• [G3XBM] 10m FT8 RX (Sunday)

    From G3XBM via rec.radio.amateur.moderat@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 14 09:08:11 2021
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    Roger G3XBM's (Mainly) Amateur Radio Blog

    10m FT8 RX (Sunday)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 05:23 AM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2021/11/10m-ft8-rx-sunday_14.html

    At the moment I am on 10m FT8 RX. So far (at 1143z) 117 stations spotted
    with the furthermost 3B8FR (10041km).
    UPDATE 1322z: 194 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX.

    QDX digital transceiver

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 04:12 AM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2021/11/qdx-digital-transceiver.html

    This looks an interesting digital transceiver from QRP-Labs. It is probably beyond my fine motors skills to build it these days and is not available
    for 15m, 12m or 10m, well not yet. I suspect they will make these bands available next year. It is very small.

    See https://qrp-labs.com/qdx.html .

    Sunspots - Sunday November 14th 2021

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 11:22 PM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2021/11/sunspots-sunday-november-14th-2021.html

    Solar flux is 81 and the SSN 24. A=3 and K=1.

    10m FT8 (Saturday)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 12:41 PM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2021/11/10m-ft8-saturday.html

    At about 1500z, I stopped TXing on 10m WSPR and went instead on 10m FT8 RX.
    So far (at 1516z) 10 stations spotted with the furthermost ZS6JBZ
    (9117km). I also spotted a 7Q7, but this was not on PSKreporter.
    UPDATE 1843z: 32 stations spotted. I suspect this is it for the day.
    UPDATE 2026z: Nothing further. QRT soon.
    UPDATE 2040z: QRT.

    Video Channel

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 05:30 AM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2021/11/video-channel.html

    A reminder that quite a few of my projects are described on my video
    channel. This video is one example.

    2m FT8 QRP (Saturday)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 06:39 AM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2021/11/2m-ft8-qrp-saturday.html

    After a brief period on TX with 2.5W to the V2000 vertical omni (spotted by
    7 stations with the furthermost M0MST (162km)), I am RX only with the furthermost PA0RDY (309km) with 3 stations spotted.

    UPDATE 1438z: 22 stations in 5 countries spotted on RX with the furthermost DD7DAC (520km).

    6m FT8 (Saturday)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 02:02 AM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2021/11/6m-ft8-saturday.html

    After a very brief period on TX with 2.5W to the V2000 vertical omni (1 G
    spot) I am now RX only on 6m. So far just 2 Gs spotted with the furthermost G4FKA (207km).

    10m WSPR QRP TX (Saturday)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 05:23 AM PST http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2021/11/10m-wspr-qrp-tx-saturday.html

    At the moment I am on 10m WSPR TX using 500mW from my pack of cards sized
    W5OLF stand-alone 10m WSPR TX beacon. So far at 0957z, 9 spots by local
    G4KPX (14km).
    UPDATE 1322z: 6 stations spotted so far today.

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