XPost: rec.radio.amateur.equipment, rec.radio.info
Posted: 16 Jul 2022 11:00 AM PDT
Episode 409 - Frank Roman - KC8VKAFrank Roman, KC8VKA, was born in Puerto
Rico, grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, enlisted in the Navy, and served in
Vietnam. Frank is a successful business entrepreneur, now retired, who has continued to leverage his education and experience both professionally and
in his pursuit of amateur radio. KC8VKA enjoys mentoring hams in Cleveland, Puerto Rico, and in Panama City, Florida in conjunction with the Panama
City Amateur Radio Club. Frank is my QSO Today.Show NotesSponsor TranscriptionListen to PodcastOur Listener SponsorsThis list is the total amounts contributed as sponsorships and/or donations since Episode 1 in
July 2014. Only those who agreed to be publicly recognized are on the list below. This list does not include "Buy Me A Coffee" donations.Resubscribe
to the QSO Today Email ListsHometowns: San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico, later Cleveland, Ohio
First License: 1962, Age 19, General
Second license: 2002
Favorite operating mode: SSB on 80 Meters at night
Current Rig:
Kenwood TS-890 All Band Transceiver
Icom IC-705 All Mode QRP Transceiver
Icom IC-7100 HF Transceiver
Icom IC-7300 HF Transceiver
US Army Panama Canal Zone
Crystal Radio
Variable Capacitor
High Impedance Earphones
Sugarcane Fields, Puerto Rico
Ox Carts
Hopkins Airport, Cleveland, OH
American Melting Pot
Christmas Story, Film
Cleveland YMCA
Fuse Box
Basic Electronics Course, Community College
Red Wagon
Television Repair
Pawn Shop
Amateur Radio Handbook
Weller Soldering Gun
Simpson Multimeter
Industrial Electronics Course, Community College
G.I. Bill
National Radio and Television Correspondent Course
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Machine Shop
John F Kennedy Assassination
Nuclear Submarine
Navy Electronics Technician School
Machinist Mate School
Navy Ship Damage Control
USS Alan M Sumner Destroyer
Operation Sea Dragon, Vietnam War
Strait of Gibraltar
Mt. Vesuvius
Hallicrafter Company
Navy E5 Rank
Naval Heating and Air Conditioning School, Norfolk, VA
Mechanical Contracting
Cleveland Indians Stadium
Pipefitters Union
Radio Repair
Yeasu FT-101 Repairs
Portable Go Box
QSO Today Episode 30 Greg Lane N4KGL
Panama City Amateur Radio Club
Panama City ARC Beginners Academy
West Park Radio Ops, Cleveland
RDAR Ops - Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio
Magnetic Loop Antenna
Tuning Fork
Smith Chart
Cleveland Clinic
Lathe- How To Use a Lathe
Bridgeport Mill
Amateur Radio Supply, Cleveland, OH
Sheet Metal Brake
DK-mod website
Hurricane Michael
Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now: convincing the portable that cellular networks are fragile and subject to outages. Amateur radio can
save the day.
Excited most by: bouncing signals off of satellites, and learning about the digital modes.
Advice to new or returning hams: Dont be afraid to try something new.The
RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here.
Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UGSubscribeKenwood TS-890S All Band TransceiverIcom IC-705 All Mode TransceiverIcom IC-7100 HF TransceiverIcom IC-7300 HF Transceiver
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