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My Amateur Radio Life
Wrapping up the RAC Canada Day Contest #RACCD
Posted: 02 Jul 2022 07:26 AM PDT
Well its over and I am pleased with my results:
My normal way to gauge my efforts in the RAC Canada Day Contest or the RAC Canada Winter Contest is by the following :
RAC Canada Day Contest Rules 2022
Have fun.
If its not fun why am I doing it? Well I did have fun and lots of it
Work all the Provinces and Territories
Almost. I made contacts in our 10 provinces but I was unable to make
contacts with (or even hear someone working) VY0, VY1 or VE8
But on the bright side I did work VO2, VY2, VE1, VE9, VE2, VE3, VE4, VE5,
VE6 and VE7. I did not work VO1 but as they are in the same Province as
VO2, I can say that I did make contacts in all 10 Provinces.
When the final results are posted my score should be in the top 50%
This is just a thing with me. Operating from Ontario as we have (I
believe) the most amateurs of any Canadian Province its very hard unless
you have a Contest Quality station to ever finish in the top 10 in your province without even thinking of the Country,
To prove a point (kind of) in 2017 I operated the contest as VA3QV/VY2 in
the QRP Catagory as were were on Holidays in Prince Edward Island at the
time. My score was almost laughable (so low) but as there are less
Amateurs residing in PEI my score of 2124 points operating from the Picnic Table was enough to win PEI QRP. It was the one and only time I got a top score (in any catagory) in the RAC contests since I got licenced in 1992 .
So (after some rambling) I just want to find my score from the top down
rather from the bottom up. After checking the results for the last few
years I feel that my estimated score of 18,840 should keep me in the top
50% of the Single Operator Low Power group. Not by much but should be
So by my own standards the Contest was a success. It would of been nicer
to have more Canadian stations out there. I got 87 Canadian stations in my
log and 40 US/DX stations.
I look forward to the RAC Canada Winter Contest in December but till then
its back to chasing POTA
He must of been reading my mind
Posted: 29 Jun 2022 06:31 AM PDT
In my last post I made a small reference on how Field Day 2022 was not a positive experience for me I did not want to elaborate on the topic mainly because I was having trouble expressing my thoughts in a manner that would
not be considered to be B!tching in a non constructive way
However another ham KD9NJJ did a short video on you tube which covers all
of my concerns and he did it nicely So rather than listen to me rant.
Follow the link to his youtube site.
as it seems I am still having issues embedding video into my postings
He said it better than I could (or would)
And a week later. Its the RAC Canada Day Contest #RACCD
Posted: 28 Jun 2022 09:19 AM PDT
Despite my best plans Field Day 2022 was not a good time. I did operate 1B (Battery) but the bugs won out and I did not get that many in the log.
So now that FD is behind me its time to get ready for the 2022 RAC Canada
Day contest which starts at 0000 hrs UTC on July 1st and runs for 24 hours finishing at 2359 UTC on July 1st.
The rules for the contest can be found here:
RAC Canada Day Contest Rules 2022
The exchange is simple.
For Canadian Stations its signal report followed by Province
and for non Canadian Stations its signal report followed by a Serial #
Nothing fancy this time. I will be operating from the comfort of my shack operating at QRP Levels with the Yaesu FT950.
If the bands are not cooperating then it will be raised to the full 100w .
I expect that I will be active between 6m and 160m
My expectations for the contest are as follows:
Have Fun and give out as many of the 5/9 Ontario multiplier that I can to
all who wants to participate. In addition I would hope to work from VE0
across to VE7 and if Im really lucky perhaps a VE8,VY1 or VY0 or two thrown into the mix
Hope to get you in the log
A blast from the past
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