• [PE4BAS] WSPR Marathon 2022 challenge

    From PE4BAS via rec.radio.amateur.modera@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 26 02:57:58 2022
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    PE4BAS Amateur Radio Weblog

    WSPR Marathon 2022 challenge

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 12:27 PM PST https://pe4bas.blogspot.com/2022/01/wspr-marathon-2022-challenge.html

    4th edition? Why have I never heard about this? Well, I think it is a local initiave which they want to bring to a larger public. It seems to be open
    for every station. Fun is that you don't have to be a radioamateur.
    Everyone with a shortwave receiver and computer with internet (to upload
    spots) can participate. Time given is local time, it will be 9:00
    UTC "international" time. You can register till one hour before this is starting.
    It is a nice initiative. Something like this does already exist on a daily basis. So if you want to check your results:
    The only thing is.....you can't get an award from PE1ITR. Reason enough to participate?
    I'm shure everyone is welcome to participate in this event. Unfortunately
    so far I didn't find any english written participation rules on https://desteendert.nl/ although part of their website is in english.
    Rules are simple though. Only own receivers and antennas are allowed. No webSDRs!

    Inverted-V versus 160m sloper on 40m WSPR RX

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 12:29 PM PST https://pe4bas.blogspot.com/2022/01/inverted-v-versus-160m-sloper-on-40m.html

    Number of spots last 24 hours. Red line is inverted-V, blue line is my
    160m sloper, At the point the lines cross I switched to the LOG (Loop On Ground). Next 24 hours will be a comparisation between the inverted-V and
    the LOG.

    Two or more WSPR receive stations with different antennas will quickly
    reveal which one is best. Although you need at least a 24h comparisation. http://wspr.rocks/head2head/

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