• The ARRL Letter for June 22, 2023

    From ARRL Web site@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jun 22 20:21:59 2023
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    The ARRL Letter

    Published by the American Radio Relay League ********************************************

    June 22, 2023

    John E. Ross, KD8IDJ, Editor <news@arrl.org>

    ARRL Home Page <http://www.arrl.org/>ARRL Letter Archive <http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/>Audio News <http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/audio/> IN THIS ISSUE

    - Here It Comes! ARRL 2023 Field Day
    - AMSAT Field Day on the Satellites
    - FCC ULS Reopened, Except Electronic Batch Filing System
    - Women of Influence in Engineering 2023 Ham Honoree
    - HAM RADIO Exhibition Ready in Germany
    - Amateur Radio in the News
    - ARRL Podcasts
    - Announcements
    - In Brief...
    - The K7RA Solar Update
    - Just Ahead in Radiosport
    - Upcoming Section, State, and Division Conventions


    Get ready to tune in the world! ARRL 2023 Field Day weekend is just
    about here. This year's event will begin at 1800 UTC on Saturday, June
    24, and run until 2059 UTC on Sunday, June 25.

    ARRL's Field Day <https://www.arrl.org/field-day> web page has all of
    the last-minute information you'll need to make Field Day fun and safe
    and to help prepare you for 2 days of great contact opportunities. The
    web page also includes a link to the ARRL Field Day Facebook Group <https://www.facebook.com/groups/arrlfd/>, where you can share
    information and ask questions.

    ARRL will be live streaming Field Day weekend on YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06B2N9bG0Ug> from W1AW, the Hiram
    Percy Maxim Memorial Station <http://www.arrl.org/w1aw> at ARRL
    Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut. Find the link to our live
    stream at www.arrl.org/live. <https://www.arrl.org/live> We plan to
    check in with Field Day sites from around the country and will also
    feature social media posts tagged with #ARRLFD. If you use #ARRLFD, you
    can receive 100 bonus points.

    An important part of Field Day is making sure your friends, family, and neighbors know what Field Day is all about and why it's important. You
    can do that by making phone calls or sending emails inviting everyone
    to watch and listen. Once you get them out to the event, let them
    experience the joy of making contacts via the Get On The Air (GOTA)

    When you get folks interested in amateur radio, remember the many
    resources that ARRL offers to help them get licensed. Our getting
    licensed <http://www.arrl.org/getting-licensed?_gl=1*8nrh7m*_ga*MjIyNTEwOTE5LjE2NzE0MDgzNTM.*_ga_PZM4RWMR3R*MTY4NzM1NTYyMS4yNS4xLjE2ODczNTU2MjkuMC4wLjA.>

    web page outlines the pathway from observer to ham. Our ARRL Ham Radio
    License Manual <http://www.arrl.org/ham-radio-license-manual> will
    provide everything they need to know to get licensed and get on the
    air. The ARRL Learning Center <http://www.arrl.org/licensing-education-training> is a valuable
    resource as well.

    Local amateur radio clubs have also found unique ways to publicize
    Field Day activities. The Jupiter Tequesta Repeater Group (JTEG) <https://jtrg.org/> was able to grab some airtime on iHeartRadio
    station WJNO in West Palm Beach, Florida. Their 10-minute interview
    about Field Day aired on June 15, 2023. You can listen to it here <https://www.iheart.com/podcast/486-local-news-wire-28247657/>.

    Grab your gear and get ready to be part of ARRL Field Day 2023!


    2023 AMSAT Field Day is ready to go.It's held concurrently with ARRL
    Field Day, and the hours are the same. The event begins at 1800 UTC on Saturday, June 24, and run until 2059 UTC on Sunday, June 25.

    The rules are different for AMSAT Field Day. You can find all of the
    rules and additional information in a downloadable format here <https://www.amsatnet.com/2023fd.pdf>.

    For more information about ASMSAT, visit their website at AMSAT - The
    Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation <https://www.amsat.org/>.


    On Wednesday morning, June 21, 2023, the FCC reopened the Universal
    Licensing System (ULS) and supporting systems, according to an email distributed to VEC organizations. However, as of 3:00 PM on Thursday
    June 22, the Electronic Batch Filing (EBF) system, used by VEC
    organizations for filing exam sessions, individual applications, and
    club license applications, was still not available as promised.
    Unfortunately, this means applications for new and upgraded licenses,
    and individual and club license filings still cannot be uploaded in the
    system for issuance. You can read the Full Story <https://www.arrl.org/news/fcc-uls-reopened-except-electronic-batch-filing-system>


    For the latest information, watch the ARRL News feed <http://arrl.org/news-features>.


    Michelle Thompson, W5NYV, Cofounder and CEO of the Open Research
    Institute (ORI), has been selected as a 2023 honoree for the Women of
    Influence in Engineering section published by the San Diego Business
    Journal. The publication celebrates female trailblazers and highlights
    the honorees careers and accomplishments.

    Thompson has been an amateur radio operator for more than 25 years
    and was drawn to the hobby by her father and grandfather, who were
    amateur radio operators.

    "We were a family of tinkerers, and my dad and granddad were always
    fixing and building things, including amateur radios," said Thompson.
    "Because of their influence, I was drawn to the vocation of helping
    people navigate difficult rules and regulations that impeded their
    learning and success."

    In 2020, Thompson founded ORI, a nonprofit research and development organization that provides all of its work to the general public under
    the principles of Open Source <https://opensource.org/> and Open Access
    to Research <https://sparcopen.org/open-access/>. She is responsible
    for amateur satellite service regulatory reform and is a member of the
    FCC Technological Advisory Council.

    Thompson is also chair of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
    Engineers (IEEE) San Diego Section. She founded the IEEE Information
    Theory Society, as well as the local Open Source Digital Radio Group.

    Thompson serves the ARRL Field Organization Southwestern Division as a Technical Specialist for the San Diego Section, and she is an ARRL Life


    HAM RADIO, one of the largest amateur events in the world, kicks off
    its 46th international amateur radio exhibition in Friedrichshafen,
    Germany on June 23 - 25, 2023.

    HAM RADIO is a platform for radio enthusiasts to get together and
    exchange information and experiences. The event features commercial
    exhibitors, worldwide networked associations, and Europe's largest
    radio flea market with more than 300 participants from 16 countries.
    ARRL is an active partner at HAM RADIO and will be represented at the
    2023 event.

    This year's theme, We're all about STEM, is a reference to science,
    technology, engineering, and math disciplines that are being integrated
    into education to help students better prepare for a changing world.

    "We're pleased to have added a Career Day to the well-established
    concept of fascinating lectures, live radio contract events, and exams
    for the first time this year," said Project Manager Petra Rathgeber.
    "After all, the field of amateur radio is perfectly suited to teaching interested children and young people about natural sciences and
    awakening an enthusiasm for technology in them."

    You can read more about HAM RADIO 2023 <https://www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.com/> at the event website.


    ARRL Public Information Officers, Coordinators, and many other member-volunteers help keep amateur radio and ARRL in the news <http://www.arrl.org/media-hits>.

    "Alachua County Amateur Radio Emergency Services Field Day" <https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/alachua-county-amateur-radio-emergency-services-field-day/ar-AA1cC3QT>

    / Alachua Chronicle (Florida), June 15, 2023 -- The Alachua County
    Amateur Radio Emergency Service®, (ARES®).

    "See ham radio in action at Amateur Radio Field Day event in Eastvale" <https://www.dailybulletin.com/2023/06/16/see-ham-radio-in-action-at-amateur-radio-field-day-event-in-eastvale/>

    / Daily Bulletin (California), June 16, 2023 -- The GOTAhams Amateur
    Radio Club is an ARRL Affiliated Club.

    "Ham radio operators to participate in nationwide event" <https://www.kpcnews.com/thestar/article_cf145a10-22d5-545c-a489-1c0c4184fa48.html>

    / The Star (Indiana), June 17, 2023 -- The Northeastern Indiana Amateur
    Radio Association is an ARRL Affiliated Club.

    "Amateur Radio clubs prepare for field day event" <https://fredericksburg.com/news/community/amateur-radio-clubs-prepare-for-field-day-event/article_d9438008-0ac9-11ee-8202-a38f85c2ca4f.html>

    / Fredericksburg Free Lance Star (Virginia), June 18, 2023 -- The King
    George Amateur Radio Operators is an ARRL Affiliated Club.

    Share <newsmedia@arrl.org> any amateur radio media hits you spot with


    On the Air
    Sponsored by Icom <http://www.icomamerica.com/en/>

    For the June 2023 episode of the On the Air podcast, ARRL Radiosport & Regulatory Information Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, and ARRL Contest
    Program Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE, join us to talk about a popular
    Field Day fixture known as the GOTA (Get On the Air) Station. If you're
    a newer ham, or new to Field Day operating, you can find a local Field
    Day setup that's running one of these beginner-friendly stations. Tune
    in to find out how, so you can make plans to operate from a Field Day
    GOTA Station during Field Day weekend, June 24 and 25.

    ARRL Audio News
    Listen to ARRL Audio News <http://www.arrl.org/arrl-audio-news>,
    available every Friday. ARRL Audio News is a summary of the week's top
    news stories in the world of amateur radio and ARRL, along with
    interviews and other features.

    The On the Air podcast is available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher
    (Android). The On the Air podcast and ARRL Audio News are also on
    blubrry -- On the Air <https://blubrry.com/arrlontheair/> | ARRL Audio
    News <https://blubrry.com/arrlaudionews/>.


    The Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure is proud to announce that
    the special event station, W3Y, will be in operation on July 29, 2023.
    The K3LR <http://www.k3lr.com/> contest group is hosting this event at
    their station and the trip is being sponsored by the Dayton Amateur
    Radio Association <https://w8bi.org/about-dara/>. This is the first
    time the Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure special event station
    will be hosted in the USA. K3LR is considered to be one of the largest
    stations in the world, and this adventure is expected to be truly
    special for the Dave Kalter kids and their parents. The Dave Kalter
    Memorial Youth DX Adventure is an organization that sends young hams,
    ages 12 to 17, and a parent on a summer DXpedition. The organization is
    named in remembrance of Dave Kalter, KB8OCP (SK), who passed away in
    2013. Listen for W3Y on July 29 for an opportunity to make QSOs. The
    team is currently being formed, and more information will be available
    soon. The organization is anticipating a team of 4 to 5 youth

    Please contact Jim Storms, AB8YK, at ab8yk@hotmail.com with any

    IN BRIEF...

    The Hurricane Watch Net <https://www.hwn.org/> (HWN) continues to
    monitor the progress of Tropical Storm Bret. Bobby Graves, KB5HAV,
    Hurricane Watch Net, Manager / Webmaster reports that as of 1500 UTC,
    Bret was located at 13.8N 57.7W, or about 130 miles (205 km)
    east-northeast of Barbados and about 220 miles east of St. Lucia, with
    maximum sustained winds of 70 mph (110 km/h). Movement was to the west,
    or 280 degrees, at 14 mph (22 km/h). The minimum central pressure was
    999 mb or 29.50 inches. Bret is well within the 300-mile activation
    range for a hurricane. The current forecast keeps Bret just below Cat 1 Hurricane strength. Bret, however, could produce wind gusts well above
    75 mph. The HWN will remain in Monitoring/Standby Mode. Should Bret
    intensify into Hurricane status, the HWN will announce plans of
    activation via their email distribution and website homepage at
    www.hwn.org <http://www.hwn.org/>.

    For additional updates also watch the ARRL News feed <http://arrl.org/news-features>.


    Tad Cook, K7RA, of Seattle, Washington, reports for this week's ARRL Propagation Bulletin, ARLP025:

    Sunspot numbers and solar flux rose this week. There were two new
    sunspot groups on June 15, another on June 17, one more on June 18,
    three more on June 19, two more on June 20, and another on June 21.

    The average daily sunspot number increased from 122 to 143, and the
    average daily solar flux rose from 154.8 to 165.4.

    The average daily planetary A index jumped from 5.7 to 15.4, while the
    middle latitude numbers increased from 6.7 to 13.1.

    Predicted solar flux is 175, 180, and 180 on June 22 - 24; 185 on June
    25 - 27; 180 on June 28; 175 on June 29 through July 1; 180 on July 2 -
    3; 175 on July 4 - 5; 170 on July 6 - 10; 165, 160, and 160 on July 11
    - 13; 165, 160, and 160 on July 14 - 16; 155, 160, and 160 on July 17 -
    19, and 165 on July 20 - 24.

    Predicted planetary A index is 12, 15, 10, and 8 on June 22 - 25; 5, 5,
    and 12 on June 26 - 28; 5, 5, and 12 again on June 29 through July 1; 8
    on July 2; 5 on July 3 - 7; 12 on July 8; 5 on July 9 - 11; 20 and 30
    on July 12 - 13; 8 on July 14 - 15, and 12 on July 16 - 17.

    These predictions are from forecasters Reilly and Kiser of the US Air
    Force 557th Weather Wing at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. See https://bit.ly/3qRNJnr for more details.

    So, what does this forecast show for ARRL Field Day this weekend?

    Geomagnetic numbers are a bit more unsettled than what was shown in
    last week's bulletin, which had an A index of 5 for Friday through
    Sunday. The latest shows 15, 10, and 8. Predicted solar flux looks
    excellent at 180, 180, and 185.

    Of course, Field Day does not begin until Saturday morning, but here is
    data for the day prior.

    Watch a video on the X1.1 solar flare at https://bit.ly/3CI0OCA.

    There was another report from South Asia regarding solar flares as some
    sort of existential threat.

    Don't worry, there was nothing terrifying about what they reported, but
    there is a nice description of what the NASA-ESA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) does to monitor it at https://bit.ly/444VhSk. Visit
    SOHO's website at https://soho.nascom.nasa.gov

    Look for an updated forecast for ARRL Field Day in Friday's bulletin.

    Sunspot numbers for June 15 - 21 were 112, 120, 110, 133, 181, 155, and
    190, with a mean of 143. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 153.1, 157.2,
    158.1, 164.1, 168.8, 180.1, and 176.4, with a mean of 165.4. Estimated planetary A indices were 24, 38, 8, 10, 10, 10, and 8, with a mean of
    15.4. Middle latitude A index was 17, 24, 8, 12, 9, 13, and 9, with a
    mean of 13.1.

    Send your tips, questions, or comments to k7ra@arrl.net.

    A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL
    website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit <http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals> the ARRL Technical
    Information Service, read
    <http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere> "What the Numbers
    Mean...," and check out <http://k9la.us/> the Propagation Page of Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA.

    A propagation bulletin archive <http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation> is available. For customizable propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio <https://www.voacap.com/hf/> website.

    Share <k7ra@arrl.net> your reports and observations.

    A weekly, full report is posted on ARRL News


    Yearlong -- ARRL Volunteers On the Air <https://vota.arrl.org/> (VOTA).
    See the State Activations Schedule for weekly W1AW Portable Operations <https://vota.arrl.org/w1awPortable.php>, including:

    - June 28 - July 4 -- Maryland W1AW/3

    - June 28 - July 4 -- Illinois W1AW/9

    - July 5 - July 13 -- Hawaii W1AW/KH6

    - July 12 - July 18 -- Wisconsin/W1AW/9

    - July 12 - July 18 -- Utah/W1AW/7


    - June 22 -- RSGB 80m Club Champ, SSB (phone)

    - June 24 -- UFT QRP Contest (CW)

    - June 24 - 25 -- His Maj. King of Spain Contest, SSB (phone)

    - June 24 - 25 -- ARRL Field Day (CW, phone, digital)

    - June 26 -- RSGB FT4 Contest (FT4)

    - June 28 -- SKCC Sprint (CW)

    Visit the ARRL Contest Calendar <http://www.arrl.org/contest-calendar>
    for more events and information.


    - June 23 - 25 | HAM RADIO <http://www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.com/>, Friedrichshafen, Germany

    - July 8 | SVARC Summer Hamfest Minot <http://www.arrl.org/hamfests/svarc-summer-hamfest-minot-arrl-north-dakota-section-convention>,

    hosting the ARRL North Dakota Section Convention, Minot, North Dakota

    - July 15 | SEARC Tailgate Hamfest <http://www.arrl.org/hamfests/searc-tailgate-hamfest-arrl-south-dakota-section-convention>,

    hosting the ARRL South Dakota Section Convention, Sioux Falls, South

    - July 29 | CVARC 2023 Hamfest <http://www.arrl.org/hamfests/cvarc-2023-hamfest-arrl-pennsylvania-state-convention>,

    hosting the ARRL Pennsylvania State Convention, Chambersburg,

    - July 29 | ARRL West Virginia State Convention and Ham Fest <http://www.arrl.org/hamfests/arrl-west-virginia-state-convention-and-ham-fest-1>,

    Sutton, West Virginia

    - August 12 - 13 | 2023 ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention <http://www.arrl.org/hamfests/2023-arrl-rocky-mountain-division-convention>, Albuquerque, New Mexico

    - August 19 - 20 | Huntsville Hamfest <http://www.arrl.org/hamfests/huntsville-hamfest-arrl-alabama-state-convention>,

    hosting the ARRL Alabama State Convention, Huntsville, Alabama

    - August 25 - 27 | Northeast HamXposition <http://www.arrl.org/hamfests/northeast-hamxposition-arrl-new-england-division-convention-1>,

    hosting the ARRL New England Division Convention, Marlborough,

    - September 1 - 3 | Shelby Hamfest <http://www.arrl.org/hamfests/shelby-hamfest-arrl-north-carolina-section-convention-2>,

    hosting the ARRL North Carolina Section Convention, Shelby, North

    - September 10 | ARRL Southern New Jersey Section Convention and
    Hamfest <http://www.arrl.org/hamfests/arrl-southern-new-jersey-section-convention-and-hamfest-1>,

    Mullica Hill, New Jersey

    - September 22 - 23 | HRO Superfest <http://www.arrl.org/hamfests/hro-superfest-arrl-wisconsin-state-convention>, hosting the ARRL Wisconsin State Convention, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    - September 23 | Red River Radio Amateur's 2023 Hamfest <http://www.arrl.org/hamfests/red-river-radio-amateur-s-2023-hamfest-arrl-dakota-division-convention>,

    sponsoring the ARRL Dakota Division Convention, West Fargo, North

    - September 23 | Spokane HAMFEST <http://www.arrl.org/hamfests/spokane-hamfest-arrl-washington-state-convention-1>,

    sponsoring the ARRL Washington State Convention, Spokane Valley,

    Search the ARRL Hamfest and Convention Database
    <http://www.arrl.org/hamfests> to find events in your area.


    Submissions for the ARRL Letter and ARRL News can be sent to
    news@arrl.org. -- John E. Ross, KD8IDJ, ARRL News Editor

    ARRL -- Your One-Stop Resource for
    Amateur Radio News and Information

    - Join or Renew Today!
    <https://home.arrl.org/action/Membership/Join-ARRL> Eligible US-based
    members can elect to receive QST <http://www.arrl.org/qst> or On the
    Air <http://www.arrl.org/on-the-air-magazine> magazine in print when
    they join ARRL or when they renew their membership. All members can
    access digital editions of all four ARRL magazines: QST, On the Air,
    QEX, and NCJ.

    - Listen to ARRL Audio News <http://www.arrl.org/arrl-audio-news>,
    available every Friday.

    - The ARRL Letter is available in an accessible format, posted weekly
    to the Blind-hams Groups.io <https://groups.io/g/blind-hams> email
    group. The group is dedicated to discussions about amateur radio as it
    concerns blind hams, plus related topics including ham radio use of
    adaptive technology.

    Subscribe to...

    - NCJ -- National Contest Journal <http://www.ncjweb.com/>. Published bimonthly, features articles by top contesters, letters, hints,
    statistics, scores, NA Sprint, and QSO parties.

    - QEX -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters
    <http://www.arrl.org/qex>. Published bimonthly, features technical
    articles, construction projects, columns, and other items of interest
    to radio amateurs and communications professionals.

    Free of charge to ARRL members...

    - Subscribe <https://home.arrl.org/action/My-Account/Opt-In-Out> to the
    ARES Letter (monthly public service and emergency communications news),
    the ARRL Contest Update (biweekly contest newsletter), Division and
    Section news alerts, and much more!

    - Find ARRL on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/ARRL.org/>! Follow us
    on Twitter <https://twitter.com/arrl> and Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/arrlhq>!

    The ARRL Letter is published Thursdays, 48 times each year. ARRL
    members may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing their Member
    Data Page at www.arrl.org/opt-in-out <https://home.arrl.org/action/My-Account/Opt-In-Out>.

    Copyright (c) 2023 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated.
    Use and distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is
    permitted for non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution.
    All other purposes require written permission.


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