Opinicus@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Jun 7 17:05:07 2019
It's been a long time since there was any traffic in this NG but still
for old time's sake I'm posting this here; maybe someone will see it.
There's been an addition to the household. His name's "Çiko" [Chico]
and he's an American cocker spaniel like Bal?m was except that she was
a girl. Last Saturday (1 June) I got a call from the local animal
protection society saying that they had just been made aware of a
cocker spaniel that had been unceremoniously dumped at a shelter in a
village near Foça that day and would I be interested in rescuing him?
They didn't know any details except that whoever brought him in said
that the dog had been acquired a year ago and "it didn't work out". I
wasn't really too keen on the idea of another dog even though I had
briefly given thought to the idea after Bal?m died last June. I told
them as much but said that I would go out to the shelter with them on
Sunday to have a look.
When we got to the shelter I was directed to a largeish pen housing a
lot of very hyperactive puppies. In their midst looking very forlorn
and shell-shocked and wearing the collar you see in the picture was a
very shaggy and dirty cocker spaniel staring out at me. (He had wisely
been put among the pups because the adult males in the main pens would
have torn him apart in an instant.) There were no papers they said;
they didn't even know the dog's name.
We had come equipped with blankets and plastic sheeting; I was given
an old plastic raincoat that I donned backwards to protect my front
and arms. Someone fetched the dog from inside the pen and gave him
into my arms. He was trembling fearfully.
Once back in the car, I called a local vet whose clinic ais on the
road back to Foça and who had looked after Bal?m up until she died.
Giving a few brief details I told him I was on my way with an
"emergency case". At the clinic, the dog was shorn in a process that
seemed to reduce his size by half and then given a bath. He reacted so
terribly to the blow-dryer that we had to forego that and resort to
towels instead. After performing a quick exam, the vet gave him a full
panel of shots and made up a new ID card. The vet said that the dog
looked healthy, was about a year old or less, had probably been made
to live outside in the previous owner's yard, and most likely hadn't
been groomed for at least six months.
So now Çiko is lying on the floor beside me in my study as I write
this. He's very much a "velcro dog" and follows me around the house
wherever I go. Although almost a week has passed, I have to take him
with me whenever I need to go out to do something or other. At this
point he would freak out if he were left alone. That's just as well
because he'd spent most of his life before this in a yard and so he
wasn't very well housebroken--if he was at all. There were a few
accidents the first couple of days but he's learned to go to the door
if he wants to make a toilet run. He also picked up his new name in
less than a day. There is absolutely no recall at all however so when
he's outside he has to be on leash at all times. This is a first for
Kanyak's Doghouse
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