[Sammy glances at the rising sun and
nods. It is time. He is wearing an amber necklace with a small
pendant of a winged green garden snake. He climbs the dais and
reaches the podium as the sun touches above the horizon to shine
softly. Guests and others who have lost loved ones, fall silent.]
Good morning, sirs and ma’am’s, and a special thank you to the
residents of this wonderful place.
Each October, at sundown of the evening of the final full moon and
through the night, we gather to pay tribute to our dear ones who have
passed on. As the sun rises, we bid another farewell and return to our
homes and families.
Much richer for having known and loved, much better for the lessons
learned, we smile despite our grief.
As always, the first name called represents those whose names we did
not know, those lost or tossed, taken through illness or abuse or
nature's fury.
We stand in silent thought, and send our hopes that they have found
peace and love at last.
[There is a short pause, then light of the new day spills in on them
all. Beside her, kitties echo her words in ASL-C/D]
We call their names, family members, dear friends, respected
strangers...our Jellicle Honorees:
Unknown Kitties, House of Bast
Archie , House of Stevens-Singh
Bamboo, House of Gitlin
Barney, House of Stevens-Singh
Bo, House of Peterson
Bob, House of Ilardi
Boop, House of Welker
Boyfriend, House of Websell
Brandy, House of Stevens-Singh
Brenna, House of VanDyke
Bruiser, House of Gittel
Bubelah, House of Stevens-Singh
Bud, House of Stillwell & Tenbusch
Buffy, House of Jill
Buster, House of Takayuki
Casey, House of Gittel
China Doll, House of Stevens-Singh
Cinnamon, House of Perkins
Claude N Dammit, House of David
Donnie, House of Scaldini-Klimn
Ein, House of Weiske
Elmer, House of Cheryl
Emily, House of Cheryl
Felix, House of Sean
Fella, House of Stevens-Singh
Fergus, House of Chapman
Fluffy, House of Chapman
Fritzie, House of Stevens-Singh
George, House of Graf
Ginger Tom, House of Websell
Harvey, House of Figueroa
Hiddles, House of Babcock
Hooligan, House of Showalter
Indy, House of Kracht
Kitty Farmcat, House of Websell
Lilly, House of Torsten
Lily, House of Woods
Lori, House of Stevens-Singh
Lucy, House of Peterson
Madison, House of Wassel
Maggy, House of Firey
Mama, House of Lewis
Mambo The Violent, House of Welker
Manhatten, House of Justice
Mikey, House of Gitlin
Miranda Kurtin, House of Kurten/KiaMin cattery
Molly, House of Firey
Mousekins, House of Cheryl
Mr Hudson, House of David
Odessa, House of Stevens-Singh
Pema, House of Joan
Pickle, House of Chapman
Prince, House of Chez Shenks
Rosie, House of Romagna
Sabrina, House of Stevens-Singh
Scrunchie, House of Welker
Shadow, House of Chapman
Silver Fluff, House of Gittel
Sir Timothy the Fanged, House of Chong
Smoggleberry, House of Chapman
Smokey, House of Stock
Snoopy, House of Chapman
Spot, House of VanDyke
Stosh, House of Stevens-Singh
Suki, House of Chapman
Venka, House of Rivera
Waffles, House of Stevens-Singh
Wu, House of Stott
Zag, House of Welker
Zig, House of Welker
[Sammy wipes tears from his eyes, then goes to sit with loved ones to remember those who have passed.]
Community Cats wrote:
[Sammy glances at the rising sun and
nods. It is time. He is wearing an amber necklace with a small
pendant of a winged green garden snake. He climbs the dais and
reaches the podium as the sun touches above the horizon to shine
softly. Guests and others who have lost loved ones, fall silent.]
Good morning, sirs and ma’am’s, and a special thank you to the residents of this wonderful place.
Each October, at sundown of the evening of the final full moon and
through the night, we gather to pay tribute to our dear ones who
have passed on. As the sun rises, we bid another farewell and
return to our homes and families.
Much richer for having known and loved, much better for the lessons learned, we smile despite our grief.
As always, the first name called represents those whose names we did
not know, those lost or tossed, taken through illness or abuse or
nature's fury.
We stand in silent thought, and send our hopes that they have found
peace and love at last.
[There is a short pause, then light of the new day spills in on them
all. Beside her, kitties echo her words in ASL-C/D]
We call their names, family members, dear friends, respected strangers...our Jellicle Honorees:
Unknown Kitties, House of Bast
Archie , House of Stevens-Singh
Bamboo, House of Gitlin
Barney, House of Stevens-Singh
Bo, House of Peterson
Bob, House of Ilardi
Boop, House of Welker
Boyfriend, House of Websell
Brandy, House of Stevens-Singh
Brenna, House of VanDyke
Bruiser, House of Gittel
Bubelah, House of Stevens-Singh
Bud, House of Stillwell & Tenbusch
Buffy, House of Jill
Buster, House of Takayuki
Casey, House of Gittel
China Doll, House of Stevens-Singh
Cinnamon, House of Perkins
Claude N Dammit, House of David
Donnie, House of Scaldini-Klimn
Ein, House of Weiske
Elmer, House of Cheryl
Emily, House of Cheryl
Felix, House of Sean
Fella, House of Stevens-Singh
Fergus, House of Chapman
Fluffy, House of Chapman
Fritzie, House of Stevens-Singh
George, House of Graf
Ginger Tom, House of Websell
Harvey, House of Figueroa
Hiddles, House of Babcock
Hooligan, House of Showalter
Indy, House of Kracht
Kitty Farmcat, House of Websell
Lilly, House of Torsten
Lily, House of Woods
Lori, House of Stevens-Singh
Lucy, House of Peterson
Madison, House of Wassel
Maggy, House of Firey
Mama, House of Lewis
Mambo The Violent, House of Welker
Manhatten, House of Justice
Mikey, House of Gitlin
Miranda Kurtin, House of Kurten/KiaMin cattery
Molly, House of Firey
Mousekins, House of Cheryl
Mr Hudson, House of David
Odessa, House of Stevens-Singh
Pema, House of Joan
Pickle, House of Chapman
Prince, House of Chez Shenks
Rosie, House of Romagna
Sabrina, House of Stevens-Singh
Scrunchie, House of Welker
Shadow, House of Chapman
Silver Fluff, House of Gittel
Sir Timothy the Fanged, House of Chong
Smoggleberry, House of Chapman
Smokey, House of Stock
Snoopy, House of Chapman
Spot, House of VanDyke
Stosh, House of Stevens-Singh
Suki, House of Chapman
Venka, House of Rivera
Waffles, House of Stevens-Singh
Wu, House of Stott
Zag, House of Welker
Zig, House of Welker
[Sammy wipes tears from his eyes, then goes to sit with loved ones
to remember those who have passed.]
Purrfessor Jack listens and asks Luko what this all is?
Luko fills him in. He listens and wonders. So many Chez Shenks
4foots are mythical now, that all he knows is he can't even try to be
like any of them. He ponders.
Purrfessor Jack listens and asks Luko what this all is?
Luko fills him in. He listens and wonders. So many Chez Shenks
4foots are mythical now, that all he knows is he can't even try to be
like any of them. He ponders.
Luko nods. I think, wez just be ourselves? Youz are very scolarly
anna Cash wuz a country gentleman but youz bof likes bow ties. Youz
not just know ASL C/D standard, yuz knows all da local languages!
Purrfessor Jack nods, ponders a little then decides, he'd like a little
parti at home?
Purrfessor Jack listens and asks Luko what this all is?
Luko fills him in. He listens and wonders. So many Chez Shenks
4foots are mythical now, that all he knows is he can't even try
to be like any of them. He ponders.
Luko nods. I think, wez just be ourselves? Youz are very scolarly
anna Cash wuz a country gentleman but youz bof likes bow ties. Youz
not just know ASL C/D standard, yuz knows all da local languages!
Purrfessor Jack nods, ponders a little then decides, he'd like a
little parti at home?
Mr Purrfessor, I agree wif Luko. We can't hope to walk in the
pawprints of doze who came before us. We can just be us, and support
our famblies da bestest we can.
If you'z wants a parti, I'z purrty sure dat Sammy Redcat Brofer still
has lots of goodies in da FluffyKitz warehouse and would be glad to
bring dem. An when I'z not tootoo buzy taking care of mine hoomin Paw
I'z would be glad to help.
Milton Meezercat wrote:
Purrfessor Jack listens and asks Luko what this all is?
Luko fills him in. He listens and wonders. So many Chez Shenks
4foots are mythical now, that all he knows is he can't even try
to be like any of them. He ponders.
Luko nods. I think, wez just be ourselves? Youz are very
scolarly anna Cash wuz a country gentleman but youz bof likes bow
ties. Youz not just know ASL C/D standard, yuz knows all da
local languages!
Purrfessor Jack nods, ponders a little then decides, he'd like a
little parti at home?
Mr Purrfessor, I agree wif Luko. We can't hope to walk in the
pawprints of doze who came before us. We can just be us, and support
our famblies da bestest we can.
If you'z wants a parti, I'z purrty sure dat Sammy Redcat Brofer
still has lots of goodies in da FluffyKitz warehouse and would be
glad to bring dem. An when I'z not tootoo buzy taking care of mine
hoomin Paw I'z would be glad to help.
Mai new meowmie 2foot says she's getting all sorts of gudies! She has
to go to Asian American as dey has greens dat Ernie da turtle likes
anna head-on shrimps which she says I'd like. Den the fishie store
fur worms anna grubs if Pepe ana Gigi come. Den Harris Teeter fur
sashimi fishes anna ham! Den da library fur some good books fur me.
She anna daddy 2foot cleared da big low Japanese eating table wif it's
own heater underneath! Dey has a daughter named Charlotte who sails a
lot onna BIGBIG ships anna dez all excited as she will be home fur
Christmas frum da USS Abraham Lincoln. (named fur a very famous
President 2foot).
She's got da tree up anna tied to da ceiling so iffin eny of us wanna
climb a bit, it won't fall down! Wez gots a fireplace too!
Dez got sum wrapped stuff under da tree anna some are fur Luko anna
Meowmie sayz in lots of da world, dez got da 12 days of Christmas so
dat starts tomorrow. Wez be ready for any who would like to come
visit! Charlotte 2 foot gets here da 16th so dat means even more to
pet us anna give treats!
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