• RETROSPECTIVE: Welcome to AM/FM DXing (FAQ - File)

    From Paul W. Schleck@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 16 13:57:31 2021
    From: Scott Fybush
    Subject: Welcome to AM/FM DXing (FAQ - File)
    Date: Jan 11, 1993
    Newsgroups: rec.radio.broadcasting

    By Scott Fybush

    One of the easiest parts of the radio spectrum to explore is the
    broadcast bands. This posting will attempt to offer some hints to
    make your exploration of the medium wave and VHF-FM bands more


    The medium wave (commonly referred to as AM) broadcast band currently
    extends from 525 to 1605 kilohertz. Channels are spaced in even 10
    kHz increments; i.e.: 530, 540, 550, ... , 1600 kHz in the United
    States and Canada. Elsewhere, channels are generally spaced in 9 kHz increments, i.e.: 531, 540, 549, etc. In the United States, plans are
    underway to expand the band to 1705 kHz. Within a few years, stations
    will begin appearing on the 1610-1700 kHz frequencies.

    The FM broadcast band in the United States extends from 88 to 108
    megahertz. Channels are assigned at 200 kHz increments; i.e.: 88.1,
    88.3, 88.5, ... , 107.9. The channels from 88.1 to 91.9 are reserved
    for noncommercial educational stations. Outside the United States and
    Canada, the boundaries and channel spacing vary. In Japan, the band
    starts at 76 MHz. In Western Europe, the band runs from 88-108 MHz,
    but channels can be irregularly spaced, i.e.: 101.25 MHz.


    The distant stations you are able to receive will depend largely upon
    signal propagation. This varies depending upon the time of day, the
    season, and other factors. For medium-wave, the single most important
    factor for good DX is the time of day. Medium-wave signals pass
    through the ionosphere during daylight hours and are lost to space.
    As a result, all medium-wave signals received during daylight hours
    will arrive by ground wave. Reception of signals over a few hundred
    miles away is generally impossible in daylight. At night, however,
    the ionosphere reflects medium-wave signals, making it possible for
    signals to be heard at much greater distances, up to a few thousand
    miles. Reception also tends to be better in winter than in summer.
    Many smaller medium-wave stations are required to sign off or reduce
    power sharply at sunset so as to reduce interference to distant

    For FM, daylight is unimportant. FM signals generally carry no more
    than 150-200 miles even under the best conditions. Since the
    ionosphere generally does not reflect VHF FM signals, such signals
    must travel line-of-sight to reach the receiving antenna. FM
    transmitting antennas are thus usually located as high as possible.
    Tall towers, high buildings, and mountaintops are common FM
    transmission sites. Under certain conditions, the E layer of the
    ionosphere will reflect VHF FM signals, thus making it possible to
    receive extremely long-distance FM reception. This is almost
    impossible to predict, however.


    Almost any radio is capable of some broadcast-band DXing, especially long-distance medium-wave reception. However, most recent radios,
    even those designed for quality shortwave reception, do not have
    outstanding broadcast band reception. One exception is the General
    Electric SuperRadio II (Model No. 7-2885F.) The SR II is designed for
    optimum AM/FM broadcast performance, incorporating:

    * RF amplifiers on both bands
    * Ceramic filters and Automatic Frequency Control on FM
    * An analog tuner with an IC-type receiver chip and air-variable
    * No PLLs or digital displays for less electronic noise.
    * A 2-way speaker system with 1 watt of audio power.

    The SR II is a bulky (4" x 10" x 12") portable radio which can be run
    off 120V AC or 6 "D" batteries, providinover 400 hours of battery
    life. The styling is cheap silver and black plastic, and has been
    described as ugly. Nevertheless, this radio has become popular among
    the DX community for its exceptional performance.

    It costs between thirty and sixty dollars in the US, and may be found
    at many discount outlets. It is generally back-ordered by mail, but
    can be obtained from Bennett Brothers (Order #R8883) at 1-800-621-2626
    or 1-800-631-3838, or from Best Products (Order # 140457) at

    With the sale of GE's consumer electronics division to Thomson, this
    product's future remains in the air.

    If you don't have a SuperRadio, some important things to seek out in a
    receiver are:

    * External antenna connections. These make it easier to use a better
    antenna than the one supplied with the radio.

    * High selectivity. This refers to the receiver's ability to reject
    strong signals on adjacent frequencies, and is more important to good
    reception than is sensitivity, since a good antenna will provide more-than-adequate signal strengths.

    * Digital frequency display. While the circuitry involved does add to
    the level of internal electronic noise in the radio, digital display
    makes it possible to more easily determine what station is being


    For medium-wave reception, most receivers have a short internal
    ferrite rod. This will provide acceptable signals for high-powered
    distant stations. The ferrite rod tends to be quite directional, and
    the radio can thus be turned to null out strong interfering signals,
    or to improve reception of the desired signal.

    For more advanced DXing, an external antenna is a must. The easiest
    external antenna is a simple longwire, 50 feet or more run out the
    window and then as high as possible (up in a tree, for example.) The
    wire can be connected to the external antenna terminal. If none
    exists, you can open up the radio and wrap the wire a few turns around
    the ferrite rod inside. It is also possible, although less desirable,
    to simply wrap the wire around the entire radio. If the radio has a
    terminal marked "ground" or "GND," another wire can be run from this
    terminal to a copper rod driven a few feet into the earth.

    A more advanced antenna is the "beverage" antenna. This is a length
    of wire 1000 feet or more. It is terminated at the far end with a 450
    ohm resistor connected to a metal stake driven into the ground. It
    should be pointed in the direction of the desired station. The
    beverage antenna can, under good conditions, be used for transatlantic
    and transpacific DX. Another more advanced antenna is the loop, a
    four-foot wooden frame with about 20 turns of wire run around it. It
    is connected to the radio with a 365 pF variable capacitor for tuning.
    The loop is extremely directional.

    For FM, the important factor is height. The higher one can place an
    antenna, the better reception will be. A multielement Yagi antenna,
    which can be found in Radio Shack or similar stores, will often
    produce excellent reception. Since a yagi is quite directional, the
    use of a rotor is essential for reception of stations in different


    There are over 10,000 radio stations in the United States alone. It's
    important to have some idea of what to expect to hear. A good
    directory is important (see STATION LISTINGS below), but it's
    essential to know what the station information means.

    For medium-wave, US frequencies fall into three basic classes:

    * CLEAR CHANNEL: These frequencies are 540, 640, 650, 660, 670, 680, 690,
    700, 710, 720, 730, 740, 750, 760, 770, 780, 800, 810, 820, 830, 840,
    850, 860, 870, 880, 890, 900, 940, 990, 1000, 1010, 1020, 1030, 1040,
    1050, 1060, 1070, 1080, 1090, 1100, 1110, 1120, 1130, 1140, 1160,
    1170, 1180, 1190, 1200, 1210, 1220, 1500, 1510, 1520, 1530, 1540,
    1550, 1560, 1570, and 1580 kHz. Clear channels are home to one or two
    50,000 watt powerhouse signals which can be heard reliably in half the
    country or more. Other stations on clear channels usually sign off at
    sunset or reduce their power considerably. In recent years, the FCC
    has added many new stations to the clear channels, making reception of
    some stations more difficult than it once was.

    * LOCAL: These frequencies are 1230, 1240, 1340, 1400, 1450, and 1490
    kHz. Stations on local channels can use a maximum of 1000 watts. At
    night, these six frequencies tend to become chaotic, as the
    hundred-plus stations on each channel cause each other tremendous
    interference. Identifying distant stations on these channels requires
    a directional antenna, a good ear, and plenty of patience.

    * REGIONAL: These are all the remaining channels. U.S. stations on
    these frequencies are restricted to 5000 watts. While not as noisy as
    the locals, reception on regional channels can be difficult. Most
    regional, or class III stations, use directional antennas to reduce interference with distant stations.

    On FM, the American FCC has reduced its restrictions on power and
    antenna height considerably. Today, FM stations are allowed up to
    50,000 watts from a 150 meter antenna in the Northeast and California;
    100,000 watts from a 610 meter antenna elsewhere. Many stations,
    however, serve much smaller areas. These "Class A" stations use only
    6000 watts or less. They were formerly restricted to just a few
    frequencies: 92.1, 92.7, 93.5, 94.3, 95.3, 95.9, 96.7, 97.7, 98.3,
    99.3, 100.1, 100.9, 101.7, 102.3, 103.1, 103.9, 104.9, 105.5, 106.3,
    and 107.1 MHz. While the FCC no longer restricts class A stations to
    those frequencies, most are still found there. Likewise, only a few
    of the high-power stations are found on the old class A channels.
    For stations with extemely high antenna, the FCC mandates that
    transmitter power be reduced proportionately; thus a station with only
    430 watts from a 220 meter antenna will reach about as far as a 3000
    watt signal from the usual 91 meter antenna will.


    An essential tool for any DXer is a good station listing. This will
    help identify what's being received, as well as provide a way to
    contact the station being heard.

    For North American stations, one concise and inexpensive directory is
    the M Street Radio Directory, published annually. The M Street
    listing includes frequency, power, directionality, format, address,
    phone number, and other listings less important to DXing. M Street
    also is indexed by call letter order and by frequency. The M Street
    directory costs $29.95 + p/h. It can be purchased directly from M
    Street at 800-248-4242 or +1 212 473 4668 voice, or +1 212 473 4626
    fax. The address is M Street Corp., 304 Park Ave S Floor 7, New
    York, NY 10010 USA. For FM DXers, the standard guide is Bruce Elving's
    annual FM Atlas. This includes maps showing every FM transmitter in
    North America, plus listings by state and frequency indicating power,
    stereo status, format, subcarriers, and slogans. FM Atlas does not
    include addresses or phone numbers. It can be purchased directly
    from Bruce Elving, PO Box 336, Esko MN 55733-0336. It costs
    $10.95 + $1.05 p/h.

    Other listings include the NRC Log for AM stations and Broadcasting
    Yearbook, which is available at some larger libraries. The Canadian
    Almanac and Directory includes call letters, frequency, and addresses
    for Canadian stations.

    For listings outside North America, consult the World Radio TV
    handbook, published annually and available at bookstores or through
    radio specialty mail order outlets such as the Radio Collection and
    CRB Publishing.


    The most important element for beginning DXers is to get to know the
    dial. Spend a few hours scanning up and down the dial both during the
    day and at night. At night, the clear-channel 50kw stations should be
    easy to hear. Learn all the local stations. Find out which ones sign
    off at sunset and which stay on all night. This will affect which
    distant stations can be received. If you have a local station on all
    night, you shouldn't expect to hear another station on that frequency. Experiment with radio placement. As you turn the radio, observe its
    directional characteristics.

    Prepare a log of the stations you've heard, arranged by frequency.
    The better you know whatthe dial usually sounds like, the more
    prepared you'll be for that unusual catch.


    Once you've mastered the basics, here are some suggestions for areas
    of specialty DX:

    * QSLing. Most AM/FM broadcasters aren't used to QSLing. You'll
    probably have to send a letter to the station's chief engineer.
    Expect verification in letter form. Small stations are often excited
    to find out they've been heard thousands of miles away.

    * DX Tests. A few stations still run special DX tests. Some daytime
    stations run experimental tests with their daytime power after dark.
    Others will assemble special DX programs for distant listeners, often
    late Sunday night/Monday morning, when some stations sign off for
    maintenance (although not as many as used to do so.)

    * Sunrise/sunset DXing. Interesting medium-wave DX can be had when
    your receiving station is in darkness, but a target transmitter is
    still in daylight. It's possible to hear distant daytime-only
    stations this way. This requires a lot of skill, since there may be
    only ten or fifteen minutes in which to try.

    * FM Subcarriers and Stereo. FM stations are allowed to transmit
    separate programming on a subcarrier. This requires a special decoder
    (the best source is Bruce Elving's FM Atlas; see address above.)
    FM stations use their SCA (Secondary Communications Authority)
    subcarriers for transmitting data, background music, ethnic
    programming, and more. Some AM stations now transmit in stereo. With
    an AM stereo receiver, you can hear stereo signals from thousands of
    miles away.

    * Transatlantic/Transpacific DX. Some DXers in North America
    specialize in trying to receive signals on the medium-wave band from
    across the ocean. This requires outstanding propagation
    characteristics and plenty of patience.

    * Meteor Scatter. The most masochistic of all FM DXers attempt to hear
    FM signals reflected from --yes, it's true-- meteors in the
    atmosphere. These DXers learn to identify stations on the basis of a
    few seconds' listening.

    * Tropospheric Ducting. Under certain atmospheric conditions (usually
    very early mornings), FM signals will be carried long distances
    through a "duct" in the atmosphere. This is difficult to predict, but
    can result in long-distance FM DX.


    Radio stations in the United States are required to identify with
    their full call letters and city of license once an hour, between 10
    minutes before and 10 minutes after the top of the hour. Canadian
    stations are never required to identify, and many never use any
    identifier other than "Q107" or "Toronto's 590 AM." It's therefore
    important to use other clues:

    * Time announcements. These can tell you at least what time zone a
    station is in. If there's only one or two stations on a frequency in
    a given time zone, this makes identification easier.

    * Format. If you have a list of stations that includes formats, use
    it. That includes knowing what network a station uses, whether the
    station uses a satellite-delivered music format, what slogans the
    station might use, etc.

    * Local color. You might be able to hear names of cities or streets
    or notable local personalities mentioned during commercials,
    newscasts, talk shows, or weather forecasts. If the announcer says,
    "Here's the weather for the beaches today...", the station you're
    hearing probably isn't in North Dakota. Likewise, if the forecast is
    snow flurries and six degrees, you're probably not hearing Miami.
    These clues are among the most valuable.


    Broadcast band DXing is an exciting way to hear the sounds of cities
    and towns around the nation and even around the world. It doesn't
    necessarily require thousands of dollars of expensive equipment or
    huge antennas on the roof. All it asks of the would-be DXer is time,
    patience, and knowledge. Have fun!

    THANKS TO...

    Bob Foxworth, Garret W. Gengler (antenna ideas), Bob Parnass, Paul
    Schleck (SuperRadio II information), and Bruce Werner, along with
    anyone else I may have forgotten.

    Scott Fybush -- ST901316@pip.cc.brandeis.edu

    Ralph Brandi ralph@mtunp.att.com att!mtunp!ralph

    "Dave / And if we were'nt good to you Dave / You shouldn't take it all the
    way to your grave / We should all just learn how to behave" -Will Rigby

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