment is desirable,
    but is not a requirement for membership.

    How to Get Involved in ARES: Fill out the ARES Registration form <http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Public%20Service/fsd98.pdf> and submit
    it to your local Emergency Coordinator.


    Join or Renew Today! <http://www.arrl.org/join> Eligible US-based
    members can elect to receive QST <http://www.arrl.org/qst> or On the
    Air <http://www.arrl.org/on-the-air-magazine> magazine in print when
    they join ARRL or when they renew their membership. All members can
    access digital editions of all four ARRL magazines: QST, On the Air,
    QEX, and NCJ.

    Subscribe to NCJ -- the National Contest Journal
    <http://www.arrl.org/ncj>. Published bimonthly, features articles by
    top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA Sprint and QSO

    Subscribe to QEX -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters <http://www.arrl.org/qex>. Published bimonthly, features technical
    articles, construction projects, columns, and other items of interest
    to radio amateurs and communications professionals.

    Free of charge to ARRL members: Subscribe <http://www.arrl.org/myarrl-account-management#%21/edit-info-email_subscriptions>
    to the ARES Letter (monthly public service and emergency communications
    news), the ARRL Contest Update (biweekly contest newsletter), Division
    and Section news alerts -- and much more!

    Find us on Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/ARRL.org>. Follow us on
    Twitter <https://twitter.com/ARRL_ARES>.

    ARRL offers a wide array of products <http://www.arrl.org/arrl-store>
    to enhance your enjoyment of amateur radio.

    Donate <https://www.arrl.org/arrl-donation-form> to the fund of your
    choice -- support programs not funded by member dues!

    Click here <ads@arrl.org> to advertise in this newsletter, space
    subject to availability.


    The ARES Letter is published on the third Wednesday of each month. ARRL
    members may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing their Member
    Data Page as described at http://www.arrl.org/ares-letter.

    Copyright (c) 2023 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated.
    Use and distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is
    permitted for non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution.
    All other purposes require written permission.


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