From ChristianAMR@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 3 13:40:45 2023
Additional ragas adding to the Nand ingredients by 2 more sources :
__ Tanarang site :
Kamod and Gaud Sarang .
" In Avroh S' D N P ; D m P G, these notes makes Raag Gaud-Sarang appear, so one should add following notes to make Raag Nand clear: G m D P R S G m. " ( Tanarang )
I am not sure about this Gaud Sarang phrase ... CanĀ“t confirm .
" Similarly to avoid the glimpse of Raag Hameer (G m D P) and Raag Kamod (M P D M P G ; G M P G M) one should add R S G m D P R S to make Raag Nand clear. " I think he meant GmPGm for Kamod ....