• Alexander Rodin's Kateryna at Odessa Opera

    From Chris J.@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 25 13:34:21 2023
    To mark the anniversary of the beginning of the war, ARTE Concert is
    showing the Ukrainian opera "Kateryna" by the Ukrainian composer Alexander Rodin. "Kateryna" was premiered in September 2022 at the Odessa Opera
    House despite the Russian war of aggression. The opera's premiere was
    scheduled for 27 March.
    A public rehearsal for media representatives was to take place on 24
    February. But then Russia's war against Ukraine began.
    The commissioned work is based on a poem by Taras Shevchenko (1814-1861),
    one of Ukraine's most important lyricists. The performance is partly on instruments specially developed for the opera, which imitate sounds of


    Slava Ukraini !

    May Putin & Co. be brought to justice in The Hague !


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