• [QSO Today] WI6R

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    Posted: 19 Mar 2022 10:32 AM PDT

    Episode 392 - Dave Bottom - WI6RDave Bottom, WI6R, a second generation
    amateur radio operator, credits this early exposure to radio and spending
    his teenage years in Palo Alto, to a stint in the famous Hewlett Packard
    labs and a lifetime electronics career. WI6R is a builder of his own rigs,
    kit rigs, and a restorer of popular vintage rigs. Dave likes DX, QRP, and operating and is my QSO Today.Show NotesSponsor TranscriptionListen to PodcastOur Listener SponsorsThis list is the total amounts contributed as sponsorships and/or donations since Episode 1 in July 2014. Only those who agreed to be publicly recognized are on the list below.Daves QRZ page: qrz.com/db/wi6r
    Arlan Communications

    Father: Austin Bottom, W6LEH, since 1936
    First License: Age 13, 1962, Novice, WB6BDA
    First Rig:
    Heathkit AT-1 Transmitter
    World Radio Labs Globe Chief Deluxe Transmitter
    ARC-5 BC453 on 40 Meters
    Current QTH: Kingman, AZ

    Army Aircorps, WW2, Radar School
    KPIX, Channel 5, San Francisco
    Television Antenna Installation Boom Years
    Sputnik, 1957
    Palo Alto, California
    QST Magazine
    CQ Magazine
    Popular Electronics Magazine
    Crystal Radio Set
    Raytheon Electronics, Palo Alto, California
    Early Semiconductor History
    CK722 Germanium Transistor
    AM Radio CK722
    1 Tube Receiver using 1S4 Tube
    45VDC "B" Battery Vintage
    Popular Mechanics Magazine
    Sunnyvale, California
    J Malan Heslop
    Collins S Line
    Fremont High School, Sunnyvale
    Jean A "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ
    Hewlett Packard, Summer jobs for family members
    2 Meter AM Repeater
    Bipolar Transistor
    Radio Frequency Harmonics
    FET, Field Effect Transistor
    Motorola MPF102
    Varactor Diode
    Microwave Cavity
    Charlie Trimble
    Trimble Navigation
    CAD - Computer Aided Circuit Board Design
    HP Signal Analyzer
    Hewlett Packard Laboratories
    Voltage Probe
    VTVM, Vacuum Tube Volt Meter
    Vietnam War Student Deferment
    Stanford University
    Burroughs B5500 Computer
    HP5480 Signal Analyzer
    United States Navy Electronics School, Memphis TN
    Naval Air Station, Alameda, CA
    Valley of Heart's Delight
    Fairchild Semiconductor
    Stanford Research Park
    Wiltron Test Equipment
    Western Electric Company
    Yaesu FT101ZD HF Transceiver
    Yaesu FV-101 External VFO
    HF Vertical Antenna
    DXPacket Spotting Network
    VHF SSB Operation
    Central Electronics SSB Modulator
    Swan HF Transceivers
    Swan 240 HF Transceiver
    Heathkit Mohawk and Apache
    Heathkit SB-101 HF Transceiver
    Vintage SSB Round Table
    AGC- Automatic Gain Control
    HP8640B Signal Generator
    Tektronix 465 Oscilloscope
    Owen Garriet, W5LFL
    Space Shuttle
    Yuma Hamfest
    Cal Poly University, San Luis Obispo
    Yaesu FT-1000MP
    Stanford Research Institute
    Weavers SSB Design

    Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now: being relevant in todays world.

    Excited most by: SDR, software defined radio, computers, sophisticated
    radio equipment that is easy to operate, and it performs better than the
    older radios.

    Advice to new or returning hams: you dont need to go out and purchase a
    brand new radio, focus on good antenna, and learn about local clubs and magazines.
    The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here.

    Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG.SubscribeWI6R as Novice Operator, 1963WI6R Vintage Collins
    StationWI6R Current FlexRadio and Icom Station

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