• [VU2NSB] How badly can high Local Ambient QRM affect HF Radio?

    From VU2NSB via rec.radio.amateur.modera@21:1/5 to All on Tue Mar 23 07:44:12 2021
    XPost: rec.radio.amateur.moderated

    VU2NSB.com - Amazing Amateur Radio

    How badly can high Local Ambient QRM affect HF Radio?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 09:31 AM PDT https://vu2nsb.com/how-badly-can-high-local-ambient-qrm-affect-hf-radio/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-badly-can-high-local-ambient-qrm-affect-hf-radio

    Effects of Local Ambient QRM on HF Radio Local ambient QRM (Noise) from
    various electrical appliances and other sources in the neighborhood often adversely affect HF radio communication. The negative effects of local QRM
    on an HF amateur radio stations overall capabilities are usually far more pronounced than what most operators realize. The ability to address these
    noise issues may either make or break the radio stations DX coverage
    efficacy. In the modern day-n-age, radio amateurs who live especially in
    urban and suburban areas are plagued with these adverse effects with
    several orders of magnitude greater nuisance value than the old-timers who operated several decades ago. Although these problems could be mitigated to
    a large extent by carefully choosing and setting up the antenna system, the unfortunate fact is that many radio amateurs do not even realize how or why these factors affect the radio station performance. The usual trend is to
    set up the antenna, use a low-loss coaxial cable which has become a fad
    these days, adjust the SWR to as low as possible either directly or
    using... Click Here to Read Full Article []

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