XPost: rec.radio.amateur.equipment, rec.radio.info
The DXZone.com Amateur Radio Internet Guide
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2203
TRX Eagle SDR, RF Trap Resonant Frequency, PIC CW Decoder , The UHSDR
Project, Yagi antenna for 23 cm, Log Periodic Antenna for ATV, Teaching
Arduino to Copy Morse Code
Interlock Monitor
The Interlock Monitor (IM) program allows you to control and monitor the Interlock device from any computer in your network. The Interlock is an equipment designed to be used by contesters where they need to check,
supervise and limit, how many radios are in transmission at any given time
Manufacturers/Software Defined Radio
The (tr)uSDX is a 5-Band / Mulitmode QRP Transceiver in Pocket Format (90x60x30mm - 140g). It features a highly efficient Class E PA and Supports CW/LSB/USB and AM/FM. Right now it covers 80/60/40/30/20m and in Future
there will be support for 17/15/12/10m
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