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The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and information service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an
active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
The news feed on
http://amsat.org publishes news of Amateur Radio in space as soon as our volunteers can post it.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to ans-editor at amsat dot org.
In this edition:
* AMSAT Announces Candidates for 2021 Board of Directors Election
* ARISS Slow Scan Television Event set for June 21-26, 2021
* PSAT2 Improved Coverage Is Here (Updated)
* MIR-SAT1 Schedule for Deployment from the ISS
* The IARU Participating in the CEPT Working Groups
* Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events
* Upcoming Satellite Operations
* ARISS News
* Satellite Shorts from All Over
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-171.01
ANS-171 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 171.01
From AMSAT HQ PO Box 27, Washington, DC 20044-0027
June 20, 2021
BID: $ANS-171.01
AMSAT Announces Candidates for 2021 Board of Directors Election
The nomination period for the 2021 Board of Directors Election ended on June 15, 2021. The following candidates have been duly nominated:
Joseph Armbruster, KJ4JIO
Robert Bankston, KE4AL
Jerry Buxton, N0JY
Zach Metzinger, N0ZGO
To comply with AMSAT's Bylaws, an election will be held via AMSAT's Wild Apricot membership system. Instructions for voting will be emailed by July
15, 2021 to all members who are in good standing as of July 1, 2021.
As four seats on the Board of Directors are up for election this year, all
four candidates will be seated on the Board when the voting period concludes
on September 15, 2021.
To ensure that they receive their voting instructions, members should make
sure their current email address is up to date in AMSAT's records. Members should log into the AMSAT Membership Portal at
https://launch.amsat.org/ and check their account for their current email address. If a member has moved or changed their email address, they are encouraged to update their contact information at this time. (Note: If they have not already done so, members
can instantly create their membership account at that same page so they can inspect their record. A membership account is not the same as an AMSAT Store account.)
[ANS thanks Jeff Davis, KE9V, AMSAT Secretary for the above information]
ARISS Slow Scan Television Event set for June 21-26, 2021
ARISS reports there will be an Amateur Radio on Shuttle, MIR and ISS Slow Scan TV (SSTV) event from June 21-26, 2021. Transmissions from the International Space Station will be on 145.800 MHz FM using the PD120 format.
The ARISS team will be transmitting SSTV images continuously from June 21
until June 26. The images will be related to some of the Amateur Radio activities that have occurred on the Space Shuttle, MIR space station and the International Space Station.
The scheduled start and stop times are:
Monday, June 21 Setup is scheduled to begin at 09:40 UTC (transmissions should start a little later).
Saturday, June 26 Transmissions are scheduled to end by 18:30 UTC.
The signal should be receivable on a handheld with a 1/4 wave whip. If your
rig has selectable FM filters try the wider filter for 25 kHz channel
Those that recently missed the opportunity during the limited period of MAI transmissions should have numerous chances over the six day period to capture many, if not all 12, of the images.
Check the ARISS SSTV blog for the latest information at
Pass predictions for the ISS pass times are available at
Useful SSTV info and links
[ANS thanks AMSAT UK for the above information.]
Join the 2021 President's Club!
Score your 2" 4-Color Accent Commemorative Coin with Polished Gold Finish,
Full Color Certificate and Embroidered "Remove Before Flight" Key Tag
By donating today at
You won't want to miss it! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
PSAT2 Improved Coverage Is Here (Updated)
Bob Bruninga, WB4APR reports, WPSAT2 (NO-104) has been in a great operating period from June 10-22, 2021 in the northern hemisphere due to its highly elliptical orbit. Passes have been in the evening but moving earlier each
day. Conversely, for the two weeks following, it will be low on the horizon for northern hemisphere mid-latitudes stations and favor the southern hemisphere.
"Normally its low inclination orbit (28 degrees) favors lower latitude locations. But the elliptical orbit assures that there are times, two weeks
out of every month, when the elevation angle rises as much as 20 degrees to bring higher latitude stations into the footprint.
"PSAT2 has been enabled for APRS on 145.825 and it should be 4 times stronger (+6 dB) than PSAT. PSAT2 requires your radio to be in narrow band mode.
"Also it has the APRS-to-Voice enabled for your enjoyment. See
http://aprs.org/psat2.html for how to use the A2V feature.
"Also enabled is the PSAT (NO84) digipeating. And its HF to UHF transponder
is always on for PSK31. See
http://aprs.org/psat.html for further
[ANS thanks Bob Bruninga, WB4APR for the above information]
Need new satellite antennas? Purchase Arrows, Alaskan Arrows,
and M2 LEO-Packs from the AMSAT Store. When you purchase through
AMSAT, a portion of the proceeds goes towards
Keeping Amateur Radio in Space.
MIR-SAT1 Scheduled for Deployment from the ISS
Jean Marc Momple, 3B8DU reports it now official that MIR-SAT1, the first Mauritius Amateur Radio 3B8 satellite, will be deployed from the ISS on June 22, 2021 at 10:55 UTC. The deployment will be made using the robotic arm on the Japanese Experiment Module nicknamed Kibo.
MIR-SAT1 is a 1U CubeSat mission with the following objectives:
1. Verify the performance of the on-board subsystems by receiving telemetry from the satellite and establish communication to and from the satellite (command and control).
2. Collect images of Mauritius and the Mauritian EEZ for capacity, building, experiment and research.
3. Experimental communication with other islands via the satellite (for scientific and/or emergency purposes), through a Radio Amateur digipeater payload.
4. V/U 9600bps GMSK digipeater may be open for Radio Amateur communication worldwide when the satellite not used for all above.
Further details can be found at
Experimental decoders are already available:
+ AMSAT Pacsat Ground Station Software by Chris Thompson, G0KLA/AC2CZ is a decoder for the PacSat protocol, designed for FalconSat-3 now with support
for Mir-Sat1. More information and the download is available at:
+ GR-Satellites by Daniel Estévez, EA4GPZ is a collection of GNU Radio decoders. More information and the download is available at:
These decoder will be used by local schools and Universities to capture the signals from the bird and hopefully create inspiration for our 3B8 youngsters to space science and STEM per AMSAT Ambassador program goals.
Jean Marc remarks, "It is so great to have the support of above experts. I
wish to put on record my appreciation for the all the advice they provided to the 3B8 team and their fully unconditional support in the Ham spirit of brotherhood. 'Grand merci Chris et Dani.' Without you we ham's will not have
a clue about what is the status of the bird."
In addition, the Mauritius Amateur Radio Society (MARS) is creating special awards open to all participating Hams/SWL's worldwide. These awards will be issued to those decoding MIR-SAT1 telemetry and forwarding same to SatNOGS.
- A Platinum award will be issued to the first 10 ground station applying for MIR-SAT1 Award after having forwarded the telemetry to SatNOGS.
- A Gold award will be issued to the next 20 ground station applying for MIR-SAT1 Award after having forwarded the telemetry to SatNOGS.
- A Silver award will be issued to the next 30 ground station applying for MIR-SAT1 Award after having forwarded the telemetry to SatNOGS.
- A Bronze award will be issued to the next 50 ground station applying for MIR-SAT1 Award after having forwarded the telemetry to SatNOGS.
Complete information on the awards program can be found at
[ANS thanks Jean Marc Momple, 3B8DU for the above information.]
AMSAT's GOLF Program is about getting back to higher orbits, and it all
begins with GOLF-TEE - a technology demonstrator for deployable solar
panels, propulsion, and attitude control, now manifested for launch on
NASA's ELaNa 46 mission. Come along for the ride. The journey will be
worth it!
The IARU Participating in the CEPT Working Groups
IARU volunteers have been participating in the CEPT FM and SE Working Groups looking after the Amateur Radio and Amateur Satellite Service interests. CEPT WG-SE #88 took place during April and WG-FM #99 took place at the end of May.
The report from the IARU Region 1 site says:
WG-FM s project teams tackle a wide range of civil spectrum applications and are developing important regulatory deliverables relating to wireless power transfer and the 23cm band RNSS coexistence topic amongst other things. Work
on both these topics is ongoing.
The CEPT Radio Amateur Forum Group (RAFG) is hosted by WG-FM and is chaired
by the IARU for the time being. Its main task is maintenance of the CEPT Recommendations TR61-01 and TR61-02. A proposal to merge the activities of
the RAFG into project team FM58 (Maritime) has been made but the final
decision has been held over until the next WG-FM meeting. The RAFG was tasked at this meeting with a new work item to consider the feasibility of
developing an electronic database of CEPT wide amateur licensing
documentation. This was supported by six administrations.
In WG-SE technical spectrum sharing studies are taking place covering;
Wireless power transfer including consideration of electric vehicle
charging (WPT- EV).
UWB radiodetermination in 116 250 GHz.
Vehicular radar systems in 77 81 GHz.
Security Scanners in the range 60 90 GHz.
23cm band RNSS coexistence (related to the WRC item and reported in detail elsewhere)
Amateur service frequency bands are within the scope of all these studies and fall under the remit of the IARU R1 SRLC
A summary report of the WG-SE meeting is at
The WG-FM meeting is at
Working Group FM Meeting 99 documents
[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information.]
Upcoming Satellite Operations
EM72, June 21-25, 2021
N4DCW be there all week. Operating vacation style, but DM him if you need a sked. He ll have a decent Eastern horizon for those on the other side of the Atlantic.
IN73, Later June
EA4M will be in IN73 on holidays, probably for a week or so. He will try some birds. Check Twitter for schedules.
DL98, Last week in June
WA5RR is looking at doing a rove in DL98 with an overnight stay in Eagle
Pass, TX. Details to follow.
CN98, Last week of June
DN63, July 2, 2021; DN64, July 3, 2021
ND0C and KE0WPA along with their resident photojournalist (Mom/Amy) will be taking a family excursion to the southwest and working some sats as time permits. Among the less commonly worked grids from which they plan to operate are DN63 7/2, DN64 7/2 & 7/3. Check @kylee_ke0wpa for info.
Tortola, BVI, July 4-17, 2021
VP2V/K3TRM will be operating from Tortola, BVI on 40-6M SSB & digital, and satellite.
DM62, ~July 9, 2021
K5TA is tentatively planning when there are several good passes mid-day,
making it a doable day-trip for him.
[ANS thanks Paul Overn, KE0PBR for the above information.]
Want to fly the colors on your own grid expedition?
Get your AMSAT car flag and other neat stuff
from our Zazzle store!
25% of the purchase price of each product goes
towards Keeping Amateur Radio in Space
+ Completed Contacts
Gagarin From Space. Performing a radio amateur session with school children
in the city of Great Ustyug, Velikiy Ustyug, Russia, direct via UB1QBM.
The ISS callsign was RSØISS.
The downlink frequency was 145.800 MHz.
The astronaut was Oleg Novitskiy
Contact was successful on Saturday, June 12, 2021 at 09:15 UTC.
Collège Albert Camus, La Norville, France and Université Paris-Saclay, Saint-Aubin, France multi-point telebridge via ON4ISS.
The ISS callsign was FXØISS.
The downlink frequency was 145.800 MHz.
The astronaut was Thomas Pesquet KG5FYG.
Contact was successful on Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 11:40:45 UTC.
+ Upcoming Contacts
Ecole publique de Bellême, Bellême, France, Pôle scolaire Igé/Le Gué de la Chaine, Belforêt en Perche, France, and Ecole de Nocé, Perche en Nocé, France, multi-point telebridge via ON4ISS.
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be FXØISS.
The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 437.525 MHz.
The scheduled astronaut is Thomas Pesquet KG5FYG.
Contact is go for: Friday, June 25, 2021 at 08:34:42 UTC.
A multi-point telebridge contact means that each student will be on the telebridge from their own home.
+ Current Status of ISS Stations
IORS (Kenwood TM-D710GA) - STATUS - ACTIVE. supporting cross band repeater operation (145.990 up [67 Hz tone] /437.800 down MHz). Next mode change to packet operations targeting after Field Day. Supporting USOS scheduled voice contacts, packet and voice repeater ops.
Service Module radios:
Kenwood TM-D710E - STATUS - Radio usually off.
Supporting ROS scheduled voice contacts and SSTV.
Watch for possible operation mode change sometime after ARRL Field Day.
Exact date and time TBD.
The latest information on the operation mode can be found at:
[ANS thanks Charlie Sufana, AJ9N for the above information.]
Satellite Shorts from All Over
+ AMSAT Receives $403 from AmazonSmile
AMSAT has received its quarterly notification from AmazonSmile that it has
made a charitable donation to the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation, in
the amount of $403.32 as a result of qualifying purchases made by its members who have selected AMSAT.
Thanks to AMSAT shoppers at smile.amazon.com, their everyday purchases have generated $7,097.98 in donations to the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation
so far.
[ANS thanks AmazonSmile for the above information.]
* Where are the Women in STEM?
Do you have a young lady in the family who is looking for ways to get
involved in the world of science? When it comes to science influencers, Emily Calandrelli is a household name for a new generation of space enthusiasts. If you have kids, you may know her from Emily s Wonder Lab on Netflix, which brought DIY science experiments into viewers homes during the pandemic lockdown. She s also the long-running host of Xploration Outer Space, and a speaker and the author of the Ada Lace children s book series. While Emily s communication style is fun and accessible, she has a rigorous science and engineering background underpinning her work, with two master s degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Check out Emily's website, The Space Gal at
http://www.thespacegal.com/women-in-stem for ideas on how to engage your youngster in the adventures of space.
[ANS thanks Via Satellite for the above information.]
+ Fly the SpaceX ISS Docking Simulator!
"Now arriving at Docking Port #1..." Think you have "all the right stuff"?
The SpaceX ISS Docking Simulator lets you try your hand at safely docking
your Dragon space capsule to the ISS. In fact, they say it is the exact same interface that astronauts use on the job. Be sure to check the instructions tab for a quick overview of how the controls work. It's fun! Test your
piloting skills at
[ANS thanks SPACEX for the above information.]
+ Chinese Astronauts Enter Tiangong Space Station for First Time
Three Chinese astronauts floated into the country s new Tiangong space
station Thursday, becoming the first people to board China s outpost in orbit after a successful launch from a military base in the Gobi Desert to start a three-month mission. The three astronauts will spend the next three months testing systems on-board the station, three times longer than any previous Chinese human spaceflight mission. In total, China has now launched 12 astronauts into orbit on seven crewed Shenzhou missions since 2003.
Read the complete story at
[ANS thanks Spaceflight Now for the above information.]
Not an AMSAT member? Join now at
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive additional benefits. President's Club donations may be made at
Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half-time status shall be eligible for the student rate for a maximum of six post-secondary years in this status. Contact info at the amsat dot org for additional student membership information.
This week's ANS Editor,
Frank Karnauskas, N1UW
n1uw at amsat dot org
Sent via
AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA.
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