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Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association
June Meeting
Posted: 14 Jun 2022 02:38 AM PDT
On Thursday 16th June we’ll be “On-the-Air” at the Cheltenham Football Club. in Whaddon Road. Members are invited to come along and operate /M or
/P from the car-park. If previous years are any guide, we’ll have members operating on bands from 1.8MHz up to UHF and may be even higher frequencies using voice, data and CW modes. With such a wide diversity of bands and
modes on display, in past years these sessions have been good fun and instructive, and no doubt this year’s will be the same. Let’s hope though for favourable weather! Please come along and enjoy the evening whether
you will be operating or not. The bar will be open as usual, serving tea
and coffee as well as beer.
Derek G3NKS Secretary
May Meeting Report
Posted: 14 Jun 2022 02:08 AM PDT
In May we held another “Bring Something of Interest from Your Shack” meeting. And indeed there were some interesting items on display, ranging from state-of-the-art kit to treasured pieces from the past. Here’s a list of exhibitors and their exhibits.
Tony G3YYH a Class D Wavemeter of WWII vintage, an essential item for
amateurs in the post-war period.
Mike G4GHL a Trio 9R59DS receiver and a TX88S, the matching transmitting
which is a rare beast in the UK, both of mid-1970s vintage.
Alan M0NRO a professional Trombone Line Stretcher.
Nick 2E0NRW – a home-made 2m halo for use on SSB, from an RSGB design.
Derek G3NKS – a selection of Morse keys, new and old.
Tony G4SNN – two electronic keyers, a PK4 Pocket Keyer and a Winkey USB Keyer.
Norman G6CFU – a “Shack Heater”, a display of two large thermionic valves as used by the BBC which require many amps heater current and so glow
nicely in the dark!
Peter G3YJE – a GRC/9 USA Army transmitter/receiver, a Heathkit HW-9 QRP HF transceiver, an Icom IC-240 2m FM rig, and various other items.
We were pleased to welcome Barrie G4ZRD to his first CARA meeting, making a return to amateur radio after a long interval.
The attendance was slightly disappointing but nevertheless we had a good meeting, with much to look at and to chat about. Many thanks to all who
took part.
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