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ZS6BNE's Blog
The new RaDAR
Posted: 10 Oct 2021 10:01 PM PDT
The Evaluator
The RaDAR Challenges / RaDAR Sport Sprint (Draft)
1. Aim
1.1 The RaDAR “Challenge” is a unique event aimed at promoting the use of Rapidly Deployable Amateur Radio stations. Options (Fixed, Field or Moving)
may be changed at any time during the challenges. The points system is so structured as to encourage portable RaDAR operations especially moveable
RaDAR stations.
1.2 RaDAR operators are encouraged to be self-sufficient during each
challenge, with not only power supply and communications equipment but
food, water, protective clothing and shelter.
1.3 The introduction of various categories starting from November 2021.
Category A – A twenty four hour RaDAR Challenge.
Category B – The standard RaDAR challenge. It’s up to each individual to plan his / her MAXIMUM, SINGLE PERIOD, FOUR HOUR ops.
Category C – A 2 hour RaDAR Sprint, starting time 12:00 UTC.
Category D – A RaDAR Chaser station.
All logs are to be recorded using the unique online logbook. A PIN is
required for access and must be arranged a week ahead of the challenges. Contact Eddie, ZS6BNE via email on
edleighton@gmail.com. The online logbook
can be found at
2. Dates and Times
2.1 RaDAR operators define their own categories.. He / she should consider propagation with the ultimate goal of inter-continental RaDAR to RaDAR communications in mind.
2.2 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC on Saturday 3 April 2021
2.3 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC on Saturday 10 July 2021
2.4 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC on Saturday 6 November 2021.
3. Bands and Modes
3.1 All amateur bands are allowed including cross band contacts via amateur radio satellites. Modes – CW, SSB, FM or any legal amateur radio digital
mode (Except modes like FT8, preferably keyboard to keyboard modes like
PSK31 where the operator is directly responsible for the information
The WARC bands are INCLUDED The RaDAR Challenge is not considered to be a contest but an individual challenge with a low QSO count and a simulation
of emergency situations.
3.2 QSOs via terrestrial FM repeaters should preferably NOT be used for the purpose of the challenge.
4. Suggested (Non WARC) HF calling frequencies
https://zs6bne.wordpress.com/2013/03/06/radar-calling-frequencies/ for
the general RaDAR Calling channels, the latest suggested international list
of calling frequencies
5. Exchange
5.1 The RaDAR challenge requires more than a minimalistic information
exchange. Accurate information exchange is considered more important than a large QSO count. Callsign, Name, RS (T) report and Grid locator. The grid locator of six characters is acceptable but should preferably be accurate
to 8 or 10 characters for higher position accuracy (especially for moving
RaDAR stations). If the other station is unable or unwilling to give a grid location then the name of his town will suffice.
6. Scoring
One point per QSO. Individual QSOs could be per mode, per band, per
satellite, per grid location. The online logbook has a facility for
evaluating the accuracy of logs. For RaDAR even the grid exchanges need to
be exact. If the times are within five minutes, date, frequency and grids
match then two bonus points are awarded to both stations. This is done by
the RaDAR Challenge online Evaluator.
It can be found at
If the moving RaDAR station has moved the required distance contact can be
made with a previously worked station again. Suggestions have been made to
call CQ including grid location, for example CQ RaDAR from grid KG34ACXXYY,
to help chasers determine whether it is possible for a new contact with a previously worked moving RaDAR station.
7. RaDAR transisiton options and multipliers
7.1 The following multipliers are applicable to determine the final score.
If the mode of transport changes were made during the challenge, then calculations take place accordingly. Ensure your mode of transport is
correctly selected when entering your log into the online logbook.
x 1 – RaDAR Fixed station (in a building away from home)
x 2 – RaDAR Field station (camping)
x 3 – Moving RaDAR station – see modes of transport below.
7.2 Modes of transport and required movement distances (moving RaDAR
stations only)
Vehicles, motorcycles and motorboats (motorised transport) – 6 km. Note motorised transport is only allowed for the twenty four and four hour challenges and not for the two hour RaDAR Sprint.
Bicycles – 2 km.
On foot and paddle canoes – 1 km.
Wheelchairs – 500 m (The four hour challenge only).
7.3 Aeronautical mobile stations are considered moving stations and can communicate at any convenient time.
7.4 Moving RaDAR stations need to make five QSOs before moving to the next deployment point thereafter they are required to move to their next destination. The move needs to cover the required distance before further contacts can be made. This requirement tests the ability to rapidly and successfully re-deploy your amateur radio station. If it be gentlemanly to
make further QSOs before moving, then please feel free to do so but the
QSOs in excess of five per deployment point cannot be counted for points.
8. Log Sheets
8.1 Log sheets must be entered / uploaded using ADIF by 23:59 CAT by the
end of the day but preferably entered directly after each QSO. It is no
longer necessary to submit a log as it already exists in a database within
the online logbook. This is what makes the online logbook quite unique.
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