XPost: rec.radio.amateur.equipment, rec.radio.info
Posted: 02 Oct 2021 09:49 AM PDT
Episode 369 - Alan Thompson - W6WN
Alan Thompson, W6WN, was a volunteer rescuer to
the Camp Fire in Northern California a few years ago. This experience made Alan an evangelist for the deployment and use of conventional radio communications and the training that saves lives and property, as a backup
to the costly but fragile smartphone systems that suddenly do not work in a natural disaster. Alan tells his ham radio story in this QSO Today.
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Hometown: Whittier, California
First License: Novice, Age 11, WV6ZHL, 1962
Technician License Upgrade: 1962 WA6ZHL
Second Youngest Ham Radio Operator in the USA
Mentor: Harry Debiddle, W6MPD
Novice Rig:
Hallicrafters HT40 Transmitter
Hallicrafters SX71 Receiver
Dipole - random length wire
Current Rig:
Icom IC-7300 HF Transceiver
Icom 2730A in the Car
AnyTone 868 Dual Band DMR
Xiegu G90 HF Transceiver
TYT9800 Quad Band Mobile
Motorola 1220 Mobile
Kenwood TK380 HT
QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo, August 2021, Presentations:
"Phones, Fire, and Failures"
"Radio For The Rest Of Us
Links to printable PDF Tri-fold brochures created to promote and support
our Neighborhood Radio Watch Program:Neighborhood Radio Watch 1 - 2 - 3
Step-By Step What is Neighborhood Radio Watch?How to Get Your General
Mobile Radio Service LicenseUsing Your Two-way RadioRadio "Safety Nets"
TV Repair Man
Eldorado County, California
Shortwave Radio Listener
Hallicrafters S38 Receiver
Push-Pull Triode Modulator
Ameco Code Practice 78 RPM
Chaparral Communications
LNA - Low Noise Amplifier
LNB - Low Noise Block
Hughesnet Corporation
Speedcast Satellite
Butte County Camp Fire
Vicki and Christina Taft, Butte County Camp Fire
Single Sideband
Beat Frequency Oscillator
"WIIFM" - Whats in it for ME?
"WIIFU" - Whats in it for our club?
Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now: relevance. "Amateur radio is
not a hobby, it is a service".
Advice to new or returning hams: find a club, in fact, find more than one
club. The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available
from here.
Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric,
4Z1UG. Subscribe Young Alan
tuning the Novice Rig W6WN Ham Shack Icom IC-2730 Dual Band Mobile Transceiver Xiegu G90 HF Transceiver
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