XPost: uk.radio.amateur, free.uk.amateur-radio, rec.radio.info
ISS SSTV 145.800 MHz FM June 21-26
Posted: 14 Jun 2021 12:16 PM PDT
ARISS report there will be an Amateur Radio on Shuttle, Mir and ISS Slow
Scan TV (SSTV) event from June 21-26. Transmissions from the International Space Station will be on 145.800 MHz FM using PD120.
The ARISS team will be transmitting SSTV images continuously from June 21
until June 26. The images will be related to some of the amateur radio activities that have occurred on the Space Shuttle, Mir space station and
the International Space Station.
The schedule start and stop times are:
Monday, June 21 – Setup is scheduled to begin at 09:40 UTC (transmissions should start a little later).
Saturday, June 26 – Transmissions are scheduled to end by 18:30 UTC.
Downlink frequency will be 145.800 MHz and the mode should be PD120.
Those that recently missed the opportunity during the limited period of MAI transmissions should have numerous chances over the 6 day period to capture many (if not all 12) of the images.
Check the ARISS SSTV blog for the latest information
The signal should be receivable on a handheld with a 1/4 wave whip. If your
rig has selectable FM filters try the wider filter for 25 kHz channel
You can get predictions for the ISS pass times at
Useful SSTV info and links
MIR-SAT1 to deploy from ISS
Posted: 13 Jun 2021 11:29 AM PDT
MIR-SAT1 CubeSat
The first amateur radio CubeSat from Mauritius is expected to be deployed
from the International Space Station on June 22, 2021 at 10:55 GMT.
The IARU Satellite Frequency Coordination page reports:
MIR-SAT1 is a 1U CubeSat mission with the following objectives:
1. Verify the performance of the on-board subsystems by receiving telemetry from the satellite and establish communication to and from the satellite (command and control).
2. Collect images of Mauritius and the Mauritian EEZ for capacity,
building, experiment and research.
3. Experimental communication with other islands via the satellite (for scientific and/or emergency purposes), through a Radio Amateur digipeater payload.
4. V/U 9600bps GMSK digipeater may be open for Radio Amateur communication worldwide when the satellite not used for all above.
A downlink on 436.925 MHz has been coordinated. Decoders for the amateur
radio community and schools have been developed by Chris AC2CZ and Daniel EA4GPZ and will be available in the public domain on their WEB
sites/Github, Links will be provided before launch on Tweeter, AMSAT-BB and Space Mauritius, see
For the digipeater operation it will be necessary to evaluate the power available after deployment to decide on opening same 24/7 or on scheduled
IARU Satellite Frequency Coordination pages
Follow 3B8DU on Twiiter at
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