• [ANS] ANS-141 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins (1/2)

    From Mitch Ahrenstorff (AD0HJ) via ANS@21:1/5 to All on Sat May 20 23:05:40 2023
    XPost: rec.radio.info


    In this edition:

    * Eleven U.S. Schools Moved Forward in ARISS Selection Process
    * Tevel Satellites Added to ARRL Logbook of the World
    * SpaceX Ax-2 Mission Is 'Go' For May 21 Launch
    * 2023 AMSAT Board of Directors Election - Call for Nominations
    * 2023 AMSAT Field Day - Rules
    * 2023 AMSAT Field Day - More Thoughts
    * How Moon-based Telescopes Could Revolutionize Astronomy
    * ARISS News
    * Upcoming Satellite Operations
    * Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events
    * Satellite Shorts From All Over

    The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and information se rvice of AMSAT, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news
    related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a
    worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in
    designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digita
    l Amateur Radio satellites.

    The news feed on http://www.amsat.org publishes news of Amateur Radio in Sp
    ace as soon as our volunteers can post it.

    Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor [at] amsat
    [dot] org.

    You can sign up for free e-mail delivery of the AMSAT News Service Bulletin
    s via the ANS List; to join this list see: https://mailman.amsat.org/postor ius/lists/ans.amsat.org/

    ANS-141 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

    From: Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation
    712 H Street NE, Suite 1653
    Washington, DC 20002

    DATE 2023 May 21

    Eleven U.S. Schools Moved Forward in ARISS Selection Process

    Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is pleased to anno unce the schools/host organizations selected for the January-June 2024 wind
    ow. A total 11 of the submitted ARISS Education Proposals during the recent
    proposal window have been accepted to move forward in the processes of pla nning to host a scheduled amateur radio contact with crew on the ISS. The p rimary goal of the ARISS program is to engage young people in Science, Tech nology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) activities and raise their aware ness of space communications, radio communications, space exploration, and related areas of study and career possibilities.

    The ARISS program anticipates that NASA will be able to provide scheduling opportunities for these US host organizations. They are now at work complet
    ing an acceptable equipment plan that demonstrates their ability to execute
    the ham radio contact. Once their equipment plan is approved by the ARISS operations team, the final selected schools/organizations will be scheduled
    as their availability and flexibility match up with the scheduling opportu nities offered by NASA in January through June 2024.

    The schools and host organizations are:
    Belmont Elementary School Woodbridge,
    Mountain View Elementary Marietta, G eorgia
    Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Daytona Bea
    ch, Florida
    Lilburn Elementary School Lilburn, Ge orgia
    Tooele County School District Tooele, Uta
    Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering Huntsville,
    Thrive Home School Academy Colorado Sp rings, Colorado
    Pleasant Knoll Middle School Ft. Mill, S outh Carolina
    Centennial Campus Magnet Middle School Center for Innovation Raleigh, No
    rth Carolina
    Washington State Science and Engineering Fair Bremerton, Washington
    Girl Scout Troop 1089 Sacramento,

    [ANS thanks Dave Jordan, AA4KN for the above information.]


    Tevel Satellites Added to ARRL Logbook of the World

    The American Radio Relay League (ARRL), "The National Association for Amate
    ur Radio," has recently added the Tevel satellites, numbers one through eig
    ht, to the list of acceptable satellites in its widely used Logbook of the World (LoTW) online system. Those who have made contacts using these satell ites may now upload those QSOs to LoTW for possible confirmation, if the ot
    her station has done likewise.

    It will be necessary to first update the TQSL configuration file, following
    the prompt when that program is opened. The current list of accepted satel lites for LoTW may always be found in the LoTW help pages at: https://lotw. arrl.org/lotw-help/frequently-asked-questions/#sats

    Most published identification for the Tevel satellites, including many dist ributions of Keplerian elements, show these satellites as Tevel-1, Tevel-2,
    etc. Unfortunately, LoTW will only accept the names of the satellites in a
    ll upper case and without the hyphen: TEVEL1, TEVEL2, etc.

    If using a log program that copies the satellite name directly from a track
    ing program, such as SatPC32, the logged satellite name may not match what
    LoTW is expecting, resulting in an error or rejected upload.

    SatPC32 has a provision for correcting this issue. SatPC32 users may edit t
    he AmsatNames.txt file in order to translate the satellite name from that i
    n the Keplerian elements file to a name compatible with LoTW. By clicking o
    n the ? on the top line of the SatPC32 window, and selecting "Auxiliary Fil
    es" from the pull down menu, the user may select AmsatNames.txt and the fil
    e will open for editing.

    Being careful to follow the directions at the top of the text file, the fol lowing lines can be added to AmsatName.txt in order to effect the translati
    51013 22002AF TEVEL1
    51069 22002CP TEVEL2
    50988 22002E TEVEL3
    51063 22002CH TEVEL4
    50998 22002Q TEVEL5
    50999 22002R TEVEL6
    51062 22002CG TEVEL7
    50989 22002F TEVEL8

    Once added, the file must be saved (Ctrl-S) before being closed. Using the
    same ? and Auxiliary Files pull down, the satellite names in the Doppler.SQ
    F file should also be changed to upper case without hyphens, and the file s aved.

    When the SatPC32 program is restarted, the satellites previously named Teve l-1, Tevel-2, and following, will appear as TEVEL1, TEVEL2, and following,
    in the satellite list. It will then be necessary to open the SatPC32 Satell
    ite menu and delete the lower case names from the list of selected active s atellites, and to then re-select the new, upper case names from the left co lumn of available satellites.

    While an inconvenient chore in the short term, once these changes have been
    made to SatPC32, any log program that copies the satellite name directly f
    rom the tracking program will automatically record the correct name for upl
    oad to LoTW. This will make use of Logbook of the World very efficient for
    all future contacts with the Tevel satellites.

    The same feature can be utilized for other satellites that may have differe
    nt designations, such as some of the CAS satellites that go by several name

    [ANS thanks Mark Johns, K0JM, for the above information]


    SpaceX Ax-2 Mission Is 'Go' For May 21 Launch

    The second-ever private astronaut mission to the International Space Statio
    n (ISS) remains on track to lift off this weekend. The crew includes three licensed amateurs: John Shoffner, KO4MJC; Ali Alqarni, 7Z1AJ; and Rayyanah Barnawi, 7Z1RB.

    If all goes according to plan, Ax-2 will launch atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rock
    et at 21:37 UTC on Sunday from NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida
    . The Ax-2 astronauts will ride a SpaceX Dragon capsule to the orbiting lab
    , getting there around 13:30 UTC on Monday, May 21.

    The mission will spend eight days docked to the ISS. That's a slight change
    from the previous plan, which had called for a 10-day ISS stay. During the
    ir stay, the amateurs on the AX-2 crew will attempt several ARISS contacts,
    and may possibly offer opportunities for general amateur QSOs with the ISS

    As its name suggests, Ax-2 will be the second crewed flight to the ISS oper ated by Axiom Space using SpaceX hardware. The first, Ax-1, sent four peopl
    e to the orbiting lab for more than two weeks in April 2022. That crew was quite active on amateur radio during their stay on the ISS.

    Ax-2 is also groundbreaking. Two of the mission's crewmembers, Barnawi and AlQarni, will become the first Saudi Arabians to visit to the ISS. Barnawi
    will be the first Saudi woman ever to reach space.

    The other crewmember is former NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson, who now works
    for Axiom and will command the mission. Whitson has racked up a total of 66
    5 days off Earth — more than any other American and any other woman. NASA
    currently requires that all private astronaut flights to the ISS be led by
    a former agency astronaut.

    [ANS thanks Space.com and ARISS for the above information]


    2023 AMSAT Board of Directors Election - Call for Nominations

    AMSAT solicits nominations for the 2023 AMSAT Board of Directors election,
    to be held in the third quarter of the year. The seats of the following fou
    r incumbent Directors expire in 2023 and will be filled by this year's elec tion:

    - Jerry Buxton, N0JY
    - Joesph Armbruster, KJ4JIO
    - Robert Bankston, KE4AL
    - Zach Metzinger, N0ZGO

    Further, up to two Alternate Directors may be elected for one-year terms. A
    valid nomination for Director must be written and requires either one Memb
    er Society or five current individual members in good standing to nominate
    an AMSAT member. Written nominations, with the nominee's name, call sign, a
    nd contact information, as well as the nominators' names, call signs, and c ontact information, should be sent to the AMSAT Secretary:

    Jeff Davis, KE9V
    PO Box 11
    Yorktown, IN 47396

    AMSAT bylaws require that the nomination be written and in the form specifi
    ed by the Secretary who has elected to accept written nomination materials
    via mail or in electronic form, including email or electronic image of a pa
    per document. Fax transmissions cannot be accepted.

    Email nominations may be sent to jdavis@amsat.org.

    No matter what means are used, petitions MUST be received by the Secretary
    no later than June 15th. The Secretary will verify the qualifications of ca ndidates and nominating members or Member Societies as petitions are receiv
    ed, and will notify candidates whether their nominations are in order by th
    e end of June.

    [ANS thanks Jeff Davis, KE9V, AMSAT Secretary for the above information.]


    The 2023 AMSAT President's Club coins are here now!

    To commemorate the 40th anniversary of its launch on June 16, 1983, this ye ar's coin features an image of AMSAT-OSCAR 10.

    Join the AMSAT President's Club today and help Keep Amateur Radio in Space!



    2023 AMSAT Field Day Rules

    The AMSAT Field Day 2023 event is open to all Amateur Radio operators. Ama teurs are to use the exchange as specified in ARRL rules for Field Day. The
    AMSAT competition is to encourage the use of all amateur satellites, both analog and digital. Note that no points will be credited for any contacts b eyond the ONE allowed via each single-channel FM satellite. Operators are e ncouraged not to make any extra contacts via theses satellites (Ex: SO-50).
    CW contacts and digital contacts are worth three points as outlined below.

    1. Analog Transponders

    ARRL rules apply, except:

    - Each phone, CW, and digital segment ON EACH SATELLITE TRANSPONDER is cons idered to be a separate band.

    - CW and digital (RTTY, PSK-31, etc.) contacts count THREE points each.

    - Stations may only count one (1) completed QSO on any single channel FM sa tellite. If a satellite has multiple modes such as V/u and L/s modes both t urned on, one contact each is allowed. If the PBBS is on - see Pacsats belo
    w, ISS (1 phone and 1 digital), Contacts with the ISS crew will count for o
    ne contact if they are active. PCSat (I, II, etc.) (1 digital),

    - The use of more than one transmitter at the same time on a single satelli
    te transponder is prohibited.

    2. Digital Transponders

    We have only APRS digipeaters and 10m to 70cm PSK transponders (see Bob Bru ninga's article in the March/April, 2016 issue of the AMSAT Journal).

    Satellite digipeat QSO's and APRS short-message contacts are worth three po ints each, but must be complete verified two-way exchanges. The one contact
    per FM satellite is not applied to digital transponders.

    The use of terrestrial gateway stations or internet gateways (i.e. EchoLink
    , IRLP, etc.) to uplink/downlink is not allowed.

    For the Pacsats (FalconSat-3) or 'Store and Forward' hamsats, each satellit
    e is considered a separate band. Do not post "CQ" messages. Simply upload
    ONE greeting message to each satellite and download as many greeting messa
    ges as possible from each satellite. The subject of the uploaded file shou
    ld be posted as Field Day Greetings, addressed to ALL. The purpose of this
    portion of the competition is to demonstrate digital satellite communicati
    ons to other Field Day participants and observers. Do not reply to the Fie
    ld Day Greetings addressed to ALL.

    The following uploads and downloads count as three-point digital contacts.

    (a) Upload of a satellite Field Day Greetings file (one per satellite).
    (b) Download of Satellite Field Day Greetings files posted by other statio
    ns. Downloads of non-Field Day files or messages not addressed to ALL are n
    ot to be counted for the event. Save DIR listings and message files for la
    ter "proof of contact."

    You may make contacts with GreenCube, IO-117 and each one will count as 3 p oints as do other digital contacts.

    Please note AMSAT uploaded messages do not count for QSO points under the A
    RRL rules.

    Sample Satellite Field Day Greetings File:

    Greetings from W5MSQ Field Day Satellite station near Katy, Texas, EL-29, w
    ith 20 participants, operating class 2A, in the AMSAT-Houston group with th
    e Houston Amateur Television Society and the Houston QRP club. All the bes
    t and 73!

    Note that the message stated the call, name of the group, operating class, where they were located (the grid square would be helpful) and how many ope rators were in attendance.

    3. Operating Class

    Stations operating portable and using emergency power (as per ARRL Field Da
    y rules) are in a separate operating class from those at home connected to commercial power. On the report form simply check off Emergency or Commerc
    ial for the Power Source and be sure to specify your ARRL operating class (
    2A, 1C, etc.).

    And Finally...

    The Satellite Summary Sheet should be used for submission of the AMSAT Fiel
    d Day competition and be received by KK5DO (e-mail) by 11:59 P.M. CDT, Tues day, July 25, 2023. This year, we are using the same due date as the ARRL.
    The only method for submitting your log is via e-mail to kk5do@amsat.org or
    kk5do@arrl.net. I have not had a mail-in entry in over 6 years, probably e
    ven longer than that.

    Add photographs or other interesting information that can be used in an art icle for the Journal.

    You will receive an e-mail back (within one or two days) from me when I rec eive your e-mail submission. If you do not receive a confirmation message,
    then I have not received your submission. Try sending it again or send it t
    o my other e-mail address.

    Certificates will be awarded for the first-place emergency power/portable s tation at the AMSAT General Meeting and Space Symposium in the fall of 2023
    . Certificates will also be awarded to the second and third place portable/ emergency operation in addition to the first-place home station running on emergency power. A station submitting high, award-winning scores will be re quested to send in dupe sheets for analog contacts and message listings for
    digital downloads.

    You may have multiple rig difficulties, antenna failures, computer glitches
    , generator disasters, tropical storms, and there may even be satellite pro blems, but the goal is to test your ability to operate in an emergency situ ation. Try different gear. Demonstrate satellite operations to hams that don't even know the HAMSATS exist. Test your equipment. Avoid making more
    than ONE contact via the FM-only voice HAMSATS or the ISS, and enjoy the ev ent!

    [ANS thanks Bruce Paige, KK5DO, AMSAT Director, for the above information.]


    2023 Field Day - More Thoughts

    It's that time of year again; summer and Field Day! Each year the American
    Radio Relay League (ARRL) sponsors Field Day as a "picnic, a campout, prac tice for emergencies, an informal contest and, most of all, FUN!" The even
    t takes place during a 23-hour period on the fourth weekend of June. For 2
    023 the event takes place during a 27-hour period from 1800 UTC on Saturday
    June 24, 2023 through 2100 UTC on Sunday June 25, 2023. Those who set up p rior to 1800 UTC on June 24 can operate only 24 hours. The Radio Amateur S atellite Corporation (AMSAT) promotes its own version of Field Day for oper ation via the amateur satellites, held concurrently with the ARRL event.

    This year should be as easy as last year since we have more than 10 transpo nders and repeaters available. Users should check the AMSAT status page at http://www.amsat.org/status/ and the pages at https://www.amsat.org/two-wa y-satellites/ for what is available in the weeks leading up to Field Day. T
    o reduce the amount of time to research each satellite, see the current FM satellite table at https://www.amsat.org/fm-satellite-frequency-summary/ a
    nd the current linear satellite table at https://www.amsat.org/linear-satel lite-frequency-summary/

    If you are considering ONLY the FM voice satellites, there are ISS, SO-50, AO-91, PO-101 and possibly LilacSat. It might be easier this year to make t
    hat one FM contact for the ARRL bonus points with so many FM birds. The con gestion on FM LEO satellites is always so intense that we must continue to limit their use to one-QSO-per-FM-satellite. This includes the Internationa
    l Space Station. You will be allowed one QSO if the ISS is operating Voice.

    It was suggested during past field days that a control station be allowed t
    o coordinate contacts on the FM satellites. There is nothing in the rules t
    hat would prohibit this. This is nothing more than a single station working
    multiple QSO's. If a station were to act as a control station and give QSO
    's to every other field day station, the control station would still only b
    e allowed to turn in one QSO per FM satellite while the other station would
    be able to submit one QSO.

    The format for the message exchange on the ISS or other digital packet sate llite is an unproto packet to the other station (3-way exchange required) w
    ith all the same information as normally exchanged for ARRL Field Day,

    W6NWG de KK5DO 2A STX
    W6NWG de KK5DO QSL

    If you have worked the satellites on Field Day in recent years, you may hav
    e noticed a lot of good contacts can be made on some of the less-populated,
    low-earth-orbit satellites like FO-29, AO-7, EO-88 or the XW satellites. D uring Field Day the transponders come alive like 20 meters on a weekend. Th
    e good news is that the transponders on these satellites will support multi
    ple simultaneous contacts. The bad news is that you can't use FM, just low duty-cycle modes like SSB and CW.

    [ANS thanks Bruce Paige, KK5DO, AMSAT Director, for the above information.]


    How Moon-based Telescopes Could Revolutionize Astronomy

    The exploration of the Moon is experiencing a renaissance with numerous mis sions planned to visit the lunar surface in the coming years. While there a
    re various motivations for these missions, such as geopolitical interests a
    nd the search for lunar resources, the field of astronomy is expected to gr eatly benefit from this renewed focus on the Moon. One significant advantag
    e is the lunar far side, which provides a radio-quiet environment, shielded
    from human-generated radio signals and solar interference. This makes it a
    n ideal location for radio astronomy, especially for studying the cosmic "d
    ark ages" and the structure of the early universe. The Moon's stability and
    the presence of shadowed craters at its poles offer opportunities for opti cal, infrared, and gravitational wave astronomy, as well as the potential d etection of radio waves from exoplanet magnetospheres. However, there is a
    need to balance lunar exploration activities with protecting the unique sci entific value of certain lunar locations.

    The far side of the Moon, shielded from Earth's radio signals and the Sun d uring the lunar night, provides an unparalleled radio-quiet environment. Th
    is makes it an ideal platform for conducting low-frequency radio astronomy,
    enabling the study of the cosmic "dark ages" and the early universe's hydr ogen clouds. The 21cm wavelength emissions from neutral hydrogen in the ear
    ly universe, shifted to longer wavelengths due to the universe's expansion,
    can be studied from the lunar far side, offering insights into the univers
    e's early stages.

    The far side of the Moon also holds potential for detecting radio waves fro
    m exoplanet magnetospheres and signals from intelligent extraterrestrial ci vilizations. The long wavelengths of these radio waves require a radio-quie
    t environment, making the far side an ideal location for such observations.
    Furthermore, exploring unexplored regions of the radio spectrum may lead t
    o unexpected discoveries of new phenomena. However, it is crucial to ensure
    that human activities on the far side do not create unwanted radio interfe rence that could hinder these observations and scientific endeavors.

    Apart from radio astronomy, the Moon's unique characteristics and stable en vironment also offer advantages for other types of astronomy. Infrared tele scopes, which are sensitive to heat, can benefit from the cold, shadowed cr aters at the lunar poles that provide natural shielding. The low gravity on
    the Moon allows for the construction of larger telescopes than what is fea sible in free space. This could make the Moon the future hub for infrared a stronomy. Additionally, the lunar surface, bombarded by solar wind and cosm
    ic rays for billions of years, holds a wealth of information about the Sun
    and the Milky Way's evolution.

    While the current era of lunar exploration promises significant advancement
    s in astronomy, there is a need to protect lunar locations that are uniquel
    y valuable for scientific research. Human activities and plans for resource
    extraction, such as water-ice from shadowed craters, must be carefully man aged to minimize interference with astronomical observations. Preserving th
    e pristine environment of the lunar far side and other scientifically impor tant regions will be crucial to ensure the long-term benefits of lunar expl oration for astronomy.

    [ANS thanks Ian Crawford, Professor of Planetary Science and Astrobiology, Birkbeck, University of London for the above information]

    Need new satellite antennas? Purchase Arrows, Alaskan Arrows,
    and M2 LEO-Packs from the AMSAT Store. When you purchase through
    AMSAT, a portion of the proceeds goes towards
    Keeping Amateur Radio in Space.


    Amateurs and others around the world may listen in on contacts between amat eurs operating in schools and allowing students to interact with astronauts
    and cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station. The downlink freque
    ncy on which to listen is 145.800 MHz worldwide.

    + Upcoming Contacts
    Saudi Space Commission (SSC), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, direct via HZ1SAR
    The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be HZŘISS
    The scheduled crewmember is John Shoffner, Ali Alqarni 7Z1AJ, or Rayyanah B arnawi 7Z1RB
    The ARISS mentor is IZ2GOJ
    Contact is go only if AX2 launches 2023-05-21 for: Wed 2023-05-24 11:08:38
    UTC 23 deg

    Middlesboro School System, Middlesboro, KY, telebridge via IK1SLD
    The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS
    The scheduled crewmember is John Shoffner KO4MJC
    The ARISS mentor is AA6TB
    Contact is go only if AX2 launches 2023-05-21 for: Thu 2023-05-25 15:07:12
    UTC 33 deg

    St. Francis Xavier High School, Gloucester, ON, Canada, telebridge via VK4I
    The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS
    The scheduled crewmember is Warren Hoburg KB3HTZ
    The ARISS mentor is VE3TBD
    Contact is go for: Fri 2023-05-26 16:32:49 UTC 25 deg

    The Children’s Inn at NIH (National Institutes of Health), Bethesda, Mary
    land, telebridge via ON4ISS
    The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS
    The scheduled crewmember is John Shoffner KO4MJC
    The ARISS mentor is W8AAS
    Contact is go only if AX2 launches 2023-05-21 for: Fri 2023-05-26 17:31:38
    UTC 90 deg

    Saint Petersburg, Russia, direct via TBD
    The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be RSŘISS
    The scheduled crewmember is Andrey Fediaev
    The ARISS mentor is RV3DR
    Contact is go for Sat 2023-05-27 16:50 UTC

    Muslyumovo, Tatarstan, Russia, direct via TBD
    The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be RSŘISS
    The scheduled crewmember is Dmitry Petelin
    The ARISS mentor is RV3DR
    Contact is go for Sun 2023-05-28 14:25 UTC

    Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia, direct via TBD
    The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be RSŘISS
    The scheduled crewmember is Dmitry Petelin
    The ARISS mentor is RV3DR
    Contact is go for Thu 2023-06-01 08:10 UTC

    The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.a riss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html

    The latest list of frequencies in use can be found at https://www.ariss.org /contact-the-iss.html

    [ANS thanks Charlie Sufana, AJ9N, one of the ARISS operation team mentors f
    or the above information.]


    Upcoming Satellite Operations

    K5ZM: From 14th through part of 21st May, I’ll be in RDU where I’ll be
    based in FM05. Then on the 21st, I fly into PWM and after a short road trip
    , I’ll be in FN54 through the 26th. In each location, the usual scenario
    will apply: emphasis will be on grid lines whenever possible. I would love
    to do the 56/66/57/67 confluence but I’m not sure how much time I’m wil
    ling to invest in locating the owner of that field! Pass list(s) are under development. Watch Twitter and hams.at for the minutia.

    Ray, KN2K, will be active in FM08, May 21 and 22. Details at hams.at and on

    From Mike, N8MR: I will be in EN84, EN85 and EN76 from Friday, May 26 thru Monday, May 29. Using an Icom 9700, Arrow antenna and SAT controller. Liste ning for Europe for eastern passes. All QSOs going to LoTW as N8MR.

    [ANS thanks Ian Parsons, K5ZM, AMSAT rover page manager, for the above info rmation]


    Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events

    AMSAT Ambassadors provide presentations, demonstrate communicating through amateur satellites, and host information tables at club meetings, hamfests,
    conventions, maker faires, and other events.

    + AMSAT Symposium and Annual Meeting
    October 20-21, 2013
    Dallas, Texas

    AMSAT Ambassadors provide presentations, demonstrate communicating through amateur satellites, and host information tables at club meetings, hamfests,
    conventions, maker faires, and other events.

    AMSAT Ambassador Clint Bradford, K6LCS, says,

    Wonderful clubs in Florida and Southern CA heard our “Work the Easy Satel lites” presentation this week. I swapped date for the England club with a nother speaker/topic - we are re-scheduling to the Summer. Upcoming dates f
    or Escondido CA, Daytona FL, Sevierville TN, and Baraboo WI are being confi rmed.

    Clint Bradford K6LCS

    “Think a 75-minute presentation on “working the easy satellites” woul
    d be appropriate for your club or event? Let me know by emailing me at k6lc sclint (at) gmail (dot) com or calling me at 909-999-SATS (7287)!”

    [ANS thanks Ian Parsons, K5ZM, AMSAT rover page manager, for the above info rmation]

    Want to fly the colors on your own grid expedition?
    Get your AMSAT car flag and other neat stuff
    from our Zazzle store!
    25% of the purchase price of each product goes
    towards Keeping Amateur Radio in Space

    Satellite Shorts From All Over

    + AMSAT News Service welcomes its newest weekly editor, Mitch Ahrenstorff, AD0HJ. Mitch is a Life Member of AMSAT who has confirmed over five thousand
    contacts via satellite, activated eighty seven Maidenhead grid squares, an
    d completed his AMSAT GridMaster Award in 2022. News tips can be forwarded
    to Mitch, and to all ANS editors, at ans-editor [at] amsat [dot] org. (ANS thanks Mark Johns, K0JM, Senior Editor, for the above information)

    +The Providence Radio Association, W1OP will attempt SSB and FM satellites QSO's from the Alan S. Feinstein Middle School, in Coventry, RI on Tuesday
    May 23rd. This will be part of a presentation on ham radio to about 350 stu dents in their 8th grade STEM program. N1DM will be the operator and will a ttempt to work any available satellites during the demo portion of the prog
    ram which will occur somewhere in the period of 1300 to 1500 UTC. W1OP/N1DM
    requests if you make a QSO in addition to call and grid square you give yo
    ur STATE or PROVINCE. (ANS thanks Dom Mallozzi, N1DM for the above informat ion.)

    + China’s secretive spaceplane may have performed multiple recaptures of
    an object it released into orbit during its recently completed second fligh
    t as part of on-orbit testing. Private firm Leolabs, which provides space s ituational awareness data through its global network of radars for tracking
    objects in low Earth orbit, said its analysis found evidence of what appea
    red to be at least two and possibly three capture/docking operations with a
    co-orbiting object. (ANS thanks SpaceNews for the above information)

    + Around 7,000 satellites circle the Earth, generating a massive volume of
    data on a daily basis. This wealth of information, operated by various gove rnments and commercial entities, can prove challenging for researchers look
    ing to fully harness the potential of these orbital sensors. Researchers at
    Stevens Institute of Technology have introduced a digital platform named t
    he New Observing Strategies Testbed (NOS-T), a tool that facilitates the ex change of limited, approved data messages, ensuring data sharing without re vealing sensitive information, control algorithms, or proprietary technolog ies. Leveraging multiple satellites enables continuous monitoring of specif
    ic locations, which can be applied to tasks such as wildfire detection and landslide prediction.(ANS thanks SpaceDaily for the above information)

    + SpaceX’s launch of 51 more Starlink internet satellites Wednesday, May
    10 from California marked the 200th consecutive successful mission for the company’s Falcon rocket family, a record unmatched by any other space lau
    nch vehicle. (ANS thanks SpaceFlight Now for the above information)

    + China’s Tianzhou 6 cargo ship lifted off on a resupply mission to the c ountry’s Tiangong space station on May 10 – the first since the station
    was completed in November. The uncrewed ship – carrying 7.4 tons of fuel
    , food and other supplies – was launched on top of a Long March 7 rocket
    from the Wenchang spaceport in southern China’s Hainan island, according
    to the China Manned Space Agency. The upgraded Tianzhou cargo spacecraft ha

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