• [PE4BAS] YU3AWA statement - CQ communications statement

    From PE4BAS via rec.radio.amateur.modera@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 19 10:02:56 2022
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    PE4BAS Amateur Radio Weblog

    YU3AWA statement - CQ communications statement

    Posted: 18 Mar 2022 02:17 AM PDT https://pe4bas.blogspot.com/2022/03/yu3awa-statement-cq-communications.html

    Marija has made a statement and though it appears on other blogs as well I
    will repost it again. The Netherlands army was involved in a very nasty way
    in the former Yugoslavian countries as well. All in the name of peace. But
    war only has loosers.
    One of the biggest contest organisations, probabely the biggest, will
    exclude Russian radio amateurs from the upcoming CQWW WPX SSB contest at
    the end of this month. https://cqwpx.com/blog/cq-to-limit-contest-participation-by-stations-in-russia-belarus-and-donbas-region-due-to-russian-invasion-of-ukraine/

    They are not the only ones doing this. They want to give a signal to the russian radioamateurs that what their country leader is doing is wrong. I understand their statement and understand that the organisation want to do something. I can't really judge if this is right or wrong. What I do know
    is that many russian people and especially the international oriented radioamateurs do know very well what is going on. However any public
    opinion will not count for their political leader. You can't talk about the war, you can't protest in Russia. If you do so you will loose you job,
    income, house, family, radioamateur license or whatever. Probabely end up
    in jail for a very long time. What would you do in such a situation?

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