• [DXZone] Yaesu FT-710 New product Announcement

    From DXZone via rec.radio.info Admin@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 11 12:03:54 2022
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    The DXZone.com Amateur Radio Internet Guide

    Yaesu FT-710 New product Announcement


    The new FT-710 AESS is a compact design yet provides 100W output, utilizing
    the advanced digital RF technology introduced in the FTDX101 and FTDX10

    HF Receive Antenna


    This page describes a couple of parts box medicine bottle antennas that you
    can build. The ground side of the capacitor is soldered to the ground of
    the BNC connector. The positive side of the capacitor takes 5 turns around
    the toroid and is soldered back to itself. The center pin of the BNC
    connector takes 5 turns around the toroid and then continues on to the wire wound inductor. From there the antenna continues with an attached piece of wire.

    20m 30m 40m Bandpass Filters


    Technical Reference/Filters
    Homemade LC Bandpass Filters for 20M, 30M, 40M In multi-station
    environments like special events, field day, portable operating, is very important to protect receivers from excessively strong signals. Bandpass filters help to protect your transceivers.

    ANjo Antennen


    Manufacturers/Antennas/VHF UHF Microwave
    Amateur radio antenna manufacturer produces mainly VHF UHF beam antennas
    based in Germany

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