XPost: rec.radio.amateur.moderated
My Amateur Radio Life
An addition to the Shack
Posted: 21 Dec 2021 12:46 PM PST
The NUE PSK Modem was gifted to me by a Ottawa area amateur (thanks Bob)
who no longer had the need for it. I had blogged previously about using
one many years ago and the unit I had (in the past ) was last used in July
2017 when I was operating as VA3QV/vy2 while on a camping holiday in PEI.
Powerful but tiny
That version would only work with PSK31 and RTTY but I did manage to make
PSK contacts with relative ease using my FT817 while on the trip.
Hindsight being 20/20 and the fact that it would not decode CW persuaded me
to package the modem up with my old FT817 and so it was sold as a good deal.
3 years down the road and I am (finally) showing a bit of an interest in CW
but to be honest cant copy or send worth a darn. I had made some contacts using a CW Reader APP (which worked great- see previous blog posts) along
with the Contest Keyer in my FT950 which I had pre programed the 5 memories
to be generic exchanges for a contest , DXPedition or POTA activation.
I had been looking at a Winkeyer USB unit (which I had previously owned- I
seem to be seeing a pattern here) but had not seen one being sold locally.
So now enter the latest(and last) version of the NUE PSK Modem. Covers PSK
31, RTTY and *** CW***.
The unit that was gifted to me has the latest/last version so now I can send/receive CW. Now I admit that the CW Receive features are actually
almost the same as using the APP. Still need computerised sending or a fantastic fist so no big changes there but. Rather than using the Contest Keyer in the 950 to reply (limiting me to 4 replies) I can now actually
have a CW conversation if needed. I type and it sends almost instantly
There is a bit of a lag and it has a 255 character buffer but as I dont
type THAT fast I dont see me ever overloading the buffer.
For chasing (POTA or DXPeditions) there is not much of a difference but now instead of being limited to Search and Pounce in a contest I can now
actually call CQ and wait for replies. For what little I use it for it
will be fantastic for me. So far I bought a very used PS2 keyboard for it
at the local goodwill store to see if everything was working as it should.
Next step is to order a slightly smaller one from Amazon and that will just about complete things
If you hear me in CW try calling to say hi.
73 bob
Its getting closer.
Naughty or Nice?
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