XPost: rec.radio.info
The ARRL Contest Update
Published by the American Radio Relay League ********************************************
February 16, 2022
Editor: Paul Bourque, N1SFE <
In this Issue:
- Upcoming Contests - Things to Do
- Bulletins
- Contest Summary
- News, Press Releases and Special Interest
- Results and Records
- Technical Topics and Discussion
- Contests
- Log Due Dates
ARRL International DX Contest- new categories and rules changes for
The CW edition of the ARRL International DX Contest begins at 0000 UTC Saturday, February 19, and concludes at 2359 UTC Sunday, February 20.
For 2022, there are new categories added to the event, with the Single-Operator, Single-Band, categories now having three power level subcategories (QRP, Low Power, and High Power) in both Non-Assisted and Unlimited (Assisted) categories.
Also new for ARRL DX 2022, for the Affiliated Club Competition,
Multioperator DXpedition scores (operations outside the United States
and Canada) can be distributed to clubs that each operator declares.
The club must be active in the ARRL's Club Eligibility listing, and the operator's call sign must be included in the club's eligibility list.
Each eligible operator's portion of the total station score will be
attributed to the club of their choosing. See the Affiliated Club
Competition <
rules for more details.
Additionally, the Multioperator station accommodations for 2021 have
been extended into the 2022 running of the event. This allows
multioperator station participants to operate from their home stations
in conjunction with the multi-op station. The home stations must be
within a radius of 100 kilometers (62 miles) of the multiop station,
and must be within the same DXCC entity, US State, or Canadian
For complete rules and more information, visit www.arrl.org/arrl-dx <
North American QSO Party - RTTY
Mark, K6UFO, reminds us that the North American QSO Party - RTTY will
be held Saturday, February 26 starting at 1800 UTC and continuing until
0559 UTC on Sunday, February 27. The exchange is your name and State,
Province, or Country. There are Single Operator assisted and
non-assisted categories, as well as Multioperator categories. Single
Operator stations can operate for 10 out of the 12 hours, and
Multioperator stations can operate the entire 12-hour event.
For complete rules, records, and past results please visit the National
Contest Journal website <
- Thanks to Mark Aaker, K6UFO.
Some New Rules Going into Effect this Year for ARRL Field Day
After the issuance of several rules waivers over the past couple of
years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ARRL Field Day rules are being
updated on a permanent basis starting with the June 25-26, 2022, event.
The maximum PEP output for a transmitter used by anyone submitting a
Field Day entry will be 100 W, regardless of entry category.
Class D (Home) stations will continue to be able to earn points for
contacts with other Class D stations. The club aggregate scoring change initiated in 2020 as a temporary measure will become part of the
permanent rules. In the aggregate scoring plan, the scores of
individual stations are combined under the aggregate score of a club
that is designated on the individual entry form.
Another change, involving Media Publicity Rule 7.3.2, has been
modified. Field Day participants will now be required to obtain
publicity, not just try to do so. Any combination of bona fide media
hits would qualify for the bonus points. For example, posting the
details of your upcoming or ongoing Field Day activity, or your Field
Day results, on a club or news media site, on Facebook, or via Twitter
and Instagram would meet the bonus criteria.
For more information, visit the ARRL Field Day
http://www.arrl.org/field-day> webpage.
Complete information for all contests follows the Conversation section.
February 17
- Walk for the Bacon QRP Contest <
- CWops Test (CWT) <
- RTTYOPS Weeksprint <
- EACW Meeting <
- NTC QSO Party <
February 18
- NCCC RTTY Sprint <
- QRP Fox Hunt <
- NCCC Sprint Ladder <
- K1USN Slow Speed Test <
February 19
- ARRL Inter. DX Contest, CW <
- Russian PSK WW Contest <
- Feld Hell Sprint <
February 20
- FISTS Sunday Sprint <
- Run for the Bacon QRP Contest <
February 21
- K1USN Slow Speed Test <
- OK1WC Memorial (MWC)
February 22
- Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest <
- RTTYOPS Weeksprint <
February 23
- SKCC Sprint
- QRP Fox Hunt <
- Phone Weekly Test
- A1Club AWT <
- CWops Test (CWT) <
- Mini-Test 40 <
- Mini-Test 80 <
- CWops Test (CWT) <
- UKEICC 80m Contest <
February 24
- CWops Test (CWT) <
- RTTYOPS Weeksprint <
- EACW Meeting <
- RSGB 80m Club Championship, CW <
February 25
- NCCC RTTY Sprint <
- QRP Fox Hunt <
- NCCC Sprint Ladder <
- K1USN Slow Speed Test <
- CQ 160-Meter Contest, SSB <
February 26
- REF Contest, SSB <
- FTn DX Contest <
- UBA DX Contest, CW <
- South Carolina QSO Party <
- North American QSO Party, RTTY <
- NA Collegiate Championship, RTTY <
February 27
- High Speed Club CW Contest <
- North Carolina QSO Party <
February 28
- K1USN Slow Speed Test <
- QCX Challenge <
- OK1WC Memorial (MWC)
- QCX Challenge <
- RSGB FT4 Contest
March 1
- Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest <
- QCX Challenge <
- RTTYOPS Weeksprint <
- AGCW YL-CW Party <
March 2
- Phone Weekly Test
- A1Club AWT <
- CWops Test (CWT) <
- VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest
- Mini-Test 40 <
- Mini-Test 80 <
- CWops Test (CWT) <
- UKEICC 80m Contest <
- AWA John Rollins Memorial DX Contest <
Announcing the ARRL International DX Contest
The inaugural ARRL International Digital Contest makes its debut the
first weekend of June (June 4-5, 2022). Participants can use any
digital mode, with the exception of RTTY, that supports the required
four-digit grid square exchange. All HF bands from 160 through 10
meters (WARC bands excluded), plus 6 meters are allowed. Rules and more information are available at www.arrl.org/arrl-digital-contest <
New Rules in effect for all ARRL HF Contests in June
Starting with the ARRL International Digital Contest, in all categories
that allow assistance (Unlimited), the use of online and other
non-amateur radio platforms including but not limited to social media,
live video streaming, and internet chat rooms will be allowed. In all
Unlimited and Multioperator categories, the prohibition of
self-spotting, and asking another station to spot you, will also be
New Features added to WA7BMN Contest Calendar
Bruce Horn, WA7BNM, has added a new feature to his Contest Calendar <
https://www.contestcalendar.com/index.html> website. The site now
includes a 5-Week Calendar. It's a list of contests similar to the
12-Month Calendar but designed to show only those contests in the
current week (Monday-Sunday), plus the following four weeks. Contests
that are held every week are listed in a separate section to make it
easier to view the weekend contests.
The Five-Week Calendar is accessible via a direct link at www.contestcalendar.com/fivewkcal.html <
ViewProp Tutorial Video Released
Rick Kiessig, ZL2HAM, has published a tutorial for his propagation
analysis and visualization tool, ViewProp on YouTube. ViewProp uses
data from Reverse Beacon Network and DxAtlas to provide a graphical
view of propagation.
You can view the video at youtube.com/watch?v=McUB2eY5atk <
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McUB2eY5atk>. A user forum and
discussion group for ViewProp is also available at groups.io <
Sights and Sounds
Dean Wood, N6DE, has announced that the 2021 California QSO Party <
https://cqp.org/index.html> (CAQP) results have been released. This
year, in addition to the results published on the web, they also
produced a YouTube video highlighting every county expedition effort
from CQP 2021. Highlights from the video include:
- Youth involvement (listen to 17-year-old W0AAE call in on CW).
- YL involvement (see AG7GP expedition slides and listen to NR4L and
N2MM call in on CW).
- A ham licensed for just 3 years who made over 750 QSOs portable on
- People of all ages heading out into the field and having fun in an HF
contest other than Field Day.
The 2021 CAQP Results are available at cqp.org/Results.html <
https://cqp.org/Results.html>, and you can view the YouTube video at youtu.be/sK-OebMFn7I <
The organizers of the Distance Challenge <
https://www.nadxa.com/activities_qfdc.html> at Quartzfest have
announced the 2022 winners! This year's winners were Jim, K6SV, in the
in the SSB/CW 100-Watt category; Randy, K7AGE, in the FT-8 category;
Jim, W1RO, in the QRP category; and Marco, AA5ET, in the W7Q Special
Event Trailer Operation.
The Distance Challenge was created in 2019 by Bob Wertz, NF7E and Ron
Gerlak, KG7OH of the Northern Arizona DX Association
https://www.nadxa.com/>, who sponsor the event each year at Quartzfest
held in Arizona's Sonoran Desert.
Winners receive a Trophy Hard Hat complete with a solar panel, a
3-speed electric fan, light, USB port and a custom built mini-triband
on top. The unique hats were created by NADXA member, Larry Gilbert,
WB7EUJ, and sponsored by Cable-X-Perts.
Do you have a good technical topic that you'd like to share with the
community? Let me know! Send an email to
contest-update@arrl.org and
I'll share it here.
That's all for this time. Remember to send contesting-related stories,
book reviews, tips, techniques, press releases, errata, schematics,
club information, pictures, stories, blog links, and predictions to
73, Paul, N1SFE
February 17, 2022 - March 2, 2022
An expanded, downloadable version of QST's Contest Corral <
http://www.arrl.org/contest-calendar> is available as a PDF. Check the sponsors' website for information on operating time restrictions and
other instructions.
Walk for the Bacon QRP Contest <
https://qrpcontest.com/pigwalk20/>, Feb
17, 0000z to Feb 18, 0300z; CW; Bands: 20; Maximum 13 wpm, RST + (state/province/country) + Name + (Member No./power); Logs due: Feb 24.
CWops Test (CWT) <
https://cwops.org/cwops-tests/>, Feb 17, 0300z to Feb
17, 0400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name + Member
No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Feb
CWops Test (CWT) <
https://cwops.org/cwops-tests/>, Feb 17, 0700z to Feb
17, 0800z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name + Member
No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Feb
RTTYOPS Weeksprint <
http://rttyops.com/>, Feb 17, 1700z to Feb 17,
1900z; RTTY; Bands: 80, 40, 20; [other station's call] + [your call] +
[serial no.] + [your name]; Logs due: Feb 24.
EACW Meeting <
https://www.eacwspain.es/eacwmeeting/>, Feb 17, 1900z to
Feb 17, 2000z; CW; Bands: 80, 40; EACW Member: RST + Member No. +
Nickname, EA non-Member: RST + Nickname + EA province, non-EA: RST +
Nickname + DXCC prefix; Logs due: Feb 19.
NTC QSO Party <
https://qsl.net/ntc/party.html>, Feb 17, 1900z to Feb
17, 2000z; CW; Bands: 80, 40, 20; NTC Member: RST + Member No.,
non-Member: RST + "NM", Less than 25 wpm; Logs due: Feb 20.
NCCC RTTY Sprint <
https://ncccsprint.com/rttyns.html>, Feb 18, 0145z to
Feb 18, 0215z; RTTY; Bands: (see rules); Serial No. + Name + QTH; Logs
due: Feb 20.
QRP Fox Hunt <
http://www.qrpfoxhunt.org/winter_rules.htm>, Feb 18,
0200z to Feb 18, 0330z; CW; Bands: 20; RST + (state/province/country) +
name + power output; Logs due: Feb 19.
NCCC Sprint Ladder <
https://ncccsprint.com/rules.html>, Feb 18, 0230z
to Feb 18, 0300z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15; Serial No. + Name +
QTH; Logs due: Feb 20.
K1USN Slow Speed Test <
http://www.k1usn.com/sst.html>, Feb 18, 2000z to
Feb 18, 2100z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Maximum 20 wpm, Name
+ (state/province/country); Logs due: Feb 20.
ARRL Inter. DX Contest, CW <
http://www.arrl.org/arrl-dx>, Feb 19, 0000z
to Feb 20, 2359z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; W/VE: RST + (state/province), non-W/VE: RST + power; Logs due: Feb 27.
Russian PSK WW Contest <
http://www.rdrclub.ru/russian-ww-psk-contest/49-rus-ww-psk-rules>, Feb
19, 1200z to Feb 20, 1159z; BPSK31, BPSK63, BPSK125; Bands: 160, 80,
40, 20, 15, 10; RU: RST + 2-letter oblast, non-RU: RST + Serial No.;
Logs due: Feb 25.
Feld Hell Sprint <
Feb 19, 1900z to Feb 19, 2059z; Feld Hell; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15,
10; (see rules); Logs due: Feb 23.
FISTS Sunday Sprint <
https://fistsna.org/operating.html#sprints>, Feb
20, 2100z to Feb 20, 2300z; CW; Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; FISTS: RST + (state/province/country) + first name + FISTS No., non-FISTS: RST + (state/province/country) + first name + "0"; Logs due: Mar 6.
Run for the Bacon QRP Contest <
http://qrpcontest.com/pigrun/>, Feb 20,
2300z to Feb 21, 0100z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; RST + (state/province/country) + (Member No./power); Logs due: Feb 27.
K1USN Slow Speed Test <
http://www.k1usn.com/sst.html>, Feb 21, 0000z to
Feb 21, 0100z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Maximum 20 wpm, Name
+ (state/province/country); Logs due: Feb 23.
OK1WC Memorial (MWC)
https://memorial-ok1wc.cz/index.php?page=rules2l>, Feb 21, 1630z to
Feb 21, 1729z; CW; Bands: 80, 40; RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Feb 25.
Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest <
https://wwsac.com/rules.html>, Feb
22, 0100z to Feb 22, 0159z; SSB; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6; RS
+ age group (OM, YL, Youth YL or Youth); Logs due: Feb 23.
RTTYOPS Weeksprint <
http://rttyops.com/>, Feb 22, 1700z to Feb 22,
1900z; RTTY; Bands: 80, 40, 20; [other station's call] + [your call] +
[serial no.] + [your name]; Logs due: Mar 1.
SKCC Sprint
http://www.skccgroup.com/operating_activities/weekday_sprint/>, Feb
23, 0000z to Feb 23, 0200z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6; RST
+ (state/province/country) + Name + (SKCC No./"NONE"); Logs due: Feb
QRP Fox Hunt <
http://www.qrpfoxhunt.org/winter_rules.htm>, Feb 23,
0200z to Feb 23, 0330z; CW; Bands: 20; RST + (state/province/country) +
name + power output; Logs due: Feb 24.
Phone Weekly Test
http://www.perluma.com/Phone_Fray_Contest_Rules.pdf>, Feb 23, 0230z to
Feb 23, 0300z; SSB; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15; NA: Name + (state/province/country), non-NA: Name; Logs due: Feb 25.
A1Club AWT <
https://a1club.org/contest/awt/>, Feb 23, 1200z to Feb 23,
1300z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: RST + Name; Logs
due: Feb 28.
CWops Test (CWT) <
https://cwops.org/cwops-tests/>, Feb 23, 1300z to Feb
23, 1400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name + Member
No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Feb
Mini-Test 40 <
http://minitest.narod.ru/>, Feb 23, 1700z to Feb 23,
1759z; CW; Bands: 40; RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Feb 25.
Mini-Test 80 <
http://minitest.narod.ru/>, Feb 23, 1800z to Feb 23,
1859z; CW; Bands: 80; RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Feb 25.
CWops Test (CWT) <
https://cwops.org/cwops-tests/>, Feb 23, 1900z to Feb
23, 2000z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name + Member
No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Feb
UKEICC 80m Contest <
https://www.ukeicc.com/80m-rules.php>, Feb 23,
2000z to Feb 23, 2100z; CW; Bands: 80; 6-Character grid square; Logs
due: Feb 23.
CWops Test (CWT) <
https://cwops.org/cwops-tests/>, Feb 24, 0300z to Feb
24, 0400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name + Member
No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Feb
CWops Test (CWT) <
https://cwops.org/cwops-tests/>, Feb 24, 0700z to Feb
24, 0800z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name + Member
No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Feb
RTTYOPS Weeksprint <
http://rttyops.com/>, Feb 24, 1700z to Feb 24,
1900z; RTTY; Bands: 80, 40, 20; [other station's call] + [your call] +
[serial no.] + [your name]; Logs due: Mar 3.
EACW Meeting <
https://www.eacwspain.es/eacwmeeting/>, Feb 24, 1900z to
Feb 24, 2000z; CW; Bands: 80, 40; EACW Member: RST + Member No. +
Nickname, EA non-Member: RST + Nickname + EA province, non-EA: RST +
Nickname + DXCC prefix; Logs due: Feb 26.
RSGB 80m Club Championship, CW <
https://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2022/r80mcc.shtml>, Feb 24, 2000z to
Feb 24, 2130z; CW; Bands: 80; RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Feb 25.
NCCC RTTY Sprint <
https://ncccsprint.com/rttyns.html>, Feb 25, 0145z to
Feb 25, 0215z; RTTY; Bands: (see rules); Serial No. + Name + QTH;
Logsdue: Feb 27.
QRP Fox Hunt <
http://www.qrpfoxhunt.org/winter_rules.htm>, Feb 25,
0200z to Feb 25, 0330z; CW; Bands: 20; RST + (state/province/country) +
name + power output; Logs due: Feb 26.
NCCC Sprint Ladder <
https://ncccsprint.com/rules.html>, Feb 25, 0230z
to Feb 25, 0300z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15; Serial No. + Name +
QTH; Logs due: Feb 27.
K1USN Slow Speed Test <
http://www.k1usn.com/sst.html>, Feb 25, 2000z to
Feb 25, 2100z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Maximum 20 wpm, Name
+ (state/province/country); Logs due: Feb 27.
CQ 160-Meter Contest, SSB <
http://www.cq160.com/rules.htm>, Feb 25,
2200z to Feb 27, 2200z; SSB; Bands: 160; W/VE: RS + (state/province),
DX: RS + CQ Zone; Logs due: Mar 4.
REF Contest, SSB <
http://concours.r-e-f.org/reglements/actuels/reg_cdfhf_dx.pdf>, Feb
26, 0600z to Feb 27, 1800z; SSB; Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; French: RS
+ Department/Prefix, non-French: RS + Serial No.; Logs due: Mar 6.
FTn DX Contest <
https://europeanft8club.wordpress.com/>, Feb 26, 1200z
to Feb 27, 1200z; FT4; Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; 4-character grid
square; Logs due: Mar 6.
UBA DX Contest, CW <
http://www.uba.be/en/hf/contest-rules/uba-dx-contest-rules>, Feb 26,
1300z to Feb 27, 1300z; CW; Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; ON: RST + Serial
No. + section, non-ON: RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Mar 13.
South Carolina QSO Party <
http://scqso.com/>, Feb 26, 1500z to Feb 27,
0159z; CW, Digital, Phone; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6; SC: RS(T)
+ County, non-SC: RS(T) + (state/province/"DX"); Logs due: Mar 29.
North American QSO Party, RTTY <
Feb 26, 1800z to Feb 27, 0559z; RTTY; Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; NA:
Name + (state/DC/province/country), non-NA: Name; Logs due: Mar 6.
NA Collegiate Championship, RTTY <
http://www.w9smc.com/nacc/>, Feb 26,
1800z to Feb 27, 0559z; RTTY; Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; NA: Name + (state/DC/province/country), non-NA: Name; Logs due: Mar 6.
High Speed Club CW Contest <
http://www.highspeedclub.org/>, Feb 27,
1400z to Feb 27, 1700z; CW; Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Members: RST +
HSC No., non-Members: RST + "NM"; Logs due: Mar 13.
North Carolina QSO Party <
http://ncqsoparty.org/rules/>, Feb 27, 1500z
to Feb 28, 0100z; CW, Phone, Digital; Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, 2;
NC: County, non-NC: (state/province/"DX"); Logs due: Mar 14.
K1USN Slow Speed Test <
http://www.k1usn.com/sst.html>, Feb 28, 0000z to
Feb 28, 0100z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Maximum 20 wpm, Name
+ (state/province/country); Logs due: Mar 2.
QCX Challenge <
http://www.qrp-labs.com/party.html>, Feb 28, 1300z to
Feb 28, 1400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; RST + Name + (state/province/country) + Rig; Logs due: Mar 6.
OK1WC Memorial (MWC)
https://memorial-ok1wc.cz/index.php?page=rules2l>, Feb 28, 1630z to
Feb 28, 1729z; CW; Bands: 80, 40; RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Mar 4.
QCX Challenge <
http://www.qrp-labs.com/party.html>, Feb 28, 1900z to
Feb 28, 2000z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; RST + Name + (state/province/country) + Rig; Logs due: Mar 6.
RSGB FT4 Contest <
Feb 28, 2000z to Feb 28, 2130z; FT4; Bands: 80, 40, 20; 4-character
grid square; Logs due: Mar 1.
Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest <
https://wwsac.com/rules.html>, Mar
1, 0100z to Mar 1, 0159z; SSB; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6; RS +
age group (OM, YL, Youth YL or Youth); Logs due: Mar 2.
QCX Challenge <
http://www.qrp-labs.com/party.html>, Mar 1, 0300z to Mar
1, 0400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; RST + Name + (state/province/country) + Rig; Logs due: Mar 6.
RTTYOPS Weeksprint <
http://rttyops.com/>, Mar 1, 1700z to Mar 1, 1900z;
RTTY; Bands: 80, 40, 20; [other station's call] + [your call] + [serial
no.] + [your name]; Logs due: Mar 8.
AGCW YL-CW Party <
https://www.agcw.de/contest/yl-cw-party/>, Mar 1,
1900z to Mar 1, 2100z; CW; Bands: 80; YL: RST + Serial No. + "/YL/" +
name, OM: RST + Serial No. + "/" + name; Logs due: Mar 15.
Phone Weekly Test
http://www.perluma.com/Phone_Fray_Contest_Rules.pdf>, Mar 2, 0230z to
Mar 2, 0300z; SSB; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15; NA: Name + (state/province/country), non-NA: Name; Logs due: Mar 4.
A1Club AWT <
https://a1club.org/contest/awt/>, Mar 2, 1200z to Mar 2,
1300z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: RST + Name; Logs
due: Mar 7.
CWops Test (CWT) <
https://cwops.org/cwops-tests/>, Mar 2, 1300z to Mar
2, 1400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name + Member
No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Mar
Mini-Test 40 <
http://minitest.narod.ru/>, Mar 2, 1700z to Mar 2, 1759z;
CW; Bands: 40; RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Mar 4.
Mini-Test 80 <
http://minitest.narod.ru/>, Mar 2, 1800z to Mar 2, 1859z;
CW; Bands: 80; RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Mar 4.
CWops Test (CWT) <
https://cwops.org/cwops-tests/>, Mar 2, 1900z to Mar
2, 2000z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name + Member
No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Mar
UKEICC 80m Contest <
https://www.ukeicc.com/80m-rules.php>, Mar 2, 2000z
to Mar 2, 2100z; SSB; Bands: 80; 6-Character grid square; Logs due: Mar
AWA John Rollins Memorial DX Contest <
Mar 2, 2300z to Mar 6, 2300z; CW; Bands: 80, 40, 20; RST + Eqpt Type +
Eqpt Year; Logs due: Apr 1.
VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest <
Mar 2, 1700z to Mar 2, 2000z; FT8; Bands: 144 MHz; 4-character grid
square; Logs due: Mar 7.
See Also: Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest
https://wwsac.com/rules.html>, SKCC Sprint <
http://www.skccgroup.com/operating_activities/weekday_sprint/>, North
Carolina QSO Party <
http://ncqsoparty.org/rules/>, South Carolina QSO
Party <
February 17
- NRAU 10m Activity Contest <
- QRP Fox Hunt <
- RSGB 80m Club Championship, Data <
- RTTYOPS Weeksprint <
February 18
- Mini-Test 40 <
- Mini-Test 80 <
- Phone Weekly Test
- OK1WC Memorial (MWC)
- CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest <
- Dutch PACC Contest <
February 19
- Asia-Pacific Spring Sprint, CW <
- Minnesota QSO Party <
- FISTS Saturday Sprint <
- QRP Fox Hunt <
- CWops Test (CWT) <
- EACW Meeting <
February 20
- SKCC Weekend Sprintathon <
- NCCC RTTY Sprint <
- NCCC Sprint Ladder <
- Balkan HF Contest <
- NTC QSO Party <
- Vermont QSO Party <
- K1USN Slow Speed Test <
February 21
- British Columbia QSO Party <
- PODXS 070 Club Valentine Sprint <
- A1Club AWT <
- VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest
February 22
- RTTYOPS Weeksprint <
February 23
- Feld Hell Sprint <
https://sites.google.com/site/feldhellclub/Home/contests/sprints/bingo-sprint> - Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest <
- UKEICC 80m Contest <
- K1USN Slow Speed Test <
February 24
- Walk for the Bacon QRP Contest <
- QRP Fox Hunt <
- RTTYOPS Weeksprint <
February 25
- Mini-Test 40 <
- Mini-Test 80 <
- Phone Weekly Test
- OK1WC Memorial (MWC)
- Russian PSK WW Contest <
- RSGB 80m Club Championship, CW <
- SKCC Sprint
February 26
- QRP Fox Hunt <
- CWops Test (CWT) <
- EACW Meeting <
February 27
- NCCC RTTY Sprint <
- Run for the Bacon QRP Contest <
- NCCC Sprint Ladder <
- ARRL Inter. DX Contest, CW <
- K1USN Slow Speed Test <
February 28
- AGCW Straight Key Party
- Classic Exchange, CW <
- Classic Exchange, Phone <
- A1Club AWT <
- KCJ Topband Contest <
- Winter Field Day <
March 1
- OMISS QSO Party <
- RSGB FT4 Contest
- RTTYOPS Weeksprint <
March 2
- Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest <
- UKEICC 80m Contest <
- K1USN Slow Speed Test <
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