• ARLP038 Propagation de K7RA

    From ARRL Web site@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 17 19:07:28 2021
    XPost: rec.radio.shortwave, rec.radio.info

    SB PROP @ ARL $ARLP038
    ARLP038 Propagation de K7RA

    ZCZC AP38
    QST de W1AW
    Propagation Forecast Bulletin 38 ARLP038
    From Tad Cook, K7RA
    Seattle, WA September 17, 2021
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLP038 Propagation de K7RA

    On this reporting week, September 9-15, sunspot numbers started
    strong at 124 but ended at 0. Average daily sunspot numbers went
    from 64.6 to 58.3. Average daily solar flux declined from 92.9 to

    Geomagnetic indicators remained moderate, with last week's average
    daily planetary A index unchanged at 7, and average daily middle
    latitude A index changed from 7.7 to 6.9.

    Predicted solar flux is much lower than last week's bulletin
    reported. Solar flux is predicted at 75 on September 17-23, 76 on
    September 24-26, 78, 80 and 82 on September 27-29, 86 on September
    30 through October 10, 82 on October 11-12, 80 on October 13, 78 on
    October 14-17, and 76 on October 18-23. Solar flux is expected to
    rise to 89 by the end of October.

    Predicted planetary A index is 15 on September 17-18, 8 on September
    19-20, then 5 and 8 on September 21-22, 5 on September 23 through
    October 3, then 8 and 12 on October 4-5, and 5 on October 6-17, 8 on
    October 18, and 5 on October 19 through the end of the month.

    Geomagnetic activity forecast for the period September 17 to October
    12, 2021 from F.K. Janda, OK1HH:

    "Geomagnetic field will be:
    quiet on: September 19, 29-30, October 9-10,
    quiet to unsettled on: September 20, 28, October 1, 4, 7, 12,
    quiet to active on: September 17-18, 22-23, 25-27, October 3, 8, 11,
    unsettled to active on: September 21, 24, October (2,) 5-6,
    Active to disturbed: Nothing predicted.

    "Solar wind will intensify on October 11.

    - Parenthesis means lower probability of activity enhancement.
    - The confusing situation mentioned two weeks ago, together
    with the variable configuration of active areas and coronal
    holes, was a sign of the subsequent increase in solar activity."

    Marty, KB0QZ in Tulsa was tuning 10 meters at noon on Sunday,
    September 12 and heard no signals, not even any propagation beacons.
    He called CQ on 28.040 MHz CW and received a 599 report from LU4HK,
    who was also S9. The path distance was 5,094 miles. He continued to
    tune the band and call CQ through the afternoon with nothing else

    Page down in this article, https://bit.ly/3Ch98XD, "Nevada County
    Captures: Glorious sunrise" and page down for a great solar image in
    a local California newspaper.

    Go to your favorite search engine and enter this text:

    mdpi: sunspot number and photon flux data

    An interesting PDF is available for download.

    At 2000 UTC on September 13 I (K7RA) called CQ on 15 meters with FT8
    from my station in Seattle at CN87uq using a marginal end fed wire
    antenna, about .72 wavelength long, partially indoors.

    Typically I would see the map at pskreporter.info light up with many
    stations reporting my signal. But at that time only one station,
    WA1SXK in North Carolina (EM95lf) heard me, reporting -19 dB, and
    this continued through many attempts.

    I switched to 17 meters and saw typical reports from stations in the
    Midwest and East coast, 1500-2400 miles out.

    Checked for flare activity and anything else unusual, but saw
    nothing. But solar flux and sunspot numbers were declining, after
    reaching a high several days earlier. Perhaps the MUF for this path
    at that time was below 15 meters.

    If you would like to make a comment or have a tip for our readers,
    please email the author at, k7ra@arrl.net .

    For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see http://www.arrl.org/propagation and the ARRL Technical Information
    Service web page at, http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals. For
    an explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere.

    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation. More good
    information and tutorials on propagation are at http://k9la.us/.

    Instructions for starting or ending email distribution of ARRL
    bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins .

    Sunspot numbers for September 9 through 15, 2021 were 124, 99, 93,
    47, 32, 13, and 0, with a mean of 58.3. 10.7 cm flux was 99.7, 96.3,
    91.8, 87.7, 83.3, 78.1, and 75.2, with a mean of 87.4. Estimated
    planetary A indices were 6, 9, 7, 6, 9, 6, and 6, with a mean of 7.
    Middle latitude A index was 7, 9, 8, 6, 7, 5, and 6, with a mean of

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From ARRL Web site@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 23 10:07:18 2022
    XPost: rec.radio.shortwave, rec.radio.info

    SB PROP @ ARL $ARLP038
    ARLP038 Propagation de K7RA

    ZCZC AP38
    QST de W1AW
    Propagation Forecast Bulletin 38 ARLP038
    From Tad Cook, K7RA
    Seattle, WA September 23, 2022
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLP038 Propagation de K7RA

    Geomagnetic disturbances were down this week, but so were sunspot
    numbers and solar flux.

    Average daily sunspot numbers declined from 92.7 to 68, and average
    daily solar flux from 141.3 to 134.3.

    On September 22 the sunspot number was 99, well above (by 31 points)
    the average for the previous seven days, a promising indication. We
    hope it may signal a trend.

    But Solar Cycle 25 progresses, a bit better than expected. A year
    ago, average daily sunspot numbers were about ten points lower, at
    58.3, while average solar flux was 87.4, about 47 points lower. Two
    years ago there were no sunspots! We still expect an uptrend lasting
    until Summer 2025.

    Six new sunspot groups appeared this week, the first on September
    15, two more on September 19, another on September 20, and two more
    on September 21.

    Predicted solar flux is 138 on September 23, 130 on September 24-27,
    120 and 125 on September 28-29, 122 on September 30 through October
    7, then 125, 122 and 120 on October 8-10, 118 on October 11-12, 116
    on October 13-15, 138 on October 16, 135 on October 17-18, then 133,
    128, 126, 130 and 125 on October 19-23, 120 on October 24-25, and
    122 on October 26-29.

    Predicted planetary A index is 20 on September 23, 15 on September
    24-25, 8 on September 26-28, then 5, 22, 50, 30 and 20 on September
    29 through October 3, then 12, 15, 12 and 10 on October 4-7, then 8,
    8, 5, and 8 on October 8-11, 5 on October 12-14, then 12, 10, 5, 5,
    20, 18 and 12 on October 15-21, and 8 on October 22-26, then 22, 50,
    30, 20 and 12, a repeat from the previous solar rotation.

    The above predictions were by Dethlesfsen and Ciopasiu at Offut Air
    Force Base.

    Are sunspots really black? A report can be found here:


    Pleased to report that the 2022 Autumnal Equinox was today, Friday,
    September 23 at 0104 UTC. Both northern and southern hemispheres
    will be bathed in equal amounts of solar radiation, which is good
    for HF propagation.

    Frequent contributor David Moore sent this story about a magnetic
    mystery solved with the aid of the Solar Orbiter:


    Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth's
    Ionosphere - September 22, 2022 from F.K. Janda, OK1HH.

    "The setting sunspot region AR3098 still managed to produce an
    impulsive M8-class solar flare on 16 September at 0949 UT. A sudden
    ionospheric disturbance (SWF, or Dellinger effect) affected
    frequencies below 25 MHz for an hour after the flare.

    "On September 17, we expected the high-speed solar wind flow from
    the northern coronal hole to produce a G1-class geomagnetic storm,
    but we registered it a day later. Whereupon the old region AR3088
    appeared on the eastern limb of the solar disk and was given the new
    number AR3102. Although it appeared to be in decay, it grew again.

    "On September 18, we observed five M-class solar flares in the
    setting region of AR3098. However, none of them produced an
    earthward CME.

    "On September 20, another large group of spots appeared over the
    southeastern edge of the Sun, joining the rising and growing AR3105
    - which doubled in size the next day.

    "On September 21, NOAA predicted a minor G1-class geomagnetic storm
    might occur on September 23. A high-speed solar wind stream is
    expected to hit the Earth's magnetic field.

    "On September 22, we could observe the sunspot group complex
    AR3105-3107. The chance of a geoeffective flare should increase in
    the coming days as they enter the Earth's impact zone.

    "Geomagnetic activity was somewhat lower than expected.

    "Shortwave propagation conditions pleasantly surprised us around
    September 17. Therefore, we expected them to improve further as the
    Autumnal Equinox approached. But it didn't happen. They remained at
    average levels, whereby the explanation for why this happened lies
    in the effect of the solar wind on the Earth's ionosphere."

    I (K7RA) had more strange pipeline propagation on 10 meters this
    week, in which my FT8 signal was only reported by https://pskreporter.info/pskmap.html from stations in Florida.

    At 2050 UTC yesterday, AI4FR (2509 miles), N2UJZ (2558 miles),
    KD8HTS (2582 miles), and WC3W (2609 miles) were the only stations
    anywhere receiving my signal. All were less than 100 miles from each
    other. Later PU5CAC (Brazil, 6847 miles) was added to the mix,
    along the same arc as the North America stations.

    I was not using any directional antenna, just a random length
    end-fed indoor wire fed by a 4:1 UnUn and autotuner. Very curious
    results, and it happens often. So, for me, the band was dead, except
    to a very specific location.

    Here is a space weather report from England's Met Office:


    On September 22, https://spaceweather.com reported three big
    sunspots crossing the solar horizon: AR3105, AR3106 and AR3107.

    Here is always a good reference:


    NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center:


    Solar Dynamics Observatory:


    The SOHO site:


    Hilarious solar warning out of India, an EOTWAWKI existential


    Send your tips, reports, observations, questions, and comments to k7ra@arrl.net.

    For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see http://www.arrl.org/propagation and the ARRL Technical Information
    Service at http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals . For an
    explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere .

    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation . More good
    information and tutorials on propagation are at http://k9la.us/ .

    Instructions for starting or ending email distribution of ARRL
    bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins .

    Sunspot numbers for September 15 through 21, 2022 were 71, 64, 76,
    51, 74, 70, and 70, with a mean of 68. 10.7 cm flux was 139.7,
    131.1, 131.5, 136.1, 127.9, 137.2, and 136.9, with a mean of 134.3.
    Estimated planetary A indices were 6, 4, 5, 11, 11, 8, and 5, with a
    mean of 7.1. Middle latitude A index was 8, 5, 5, 9, 7, 6, and 4,
    with a mean of 6.9.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ARRL Web site@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 22 13:54:21 2023
    XPost: rec.radio.shortwave, rec.radio.info

    SB PROP @ ARL $ARLP038
    ARLP038 Propagation de K7RA

    ZCZC AP38
    QST de W1AW
    Propagation Forecast Bulletin 38 ARLP038
    From Tad Cook, K7RA
    Seattle, WA September 22, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLP038 Propagation de K7RA


    "Solar wind streams from a pair of coronal holes are expected to
    mildly increase geomagnetic activity at times during the interval
    late 22-Sep to 24-Sep.


    Nine new sunspot groups appeared this week, but the averages were

    A new sunspot group appeared every day from September 15-17, four
    more on September 18, and one each day on September 19-20.

    On Thursday, the start of the next reporting week two more sunspot
    groups appeared.

    Average daily sunspot numbers declined from 138.1 to 118.4, while
    average daily solar flux went from 159.9 to 149.3.

    The Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere occurs on Saturday,
    September 23 at 2:50 AM EDT, or 0650z. The change in seasons has
    been evident recently with improving propagation on 10 and 12

    A fast moving CME hit Earth on September 18, sparking dramatic
    displays of aurora across the northern tier of North America and in
    Europe as far south as France.

    Alaska's college A index was 49 and 61 on September 18-19, while the
    planetary A index was 30 and 49.

    Predicted solar flux is 162, 162 and 165 on September 22-24, 160 on
    September 25-28, 135 on September 29-30, then 130, 135, 130 and 135
    on October 1-4, 140 on October 5-6, 135 on October 7-8, then 140,
    145 and 145 on October 9-11, then 150, 150, 155 and 150 on October
    12-15, and 155, 150, 145 and 145 on October 16-19, then 150, 150 and
    145 on October 20-22, 140 on October 23-24, 135 on October 25-27,
    then 130, 135, 130 and 135 on October 28-31.

    Predicted planetary A index is 15 on September 22, 22 on September
    23-24, then 12 and 8 on September 25-26, 5 on September 27-28, 12
    and 8 on September 29-30, 5 October 1-11, 8 on October 12, then 5 on
    October 13-19, 12 on October 20, 5 on October 21-24, then 8, 12 and
    8 on October 25-27, then 5 on October 28 into the first week of

    Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth's
    Ionosphere - September 21, 2023 from OK1HH:

    "Although the site https://solarham.net/ launched on March 15, 2006,
    created and still maintained solely by Kevin,VE3EN, is primarily
    intended for amateur radio users, it is also very well regarded by
    professional astronomers. In addition to information about the Sun,
    it contains everything needed to understand the causes of changes in
    the ionosphere, and also provides an overview and forecast of the
    Earth's magnetic field activity. On Thursday, September 21, we read:
    'Solar activity is predicted to remain at low (C-Flares) to moderate
    (M-Flares) levels during the next 24 hours. AR-3435 is considered
    the most likely region to produce a moderate to strong solar flare.'

    "The information can be supplemented by saying that the level of
    solar activity has been rising in recent days, and this rise was
    accompanied by an increase in solar wind speed from 400 km/s to over
    600 km/s between 18-20 September. In particular, the solar wind
    proton influx increased significantly on 18 September; moreover, a
    geomagnetic disturbance with intensity G2 (Moderate) to G3 (Strong)
    took place on 18-19 September.

    "The Earth's ionosphere responded to these events with a significant
    decrease in MUF, especially since 18 September. Shortwave conditions
    were above average for the last time on 10-12 September, including a
    positive phase of the disturbance on the latter day. Around the
    equinox we usually expect improvement, but now it was the opposite
    as a result of disturbances.

    "As another very good source of information, I can particularly
    recommend the Space Weather Monitor (https://www.ionosonde.iap-kborn.de/actuellz.htm), as it also
    contains the most important data on the Earth's ionosphere."

    From reader David Moore, on Parker Solar Probe:


    More Parker Solar Probe news:


    A new video from Dr. Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW:


    Send your tips, reports, observations, questions, and comments to k7ra@arrl.net. When reporting observations, don't forget to tell us
    which mode you were operating.

    Also, check this article from September, 2002 QST:


    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation . More good
    information and tutorials on propagation are at http://k9la.us/ .

    Instructions for starting or ending email distribution of ARRL
    bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins .

    Sunspot numbers for September 14 through 20, 2023 were 110, 96, 88,
    94, 139, 143, and 159, with a mean of 118.4. 10.7 cm flux was
    145.2, 139.1, 140.4, 144.6, 154.5, 166.1, and 155.5, with a mean of
    149.3. Estimated planetary A indices were 18, 7, 7, 16, 30, 49, and
    16, with a mean of 20.4. Middle latitude A index was 13, 7, 5, 14,
    21, 38, and 15, with a mean of 18.1.

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ARRL@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 4 14:51:21 2024
    XPost: rec.radio.shortwave, rec.radio.info

    SB PROP @ ARL $ARLP038
    ARLP038 Propagation de K7RA

    ZCZC AP38
    QST de W1AW
    Propagation Forecast Bulletin 38 ARLP038
    From Tad Cook, K7RA
    Seattle, WA October 4, 2024
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLP038 Propagation de K7RA


    Two coronal mass ejections first observed on 01-Oct and 03-Oct are
    expected to impact Earth over 04-05 Oct. Lack of analyzable corona
    graph imagery makes arrival time predictions uncertain.

    FROM 04-06 OCTOBER 2024.

    04 Oct: G3, chance of G4
    05 Oct: G3, chance of G4
    06 Oct: G1-G2

    New sunspot groups emerged on every day over the past week. Two new
    regions appeared on September 26, another on September 27, two more
    on September 28, another on September 29, another on September 30,
    three more on October 1 and another on October 2, for a total of

    Average daily sunspot number rose from 137.1 to 164.7, and average
    daily solar flux from 164.3 to 213.1. Average daily planetary A
    index shifted from 14.3 to 9.6.

    Predicted solar flux is 310 on October 4-6, 300 on October 7, 290 on
    October 8-10, 175 on October 11-16, 170 on October 17-21, then 175,
    180, 185, 190 and 195 on October 22-26, then 200 on October 27-29,
    205 on October 30 through November 4, then 200 and 185 on November
    5-6 and 175 on November 7-12.

    Predicted planetary A index is 54, 94, 72, 22 and 15 on October 4-8,
    5 on October 9-10, then 20 and 19 on October 11-12, then 5 on
    October 13-21, then 28 and 10 on October 22-23, 5 on October 24-26,
    and 10 on October 27, then 5 on October 28-31, 10 on November 1-2, 5
    on November 3-5, then 10, 20, and 19 on November 6-8, and 5 on
    November 9 and the foreseeable future.

    "Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth's
    Ionosphere - October 3, 2024 from OK1HH:

    "After AR3811 disappeared from our field of view behind the
    southwestern limb of the solar disk on September 12, it was
    continuously tracked by helioseismological methods until September
    29, when it reappeared in the southeast, numbered AR3842. Its size
    and activity on the far side of the Sun suggested that we could look
    forward to a lot of activity in October.

    "And so, it did. When solar flare X7.1/2b was observed on October 1
    with a maximum at 2220 UT, the second largest in the current 11-year
    cycle, I planned to start with this announcement. But when flare
    X9.05, newly the largest in X-ray intensity in the same AR3842, was
    observed on October 3 at 1218 UT, that was no longer the case.

    "The source region of AR3842 was heading straight towards us. So,
    the plasma cloud was probably heading directly for our ionosphere.
    Unlike the aforementioned X7.1/2b (which thus moved to the third
    largest), it is very likely that the CME of October 3 will hit
    Earth. We therefore expect a disrupted end of the week.

    "This weekend we can expect low MUF and high LUF on shortwave and
    QSOs over aurora on VHF. Early next week will see a gradual return
    to average and then above average radio wave propagation conditions
    in the ionosphere."

    From "The New Zealand Herald," Aurora in Auckland:

    https://bit.ly/3NcNOde [ https://bit.ly/3NcNOde ]

    Radio Blackout hits U.S.:

    https://bit.ly/3zNlkno [ https://bit.ly/3zNlkno ]

    https://www.space.com/sun-monster-solar-flare-x7-video [ https://www.space.com/sun-monster-solar-flare-x7-video ]

    Here is the latest update from Dr. Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW:

    https://youtu.be/QDf6eyTCbe4 [ https://youtu.be/QDf6eyTCbe4 ]

    Send your tips, reports, observations, questions and comments to
    k7ra@arrl.net [ mailto:k7ra@arrl.net ] . When reporting observations, don't forget to tell us

    which mode you were operating.

    For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see http://www.arrl.org/propagation [ http://www.arrl.org/propagation ] and the ARRL Technical Information

    Service web page at, http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals [ http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals ] . For

    an explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere [ http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere ] .

    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation [ http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation ] . More good

    information and tutorials on propagation are at http://k9la.us [
    http://k9la.us ] .

    Also, check this article:

    https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt [ https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt ]

    "Understanding Solar Indices" from September 2002 QST.

    Instructions for starting or ending email subscriptions to ARRL
    bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins [ http://arrl.org/bulletins ] .

    Sunspot numbers for September 26 through October 2 2024 were 189,
    122, 148, 154, 150, 196, and 194, with a mean of 164.7. 10.7 cm flux
    was 181.1, 186, 194.5, 197.2, 214.2, 244.6, and 274.4, with a mean
    of 213.1. Estimated planetary A indices were 13, 7, 7, 16, 11, 6,
    and 7, with a mean of 9.6. Middle latitude A Index was 11, 5, 5, 17,
    5, 9, and 6, with a mean of 8.3.

    ARRL® The National Association for Amateur Radio®
    Unsubscribe [ https://www.arrl.org/opt-in-out ]

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