Word/pattern list for SCWC, ASCWC, Wordgame (through 381, 264, 25)
Mark Iredell@21:1/5 to
All on Tue Oct 12 16:20:47 2021
Thanks to Duke for heretofore keeping this list up. Here only words for SCWC and ASCWC have been updated since 2019...
This word list gives most of the words that have appeared in either SCWC (through competition 381) or ASCWC (through competition 264), and the requirements in Word Games 1-25 (at the bottom). I heartily encourage, if not outright beseech, future
moderators to update and re-post this.
Abacus (6)
Abandon (7)
Aboriginal (10)
Absolute Reality (8,7)
Absolve (7)
Accident (8)
Advance (7)
Advent (6)
Aeronautics (11)
Agatha Christie (6, 8)
Alacrity (8)
Ale (3)
Algonquin (9)
Aliment (7)
All in all (3, 2, 3)
Another (7)
Anticipation (12)
Aphrodisiac (11)
Apocalypse (10)
Architect (9)
Argot (5)
Armistice (9)
Aspirate (8)
Astronomical (12)
Ass (3)
August (6)
Australopithecine (17)
Autumn (6)
Average (7)
Awestruck (9)
Ayahuasca (9)
Aye (3)
Baa (3)
Backfire (8)
Bacon (5)
Badger (6)
Badminton (9)
Baffle (6)
Baker Street (5,6)
Bamboozle (9)
Bandits (7)
Banter (6)
Bargain (7)
Bartender (9)
Bass (4)
Beer (4)
Bellyache (9)
Below (5)
Bespatter (9)
Beverage (8)
Bezoar (6)
Bide (4)
Billed (6)
Bitcoin (7)
Bitter (6)
Blizzard (8)
Bloody (6)
Blow (4)
Bogey (5)
Bohemian (8)
Bolt (4)
Bomb (4)
Bonxie (6)
Borborygmi (10)
Bother (6)
Boustrophedon (13)
Boyhood (7)
Brake (5)
Brexit (6)
Brilliant (9)
Broad (5)
Brother (7)
Bumbling (8)
Burr (4)
Burst (5)
Bush (4)
Calamity (8)
Calendar (8)
Campsite (8)
Candlesnuffer (13) [or Candle Snuffer]
Cannabis (8)
Capital (7)
Car Park (3,4)
Card (4)
Carmina Burana (7,6)
Carry (5)
Casanova (8)
Cascade (7)
Cassowaries (11)
Castle (6)
Cataclysmic (11)
Catamaran (9)
Catarrh (7)
Caviar (6)
Celestial (9)
Central Heating (7,8)
Chestnuts (9)
Chitchat (8)
Chocolate (9)
Christening (11)
Christmassy (11)
Chrysanthemum (13)
Cinematic (9)
Clandestine (11)
Claptrap (8)
Clay (4)
Cliffhanger (11)
Climate (7)
Climate Change (7,6)
Clueless (8)
Coiffeuse (9)
Coincide (8)
Cold Snap (4,4)
Colossal (8)
Cooperative (11)
Condense (8)
Conflagration (13)
Conspiracy (10)
Conundrum (9)
Compass (7)
Consideration (13)
Consonance (10)
Contract (8)
Contraceptive (13)
Coronavirus (11)
Counting House (8,5)
Coy (3)
Crack (5)
Crash (5)
Crime (5)
Cruciverbalist (14)
Cryptic Crossword (7,9)
Curlicue (8)
Current (7)
Cycle (5)
Dad (3)
Dalmatians (10)
Darling (7)
Deadline (8)
Deadliness (10)
Debonair (8)
Definition (10)
Defenestrated (13)
Deja Vu (4,2)
Delta (5)
Delta Variant (5,7)
Democracy (9)
Derby (5)
Deserted (8)
Diamond (7)
Diplomacy (9)
Direction (9)
Distinguished (13)
Dithering (9)
Dog (3)
Doggerel (8)
Domain (6)
Dominion (8)
Double Cross (6,5)
Double Agent (6,5)
Double Duty (6,4) [or Double-duty]
Down (4)
Drastic (7)
Dysentery (9)
Easter (6)
Echo (4)
Eclipse (7)
Eighteen (8)
El Dorado (2,6)
Elastic (7)
Elephantine (11)
Elevenses (9)
Embuggerance (12)
Endgame (7)
Ending (6)
Englishwoman (12)
Enigmatic (9)
Entrance (8)
Enumeration (11)
Epiphany (8)
Establish (9)
Estuary (7)
Equinox (7)
Eros (4)
Erudite (7)
Escape (6)
Exasperated (11)
Exobiologist (12)
Fall (4)
Fame (4)
Fast (4)
Father (6)
Feature (7)
Fed Up (3,2)
Feverish (8)
Fifty-fifty (5-5)
Firebrand (9)
Flatworm (8)
Flay (4)
Flabbergasted (13)
Flake (5)
Fling (5)
Flotilla (8)
Flower (6)
Foggiest (8)
Football (8)
Foray (5)
Forgeries (9)
Forty (5)
Frankenstein (12)
Frankincense (12)
Fraudulent (10)
Frosty (6)
Funky (5)
Furious (7)
Furlough (8)
Futon (5)
Galoot (6)
Galore (6)
Galoshes (8)
Gateway (7)
General Election (7,8)
Gigaton (7)
Glacial (7)
Gladioli (8)
Glasgow Kiss (7,4)
Goddess (7)
Golden Mean (6,4)
Good Heavens (4,7)
Google (6)
Grandma (7)
Gratitude (9)
Ground (6)
Guillotine (10)
Gumption (8)
Halfway (7)
Hamlet (6)
Hammered (8)
Hamper (6)
Hangover (8)
Haporth (7)
Happy New Year (5,3,4)
Harbor (6) [or harbour]
Haywire (7)
Heater (6)
Heathrow (8)
Hedgehog (8)
He-Man (2-3)
Herb (4)
Hercules or Heracles (8)
Hieratic (8)
Hinterland (10)
Hit (3)
Hitch (5)
Hobgoblin (9)
Hogmanay (8)
Honey (5)
Honeymoon (9)
Hops (4)
Horizontal (10)
Humbug (6)
Humiliate (9)
Hundred (7)
Hustings (8)
Hut (3)
Hymn (4)
Hyperparasite (13)
I (1)
Imitation (9)
Impermanence (12)
Implement (9)
Incandescent (12)
Indian Summer (6,6)
Ineffable (9)
Instrument (10)
Integral (8)
Intensive (9)
Invaders (8)
Iota (4)
Ireland (7)
Jazz (4)
Joie de Vivre (4,2,5)
Jonquil (7)
July (4)
Jumpstart (9)
Just a minute (4,1,6)
Justice (7)
Katydid (7)
Killfile (8)
Kilt (4)
Kindergarten (12)
Kingmaker (9)
Kismet (6)
Labyrinthine (12)
Lacerate (8)
La-di-da (2-2-2)
Lady-Killer (4-6)
Landmark (8)
Late (4)
Leap Year (4,4)
League (6)
Leave (5)
Letters (7)
Leviathan (9)
Life (4)
Lighter (7)
Lightning Round (9,5)
Lipstick (8)
Locofoco (8)
Locomotive (10)
Lorem Ipsum (5,5)
Luggage (7)
Mace (4)
Magnitude (9)
Man-child (3-5)
March (5)
Mark (4)
Marmalade (9)
Marvel (6)
Materialist (11)
Mathematics (11)
Mayflower (9)
Mean (4)
Meandering (10)
Medicinal (9)
Metacarpal (10)
Methane (7)
Microwave (9) [or Microwave Oven]
Misanthrope (11)
Misquote (8)
Missive (7)
Mock (4)
Moderate (8)
Moment (7)
Monastery (9)
Moniker (7)
Monkey (6)
Mossad (6)
Mothballs (9)
Motherly (8)
Motorist (8)
Napoleon (8)
Neap (4)
Nectar (6)
Neighbor (8)
Neurotic (8)
Nine months (4,6)
No (2)
Noel (4)
Nonagenarian (12)
Nostradamus (11)
Novelist (8)
Nut (3)
Obama (5)
Obeying (7)
Obscure (7)
O Canada (1,6)
Often (5)
Olympics (8)
Omnibus (7)
Oneiromancer (12)
Onyx (4)
Optimism (8)
Oscitant (8)
Ounce (5)
Out-Trump (3-5)
Outstrived (10)
Orgy (4)
Ostrich (7)
Overindulge (11)
Oversight (9)
Pacific (7)
Pac-Man (3-3)
Palindrome (10)
Panorama (8)
Parochial (9)
Parricide (9)
Partnership (11)
Passing The Buck (7,3,4)
Passionate (10)
Pasture (7)
Patronage (9)
Peace (5)
Peachy (6)
Peccable (8)
Pendulum (8)
Perturbation (12)
Peter (5)
Philanderer (11)
Piano (5)
Picklock (8)
Pilgrimage (10)
Pimple (6)
Pitcher (7)
Pliocene (8)
Point (5)
Pontificate (11)
Popular (7)
Portmanteau (11)
Poster (6)
Posture (7)
Potsdam (7)
Prestidigitation (16)
Pretend (7)
Prickly Pear (7,4)
Prig (4)
Primary (7)
Prince (6)
Prize (5)
Proceeds (8)
Procrastinate (13)
Prorogue (8)
Proton (6)
Prune (5)
Pueblo (6)
Quarter (7)
Queens (6)
Question (8)
Quickie (7)
Quite (5)
Qwerty (6)
Rainbow (7)
Range (5)
Ranges (6)
Reading (7)
Record (6)
Recovery (8)
Redundant (9)
Refugee (7)
Register (8)
Regulation (10)
Repeating (9)
Resolve (7)
Respire (7)
Resurrect (9)
Revelation (10)
Revolting (9)
Rhapsodic (9)
Rhubarb (7)
Righteous (9)
Rishi (5)
Rising (6)
Rivalry (7)
Rough It (5,2)
Rudderless (10)
Rushes (6)
Saint Nicholas (5,8)
Salmon (6)
Sanguine (8)
Sarsenet (8) [or Sarcenet, Sarconet or Sarsnet]
Satiety (7)
Scarecrow (9)
Score (5)
Scream (6)
Scrumptious (11)
Season (6)
Second (6)
Separatrix (10)
Serendipity (11)
Shag (4)
Shakespeare (11)
Shampoo (7)
Shells (6)
Shenanigans (11)
Shirttails (10)
Shorts (6)
Shower (6)
Silver (6)
Silver-tongued (6-7)
Simple (6)
Sin (3)
Skates (6)
Sky (3)
Sleep (5)
Smallpox (8)
Smart Aleck (5,5)
Smartphone (10)
Smidgeon (8)
Smoothen (8)
Snookered (9)
Soldier (7)
Solstice (8)
Somber (6) [or Sombre]
Song and Dance Man (4,3,5,3)
Soon (4)
Soul (4)
Sound Off (5,3)
Spade (5)
Spaghetti (9)
Speculum (8)
Spectral (8)
Spine (5)
Spine-chilling (5-8)
Spooner (7)
Spring (6)
Squirrel (8)
Squish (6)
Stage (5)
Stake (5)
Stapler (7)
Stardust (8)
Static (6)
Stay (4)
Sternutation (12)
Stiff (5)
Stigma (6)
Stone (5)
Streak (6)
Strewth (7)
Strop (5)
Stupendous (10)
Subatomic (9)
Suffrage (8)
Sufi (4)
Summer (6)
Summit (6)
Super (5)
Suzerain (8)
Swindler (8)
Symbiotic (9)
Symmetry (8)
Table (5)
T'ai chi (3,3)
Takahe (6)
Talaria (7)
Tardiness (9)
Tardis (6)
Tea Party (3,5)
Teeming (7)
Teeth (5)
Template (8)
Thanks (6)
The Great Escape (3,5,6)
Thirteen (8)
Thistle (7)
Threadbare (10)
Throne (6)
Time (4)
Time Machine (4,7)
Tinsel (6)
Titanic (7)
Toothpaste (10)
Torchbearer (11)
Tortoise (8)
Tournament (10)
Tower (5)
Tragedy (7)
Train (5)
Train Spotter (5,7)
Traipse (7)
Travel (6)
Treacle (7)
Triad (5)
Triathlon (9)
Triceps (7)
Triffidy (8)
Triple Bypass (6,6)
Troglodyte (10)
Trump (5)
Trumpet (7)
Turnkey (7)
Twitter (7)
Uncomplimentary (15)
Underscore (10)
Unfriend (8)
Unique (6)
Urania (6)
Vacuum (6)
Valentine (9)
Vector (6)
Vegetarianism (13)
Venice (6)
Vexatious (9)
Vexillology (11)
Vital Statistics (5,10)
Voltage (7)
Vulnerable (10)
Wardrobe (8)
Washout (7)
Wasp (4)
Weather (7)
Weed (4)
Whatchamacallit (15)
Wherewithal (11)
Whodunit (8)
Widdershins (11) [or Withershins]
Wig (3)
Wind (4)
Woad (4)
Wonderland (10)
Wooden (6)
Would-Be (5-2)
Wow (3)
Writing (7)
Xerox (5)
X-Rated (1-5)
Xmas Tree (4,4)
Yell (4)
Yellow (6)
Yes (3)
YMCA (4)
Yom Kippur (3,6)
Za (2)
Zorro (5)
Zymurgy (7)
Word Game Requirements:
1.) ?AS?E??
2.) ?I?K??AR?
3.) ?E?T?E?
4.) ?A?I??T
5.) ALL???????
6.) "Supervocalic" words with each vowel appearing exactly once
7.) ?R?S?E?
8.) HO?????Y
9.) R???R
10.) ?A?A?A?
11.) W*W
12.) ???EX
13.) ??G??T
14.) >= 6 letters, alternating consonants and vowels
15.) M?M????
16.) C?R???N
17.) E?????E
18.) ??C??A??O?
19.) Exactly two K sounds, with at least one letter between them
20.) SC*O*R*
21.) *S*S*S*S*
22.) C???T??
23.) One word starting with X
24.) One word containing NEW
25.) ?I???I
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