XPost: rec.radio.amateur.equipment, rec.radio.info
Posted: 10 Sep 2021 11:00 PM PDT
Episode 367 - Augie "Gus" Hansen - KB0YH
Augie, "Gus" Hansen, KB0YH, always
had an interest in radio, but did not get his first ticket until he was in
his mid-thirties. Gus enjoys operating the 80 meter nets and building antennas, now especially STL or Small Transmitting Loop, also known as
magnetic loop antennas. On this 20th Anniversary of the World Trade Center attack, Gus tells his on the scene story in this QSO Today.
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First License: 1978, Age 34, Advanced Class, WD0GAF
KB0YH has 265 DX Countries
First Rig:
Heathkit HW-8 QRP Transceiver
Ten-Tec 544 HF Transceiver
Current Rig:
Elecraft K3S HF Transceiver
Elecraft P3 Pan Adapter
Elecraft KPA1500 Power Amplifier
Elecraft KX3 Portable Transceiver
Elecraft KX2 Portable Transceiver
Elecraft K2 HF Transceiver
Cushcraft R5 Vertical Antenna
Cushcraft D3W WARC Band Antenna
Log Periodic Yagi Antenna
Radio Station WRIB - Rhode Island
Rock and Roll Station
"So You Want to Be A DJ" - WRIB Contest 1958
University of Rhode Island
3rd Class Radio Telephone
Carrier Current Radio Distribution
General Dynamic/Electric Boat, Rhode Island
Research Submersibles, Star II and Star III
New London Submarine Base
Submarine Pilot Simulator
Raytheon Company, Ct.
Raytheon Underwater Sound Lab
73 Magazine Tapes
WRIU FM, Kingston, Rhode Island
Environmental Impact Study
LogBook of The World, LOTW
"Over the Hill Bunch" 3868 KHz Daily Round Table
Magnetic Loop Antenna
Top Band 160 Meters
Stew Perry Contest 160 Meters
Covid-19 Pandemic
Parks On The Air
Bell Laboratories, Colorado
WWV, Ft. Collins, 100 Year Celebration
WW0WWV Special Call Sign.
Wayne Green, W2NSD
73 Magazine
Byte Magazine
Trombone Capacitor for Magnetic Loop Antenna
"Split Stator" Capacitor
Vacuum Variable Capacitor
2 Turn Loop Magnetic Loop Antenna - 40 to 80 Meters
" Hardline Cable
STL - Small Transmitting Loop Antenna
MaxGain Systems - Atlanta
Broadcast Radio
Top Band (160 Meters)
Magnetic Loop Antenna
2 Meter Cubical Quad Antenna
6 Meter J Pole Antenna
KB0YH GitHub Site
Boulder Amateur Radio Club, BARC Junior Group
International Baccalaureate Program
World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001, killing 2,726 people ages 3 to 85 years
Greatest challenges facing amateur radio now: urban RF electronic noise
and bringing youngsters to ham radio.
Excited most by: new technology, digital signal processing, SDR- software defined radio.
Advice to new or returning hams: Listen, Listen, Listen. Get familiar with
the technology and how it is being used now. The RSS Feed for all
audio content from QSO today is available from here.
Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric,
4Z1UG. Subscribe KB0YH Current
Elecraft K3S and KPA1500
Gus (left) and friend Jerry, K2SMC, at WRIU with new Gates Radio equipment ready to install for the new FM station. Ten-Tec Model
544 Triton HF Transceiver Elecraft K3S HF Transceiver
Elecraft K2 HF Transceiver
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