• [DXZone] AGCW-DL QRP Contest

    From DXZone via rec.radio.info Admin@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 21 01:25:53 2022
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    The DXZone.com Amateur Radio Internet Guide

    AGCW-DL QRP Contest


    DX Resources/Contest
    The AGCW-DL invites all radio amateurs to participate in the annual QRP CONTEST. Annually on the second Saturday in March from 1400 to 2000 UTC.
    80-10 meters bands except WARC



    Technical Reference/HF Radios
    An easy to build 6 watts SSB transceiver for 14MHz. BITX is an easily
    assembled transceiver for the beginner with very clean performance. Using ordinary electronic components and improvising where specific components
    like toroids are not available, It has a minimum number of coils to be

    A Simple Dual-band Transceiver


    Technical Reference/HF Radios
    This a well performing, simple two band transceiver. The transceiver design
    is inspired by the S7C superhet. A dual-band transceiver with a crisp
    receiver and a clean SSB signal

    Specan Spectrum analyzer


    Technical Reference/Spectrum Analyzers
    The Specan is actually a very simple but robustly built receiver. it is, in essence, a double conversion superhet receiver with 112 Mhz and 12 Mhz Intermediate frequencies. The first mixer uses an Si570 as the local oscillator. The Ardiuno that controls the Specan is a very flexible microcontroller board that you can program in simple C language

    Two Tone Generator


    Technical Reference/Test Equipment/Signal Generator
    A two tone generator is an essential test gear made with just four
    transistors that helps you evaluate your amplifiers, mixers, receivers for distortion. Distortion makes all the difference between a pleasant receiver
    and a horrible sounding one, between a clean transmitter and bad,
    splattering one on air.

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