• [G3XBM] 8m NoV with OFCOM

    From G3XBM via rec.radio.amateur.moderat@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 24 14:11:48 2022
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    Roger G3XBM's (Mainly) Amateur Radio Blog

    8m NoV with OFCOM

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 01:15 AM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2022/01/8m-nov-with-ofcom.html

    "Dear Customer,We have received your submission and a member of the
    Licensing team will be processing it in due course. "
    I have received this non-response so many times from OFCOM in the last 2
    weeks that I could probably wallpaper a room with these.
    All I am asking is for a progress report. Is that really rocket science?
    The NoV application was submitted in October!

    70cm FT8

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 12:58 AM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2022/01/70cm-ft8_24.html

    Hepburn was right! 70cm was good last evening with 51 stations spotted on
    70cm FT8 RX.
    12 stations spotted my 2.5W FT8 to the 2m big-wheel omni antenna.
    Imagine what stations with big-beams and high power were doing!

    Sunspots - Monday January 24th 2022

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 12:01 AM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2022/01/sunspots-monday-january-24th-2022.html

    Solar flux is 94 and the SSN 22. A=8 and K=0.

    70cm QRP FT8 (Sunday)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2022 02:04 PM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2022/01/70cm-qrp-ft8-sunday.html

    At about 1435z, I turned my 70cm FT8 gear on. After a few minutes calling
    CQ with 2.5W to the 2m big-wheel, I am now RX only. 5 stations have
    spotted my QRP (to my amazement!) with the furthermost PA2M (311km).
    Nobody spotted on RX.
    Stations spotting my 2.5W
    to the 2m big-wheel antenna
    on 70cm FT8 TX todayUPDATE 1542z: 8 stations spotted on 70cm FT8 RX with
    the furthermost GI6ATZ (479km) - the latter tropo or scatter? DLs also
    UPDATE 1635z: 20 stations spotted with the furthermost DF2VJ (570km) in the Saar region.
    UPDATE 1924z: 40 stations spotted on 70cm FT8 RX.
    UPDATE 2030z: 46 stations have been spotted on RX. On 2.5W TX the
    furthermost report of me is by G4RRA (333km).
    UPDATE 2200z: 51 stations spotted on 70cm FT8 RX with the furthermost
    DK5IR (686km).

    8m and the ISM band?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2022 07:16 AM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2022/01/8m-and-ism-band.html

    The ISM band at 8m is 40.66 - 40.7MHz with an ERP limit of 10mW. Now, I am
    no expert and you need to convince yourself of the legal position, but I
    think anyone can operate at these frequencies as long as they accept interference and cause no interference.
    These ISM frequencies are international allocations not really intended for radio communications. As I understand it, you can operate at these
    frequencies without a licence with any mode as long as you meet the ERP
    As far as I know, you could send callsigns. 10mW ERP is enough to span
    Europe in a good Es opening especially with FT8.
    As I said, I do not know all the legal conditions and advise you to check carefully first. I know of one UK amateur that intends to TX with 10mW ERP
    CW as a beacon in the ISM band.
    My NoV? Nothing at all received from OFCOM after 2 weeks of chasing apart
    from those computer generated replies saying they have received my query
    which is being replied to. But WHEN??? At this rate I shall be dead before
    I hear!

    70cm FT8 promising?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2022 02:34 AM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2022/01/70cm-ft8-promising.html

    According to the Hepburn Tropo Forecast, 70cm FT8 could be promising this evening.
    Rather than use the V2000 vertical, I may try with the horizontal 2m
    big-wheel antenna instead. Although the vertical V2000 is quite effective
    with scatter, the big-wheel is probably better with tropo.

    2015 operating

    Posted: 23 Jan 2022 02:17 AM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2022/01/2015-operating.html

    The photo shows me operating in 2015. Since then, I have bought and sold an FT991A and bought a network radio and an IC-705 from ICOM.

    Ultra simple 80m Transceiver

    Posted: 23 Jan 2022 01:27 AM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2022/01/ultra-simple-80m-transceiver.html

    Just how simple can you make a transceiver that actually works? This is on
    my main website. I hope it gives you some ideas.


    Sunspots - Sunday January 23rd 2022

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 10:40 PM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2022/01/sunspots-sunday-january-23rd-2022.html

    Solar flux is 95 and the SSN 22. A=10 and K=3 .

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